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Here is the List concerning how each COVID-19 case is infected: COVID-19 Cases: 1-130, 131-230, 231-683, 684-1623, 1624-3699, 3700-8014, 8015-12693, 12694-14951, 14952-17548, 17549-19410, 19411-22460, 22461-25346, 25347-28038, 28039-29314, 29315-31960, 31961-33249, 33250-37183, 37184-38514, 38515-40604, 40605-41216, 41217-42095, 42096-45783, 45784-47126, 47127-49098, 49099-53051, 53052 onwards ... (See later cases here)
Not reported as official COVID-19 death count in Indonesia or Singapore: Singaporean died in Batam Hospital: The Jakarta Post dated 29 February 2020.
COVID-19 Death Cases in Singapore: 90 & 212, 109, 476, 918, 855, 1604, 987, 1142, 1836, 128, 3381, 3145, 4754, 1071, 8190, 1595 & 9682, 703, 2728, 1323 & 17410, 14744, 16370, 1414 & 1528, 23550, 1305, 23908 & 24013, 1516, 17329, 11714 etc. Click below to see more cases happened after 4 June 2020. Summary details of death cases. May they rest in peace. (First compiled on 2 May 2020)
Updates on 27 May 2020: Fortitude Budget (SGD 33 billion) announced by Finance Minister Mr Heng Swee Keat on 26 May 2020. See the comments of the People below the News Report. Now total draw-out from the Singapore Reserves in the name of helping the Singaporeans in this COVID-19 Crisis = $77.9 billion + $33 billion = $110.9 billion! But only $2.082 billion are accounted for! See here on our Claims Statements! The Singapore new COVID-19 daily cases have been always 3 digits high daily! Compare here with China has tested 6.9 million People in 9 days as reported by CNN Singapore is the ONLY Country in the World where tons of $$$,$$$,$$$,$$$ spent by the Government & yet we see only negative results! The World please help us to decide who are the Fools grabbing our $$$$$$$$$$! We want to export them now! “The wise will inherit honor, but stubborn fools, disgrace.” (Proverbs 3:35) “Condemnation is ready for scoffers, and flogging for the backs of fools.” (Proverbs 19:29) 8-D
Cases 37184-37527 (Govt. Web reported on 6 June 2020, after 23:00 SGT) 6 June 2020: “Singapore confirms 344 new COVID-19 cases, total at 37,527”. See the People’s comments below the News report. 8-D Someone commented in Bloomberg News months back that “the COVID-19 came & exposes the Inherent Flaws of the Rulers”. Look here: China Wuhan has tested 11 million in 10 days (reported on 1 June 2020). See what the Singapore PAP Government has committed (note that the Singapore Rulers are the most expensive in the world, our population is less than 5.8 million): COVID-19 testing at migrant worker dorms may take up to September 2020: Gan Kim Yong Shall we divide ALL the Testing into 3 batches and invite the China Team and the Opposition to join in the race to see which team can give faster and accurate results! When there is competition, then we can see improvement! See what the PAP Government has given us over the years in our Singapore General Election webpage! You decide if you still can vote for them to boost your prosperity! Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Due to space constraints, only some are extracted: From boy: Singapore says 'No' to wearable devices for Covid-19 contact tracing From Michael: what $23,225 ?? i certainly did not receive that amount !! And she's asking us to payback somemore.... i don't have $23,225 in the first place !! Worse than Ah Long , daylight robbery..... --------------------------------—————————————————— Pulling her numbers from nowhere, PAP MP Tin Pei Ling in Parliament today claimed that each Singaporean and permanent resident has received S$23,225 from the government during the coronavirus outbreak. The PAP MP even praised the PAP government as "among the top countries" in terms of financial assistance: "Singapore is among the top countries in terms of relief given per citizen or permanent resident at S$23,225 per capita. While a coarse estimation, the figures give a good sense of the Government’s determination in supporting Singaporeans and the country through this crisis." Each Singaporean adult had only received S$600 back in April. The PAP government has instead spent nearly S$100 billion in this coronavirus outbreak, with businesses being key beneficiaries. MP Tin Pei Ling then said Singaporeans should "put back" the money "they took" from the reserves, suggesting that taxes be rapidly raised after the outbreak: "We have a duty to use this pot of gold wisely and make sure that we put back what we took once we can. So that our children and their children will continue to have this asset to fall back on when they face the crisis of their generation." She too lack of sleep? From MercuryQ: Is it 344 out of 344 test conducted? From Mass testing for Covid-19 pls...: Meaningless lo.... 344 out of how much tested? How many of the community cases are asymptomatic? Why still 3digits among the FW in dorms? JT, pls comment. From Senior1CPF: Don’t be brainwashed with this pre-election campaigning. If the leegime is addressing this crisis, they should include experts & professionals from the medical field and experts economists and even, psychologist, ... rather than a bunch of pink-to-be, m*****s whom don’t even solved a thing during the crisis but only partial reporting work that cost the people billions$$$. DONT WASTE THE EARTH OXYGEN AND STAINED THE EARTH SURFACE. Our note: word modified to “m*****s” to avoid possible defamation suit. 8-D From William: Would be a better if the daily number of infected cases are reported as a percentage of the number of tests conducted. So regardless less test, one laboratory shut down or any other excuses, the % will not lie or be subjective and manipulative.
