21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B, 22 August 2021

Note: Homilies & Angelus / Regina Caeli of Pope Saint John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI & Pope Francis I had been compiled for you after the Mass Readings below. Happy Reading!

Liturgical Colour: Green.


Readings at Mass <- click to view. 8-)



John Chapter 6 (video)

Marriage | Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen | Catholic Podcast

Marriage & Incompatibility | Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Laws of Marriage (The Most Reverend Venerable Fulton J. Sheen)

Venerable Fulton J. Sheen ~ Marriage Problems

Marriage (Sacrament) | Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen | Catholic Podcast

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1. Criminal Investigation Department, Singapore Police Force harassed Law-abiding Citizen.

2. See another Police case to frame against the Innocent!

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Homilies, Angelus / Regina Caeli


A. Pope Saint John Paul II

Angelus, 31 August 1997

At the 12th World Youth Day in Paris I was able to experience first-hand the vitality of the "young" Church with its intense enthusiasm and love for Jesus. Young people will be the witnesses and messengers of the Gospel in the third millennium. They will have the leading role in the great task of building that civilization of love to which the human heart aspires.


To fulfil this demanding task, however, they need to be trained, encouraged and guided. They particularly need the constant support of the family, of an authentically Christian family. Here my thoughts turn to another important world event thematically linked with the World Youth Day. I mean the second  international meeting of the Pope with families. This meeting will take place in Rio de Janeiro from 2 to 5 October next and will have the theme: "The family, gift and commitment, hope of humanity".


At the next few Sunday gatherings for the recitation of the  Angelus, we will have the opportunity to reflect together on the importance of this world meeting, which will forcefully emphasize that the family is the first and fundamental way of the Church. The future of humanity and of the People of God themselves comes through the defence and full development of the family.

Pope Saint John Paul II (Angelus, 31 August 1997)


Angelus, 27 August 2000

Almost as a continuation of the Jubilee of Young People, on next Sunday, 3 September, the Jubilee of University Teachers will begin.

Its theme will be: "The University for a New Humanism". At the threshold of the third millennium, the Church once again offers Christ's message to the world of culture, especially that of the university, as the source of a vision of humanity and of the world in which God's plan is fully reflected. In its light new generations can be formed and prepared to face the great challenges of history, to build societies marked by solidarity and concern for individuals, especially the weakest.

It is therefore necessary to foster an intense and attentive dialogue between faith and culture, so that the latter may be reborn from its encounter with the ancient and ever new Good News.


I entrust the fruits of the World Youth Day and the success of the forthcoming Jubilee of Universities to Our Lady, Mother of the Church and Virgin of the total and generous "yes" to the Lord's call. May she help young people to keep alive the burning spark of God's love. May she obtain for everyone an active desire for holiness, in order to be a leaven and Gospel ferment in human cities.

Pope Saint John Paul II (Angelus, 27 August 2000)


Angelus, 31 August 2003

In every European country, there are numerous Marian Shrines. In particular, my thoughts today go to the Shrine of Our Lady of Tears in Syracuse, where the 50th anniversary of Mary's lacrimation is being celebrated. I greet with great affection the Archbishop and the community of Syracuse, which precisely tomorrow, 1 September, will solemnly conclude the extraordinary Marian Year proclaimed to commemorate such an amazing event. I greet the many pilgrims who have come from Sicily and from many parts of Italy and the world to venerate "Our Lady of Tears". I greet the group of pilgrims from Syracuse who have brought with them a gold crown to be blessed and to be placed on the Virgin's head.

I remain in devout contemplation before the precious reliquary of the Tears of Our Lady which has visited each ecclesial community of Sicily, stirring emotion and spiritual enthusiasm everywhere. How mysterious these tears are! They speak of suffering and tenderness, of comfort and of divine mercy. They are the sign of a maternal presence and an appeal to conversion to God, leaving the ways of evil to follow Jesus Christ faithfully.


Gentle Lady of Tears, to you we present the Church and the whole world. Look at those who have the most need of forgiveness and reconciliation; bring harmony to families and peace between peoples.

