Last Updated: 5 September 2021, 11:00 SGT.


Updates on 29 October 2020 – 5 September 2021

From LS1965 & P65:

Big News! Besides making numerous prank calls against the Witness, now the Big Bullies have Singtel cut off her Office digital phone line? They are unable to make outgoing & take incoming Calls! Earlier her Singtel email account was being hacked  and for 2-3 weeks, no incoming mails could reach her! Now she has dumped the Singtel email account! Beware if you subscribe to Singtel, your smart brains will tell you if the Big Bullies have used Singtel to screw up our works and business!

The phone problem has now been fixed but the prank call started at 14:37 SGT, 30 October 2020 again. See all the later cases below.

Dear Big Bullies, don’t bark up the wrong tree, come & catch us now! Close to 2 million of us but you still can’t locate even one? Wickedness will make one stup*d! 8-D


Here’s one of our defence work:

When the Singapore Police suddenly calls you & wants you to be the Witness of their investigations, what should you do?

If you have never been present in any crime scene, then you should “beware”! Is someone trying to frame you in order to nail charges on you? This is a real example from our Client whom we have given advice...

On 4 April 2019, our Client received a notice from the Police wanting her to be the Witness of some investigations.

She has never present at any crime scene and has been a law-abiding Singapore citizen since she was born. We were alarmed and were suspicious of the entire matter. Thus we advised her to keep everything in proper record. The record below was drafted by her & amended by our Consultants to protect her interest & wellbeing.

Contact us if you need help.


Message from LS1965 and P65


Wow! GE2020 just over & harassment against this law-abiding Singaporean Business owner starts again on 30 July 2020!

These harassment cases from the Police (see below & the informant case) all started because we have informed All using Social Media concerning the Unjust Laws passed in Parliament to oppress the People (see Updates on 18 April 2019, 9:50pm) & later what we published to prepare the People for the coming General Election.

The Masterminds who are unable locate us proceed to instruct the Police Officers to go after the scapegoats now... They want to press them to reveal our identities, but these scapegoats know nothing concerning us…


The Minister of Home Affairs is K. Shanmugam, he is in-charged of the Singapore Police Force, we will let the World decide who is the Mastermind involved in this!


See the Notice & Letter pasted by the CID Police Officer Mr Pan Bifu & his Team on the Entrance of the Witness Business Premises on 4 & 16 April 2019. The Witness also received numerous offensive phone calls from the CID Police Officers: +65 91726209, +65 97389702, +65 64358489, +65 64357595 & other Private Calls and more Prank Calls (see below).  Their company website was recently being hacked and turned blank on 12 July, 18 June 2021, 1 May 2020, 29 October 2019 & 3 November 2019. With the hacking in the past, a total of 7 occasions!

See the related Police case where the innocent elderly family member of the Witness is being accused of being a thief in May 2019.

See the unjust Persecutions of good citizens happening in Singapore now!

Till this day, the Singapore Rulers and the Government still unable to “cook up” any crime that they have not committed and unable to find a proper reason to arrest them for questioning!  For they have always been law abiding & productive Singaporeans busy promoting Singapore and find work for others.

What will happen to the Witness later?

Can the World please decide if the Singapore Rulers or Government have been abusing their powers based on the facts stated here?


Use Google Translate. 8-)


How to defend yourself against the unjust persecutions of the Singapore CID Police Officers? See the latest reply from the Witness to the CID Police Officers in Updates on 24 April 2019, 5:30pm. Use this as your sample? 8-)

Thank you note from the Witness. Please continue to pray for her as all of us are putting our best to defend the innocent Witness whom we know has committed no crime. Please help to spread the message! Many Thanks & Welcome to Singapore!


From the Publisher:

Dear Goodwill around the World,

1. Your prayers & visible supports have given us strength to do our best to defend the Witness and warn all against unjust oppression. Many Thanks.

2. Evil doers will never stop their wicked deeds until they are physically and/or psychologically “flat”! Please continue to pray for the Witness and all of us who are helping her. In return, we will pray for you that God will repay your Kindness at least a million times!

3. Happy Easter & Welcome to Singapore!


Updates on 5 September 2021 by LS1965 & P65

See the latest prank calls below this section. Till this day, there is still NO apology from the PAP Rulers and NO compensation paid for damages inflicted upon the Victim.


See Updates dated 24 April 2019, 5:30pm earlier, although the Police harassment incidents were complained to the Singapore Prime Minister on 18 April 2019, but till this day, none of the Singapore Rulers apologized to the Witness & NO compensation paid to her on the damages inflicted on her reputation and her business by the CID Police Officer Pan Bifu & his Team! They have shown no remorse but arranged for more prank calls against the Witness! Now the harassing phone calls started again after GE2020 , see below! Their company website was being hacked and turned blank on 12 July 2021, 18 June 2021 (like ours, see item 8). With what happened in the past, a total of 7 occasions!

