Updates on 12 June 2019 by LS1965 & P65

Dear Friends around the World,

1. Till this day the Singapore Rulers (the Prime Minister’s face is missing) still refused to apologize to the Witness concerning the damage inflicted by their CID Police Officers & no compensation paid for the damages suffered due to them.

2. Here are more prank calls to the Witness recorded below:

+65 97157769 started calling on 10 June 2019, 17:53 (SGT)

+65 99649634 started calling on 11 June 2019, 10:39 (SGT)

+65 96882761 started calling on 12 June 2019, 15:26 (SGT)

By refusing to apologize & make amends, do you think that the Singapore Rulers want to cause more harm to the Witness (who commits no crime) & to others too? You decide!

2. Obviously you should know who has so much authority in Singapore to control the Telephone Services & the Police Force!

3. Dear Singapore Rulers, please advise.


Dear Masterminds,

Although you have got Twitter to deactivate our Tweets, do you think we will stay quiet and take in all your bullying? You have under-estimated the Powers of the People, we have others to help us to circulate & announce your “good” deeds to the World and it seems that now it is impossible for Rulers Worldwide, people both inside and outside of Singapore who do not know your bullying actions!

Still want to run for the next General Election before 15 January 2021, your boat will only turn upside-down! Then All of us will dance & celebrate!

“For the upright will live in the land, and the blameless will remain in it; but the wicked will be cut off from the land, and the unfaithful will be torn from it.” Proverbs 2:21-22


Updates on 5 June 2019 by LS1965 & P65

Dear Friends around the World,

Till this day, the Singapore Rulers still refuse to apologize to the Witness for the damage inflicted by their CID Police Officers & no compensation paid for the damages that she suffered! The relevant details were faxed to the Prime Minister’s Office before 6:30am on 18 April 2019.


Recently, the Witness received more prank calls:

+65 96260907 started calling on 31 May 2019, 18:45 (SGT);

+65 94652435 started calling on 3 June 2019, 10:08 (SGT);

+65 91685344 started calling on 3 June 2019, 12:26 (SGT);

+65 92113887 started calling on 3 June 2019, 15:39 (SGT);

+65 94664631 started calling on 4 June 2019, 16:04 (SGT).

Unable to get the CID Police Officers to charge the innocent Witness who commits no crime so the Masterminds started to arrange for the Prank Calls? The Witness will never get affected because a sponsor has arranged for a Professional to help take all her calls & do recording!

If the Masterminds can even control the Police Force in Singapore, You should know who they are!


What a joke! The Masterminds hate us for highlighting these Laws passed in Parliament (see Updates on 18 April 2019, 9:50pm  ) & concerning the coming General Election but dare not come after the millions of us but concentrate to harass the Witness! We now tell you again that we are the Followers of the Prime Minister & Deputy Prime Minister in social medias! Why you still unable to identify us & catch us? Do it now!


Dear Masterminds, we will continue to publish your evil deeds as we work hard to repair the damage you inflicted & to promote Singapore & Trade with our Allies to boost Jobs Participation of the Singaporeans & Friends around the World!

Let’s see how many smart Singaporeans are blind to these & vote for Pranksters in the next General Election before 15 January 2021? Have you heard of Pranksters running the Government in history?


“All lawlessness is like a two-edged sword; there is no healing for the wound it inflicts. Panic and insolence will waste away riches; thus the house of the proud will be laid waste.

An assembly of the wicked is like a bundle of tow, and their end is a blazing fire. The way of sinners is paved with smooth stones, but at its end is the pit of Hades.” Sirach 21:3-4,9-10


Updates on 24 May 2019 by LS1965 & P65

Till this day, the Witness still received NO written apology from any of the Singapore PAP Rulers & NO compensation paid on the damages inflicted upon her by the Government’s CID Police Officers! We will continue to pursue this matter until Justice is done!


Just to let you know that after we have posted the Updates on 16 May 2019 (see below) all the prank calls to the Witness stopped! Based on your deduction, do you think these are also directed by the “masterminds”?


Here is the new Police case where a law-abiding elderly citizen is being accused of theft: some wicked person (?) capitalise on her old age by banking money into her bank account & reported to the Police stating that she refused to refund the money!


Do you think those who created these laws & had them passed in Parliament (see Updates on 18 April 2019, 9:50pm) to oppress us are incapable of doing these? We will let the World decides.


While we are busy trying to boost trade between Singapore & All our Allies around the World, see these “masterminds” are also busy creating hardships for the people, making us working 24/7 to repair the damage!


Do you think the wicked can outwit our Creator? This will surely happen to them:

“Surely You place them on slippery ground; You cast them down to ruin. How suddenly are they destroyed, completely swept away by terrors! They are like a dream when one awakes;  when You arise, Lord, You will despise them as fantasies.” Psalm 73:18-20


Updates on 16 May 2019 by LS1965 & P65

We were informed that the Witness received quite a number of prank calls to her mobile from the following:

+65 99113705 started calling on 14 May 2019, 14:53 (SGT).

+65 95457140 started calling on 15 May 2019, 15:44 (SGT).

+65 90152606 started calling on 16 May 2019, 10:39 (SGT).