Dry the tears that hatred and violence have caused in many regions of the earth, especially in the Middle East and the African continent.

May your tears, O Mother, be a pledge of conversion and of peace for all your sons and daughters!

Pope Saint John Paul II (Angelus, 31 August 2003)


B. Pope Benedict XVI

Angelus, 27 August 2006

How many difficulties there are also today in family relations and how many mothers are in anguish at seeing their children setting out on wrong paths! Monica, a woman whose faith was wise and sound, invites them not to lose heart but to persevere in their mission as wives and mothers, keeping firm their trust in God and clinging with perseverance to prayer.


As for Augustine, his whole life was a passionate search for the truth. In the end, not without a long inner torment, he found in Christ the ultimate and full meaning of his own life and of the whole of human history. In adolescence, attracted by earthly beauty, he "flung himself" upon it - as he himself confides (cf. Confessions, 10, 27-38) - with selfish and possessive behaviour that caused his pious mother great pain.


But through a toilsome journey and thanks also to her prayers, Augustine became always more open to the fullness of truth and love until his conversion, which happened in Milan under the guidance of the Bishop, St Ambrose.


He thus remained the model of the journey towards God, supreme Truth and supreme Good. "Late have I loved you", he wrote in the famous book of the Confessions, "beauty, ever ancient and ever new, late have I loved you. You were within me and I was outside of you, and it was there that I sought you.... You were with me and I was not with you.... You called, you cried out, you pierced my deafness. You shone, you struck me down, and you healed my blindness" (ibid.). 


May St Augustine obtain the gift of a sincere and profound encounter with Christ for all those young people who, thirsting for happiness, are seeking it on the wrong paths and getting lost in blind alleys.


St Monica and St Augustine invite us to turn confidently to Mary, Seat of Wisdom. Let us entrust Christian parents to her so that, like Monica, they may accompany their children's progress with their own example and prayers. Let us commend youth to the Virgin Mother of God so that, like Augustine, they may always strive for the fullness of Truth and Love which is Christ:  he alone can satisfy the deepest desires of the human heart.

Pope Benedict XVI (Angelus, 27 August 2006)


Angelus, 23 August 2009

You know that for several Sundays the Liturgy has proposed for our reflection Chapter Six of John's Gospel, in which Jesus presents himself as the "Bread of life... which came down from Heaven", and, he adds: "if anyone eats of this bread, he will live for ever: and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh" (John 6: 51). To the Jews who were arguing heatedly among themselves, questioning: "How can this man give us his flesh to eat?" (v. 52) and the world still debates it Jesus replies in every age: "unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you" (v. 53). We too should reflect on whether we have really understood this message. Today, the 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time, let us meditate on the last part of this chapter in which the Fourth Evangelist mentions the reaction of the people and of the disciples themselves. They were shocked by the Lord's words to the point that having followed him until then they exclaimed: "This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?" (v. 60). After this, "many of his disciples drew back and no longer went about with him" (v. 66) and the same thing has happened over and over again in various periods of history. One might expect Jesus to seek compromises to make himself better understood, but he does not mitigate what he says. On the contrary, he turns directly to the Twelve and asks them: "Will you also go away?" (v. 67).


This provocative question is not only addressed to listeners in his time, but also reaches the believers and people of every epoch. Today too, many are "shocked" by the paradox of the Christian faith. Jesus' teaching seems "hard", too difficult to accept and to put into practice. Then there are those who reject it and abandon Christ; there are those who seek to "adapt his" word to the fashions of the times, misrepresenting its meaning and value. "Will you also go away?" This disturbing provocation resounds in our hearts and expects a personal answer from each one; it is a question addressed to each one of us. Jesus is not content with superficial and formal belonging, a first and enthusiastic adherence is not enough for him; on the contrary, what is necessary is to take part for one's whole life "in his thinking and in his willing". Following him fills our hearts with joy and gives full meaning to our existence, but it entails difficulties and sacrifices because very often we must swim against the tide.