Dear Singapore Rulers, is it fun playing with the Witness by inflicting numerous damages against her who commits NO crime? You can pretend you never see her fax on 18 April 2019, but now we want to put this in the World Wide Web for the World to see & record. Now you can choose to see nothing too! But we will NEVER let the matter rest until Justice is done for the Witness who has become the scapegoat when the “Masterminds” are furious yet still unable to locate us when we announced to the World their “good deeds” in passing the laws in Parliament to oppress the People in Singapore (see Updates on 18 April 2019, 9:50pm), concerning the General Election & the COVID-19 situation in Singapore!


See how much the Prime Minister was paid when he sued those he claimed to have defamed him in the past:


Blogger Roy Ngerng ordered to pay PM Lee Hsien Loong $150,000 for defamation.

PM Lee Hsien Loong sues blogger, Leong Sze Hian for defamation over Facebook share, paid $133,000 for defamation.

Dear Rulers, by inflicting damage on the Witness and her business by the CID Police Officers which the Government should be vicariously liable, don’t tell us the Government intends to pay NOTHING! Can all of you act above the Law just because you are the Rulers and to allow you to cause damage to anyone at will whom you hate anytime? We will let the World be the Judge of this case!

The Witness told us that she will keep the money receive from you as a Private Trust Fund to help us to promote Singapore and to fund Job Seekers who are in need. We will keep a close watch on you to see when the Government will pay her the compensation! Or you intend to pay nothing at all! We will leave this webpage perpetually alive to tell the World about your legacies!


Use Google Translate. 8-D


Dear smart Singaporeans, you decide who are the Masterminds & whether such people are still fit to run for the next General Election in 2025? Facts presented here show that they have made themselves “immune” against the Criminal Procedure Code (Chapter 68).

Welcome to Singapore to see!


Updates on 5 September 2021 by LS1965 & P65

No apology from the Rulers to the Witness & No compensation paid to the Witness being harassed by their CID Police officers, then they have started a series of Prank Calls against the Witness! The World can decide if the Masterminds are insane and whether they are fit to run the Government.

Latest prank calls:

+65 63987804 started calling on 17 August 2021, 12:33 SGT.

+65 82411657 started calling on 4 September 2021, 12:23 SGT.

We encourage all who are keen to investigate please try out the numbers:

Prank Calls starting from 14 May 2019:

+65 99113705 started calling on 14 May 2019, 14:53 (SGT).

+65 95457140 started calling on 15 May 2019, 15:44 (SGT).

+65 90152606 started calling on 16 May 2019, 10:39 (SGT).

+65 96260907 started calling on 31 May 2019, 18:45 (SGT).

+65 94652435 started calling on 3 June 2019, 10:08 (SGT).

+65 91685344 started calling on 3 June 2019, 12:26 (SGT).

+65 92113887 started calling on 3 June 2019, 15:39 (SGT).

+65 94664631 started calling on 4 June 2019, 16:04 (SGT).

+65 97157769 started calling on 10 June 2019, 17:53 (SGT).

+65 99649634 started calling on 11 June 2019, 10:39 (SGT).

+65 96882761 started calling on 12 June 2019, 15:26 (SGT).

+65 96495660 started calling on 13 June 2019, 17:15 (SGT).

+65 92928653 started calling on 14 June 2019, 14:09 (SGT).

+65 97538680 started calling on 17 June 2019, 9:29 (SGT).

+65 93176220 started calling on 17 June 2019, 12:39 (SGT).

+65 9742 4943 started calling on 1 July 2019, 14:43 (SGT).

+65 66666279 started calling on 25 July 2019, 11:26 (SGT).

+65 66015666 started calling on 25 July 2019, 15:04 (SGT).

+65 65356864 started calling on 25 July 2019, 18:04 (SGT).

+65 66632822 started calling on 26 July 2019, 14:45 (SGT).

+65 69716723 started calling on 14 August 2019, 14:52 (SGT).

+65 81326268 started calling on 24 August 2019, 12:47 (SGT).

+65 92379286 started calling on 30 August 2019, 20:57 (SGT).

+65 69716723 started calling on 5 October 2019, 14:16 (SGT).

+65 68668332 started calling on 7 October 2019, 17:19 (SGT).

+65 89028484 started calling on 6 December 2019, 14:53 (SGT).

+65 63648140 started calling on 21 December 2019, 16:04 (SGT).

+65 69716723 started calling on 4 January 2020, 16:59 (SGT).

+65 93831993 started calling on 13 January 2020, 16:19 (SGT).

+65 86852213 started calling on 11 February 2020, 15:34 (SGT).

