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Updates on 18 April 2019, 9:50pm (by LS1965 & P65)

From reliable insiders from Twitter:

Reliable sources from Twitter said that many Tweets from LS1965, P65 & M15 concerning the following had been deleted:

- MediShield Life Scheme Act 2015: to impose (Demand Note, Fine, Suit, Jail & Threat to sell your house) should you default on the Insurance Premium Payment!

- Income Tax (Amendment) Bill (Passed): New Sections 65F to 65K empowers the Comptroller to forced entry, arrest without a warrant, to detain, search & criminalize etc. See page 87 onwards. (Drafted by DPM Heng Swee Keat & Team)

- Films Act: Sections 23, 34, 36 & 37 on related search, seize & arrest.

- Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Act 2018 (GST):

New amended Sections 83E to 83J on provisions “to arrest without a warrant under certain circumstances, entry, search & seize” etc.. (Drafted by DPM Heng Swee Keat & Team)


You should know who the “Masterminds” are when they  can control the Police Force and have them harassed the Witness  to inflict maximum damage on her!


Later, we informed ALL concerning the CareShield Life Bill passed in the Singapore Parliament to allow the Monsters to make deductions from our CPF Accounts against our wishes or to demand payment for those who don’t have enough $$$$ in their CPF Accounts, allowing the Monsters to impose “Demand  Note, Fine, Suit & Jail” (see item 11) on those who defaults on the Insurance Premium Payments, the Monsters became crazy  & continued to hack the Witness’ Company Websites on multiple occasions & made more prank calls against her who knows nothing of our identities, see here!


We now ask the World to decide if anyone will vote for People as crazy as the Monsters in the General Election to be their Leaders to rule the Country? From what they did & are doing now, we deduced that they are only Nuisance Creators and Fierce & Wicked $$$$$Grabbers!


Updates on 18 April 2019, 6:30am

What has been presented in this webpage with the relevant hyperlinks have been faxed to the Singapore Prime Minister’s Office.


Reply Email sent by the Witness to CID on 18 April 2019, 4:59am:

Dear Mr Pan BiFu

1. Please refer to my email dated 17 April 2019. Yesterday, everyone in my Office have checked through all the social medias that we have used for Business & those of my personal ones & we found NOTHING that can constitute as "harassment, causing alarm & distress to others" since our operating of the Business & especially in November 2018.

2. Please note that the Police should not cite the social medias of others & claim that I have been put in your suspicion list! You should hire a Private Investigator for this instead. Please cite to my now on what we have done to give you the right to give me multiple calls & paste your Notices at my Company Entrance Gate & Door! You have caused my Business & my Reputation great damage. As advised, I want a written apology from the Prime Minister based on your acts & ALL questioning on me to take place in a Press Conference to ensure my safety. Please tell me the date & time & I will book a hotel for this to take place!

3.  I want to let the whole World judge on this case & decide if the Criminal Investigation Department of Singapore Police Force has been abusing their authority.



Name of Witness omitted to protect her privacy


See Notice & Letter from the CID Police.


Updates on 17 April 2019

Email sent by the Witness to CID on 17 April 2019, 10:33am:

To: The Criminal Investigation Department

Dear Mr. Pan Bifu,

        Please refer to your letter to me dated 16 April 2019 (Reference omitted). To protect my well-being, I have circulated this letter to my friends.

2      You left your note at my Company gate on 4 April 2019, then you pasted your letter on my Company Door on 16 April 2019. As a Senior Investigation Officer of the Singapore Police Force with many years of experience, it is definitely within your contemplation that your actions will cause maximum damage to my Company & my reputation. I will let every reasonable people who get to know about the case decide if this is harassment, causing alarm & distress.

3.     The Singapore Government who is vicariously liable for the actions of their Police Officers should take action! I was advised that the Prime Minister should give me a formal written apology & I should be paid damages on what I have suffered from his Police officers. I felt that I am being treated worse than a convicted criminal after voted for PAP in all Past General Elections!

4.     Please forward this email to the Prime Minister’s Office. You can choose not to do so but I will never let this matter rest as it has affected the credibility of the Singapore Police Force and the Prosperity of our Nation which is vital for Singapore to attract Investments into the Country and create jobs!

5.     Now I am telling you in writing that I am not acquainted with any facts and circumstances of “any offence of Use of threatening words that are likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress”. I know you also knew about this unless you can show evidence to prove otherwise. Recently, I have some feelings that my emails & telephone lines were being spied upon; I am still trying to find who the culprits are.

