This is the Publication by LS1965 & P65.


Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020

1st compiled on 24 June 2020, 14:00 SGT.

Last updated for this page: 28 June 2020, 22:05 SGT.


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See the Table of Contents help you to navigate in our GE2020 webpages.

See our compilation starting from 5 September 2019 here, highlighting the track records of the PAP Rulers.


Prepare for the Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020

Please see this video & vote correctly. As shown in the video, use your “Permanent-ink” Pen to mark a BIG “X” beside the empty slot of who you want to vote for! The Big Bullies will be too happy if we vote wrongly & send the wrong guys into the Singapore Parliament! Thanks. 8-D


Dear Supporters of the Big Bullies, please stop giving your harmful comments and delete all your past comments (supporting the Monsters) below all News reports!  Among us there are SPIES working with Yahoo News, we will definitely nab you & publish your real identities around the World! And you may need to hide in self-quarantine for the rest of your lives! Fools will serve the wrong masters & end up in self-destruction! 8-D


The comments of the People on GE2020 can be found below each of the following News report & these:

28 June 2020 Reports:

GE2020: WP unveils 'Make Your Vote Count' slogan, manifesto and last four candidates

SDP focused on ‘quality not quantity’ of its GE2020 candidates: Chee Soon Juan

GE2020: PSP's Lee Hsien Yang says not using party as 'mouthpiece' for family dispute

27 June 2020 Reports:

GE2020: Ivan Lim withdraws as PAP candidate, PM Lee calls controversy ‘unfortunate’

Goh Chok Tong: A look back at the ex-PM's eventful political career

GE2020: PAP's manifesto focuses on 'keeping Singapore going'

GE2020: PAP candidate Ivan Lim responds to online criticism, pledges to 'stay the course'

26 June 2020 Reports:

Ivan Lim saga: PAP’s Masagos says GE is time for candidates to ‘redeem’ themselves

Don't 'pigeonhole' new PAP candidates just based on their background: Chan Chun Sing

GE2020: PSP chief Tan Cheng Bock to lead team in West Coast GRC, Lee Hsien Yang not listed as candidate

GE2020: What led Lee Hsien Yang to join PSP?

The People please comment! 8-D

We will extract & publish your excellent comments!

We have listed what our Good Friends have been giving us in the past & now in our General Election Webpage! Please vote wisely!

Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Please upload your comments as we will come back & extract further:

Don't 'pigeonhole' new PAP candidates just based on their background: Chan Chun Sing

From iNViSiGOTH:

From recent yahoo article:

PAP MP Louis Ng (A part-time MP with a monthly allowance of $16,041):

- Whatever views he may express, he said he will always vote along party lines because that’s the agreement all PAP MPs take on. Mr Ng said: “We respect the party whip. The rules are there and don’t just apply to Singapore. Every (political) party in the world has a party whip.” -

If any of you have always believe and bet that all ruling party MPs are just saying what we want to hear but not doing anything for us because it’s just part of their job to play pretend which also means wayang then cash those bets now. You can’t get any clearer than the above. A bloomberg article interviews a few local university professors and they are so full of praise for this govt, oh how fitting! I’m pretty sure these are the same people that submit reports and scripts to the ministers to act out in front of the cameras (actors is what they are) and that is why ‘cottons only come from sheep’.

From Uncle KP:

Yes, we shouldn't judge the new candidates, whatever background they are from. But we know with much certainty, that they will all end up as mere rubber stamps for the party, like most if not all mps of pap.

From MK Ling:

Eighty over PAP MP, yet none spoke for Singapore citizens when the whole nation is against how the current President is installed without election.

Why would we want to send the new batch of YES men & women to parliament knowing that they do not bother at all to speak up when it matters.

From William:

To me, their background tells me they are furthering their career for the Minister's salary or stepping stone to more $$$. By observing and listening to them will tell if their are true, passionate and potential leader of Singapore. A quick litmus test of reducing Ministerial's pay will tell how many of them will still be running for GE. A good leader is not motivated by $$$.

From Avenger:

Dear readers

Singapore did the right thing by importing 5 million eggs from Poland in order not to be over dependent on current suppliers.

One critical aspect was left out. Poland eggs faced major problems once in 2016 and 2018.

Did the Minister Mr CCS find out whether the eggs are safe to consume?

Did the Minister consult the important people in charge of food safety from AVA before the arrival of the 5 million eggs from Poland to Singapore?

From Seah s:

When a person breaches trust for the people, in what way should the people still trust or believe him.

