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Here is the List concerning how each COVID-19 case is infected: COVID-19 Cases: 1-130, 131-230, 231-683, 684-1623, 1624-3699, 3700-8014, 8015-12693, 12694-14951, 14952-17548, 17549-19410, 19411-22460, 22461-25346, 25347-28038, 28039-29314, 29315-31960, 31961-33249, 33250-37183, 37184-38514, 38515-40604, 40605-41216, 41217-42095, 42096-45783, 45784-47126, 47127-49098, 49099-53051, 53052 onwards ... (See later cases here)
Not reported as official COVID-19 death count in Indonesia or Singapore: Singaporean died in Batam Hospital: The Jakarta Post dated 29 February 2020.
COVID-19 Death Cases in Singapore: 90 & 212, 109, 476, 918, 855, 1604, 987, 1142, 1836, 128, 3381, 3145, 4754, 1071, 8190, 1595 & 9682, 703, 2728, 1323 & 17410, 14744, 16370, 1414 & 1528, 23550, 1305, 23908 & 24013, 1516, 17329, 11714 etc. Click below to see more cases happened after 4 June 2020. Summary details of death cases. May they rest in peace. (First compiled on 2 May 2020)
Updates on 27 May 2020: Fortitude Budget (SGD 33 billion) announced by Finance Minister Mr Heng Swee Keat on 26 May 2020. See the comments of the People below the News Report. Now total draw-out from the Singapore Reserves in the name of helping the Singaporeans in this COVID-19 Crisis = $77.9 billion + $33 billion = $110.9 billion! But only $2.082 billion are accounted for! See here on our Claims Statements! The Singapore new COVID-19 daily cases have been always 3 digits high daily! Compare here with China has tested 6.9 million People in 9 days as reported by CNN Singapore is the ONLY Country in the World where tons of $$$,$$$,$$$,$$$ spent by the Government & yet we see only negative results! The World please help us to decide who are the Fools grabbing our $$$$$$$$$$! We want to export them now! “The wise will inherit honor, but stubborn fools, disgrace.” (Proverbs 3:35) “Condemnation is ready for scoffers, and flogging for the backs of fools.” (Proverbs 19:29) 8-D
Updates on 31 May 2020: Look at these places announced in the News dated 27 May 2020: “The MOH said the cases had visited Block 505 market and food centre in Jurong West, Fairprice Finest in Bukit Panjang Plaza and NTUC Fairprice in Hillion Mall. The MOH advised persons who had been at the market and food centre from 9am to 930am on 17 May and 11am to 12pm on 25 May, the Fairprice outlet in Bukit Panjang Plaza at 12pm to 1230pm on 24 May and the Fairprice outlet in Hillion Mall from 1230pm to 1pm on 24 May to monitor their health closely for 14 days from their date of visit.” Dear Big Bullies, you have installed SafeEntry at ALL the above mentioned locations & have tracked all of them both “In & Out”. Do you expect them to remember exactly where they went on 17-25 May 2020? Shame on you! After tracking them still do not know who go where? We will let the World decide you are actually using SafeEntry to violate our privacy that should be protected by the PDPA! Collect your fat salaries still screw things up! Quickly make phone calls to those in close contact! Expect us to do it for you? See their SafeEntry is absolutely NOT safe from COVID-19 at all!
Places visited by COVID-19 confirmed cases: New=> Fairprice outlet in Taman Jurong! (Reported on 29 May 2020) See NTUC is always the hot spot! See more places visited by COVID-19 confirmed cases reported on 30 May 2020. Please check the time of visit yourself! The PAP Government have the SafeEntry data collected from you! But they DON’T have enough manpower to notify everyone! SafeEntry is absolutely useless for us? Only useful for the PAP Government to track us? You decide!