"Will you also go away?". Peter answers Jesus' question on the Apostles' behalf, and in the name of believers of every century: "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life; and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God" (vv. 68-69).


Dear Brothers and Sisters, at this moment we too can and want to repeat Peter's answer, aware of course of our human frailty, of our problems and difficulties, but trusting in the power of the Holy Spirit which is expressed and manifested in communion with Jesus. Faith is a gift of God to man and at the same time man's free and total entrustment to God; faith is docile listening to the word of the Lord who is the "lamp" for our feet and a "light" for our path (cf. Psalm 119[118]: 105). If we open our hearts to Christ with trust, if we let ourselves be won over by him, we can also experience, like, for example, the holy Curé d'Ars, that "our only happiness on this earth is to love God and to know that he loves us". Let us ask the Virgin Mary always to keep awake within us this faith imbued with love, which made her, a humble girl of Nazareth, the Mother of God and Mother and model of all believers.

Pope Benedict XVI (Angelus, 23 August 2009)


Angelus, 26 August 2012

We have a beautiful comment of St Augustine on this passage. In one of his sermons on John 6 he says: “See how Peter, by the gift of God and the renewal of the Holy Spirit, understood Him. How other than because he believed? ‘You have the words of eternal life’. For You have eternal life in the ministration of Your body [Risen] and Your blood [Yourself]. ‘And we have believed and have known’. He does not say: ‘we have known and then believed’, but ‘we have believed and then known’. We believed in order to know; for if we wanted to know first, and then to believe, we should not be able either to know or to believe. What have we believed and known? ‘That You are Christ, the Son of God’; that is, that You are that very eternal life, and that You give in Your flesh and blood only that which You are” (In Evangelium Johannis tractatus, 27, 9). St Augustine addressed this homily to his believers.


Finally, Jesus knew that among the Twelve Apostles there was also one who did not believe: Judas. Judas could have gone away too, as did many of the disciples; indeed, perhaps if he had been honest he would have been bound to leave. Instead he stayed on with Jesus. He did not stay out of faith or out of love, but rather with the secret intention of taking revenge on the Teacher. Why? Because Judas felt let down by Jesus and decided that he, in his turn, would betray Jesus. Judas was a zealot and he wanted a victorious Messiah who would lead a revolt against the Romans. Jesus had not measured up to these expectations. The problem was that Judas did not go away and his greatest sin was his deceitfulness, which is the mark of the Devil. For this reason Jesus said to the Twelve: “One of you is a devil” (John 6:70). Let us pray to the Virgin Mary to help us believe in Jesus, like St Peter, and always to be sincere with him and with everyone.

Pope Benedict XVI (Angelus, 26 August 2012)


C. Pope Francis I

Angelus, 23 August 2015

At this point Peter makes his confession of faith on behalf of the other Apostles: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (v. 68). He does not say “where shall we go?”, but “to whom shall we go?”. The underlying problem is not about leaving and abandoning the work undertaken, but to whom to go. From Peter’s question we understand that fidelity to God is a question of fidelity to a person, to whom we bind ourselves to walk together on the same road. And this person is Jesus. All that we have in the world does not satisfy our infinite hunger. We need Jesus, to be with him, to be nourished at his table, on his words of eternal life! Believing in Jesus means making him the centre, the meaning of our life. Christ is not an optional element: he is the “Living Bread”, the essential nourishment. Binding oneself to him, in a true relationship of faith and love, does not mean being tied down, but being profoundly free, always on the journey. Each one of us can ask him- or herself: who is Jesus for me? Is he a name, an idea, simply an historical figure? Or is he truly that person who loves me and gave his life for me and walks with me? Who is Jesus for you? Are you with Jesus? Do you try to comprehend him in his word? Do you read the Gospel, each day a passage from the Gospel to learn to know Jesus? Do you carry a small Gospel in your pocket, handbag, to read it, in whatever place? Because the more we are with him the more the desire to be with him grows. Now I ask you, please, let us have a moment of silence and let each one of us silently, in our hearts, ask ourselves the question: “Who is Jesus for me?”. Silently, each one, answer in your heart.