6.     Since I felt that I was being threatened by the Police based on the facts above, I am unable to attend the appointment with you at the Police Station, I’m afraid that I may not come out alive or without harm! However I am still eager to comply with Section 21 (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code. If you still want to question me, please arrange for a formal Press Conference where I can feel more confident of my safety. The Press Conference should be attended by Journalists around the World who want to come & this is also to showcase how good the Singapore Government and Police are in giving the basic courtesy to the Witness who has been a faithful & law–abiding PAP Government Supporter  & has committed no crime.



Name of the Witness omitted to protect her privacy.


See Section 21 (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code


Updates on 12 April 2019

Till this day, I still received no reply from the Criminal Investigation Department (Singapore Police Force)!

Can anyone advise what takes them so long when they are so sure that I can be the witness? What a joke!

Obviously, you should know there are “masterminds” behind this! To confirm who they are, you just need to get hold of any Singaporean or Permanent Resident & they will tell you in secret!  These “masterminds” are experts in nailing charges against the innocent when they hate you!


See the note given to me by the Police on 4 April 2019 is here.


Updates on 9 April 2019

Message from the Witness:

It is unbelievable! The Police Officers from the Criminal Investigation Department (Singapore Police Force) who had been calling me on 4 April 2019 to report to them at the Police Station now refused to reply my email sent to them on the same day (see below)!

Those Police Officers want me to cooperate as a Witness but till this day, they refused / failed to tell me specifically which crime scene I was present!

Can you believe that I have committed any “crime”? I will now leave it to the World to decide if the entire matter is a joke!


Updates on 6 April 2019

Message from the Witness:

Very Strange, the Crime Investigation Department Police Officers were so busy looking for me have not replied my email dated 4 April 2019 submitting to me their queries.


ALL Police Officers in Singapore,

     This is my message to you: I do not understand why I was selected by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) to be the Witness to help in your investigations. In the past 30 years, I have not witnessed or committed any crime in Singapore or Overseas. I have been a law-abiding citizen since the day I was born.

        You should have checked my company websites, gone through my emails & taped on to my telephone lines first before contacting me. Or is it true that you have done so & found no evidence? Please do these now before you contact me again! Isn’t it true that the Singapore Government Intelligence is always very smart? Obviously, you cannot find me contacting any criminals or colluding with them in any of their activities!

        Please be reminded that you should not abuse your authority & make me become your Free Private Investigator & report on others! This is something I will never do even the Singapore Government wants to pay me! I am not trained as a Private Investigator & I have no intention to be one either unless it is something related to my professional work to protect the interest of my clients.

        I do not intend to have the Government as my client now & in future doing works that invite hatred from my fellow Singapore citizens and Friends Overseas! I am here to build Bridges with my fellow men & to promote trade with all of goodwill to help boost the economy of Singapore! These could never be achieved if the person is Not Trustworthy or does not have the Basic Integrity!

        The Rich and/or Powerful can choose to hate me & impose sanctions on my business! Even they do this, I have no fear! Just imagine that everyone in Singapore just donate 10 cents to my business, it will keep my business running for months without any problem, we will still have much left to feed the needy! I will publish again if there is any new developments.





Updates on 5 April 2019

There were a total of 11 phone calls captured on the incoming call history of the Witness dated 4 April 2019 (17:10 to 18:08 Singapore Time). Two of those (+65 91726209 & +65 97389702) had identified themselves from the Police. You can decide the rest of the nine (9) private calls which the Witness refused to answer are from the Police too!


Updates on 4 April 2019

Email sent by the Witness to Crime Investigation Department Police Mr Pan Bifu

Thu, 4 Apr, 23:19

to pan_bifu


Dear Mr Pan Bifu,

        My PA ***** told me this afternoon that you have left a note at my Office Gate, I have collected it. I was also informed that the Police needs my help with some investigations as Witness.

2.  I would be most happy to cooperate with the Police. As I have always been law-abiding, I was advised that the matter could become real serious, I would prefer to put everything in proper record to prevent possible harm to come to me. Please let me know in writing & I will reply accordingly as a good citizen of Singapore.




Important Note: This is not a private note, it would be seen by others if necessary in order to protect my interest & wellbeing, that would include any replies from you. Thanks.




Note from Publisher:

This is an Unpaid Publication. The content of this publication is checked to be from the real source. The names of the Witness & all related to her have been omitted to protect her privacy. Thanks.