Cases 33250-33860 (Govt. Web reported on 29 May 2020, after 23:00 SGT) Case 33864 (from Healthcare sector) is a 25 year-old Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to affected countries or regions. She was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 28 May, and is currently warded at Changi General Hospital (CGH). She is employed as a physiotherapist at CGH but had not gone to work since onset of symptoms. 611 new COVID-19 Cases: All are locally transmitted. 602 of the Cases are our Work Permit Holders staying at the Dormitories. 9 cases in the Community & 2 of them are Singaporeans: see Annex C. See the summary of the confirmed cases are in Annex A. See the links between the Previously Announced & New Cases in Annex B. New clusters announced in Annex B: “dormitory at 35 Kaki Bukit Place, dormitory at 40 Kaki Bukit Industrial Terrace.” See new clusters at the Dormitories! You decide if NO safe distancing in the Dormitories is the major contributing factor if all of them wear facemasks! No control from the PAP Government? Dear PAP Government, you started your circuit breaker on 7 April 2020 but those in the Construction Industry were exempted from stop work. After seeing that the COVID-19 cases surging you have them stop work starting from 22 April 2020! These new cases are formed after the 14-day incubation period which ends on 6 May (if started on 22 April 2020)? Please advise how so many additional cases & new Clusters could be added to the existing Clusters stated here: 29 May, 28 May, 27 May, 26 May, 25 May, 24 May, 23 May, 22 May, 21 May, 20 May, 19 May, 18 May, 17 May, 16 May, 15 May, 14 May, 13 May, 12 May, 11 May, 10 May, 9 May, 8 May, 7 May. We have asked you the same questions numerous times, but you ignore us. Only want to settle the score with us before the coming General Election? 8-( See the People’s comments below the News report. 8-D Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Due to space constraints, only some are extracted: From Batman: One word....so manty fW kena virus..how can those working in construction, shipping, manufacturing and so forth get back to work safely...sooner or later the whole cycle of infection will repeat itself. This is worrying. 4g has failed big time..kuku From Mass testing for Covid-19 pls...: 3 digits infection among FW after 2 long mths is NOT acceptable... Why are we in CB? No improvement in infection nbr after so long. JT, care to comment? Or busy with election prep? Pls deploy UV disinfecting robots to disinfect ALL dorms. Maybe this can lower infection in dorms... From TheRighteousHand: Just what is wrong? Why can't the foreign workers in dormitory contagion be stopped? It's been 2 months and those who got it would have gone for treatment or detected. The fact that everyday still have new cases means they are not observing social distancing rules. Any worker who caught it before 7 April would have been hospitalised or isolated by now. If there are still cases from dormitories every day it means they got it after 7 Apr and it can only mean they did not observe social distancing rules while inside the dormitory. Why is the govt not taking action against them for flouting the rules? Why is the govt only bringing locals who flout the rules to court but given the foreign workers a free pass? From Yeo: there comes a time when even the simplest minded person will understand that you don’t get an average of 500 infections regularly daily. it is all managed release of data. virus infection is not a simple science. they are hiding the exact seriousness. at this rate, we will have 80000 to 100000 foreign workers infected. and 10 budgets will the rest of the budget called 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ,9 10 as they run out of descriptive words like fortitude etc. it will also mean that we have exhausted all our reserves. so, ladies and gentlemen, Singapore would have had the no 1 number of infections in Asia, surpassing china, and also the number country in the world in terms of expenses for covid per person. and by the way, all the 20 years of policy to depend on foreign workers has backed fired for we have exhausted all our reserves to test all 450000 foreign workers. the irony is that besides spending all our reserves on foreign workers, we will have none left to test the rest of the 5mil Singaporeans and to save the economy of Singapore. yes sir, it's like a family taking out all the savings and cash to send their maid to the hospital to get a check-up and free food and lodging for 1 month at mount e. so buckle up and enjoy the show, for your bunch of ministers have started going down a dark road with no end in sight. and I won't be surprise that they will all lose their seats in parliament and migrate with the millions to another country.
Cases 33861-34366 (Govt. Web reported on 30 May 2020, after 23:00 SGT) 506 new COVID-19 Cases: All are locally transmitted. 501 of the Cases are our Work Permit Holders staying at the Dormitories. 5 cases in the Community including 1 Singaporean: see Annex C. See the summary of the confirmed cases are in Annex A. See the links between the Previously Announced & New Cases in Annex B. New clusters announced in Annex B: “dormitory at 15A Senoko Way.” See new cluster at the Dormitory! You decide if NO safe distancing in the Dormitories or they are not wearing their facemasks correctly. Dear PAP Government, you started your circuit breaker on 7 April 2020 but those in the Construction Industry were exempted from stop work. After seeing that the COVID-19 cases surging you have them stop work starting from 22 April 2020! These new cases are formed after the 14-day incubation period which ends on 6 May (if started on 22 April 2020)? Please advise how so many additional cases & new Clusters could be added to the existing Clusters stated here: 30 May, 29 May, 28 May, 27 May, 26 May, 25 May, 24 May, 23 May, 22 May, 21 May, 20 May, 19 May, 18 May, 17 May, 16 May, 15 May, 14 May, 13 May, 12 May, 11 May, 10 May, 9 May, 8 May, 7 May. You see we asked the same question for so many times, now the PAP Rulers went into hiding & refused to explain! 