Published by: LS1965 & P65.


Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020


The World can decide if the COVID-19 report presented by the Singapore PAP Government is a joke, please see our exact computation in our updates below:

The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be (Total cases stated here + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! )

More: See the Re-infected cases in Singapore!

Well done, Big Bullies! You have made Singapore (a small red dot on the Global map) running 2 times ahead of China! Now the 61.23 % in GE2020 should be completely satisfied! The Big Bullies are being paid far more than any other Rulers in the World and they can only deliver FAKE news! You want them? We will sell them for FREE, come & take them now. Many Thanks.

The rest of the Undercounting are indicated in red below & in this page :

God’s warnings against wicked Rulers and Judges: Wisdom 6:1-11.

Important note: All the death cases reported below are likely 99.9% fully vaccinated unless otherwise stated because the Big Bullies didn’t blow the trumpet telling the World that these death cases had not been vaccinated, thus absolving their liabilities that the non-vaccinated ask for death by refusing vaccination.

16 March 2022: (11,278 new cases, 11 death cases, 11,141 Local cases (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) & 137 Imported cases (Imported PCR + Imported ART) were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=964,329+11,278 =) 975,607 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet = 1,073,942! Thus (1,073,942/5,704,000 total population) x100% =  18.83% of the Total Population has been infected, this means that around 1 out of 5 Persons in Singapore is a COVID case!

Total Imported cases = 26,941 + 137 = 27,078 (until 16 March 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”?

Total Death cases = 1170 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID = 1186

Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported!

Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078.

Summary Table” from https://covidsitrep.moh.gov.sg NOT updated yet on 17 March 2022, 21:00 SGT.





MCCY: Updated Safe Management Measures for Religious Activities (15 March 2022)


We will bet even with our last $Dollar that within the next 6 months, the Daily New cases won’t turn “zero” and the number of infected cases will exceed 1 out of 5 Persons in Singapore as “our good Friends” have not shown any will or determination to curb the virus spread in Singapore!


15 March 2022: (15,851 new cases, 6 death cases, 15,686 Local cases (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) & 165 Imported cases (Imported PCR + Imported ART) were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=948,478+15,851 =) 964,329 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet = 1,062,664! Thus (1,062,664/5,704,000 total population) x100% =  18.63% of the Total Population has been infected, this means that around 1 out of 5 Persons in Singapore is a COVID case!

Total Imported cases = 26,941  (until 15 March 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”?

Total Death cases = 1159 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID = 1175

Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported!

Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078.







14 March 2022: (9,042 new cases, 8 death cases, 8,941 Local cases (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) & 101 Imported cases (Imported PCR + Imported ART) were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=939,436+9,042=) 948,478 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet = 1,046,813 ! Thus (1,046,813/5,704,000 total population) x100% =  18.35% of the Total Population has been infected, this means that more than 1 out of 6 Persons in Singapore is a COVID case!

Total Imported cases = 26,675 + 101 = 26,776  (until 14 March 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”?

Total Death cases = 1153 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID = 1169

Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported!

Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078.

Ministry of Health “Summary Table” NOT updated yet at 22:15 SGT on 15 March 2022.






13 March 2022: (9,701 new cases, 6 death cases, 9,597 Local cases (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) & 104 Imported cases (Imported PCR + Imported ART) were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(= 929,735+9,701=) 939,436 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet = 1,037,771 ! Thus (1,037,771/5,704,000 total population) x100% =  18.19% of the Total Population has been infected, this means that more than 1 out of 6 Persons in Singapore is a COVID case!

Total Imported cases = 26,675  (until 13 March 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”?

Total Death cases = 1145 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID = 1161

Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported!

Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078.






Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for keeping All in our Team safe and happy. You see,  based on our computation, the number of Persons in Singapore being infected by the virus has already exceeded 1 million on 10 March 2022 and now the number of death cases has reached 1161! We feel helpless looking at the numbers keep surging as the Big Bullies busy opening our borders and refusing to provide proper and acceptable isolation facilities for those they named “Omicron MILD”. Please teach us how to repair this damage without the wicked Big Bullies as the side effects suffered by those who have recovered from the virus still remain unknown, protect ALL the Goodwill in Singapore and around the World from such harm. We love You Daddy God. Many Thanks.


See more Past Cases here.