From Edmund:

Sources such as The Economist, IMF & Forbes have ranked S'pore among the Top 4 or 5 in the world crony-capitalism index. This means that S'pore is one of the easiest countries on earth for politically connected billionaire businessmen (those with close ties to the Govt) to prosper.

Scholars who have sheltered careers in the iron rice bowl world of the public sector lack the street wisdom to further S'pore's interests on the world stage & to manage our investments prudently.

From Ivap:

Getting civil servants to participate in politics is not advisable. Because they have been trained to follow the rules blindly without asking questions. They have to change their mindset first. When conducting the weekly Meet-the-People sessions, they would be quoting the rules. They would tell the residents that according to the rules and regulation you cannot do this and that.

From Dante:

[“I think all of them, each and every one of them, has a personality that deserves us to get to know them better, rather than to pigeonhole them into any particular profession or any particular character, just because they are from a certain background. I think that is the real diversity that we are (talking) about.”]

Yes, their 'personality' is to say "yes" everytime they receive an instruction.

Just wonder: when was the last time A PAP MP STOOD UP AND SAY 'NO' TO THEIR PARTY'S POLICY?? During the Qing or Tang Dynasty?

From Frank:

Minister Chan was fortunate.. in his time. He studied hard got his President's Scholarship. served in the army as General.. then brought into politics.. Very smooth sailing.. Unlike many of us.. we work hard.. too only difference we miss a few marks if being a Scholar but that does not mean we are of low calibre..

So we hope the PAP ministers and MPs alike ..guve equal opportunities to All ...most if the good secured jibs in public sectors or statutory boards or from Government linked companies being taken by scholarship holders so most of us graduates don't stand a chance as the vacancirs for good jobs are limited and finite...

So we end up doing contract jobs and underemployed...

From blvr:

"...said Gan who added that she had gained a wealth of experience in 25 years in the SAF, including in long-term planning, capability development, policy work and manpower."

Isn't that what all generals do? So please answer the question. What sets you apart from the other paper generals?

From ourtheir:

One very big difference between non-PAP candidates and PAP candidates is non-PAP have proven their commitments and conviction to relate to voters.

PAP candidates do not have the commitment and the conviction.

From zphoe:

hmmm.... not to stereotype but so far military people in the gov so far have proven that they can be quite really bad.

From Enchilada:

"Don't 'pigeonhole' new PAP candidates just based on their background: Chan Chun Sing" Its exactly what people have to do in an election. People don't change overnight to fit the narrative. The narrative changes to fit the person.

From Walter:

It is not about the PAP new candidates. It's about having more oppositions in the parliament to protect the interests of the common people who will be suffering huge wave of retrenchment due to the virus situation. This is especially so for union members and the Malays who are usually the most impacted during economic downturns. Singaporeans need to vote at least 1/3 oppositions into the parliament so they have to parliamentary power to protect you especially the union members & the Malays. Remember, NTUC is with the govt. After the election, the PAP govt/NTUC will justify your retrenchment as most Sg companies are government-linked companies and/or temasek-linked companies so to maintain their profits. It will use the same old narratives of providing the retrenched training and retraining, you need to be flexible, not to be choosy. There is no loss to have more oppositions to speak for you when you loose your job. All forms of taxes, transportation costs will also go up as govt need to recover the loss of the reserves that nobody knows how much, so it is a bottomless pit and the PAP will "recover" it from the citizens. Only by having at least 1/3 oppositions that they can block proposals for any price increases or bills that sacrifice you, the common people.

From 特离:

"Don't 'pigeonhole' new PAP candidates just based on their background: Chan Chun Sing"

You're perfectly right, Mr Chan.

Look at our health minister's performance during this covid-19 pandemic, and look at my comment as for back as Jan 2020. You'll will know that ,me, a lowly educated commoner would fare better in combating covid-19 if i was the minister of health.

From Richard:

It’s ironic that CCS should mentioned about not pigeonholing one based on restrictive criteria. Pappies have been doing this since many years ago. Have we forgotten how we are told Chiam See Tong has C6 for English compared to Mah Bow Tan’s stellar academic results. This is indeed even more Sia suay

From Pict:

Frankly when the whole Singapore has at most seven days to try to know who are vying for the MP in their wards, there is almost no time to know individual personality. So CCS is saying something that totally not practical about getting to know them. Don't blame others for pigeonholing the candidates. It was the ruling party that don't want to give the voters sufficient time.


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