Cases 37528-37910 (Govt. Web reported on 7 June 2020, after 23:00 SGT) See Government Web & related Annex A, Annex B & Annex C. 7 June 2020: “Singapore confirms 383 new COVID-19 cases, total at 37,910”. See the People’s comments below the news report! 8-D Our comments: The PAP Rulers have been telling the World how hard & smart they have worked to contain the COVID-19 in Singapore (they are the most expensive rulers in the World). You see the new cases daily: always 3 digits! If they can convert these figures to Daily FDIs into Singapore, we would be doing 24/7 marketing for them for the coming Singapore General Election! But now the Big Bullies are importing the wrong thing and being famous for the wrong reasons! Click & see the comments of the People below each news report & you will see many things to laugh about! 8-D Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Due to space constraints, only some are extracted: From seniorcitizen: Does it matter that the students were infected during the circuit breaker and not during the recent school reopen? The fact that if they went to school when it reopen while having the symptom, can you imagine how it would spread. Why not test all the students and MOE staff before letting them go to school? We are already spending so much resources testing the FW and providing them bed for isolation. From KK: How is it possible that the students get infected during the circuit breaker period? They are all not linked cases. All are supposed to stay at home??? From Rinpoche: During the circuit breaker period, never heard of so many numbers of students were infected. PAPi must be made to be responsible for all these. Now community infection appears to be on the rise. From Pict: Just the dorm workers. Started with a few going to Mustafa and brought back the infection into the dorms (that what MOM said). Similarly a few infected students got it from "god know where" and brought it to school. The only difference is the taskforce has proactive testing of the staff and students now which is good, unlike the dorm where no one care until it blow up in their face. The worrying thing is can the MOH team test faster than the virus can spread in school? At the rate of testing the dorm workers we have seen so far, I think the virus spread faster than the MOH testing rate. From Karma: "six were picked up as a result of our proactive testing of school staff and students.." Never fails to Self Praise even when situation is Dire.. No hope. From Joe Low: Is the administration tapping on COVID-19 issues a platform to launch their agenda for the coming GE? Looks like it to me, with the coming series of speeches by a number of heavyweight Ministers for the next 14 days. I will not be surprise in the coming weeks, Parliament may be dissolved and GE called for in July or August. With so much failures from January to now, and hitting our population and economy hard as infections shoot up through the sky, our media and even WHO have nothing but lots of praises that even a blind person can feel is not logical. Nothing surprising from our 158th ranked World Press Freedom stand. Almost S$100,000,000,000.00 (S$100b) were drawn from the Reserves and from national budget to correct the economic impact from the setback but as mentioned in the press, around $3.5b were given back to the residents, mainly in cash but that’s only around 3.5% of the total. Remember to vote wisely come next GE and teach these expensive title holders who are quick to take credits and double quick to point fingers when things goes wrong and it was never wrong for them because they have nothing to fear as long as the majority keep voting them in. Best, they can swing their adversities to become their platform to showcase their offerings (money which belongs to all citizens) and mammoth efforts, efforts taken due to short-comings and mishandlings of this COVID-19
Cases 37911-38296 (Govt. Web reported on 8 June 2020, after 23:00 SGT) See Government Web & related Annex A, Annex B & Annex C. 8 June 2020: “Singapore confirms 386 new COVID-19 cases, total at 38,296”. See the People’s comments below the news report! 8-D Our comment: Now the People are more interested to comment on the COVID-19 “wearable devices”! Tracking you or not? Not mandatory now? See the smart Singaporeans said below the News report! How much you can trust the Big Bullies? See how they manage this COVID-19 crisis & how they treat us in the past & present in our General Election Webpage! Know their usual “style” & don’t vote for the wrong “handsome”! Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Due to space constraints, only some are extracted: From TheRighteousHand: When will the foreign worker dormitory assault be contained? With the lack lustre and lazy way MOM is monitoring and controlling the access in and out of these forms it is no wonder the contagion continues every day. MOM set up personnel at the front gate with all the medical hear to check entry into and out of the dorm. But a few metres from the front gate there is another widely opened door for service personnel to go in and out WITHOUT ANY CHECKING. So the workers can easily sneak out go somewhere to mingle with the community at food centres etc and then sneak back in. This is a fact because Grab drivers have reported sending back these workers who avoided the checks at main gate by sneaking in through the unguarded side door . MOM better get their act together or this menace will never be erased From Ethan: As we are heading towards 40k cases as the results have clearly shown I feel extremely sorry for my own country