Click and look at the comments of the People below each of these report and you will know how well the World most expensive Singapore PAP Rulers have been containing COVID-19. 8-D


Dear Big Bullies, still busy finding evidence to sue the smart Singaporeans for Defamation, using MediShield Life, CareShield Life, Gambling operations & Casinos (see item 9) to grab our money? The World please decide if some people are really hopeless & useless! Look at the number of Community cases highlighted in red as unlinked cases to any of your known Clusters and those unlinked cases in the Dormitories (highlighted in blue below) and now you have not yet located the Causations:

7 unlinked Community cases from 18 October – 10 November 2020.

7 unlinked Community cases from 26 November – 5 December 2020.

See the recent Local Transmitted cases here.

Community cases:

11 September to 9 October 2021

10 October 2021 onwards (click on the hyperlinks for the figures).

How did those in the Community & Dormitories get infected with the COVID-19? Don’t tell us you don’t know! Mobilize your Police Force to locate the Causations? Work harder! We don’t want to get infected! Your #TraceTogether Apps and Tokens are useless? Do we need to teach you step-by-step how to go about this! Need to give you tuition on how to block COVID-19 coming into Singapore? You control the Singapore Borders and yet you don’t know how the COVID-19 came in or where is it hiding? What a joke! 8-D



BIG News!

We were informed on 23 July 2020 that many of the Bloggers who actively commented on the COVID-19 News & GE2020 News went MISSING! Now we are still searching for them! See the details here.


Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, You see the Big Bullies & Monsters have arranged for @YahooSG to erase the People’s comments from 16 April 2020, 22:00 SGT to 17 April 2020, around 18:00 SGT, then they have them all deleted on 23 July 2020. We will continue to publish but please help us to remove them as they are TOXIC to our wellbeing & prosperity. Many Thanks.


Netizens chastise Singapore Government for being ‘complacent’, warns of possible second wave of COVID-19 with international travellers serving Stay Home Notices (SHN) at home (28 October 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1321357396418191362

Comments from LS1965 & P65:

Dear Friends around the World, please read this News report to see how the World most expensive rulers contain COVID-19 in Singapore. Follow their example if you are keen to have the huge COVID-19 outbreak in your Country! Welcome to Singapore to see live “drama”!


Comments from LS1965 & P65 starting from 31 October 2020:

On 31 October 2020, it is indicated that these 12 new cases are all imported (see more below). Why there are still imported cases? It was indicated in this report dated 30 October 2020 that “CAAS said yesterday that visitors from China and Victoria will be required to undergo a COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test on arrival and they will not have to serve a stay-home notice (SHN) if their test result comes out negative.” (See Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1322117484921737216).

Dear PAP Multi-Ministerial Task Force, why didn’t you test All who entered Singapore? Or you are telling us that you have tested them but the COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test cannot give you accurate results? Please reply in your News media on TV! You think we will just sleep on it, let this slide like some “brainl*ss ????” & let Singapore ends up being a “COVID-19 Hub”? NO WAY!

Dear Friends around the World, you see the entire COVID-19 matter in Singapore is really a joke! Welcome to Singapore to see Live Drama!

COVID-19 Imported cases into Singapore starting from 1st November 2020:

1st (4), 2nd (1), 3rd (7), 4th (5), 5th (6), 6th (4), 7th (7), 8th (2), 9th (8), 10th (7), 11th (18), 12th (11), 13th (12), 14th (2), 15th (3), 16th (5), 17th (6), 18th (5), 19th (4), 20th (4), 21st (5), 22nd (12), 23rd (5), 24th (18), 25th (7), 26th (4), 27th (4), 28th (5), 29th (7), 30th (4).

See imported cases from December 2021 onwards here.

September 2021:

1st (3), 2nd (4), 3rd (3), 4th (6), 5th (5), 6th (6), 7th (4), 8th (2), 9th (7), 10th (5).

Imported cases:

11 September to 9 October 2021

10 October 2021 onwards (click on the hyperlinks for the figures).

See more cases here due to reinfections!


Comments from LS1965 & P65 starting from 16 August 2020:

Dear Friend around the World, you see how the Multi-Ministerial Task Force contain the COVID-19 in Singapore:

By 7 August 2020, they have tested all the workers in the Dormitories & they have isolated the rest who are healthy.

