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The Authors: Emmanuel Goh, Daniel Greenwood, Paul Thomas, John Lewis, Gabriel Lewis & Maria Goh.
This book is now available at Amazon: eBook & Paperback .
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We have compiled this book with lots of love for you. We welcome All of Goodwill to Singapore and have a great time. 8-)
Sending Peace, Love and Joy to you now!
Reviews: We have given out over 1000 Free copies of “pdf formats” to people who have given much contributions to our economy by promoting Singapore and Trades with our Allies, aimed to boost Jobs Participation Rate around the World. Here are the Reviews that they sent to us:
From Michael Lewis & Friends @Michael65413248 dated 19 July 2019 If you are a busy Professional, you will like this book. It has presented Truth, Business Tactics in a "short and sweet" manner in order not to waste time! It comes with humour too! We've not bought enough from .@Amazon to qualify as Reviewer in their web https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=201929730
From LS1965 & P65 dated 12 July 2019: The following can be seen from Google Reviews too: We were given 1000 “pdf” format of the Book for having promoted Singapore, boost Trade with our Allies and helping to improve Jobs Participation Rate worldwide. We are delighted to see that “Daily Blessings to You from Emmanuel Goh & Friends” is ready for publication. It is not difficult to see the encouraging quotes must have been the fruits of many years of work experience and personal reflections. Anyone who needs a quick boost of mental energy, we suggest you pick up and read! We are happy to see the beautiful flowers and plants in Singapore included with the encouraging quotes to motivate you! As you know, Mr Emmanuel Goh has been funding us as we promote Singapore and help Jobs Seekers to find work. He has informed us that he will use part of the incoming funds from the sale of the books to set up a private Trust Fund to support our works to help Jobs Seekers worldwide. Welcome to Singapore!
From M15 dated 12 July 2019: We were given 5 “pdf” format of the book for having welcome All of Goodwill to Singapore! This book “Daily Blessings to You from Emmanuel Goh & Friends” is definitely an energy booster for those who are working hard to maintain order and fighting the darkness in the World! Pick up this book and read! You will be encouraged that our Creator is definitely not sleeping and He is fighting side by side with you! Never give up to fight for your rights and for justice but no physical violence please, because we are educated gentlemen! Use social media? 8-D Welcome to Singapore!