as compared to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia and New Zealand which either have very minimal or no more infection rates. From Ploor: When local transmission if going up, MOH can just simply reduce testing by 90% to deflate the figure and show everything is under control. This is the result of 0wnself check 0wnself From Jessie: Shouldn't the community spread be transparent immediately to inform the Public the contact vicinity of those infected. No details of the students like school and timing of transportation. Doesn't the delay cause further possible spread in the community? How can LOA, SHN and quarantine be served at home if there are other family members? There must be other facilities kept for these purpose if the virus is to be contained. Repeatedly making the same mistakes is only going to endanger the community further. It will help greatly if the focus is on the virus spread and not on the elections. From michael: New Zealanders got a good gov at one-third the price. From Planewalker: Yesterday, LHL told us that the world is becoming a terrifying place and why we should be worried and afraid. But little did he know that we are much more afraid of his team's inc*mpet*nt leadership. Our note: We have changed the word to “inc*mpet*nt” to avoid possible defamation suit. 8-D
Cases 38297-38514 (Govt. Web reported on 9 June 2020, after 23:00 SGT) See Government Web & related Annex A, Annex B & Annex C. 9 June 2020: “Singapore confirms 218 new COVID-19 cases, total at 38,514”. See the People’s comments below the news report! 8-D Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Due to space constraints, only some are extracted: From Eat Money: pap can suka suka disclose any numbers they like. This is the beauty of absolute power lol. From Crystal: I am extremely worried about our future. The more they spent they will collect back from us (the citizens) double or triple the amount to top up the hole they dig into our reserve. They are spending our blood and sweat money on the wrong issues. MOM should stop issuing or renewing work permits so that unemployed Singaporeans can take over jobs of foreigners which was the reverse previously. No need to spend billions to help businesses, just stop them from hiring foreigners and Singaporeans will be 100% employed. Please vote in more oppositions to block them from increasing GST, conservancy charges, transport charges, and most importantly medical charges which many Singaporeans cannot afford but foreigners were given free treatments. Our input: The above may not fully represent our stance, but to be fair, we must let many like her voice out & let others notice about the varied voices. From Michael Ng: small biz shop more n more are saying closed forever. do govt noticed these people livelihood. only taxi as own by ntuc Delgado smart. own govt kids From Vincent: super down sizing ! you can tell that GE is coming when the numbers trend down to low teens over 1 week period....when the numbers are down, people are happy and ecstatic and will show their appreciation almost instantaneously at the ballot boxes ! no difference from impulse buying of things placed near the supermarket cashiers. From Joe Low (commented on 8 June 2020 News report): Shocked to read MOE say the 5 infected students and a staff not a “cluster” and they are likely infected during CB and not when in school. Cluster or no cluster, infected in or outside school doesn’t matter. What is important is they are likely to go on and infect others. Don’t tell me the Gov education clip seen on TV about the domino effects, one red tile can cause all the other tiles, which form into a SG map, all falls flat only is for show and for daft to watch and not for the various Ministries to follow? And why the mentioned schools are mainly elite schools and no neighbourhood schools? As mentioned by many posters, the taskforce cannot solve their problems so just close both eyes but then tighten on us Singapore residents, of which 67% are still stuck at home or rented places. Buses and MRT, the moment one enters, miraculously social distancing is not required and same to supermarkets AFTER one enter, or groups of students and even construction workers can stick so close together. Why Singaporeans are not tested first but let all migrant workers get tested and let these construction workers able to start work on 2nd June Phase 1 when so many Singaporeans are still stuck at home? Is this SG Inc or are we in International Inc where money and profits come first? Remember to vote wisely come next GE, we Singaporeans are taken for a cruel ride of our lifetime by these 4G leaders and its towkay
COVID-19 Cases: 1-130, 131-230, 231-683, 684-1623, 1624-3699, 3700-8014, 8015-12693, 12694-14951, 14952-17548, 17549-19410, 19411 onwards, 22461-25346, 25347-28038, 28039-29314, 29315-31960, 31961-33249, 33250-37183, 37184-38514, 38515-40604, 40605-41216, 41217-42095, 42096-45783, 45784-47126, 47127-49098, 49099-53051, 53052 onwards ... (See later cases here)
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Important note: The above article is an Unpaid Publication of Clients. We have checked the relevant facts to be correct & non-defamatory! We have done this to gain the goodwill of our Singaporeans so that they will not end up on the Streets to protest or create disorders which will affect the Prosperity of our beloved Singapore! Dear PAP Government, we would be happy to help you to publish any clarification you may have upon your payment of fees to us; the amount to be paid will be conveyed to you by our Consultants. Thank you.