+65 68885973 started calling on 17 February 2020, 16:21 (SGT).

+65 65945588 started calling on 27 February 2020, 13:17(SGT).

+65 94739318 started calling on 20 March 2020, 10:09(SGT).

+65 66318351 started calling on 30 July 2020, 10:52 (SGT).

+65 91492878 started calling on 9 August 2020, 9:51 (SGT).

+65 88810625 started calling on 20 August 2020,10:08 (SGT).

+65 89380694 started calling on 1 Sept. 2020, 12:20 (SGT).

+65 63129274 started calling on 4 Sept. 2020, 15:49(SGT).

+65 83599276 started calling on 14 Sept. 2020, 12:10 (SGT).

+65 31591045 started calling on 6 Oct. 2020, 10:36 (SGT).

+65 82546007 started calling on 10 October 2020, 15:19 SGT.

+65 69376732 started calling on 22 October 2020, 16:49 SGT.

+65 69716723 started calling on 30 October 2020, 14:37 SGT.

+65 95050959 started calling on 26 November 2020, 16:41 SGT.

+65 96237322 started calling on 30 November 2020, 9:55 SGT.

+65 83596574 started calling on 5 December 2020, 13:01 SGT.

+65 66015666 started calling on 7 December 2020, 19:43 SGT and again on 8 December 2020, 18:42 SGT.

+65 85893808 started calling on 11 December 2020, 16:29 SGT.

+65 60524923 started calling on 16 December 2020, 12:51 SGT.

+65 89480626 started calling on 16 December 2020, 16:37 SGT.

+65 90529544 started calling on 17 December 2020, 14:08 SGT.

+65 66015666 started calling on 24 December 2020, 11:54 SGT.

+65 69716723 started calling on 28 December 2020, 23:02 SGT.

+65 84205362 started calling on 5 January 2021, 15:14 SGT.

+65 31591045 started calling on 6 January 2021, 11:08 SGT.

+65 90518784 started calling on 12 January 2021, 17:16 SGT.

+65 69561441 started calling on 28 January 2021, 13:49 SGT.

+65 98635253 started calling on 26 February 2021, 08:58 SGT.

+65 80434397 started calling on 14 March 2021, 11:17 SGT.

+65 88002323 started calling on 27 March 2021, 8:28 SGT.

+65 84571673 started calling on 7 April 2021, 13:35 SGT.

+65 81618735 started calling on 8 April 2021, 13:18 SGT.

+65 69051168 started calling on 17 April 2021, 13:02 SGT.

+65 80592296 started calling on 4 May 2021, 17:11 SGT.

+65 96624953 started calling on 15 May 2021, 16:12 SGT.

+65 82363562 started calling on 19 May 2021, 13:44 SGT.

+65 86124246 started calling on 5 June 2021, 10:30 SGT.

+65 90673642 started calling on 8 June 2021, 15:31 SGT.

+65 81838089 started calling on 23 June 2021, 12:58 SGT.

+65 98954465 started calling on 1 July 2021, 14:55 SGT.

+65 94414381 started calling on 1 July 2021, 16:13 SGT.

+65 93418038 started calling on 5 July 2021, 9:41 SGT.

+65 63954311 started calling on 6 July 2021, 10:33 SGT.

+65 84350345 started calling on 6 July 2021, 10:45 SGT.

+65 96049779 started calling on 16 July 2021, 08:15 SGT.

+65 86893428 started calling on 27 July 2021, 13:59 SGT.

+65 90869893 started calling on 4 August 2021, 8:30 SGT.

+65 80260483 started calling on 7 August 2021, 11:23 SGT.

+65 63987804 started calling on 17 August 2021, 12:33 SGT.

+65 82411657 started calling on 4 September 2021, 12:23 SGT.

See such a long list of Prank Calls, does it look obvious to you the Pranksters have great powers to control the Telecom Systems in Singapore? Could they be the Rulers?


While we are busy helping Jobs Seekers to find work, those  Unwise who are most highly paid in the World (to do such work) can only create damage to this citizen (who commits no crime & promotes Singapore), drive out FDIs, boost Jobless Rate,   drive down GDP and Exports! See the Singapore Manufacturing PMI is below 50 showing contraction from May to November 2019! You decide if their KPI is negative!


Will you vote for such people in the next General Election  in 2025?

Dear Singapore Rulers, please advise.


We welcome All of Goodwill to Singapore to watch the Police drama “live”!

Come to the Police Cantonment Complex & see the face of the CID Police Officer Mr Pan BiFu. Have a good day!


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Note from Publisher:

This is an Unpaid Publication. The content of this publication is checked to be from the real source. The names of the Witness & all related to her have been omitted to protect her privacy. Thanks.