May the Virgin Mary help us to always “go” to Jesus to experience the freedom he offers us, allowing it to cleanse our choices from worldly incrustations and fears.

Pope Francis I (Angelus, 23 August 2015)


Homily, 26 August 2018

“You have the words of eternal life!” (John 6:68)


At the end of this World Meeting of Families, we gather as a family around the table of the Lord.  We thank God for the many blessings we have received in our families.  And we want to commit ourselves to living fully our vocation to be, in the touching words of Saint Therese, “love in the heart of the Church”.


In this precious moment of communion with one another and with the Lord, it is good to pause and consider the source of all the good things we have received.  Jesus reveals the origin of these blessings in today’s Gospel, when he speaks to his disciples.  Many of them were upset, confused or even angry, struggling to accept his “hard sayings”, so contrary to the wisdom of this world.  In response, the Lord tells them directly: “The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (John 6:63). 


These words, with their promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit, are teeming with life for us who accept them in faith.  They point to the ultimate source of all the good that we have experienced and celebrated here in these past few days: the Spirit of God, who constantly breathes new life into our world, into our hearts, into our families, into our homes and parishes.  Each new day in the life of our families, and each new generation, brings the promise of a new Pentecost, a domestic Pentecost, a fresh outpouring of the Spirit, the Paraclete, whom Jesus sends as our Advocate, our Consoler and indeed our Encourager.


How much our world needs this encouragement that is God’s gift and promise!  As one of the fruits of this celebration of family life, may you go back to your homes and become a source of encouragement to others, to share with them Jesus’ “words of eternal life”.  For your families are both a privileged place for, and an important means of, spreading those words as “Good News” for everyone, especially those who long to leave behind the desert and the “house of bondage” (cf. Joshua 24:17) for the promised land of hope and freedom.


In today’s second reading, Saint Paul tells us that marriage is a sharing in the mystery of Christ’s undying fidelity to his bride, the Church (cf. Ephesians 5:32).  Yet this teaching, as magnificent as it is, can appear to some as a “hard saying”.  Because living in love, even as Christ loved us (cf. Ephesians 5:2), entails imitating his own self-sacrifice, dying to ourselves in order to be reborn to a greater and more enduring love.  The love that alone can save our world from its bondage to sin, selfishness, greed and indifference to the needs of the less fortunate.  That is the love we have come to know in Christ Jesus.  It became incarnate in our world through a family, and through the witness of Christian families in every age it has the power to break down every barrier in order to reconcile the world to God and to make us what we were always meant to be: a single human family dwelling together in justice, holiness and peace.


The task of bearing witness to this Good News is not easy.  Yet the challenges that Christians face today are, in their own way, no less difficult than those faced by the earliest Irish missionaries.  I think of Saint Columbanus, who with his small band of companions brought the light of the Gospel to the lands of Europe in an age of darkness and cultural dissolution.  Their extraordinary missionary success was not based on tactical methods or strategic plans, no, but on a humble and liberating docility to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.  It was their daily witness of fidelity to Christ and to each other that won hearts yearning for a word of grace and helped give birth to the culture of Europe.  That witness remains a perennial source of spiritual and missionary renewal for God’s holy and faithful people. 


Of course, there will always be people who resist the Good News, who “murmur” at its “hard words”.  Yet like Saint Columbanus and his companions, who faced icy waters and stormy seas to follow Jesus, may we never be swayed or discouraged by the icy stare of indifference or the stormy winds of hostility.


But let us also humbly acknowledge that, if we are honest with ourselves, we too can find the teachings of Jesus hard.  How difficult it is always to forgive those who hurt us; how challenging always to welcome the migrant and the stranger; how painful joyfully to bear disappointment, rejection, betrayal; how inconvenient to protect the rights of the most vulnerable, the unborn or the elderly, who seem to impinge upon our own sense of freedom. 