8-D See the People’s comments below the News report. 8-D Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Due to space constraints, only some are extracted: From mojoman: PAP Ministers' Top 20 Favourite Words, Phrases & Abbreviations: 1. FIX (as in fix the opposition) 2. SUE (whomever disagrees with them) 3. ENSURE (when they want to convince you their course of action is beneficial to Singapore) 4. UNWISE (when they want to shoot down an idea proposed by the opposition) 5. PONDING (when they want to convince you that things are not as serious as they seem) 6. HOLISTIC (when they don't know what else to say) 7. STEP-BY-STEP CALIBRATED APPROACH (when they want you to think they have a wonderful solution when in reality they have no idea how to solve the problem) 8. HONEST MISTAKE (when they cockup, which is very often) 9. LET'S MOVE ON (when they have lost the argument, which is also very often) 10. STRIKE A BALANCE (when they are going to sacrifice some Singaporeans) 11. NEW NORMAL (when they have given up on improving the situation) 12. D.O.R.S.C.O.N. (Don't Over-React, Singaporeans, Can Or Not?) 13. K.N.N.B.C.C.B. (Kiasu Nationwide Non-essential Business Complete Circuit Breaker) 14. P.O.F.M.A. (Prevent Opposition From Making Accusations - their nuclear option) 15. CIRCUIT BREAKER (because they are paiseh to say lockdown) 16. PHASE 1 OF RE-OPENING (when they are paiseh to say the lockdown is being extended indefinitely) 17. SAFE SINGAPORE (when they want to justify why they are taking forever to end the lockdown) 18. COMMUNITY (something that foreign workers staying in dorms are NOT part of) 19. NON-COMMUNITY CASES (hundreds of COVID-19 infections reported daily in Singapore, totaling 34,000 so far) 20. SINGAPOREANS OR PERMANENT RESIDENTS (because they don't want you to know exactly how many Singaporeans have COVID-19) From Joe Low: Today’s new in our “highly ranked” media “Singapore among Asian nations doing well in Covid-19 fight: WHO adviser” I felt off my chair while munching a sandwich this morning but miraculously, I managed to swallow the whole sandwich in a flash (…lol…). At first I thought my eyesight is giving way, and then I thought maybe I was in dreamland. But I am not. Want to know who is this Prof Heymann? Read: Heymann is a Visiting Professor in the Department of Medicine in Singapore, NUS and an Associate Provost (Health Affairs). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_L._Heymann A few of these WHO officials who kept praising SG have got certain roots in SG after doing some CSI. Same to Prof Dale Fisher of WHO, who work in NUH. A number of articles by him praising SG in Feb and Mar, but he changed tone in April when cases surge here.
Cases 34367-34884 (Govt. Web reported on 31 May 2020, after 23:00 SGT) See Government Web & related Annex A, Annex B & Annex C.
31 May 2020: “Singapore confirms 518 new COVID-19 cases, total at 34,884”. The People please comment! 8-D See the comments of the People below the News report. 8-D This section still under construction...
Cases 34367-34884 (Govt. Web reported on 1 June 2020, after 23:00 SGT) See Government Web & related Annex A, Annex B & Annex C.
1 June 2020: “Singapore confirms 408 new COVID-19 cases, total at 35,292”. The People please comment! 8-D See the comments of the People below the News report. 8-D This section still under construction...
Cases 34885-35836 (Govt. Web reported on 2 June 2020, after 23:00 SGT) See Government Web & related Annex A, Annex B & Annex C. 2 June 2020: “Singapore confirms 544 new COVID-19 cases, total at 35,836”. The People please comment! 8-D See the comments of the People below the News report. 8-D This section still under construction...
Cases 35837-36405 (Govt. Web reported on 3 June 2020, after 23:00 SGT) See Government Web & related Annex A, Annex B & Annex C. 3 June 2020: “Singapore confirms 569 new COVID-19 cases, total at 36,405”. The People please comment! 8-D See the comments of the People below the News report. 8-D This section still under construction...
Cases 36406-36,922 (Govt. Web reported on 4 June 2020, after 23:00 SGT) See Government Web & & related Annex A, Annex B & Annex C. 4 June 2020: “Singapore confirms 517 new COVID-19 cases, total at 36,922”. The People please comment! 8-D See the comments of the People below the News report. 8-D This section still under construction...
Cases 36923-37183 (Govt. Web reported on 5 June 2020, after 23:00 SGT) See Government Web & & related Annex A, Annex B & Annex C. 5 June 2020: “Singapore confirms 261 new COVID-19 cases, total at 37,183”. The People please comment! 8-D Please brace up, stay safe & upload your comments actively, because General Election is coming. Thanks. 8-D See the comments of the People below the News report. 8-D This section still under construction...
COVID-19 Cases: 1-130, 131-230, 231-683, 684-1623, 1624-3699, 3700-8014, 8015-12693, 12694-14951, 14952-17548, 17549-19410, 19411 onwards, 22461-25346, 25347-28038, 28039-29314, 29315-31960, 31961-33249, 33250-37183, 37184-38514, 38515-40604, 40605-41216, 41217-42095, 42096-45783, 45784-47126, 47127-49098, 49099-53051, 53052 onwards ... (See later cases here)
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Important note: The above article is an Unpaid Publication of Clients. We have checked the relevant facts to be correct & non-defamatory! We have done this to gain the goodwill of our Singaporeans so that they will not end up on the Streets to protest or create disorders which will affect the Prosperity of our beloved Singapore! Dear PAP Government, we would be happy to help you to publish any clarification you may have upon your payment of fees to us; the amount to be paid will be conveyed to you by our Consultants. Thank you.