Last of quarantine blocks in migrant worker dorms now cleared of COVID-19: Ministry of Manpower, Singapore (dated 19 August 2020)

Cleared? They said these only to look good to market themselves? You see how many healthy isolated workers reported sick with COVID-19 starting from 8 August 2020:

August 2020:

8th (125), 9th (171), 10th (175), 11th (56), 12th (30), 13th (91), 14th (79), 15th (62), 16th (78), 17th (85), 18th (97), 19th (85), 20th (66), 21st (98), 22nd (43), 23rd (73), 24th (43), 25th (30), 26th (47), 27th (70), 28th (80), 29th (47), 30th (39), 31st (31).

See cases from the Dormitory starting from  September 2020.

June 2021:

1st (0), 2nd (0), 3rd (0), 4th (0), 5th (0), 6th (0), 7th (0), 8th (1), 9th (0), 10th (0), 11th (0), 12th (0), 13th (0), 14th (1), 15th (0), 16th (0), 17th (0), 18th (0), 19th (0), 20th (0), 21st (0), 22nd (0), 23rd (0), 24th (0), 25th (0), 26th (0), 27th (0), 28th (0). With effect from 30 July 2021, they have refused to report on the Dormitory cases. See Figure 1 and compare with those earlier reported and you will know what we meant!

They have also refused to indicate in the Preliminary Report starting from 29 June 2021 -> See here for details

Dormitory cases:

11 September to 9 October 2021

10 October 2021 onwards (click on the hyperlinks for the figures).

See more cases here due to reinfections!

Why are migrant workers in dorms still severely restricted even though they’re recovered from COVID-19? (22 March 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1373931417567105029

You see the Government web reported that how the Dormitories have been cleared of COVID-19 which we have summarised above.

Read this News report & see how congested the Workers Dormitories are now! As in the past, no improvement at all! Welcome to Singapore to see how the Big Bullies (who have drawn sky-rocketed fat salaries far more than other Rulers in the World) have forced these poor workers who have contributed to the Prosperity of Singapore live like chickens in crowded cages!

If the Big Bullies have severely restricted the migrant workers in the Dorms, this could mean that the “zero” that have reported in each of the recent cases starting from November 2020 COULD BE fake news to pacify the smart Singaporeans and fool the whole World in order to market themselves. Can any smart Journalist please expose the facts and tell the World what has been going on so far? You should know that the Big Bullies are immune to the Fake News Laws enacted till this date and in the future too! Many Thanks.

Updates on 13 October 2020:

Finally there is no new case from the Dormitories on 13 October 2020, let’s see how long the Multi-Ministerial Task Force will maintain this result to keep our foreign workers COVID-19 FREE! The smart Singaporeans please check on them to ensure that they are not reporting fake news to market themselves! Welcome to Singapore! 8-D

Updates before 13 October 2020:

You please see for yourself how many days have passed since the Dormitories declared CLEARED that the new COVID-19 cases finally fell to 1 on 3rd October 2020. “1 only”? We hope that those who dare to say this will have the COVID-19 stick onto to them from “head to toe”! Big Bullies, act accordingly to befit as humans! The figures above just tell 1 story: You are negligent & careless of the Lives of the Workers! Shame on you!

What kind of Isolation Facilities are these? Healthy ones made sick with this kind of Isolation! Do you think they would likely be better off not having “isolated” by the Multi-Ministerial Task Force in the first place! We will let the World decide if the entire matter is a joke! 8-D

Why are migrant workers in dorms still severely restricted even though they’re recovered from COVID-19? (22 March 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1373931417567105029


See the irreversible damage for any infected person caused by COVID-19!


Dear Big Bullies, instead of increasing your resources to locate us, please ramp up your testing to contain the COVID-19 in Singapore! Want to catch us? Mission Impossible because we are more law-abiding than you and our Daddy God has taught us how to be smarter than the Government’s Intelligence! 8-D


Record of SARS outbreak around the World (SARS Treatment)

Record of how the Singapore Government handles the COVID-19

Major Mistakes which have caused the confirmed COVID-19 cases to surge in Singapore:

Refused to use the lessons learnt from the SARS outbreak (33 persons died in Singapore during 1 November 2002 – 31 July 2003) & encourage the People not to wear facemask before 3 April 2020.

Forgot about the conditions of our Foreign Workers who live in very congested dormitories & making them vulnerable to infections from asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers.


From Wikipedia:

COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore

Timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore

2020 Singapore circuit breaker measures


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