You decide if these prank calls were instructed by the Singapore PAP Rulers (PM Lee Hsien Loong’s face is missing) who refused to apologize to the innocent Witness concerning damage inflicted upon her by their CID Police Officer!


Whoever they are, we will continue to pursue this matter until Justice is done for the Witness! Everyone who knows us will tell you that we will never yield on such matters until True Justice is established in Singapore!

Dear PAP Rulers, you see that we have stated facts & just asking questions! This is not a Publication to defame or harass you!


Updates on 13 May 2019 by LS1965 & P65

Till this day, none of the Singapore Rulers (PM Lee Hsien Loong’s face is missing) has given a formal written apology to the Witness (who commits no crime) on the Damage that was inflicted on her by their CID Police Officers & no compensation paid!

You decide if the Police dared to act arbitrarily if they had not been instructed to do so: Pasting Police notices at the Entrance of the Business Premise & making numerous phone calls to the Witness (harassment?). Can you believe that none of these Rulers is the mastermind behind these?

Till this day, they have shown no remorse, refused to repent & make good the damage! If they did these to one innocent Business owner, what about the rest? Who dares to invest in Singapore later?

While we are busy promoting Singapore & attracting FDIs to boost Fulltime Jobs Participation, see what the highest paid Singapore Rulers in the World have been doing? You decide who is counter-productive to our Prosperity? Please cast your votes carefully in the next General Election before 15 January 2021!

Dear PAP Rulers, see we are just stating the facts & asking questions; no defamation & no harassment against you here!


Updates on 7 May 2019 by LS1965 & P65

Dear Rulers of Singapore,

        We were informed that till this day, none of you have apologised to the Witness based on the damage inflicted on her by your CID Police Officers & no compensation paid for all the damage she suffered!

2.     We will let the World decide if you are really innocent of this case to let the CID Police Officers trampled on the rights of a harmless citizen who commits no crime & who has been actively promoting Singapore & helping Job Seekers to find work! So you don’t care about protecting our rights and still want us to vote for you in the next General Election before 15 January 2021? Compare this to the 38 Oxley Road case concerning the Prime Minister where it was brought to debate in Parliament, the rights of a harmless citizen mean nothing to you?

3.     The Witness is not your Follower in your Social Media but us! So are you using her to “杀鸡警猴”? It’s f**lish if you think you can succeed with this! You want to come after us but  you want her to identify us! We are not so stupid as to divulge our identity to anyone because we are not monkeys! Do you think with our numbers we can be afraid of you who have been making Laws (see Updates on 18 April 2019, 9:50pm) to oppress us? No way! It seems like the Government’s Intelligence is not working hard enough? Come & catch us now if you can!

4.     You can choose to hate us but we will never let the matter rest until Justice is done for the Witness! Who knows who would be the next victim!



Note:“杀鸡警猴meaning: Killing the rooster to warn the monkeys!


Updates on 29 April 2019

From the Publisher:

Based on the facts presented (see below), we will let the World decide if the actions of the CID Police Officers amount to “harassment, causing alarm & distress” under Sections 3 & 4 of Chapter 256A Protection from Harassment Act!

Although the Prime Minister’s Office was informed about these incidents on 18 April 2019, but till this day no apology is given & no compensation paid to the Witness for the damages she has suffered!

Is the Witness being protected by Basic Human Rights in Singapore? Without any speculations, you may already know who the “masterminds” are!

Welcome to Singapore!


Summary Updates by an anonymous insider:

The Tweets of the Singaporeans LS1965, P65 & M15 might have offended the “masterminds”, so they arranged the CID Police Officers to paste the Notice on the Witness Company Entrance with many phone calls on 4 April 2019 (later another Letter was pasted at her Company Entrance on 16 April 2019). When the 1.3 million Singaporeans knew about this, massive tweets were sent out to the World to inform all starting from 4 April 2019! Twitter was notified (by the “masterminds”?) & wiped off many other Tweets including what the “masterminds” intended to use as evidence against the 1.3 million on 10 April 2019! The 1.3 million now made ALL their Tweets “Private”!

Can the CID Police Officers find evidence on “harassment, causing alarm & distress” against the “masterminds”? More accurately, should it be said to be against the People?

See the Laws passed in Singapore below! Will you get furious when your Rulers do these to you? Same for the 1.3 million too!

- MediShield Life Scheme Act 2015.

- Income Tax (Amendment) Bill (Passed): New Sections 65F to 65K empowers the Comptroller to forced entry, arrest without a warrant, to detain, search & criminalize etc. See page 87 onwards.

- Films Act: Sections 23, 34, 36 & 37 on related search, seize & arrest.

- Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Act 2018 (GST):

New amended Sections 83E to 83J on provisions “to arrest without a warrant under certain circumstances, entry, search & seize” etc..


Do you think this is the 1st time the CID Police Officers doing these to a law-abiding Singapore Citizen? Base on their “seasoned” behaviours, you decide! If we don’t expose this case, countless others may be their victims in future!

It’s getting so interesting! Welcome to Singapore to watch the “drama”!


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Note from Publisher:

This is an Unpaid Publication. The content of this publication is checked to be from the real source. The names of the Witness & all related to her have been omitted to protect her privacy. Thanks.


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