Yet it is precisely at those times that the Lord asks us: “What about you, do you want to go away too?” (John 6:67).  With the strength of the Spirit to “encourage” us and with the Lord always at our side, we can answer: “We believe; we know that you are the Holy One of God” (v. 69).  With the people of Israel, we can repeat: “We too will serve the Lord, for he is our God” (Joshua 24:18).


Through the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, each Christian is sent forth to be a missionary, “a missionary disciple” (cf. Evangelii Gaudium, 120).  The Church as a whole is called to “go forth” to bring the words of eternal life to all the peripheries of our world.  May our celebration today confirm each of you, parents and grandparents, children and young people, men and women, religious brothers and sisters, contemplatives and missionaries, deacons, priests and bishops, to share the joy of the Gospel!  Share the Gospel of the family as joy for the world! 


As we now prepare to go our separate ways, let us renew our fidelity to the Lord and to the vocation he has given to each of us.  Taking up the prayer of Saint Patrick, let each of us repeat with joy: “Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me” [repeated in Irish].  With the joy and strength given by the Holy Spirit, let us say to him with confidence: “Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68).

Pope Francis I (Homily, 26 August 2018)


Angelus, 26 August 2018


In the Apparition Chapel, I lifted up to Our Lady’s loving intercession all the families of the world, and, in a special way, your families, the families of Ireland. Mary our Mother knows the joys and struggles felt in each home. Holding them in her Immaculate Heart, she brings them with love to the throne of her Son.


As a remembrance of my visit, I have presented the Shrine with a rosary. I know how important the tradition of the family rosary has been in this country. I warmly encourage you to continue this tradition. Who can tell how many hearts, of fathers, mothers and children alike, have drawn comfort and strength over the years from meditating on Our Lady’s participation in the joyful, luminous, sorrowful and glorious mysteries of Christ’s life!


Mary is Mother. Mary is our Mother and the Mother of the Church, and it is to her that we commend today the journey of God’s faithful people on this emerald isle. We ask that our families be sustained in their efforts to advance Christ’s Kingdom and to care for the least of our brothers and sisters. Amid the storms and winds that buffet our times, may families be a bulwark of faith and goodness, resisting, in the best traditions of this nation, all that would diminish our dignity as men and women created in God’s image and called to the sublime destiny of eternal life.


May Our Lady also look with mercy on all the suffering members of her Son’s family. In my prayer before her statue, I presented to her in particular all the survivors of abuse committed by members of the Church in Ireland. None of us can fail to be moved by the stories of young people who suffered abuse, were robbed of their innocence, were separated from their mothers, and were left scarred by painful memories. This open wound challenges us to be firm and decisive in the pursuit of truth and justice. I beg the Lord’s forgiveness for these sins and for the scandal and betrayal felt by so many others in God’s family. I ask our Blessed Mother to intercede for all the survivors of abuse of any kind and to confirm every member of our Christian family in the resolve never again to permit these situations to occur. And to intercede for all of us, so that we can proceed always with justice and remedy, to the extent it depends on us, such violence.


My pilgrimage to Knock also allows me to address a warm greeting to the beloved people of Northern Ireland. Although my Journey for the World Meeting of Families does not include a visit to the North, I assure you of my affection and my closeness in prayer. I ask Our Lady to sustain all the members of the Irish family to persevere, as brothers and sisters, in the work of reconciliation. With gratitude for advance of ecumenism, and the significant growth of friendship and cooperation between the Christian communities, I pray that all Christ’s followers will support the continuing efforts to advance the peace process and to build a harmonious and just society for today’s children, be they Christians, Muslims, Jews, or of any faith: the children of Ireland.

Pope Francis I (Angelus, 26 August 2018)


Note: This webpage has many hyperlinks to the Vatican Webpage. The above extracts were compiled for your easy reading.

This Publication is aimed to encourage all of Goodwill around the World. It is not for business or profit purposes but it is our way to thank our Creator for His continuous blessings!


Compiled on 26 August 2018.

Last updated: Solemnity of the  Assumption  of the Blessed Virgin Mary,

15 August, 14:38 SGT & 21 August 2021, 17:00 SGT .




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