Updates on 24 April 2019, 5:30pm

Email sent by Witness to CID Police Officers on 24 April 2019, 4.47pm:

Criminal Investigation Department of the Singapore Police Force

Dear Mr Goh Siang Kee & Mr Pan Bifu,

1.You sent the following email to my mobile:

“From GOH_Siang_Kee@spf.gov.sg sent on 24 April 2019, 11:42am

Dear (Witness name), we received your emails. We require you to be a witness to this case and has no plans to lock you up after an interview. You may want to consult a lawyer if you do not quite understand the implication of being called upon as a “witness”.

Like you said, you want everything to be on record. Likewise for us. We appreciate if you could talk to us and arrange with us for a short interview at a suitable location to clarify matters.

Our job is to find out the truth and we need your help in that. We appreciate if you could call SIO Pan Bifu for an arrangement to be made. Thank you.”

2. Till this day, you refused to let me know on what basis you are calling me to be your witness! Email to me now which “harassment, causing alarm & distress” incidents you are referring to. In my humble opinion, there is no Law & contract that can force me (who commits no crime & has never colluded with any criminal) to meet you & be your witness. Pursuant to Section 21(2) of the Criminal Procedure Code “the Police Officer may report the matter to the Magistrate who may then, in his discretion, issue a warrant ordering the person to attend”. Do this now if you can! I am curious which f**l**h Magistrate will comply with your unreasonable demands to nail an innocent law-abiding citizen!

3. With reference to my emails to you dated 18 April 2019, 4:59am (see Updates on 18 April 2019, 6:30am) & 19 April 2019, 5:48am (see Updates on 19 April 2019 below), I have indicated that the Singapore Prime Minister should give me a formal letter of apology (based on your multiple phone calls & your Notice & Letter pasted at my Company Entrance on 4 & 16 April 2019 which have caused me & my business maximum damage) & the Singapore Government should pay me compensation for damages I suffered. Till now, I received NONE of these. Do you think you can make me forget these out of your convenience? I will never forget! I have been treated with Bad Faith! Don’t expect me to believe that you will cause me no harm! I have faxed the relevant to the Prime Minister’s Office before 6:30am on 18 April 2019 but I still receive no reply! Does the Singapore Government condone this kind of behavior from their Police Officers? I will let whoever reads this to decide if the Police actions amount to “harassment, causing alarm & distress” under Sections 3 & 4 of Chapter 256A Protection from Harassment Act!

4. Obviously, your job is to find out the Truth! But now I am telling you that ALL the Truths about myself are found in my webpages, telephone communications, emails & meetings that I have with Clients & others which I have checked to consist nothing that amounts to “harassment, causing alarm & distress”. I know that the Singapore Government Intelligence has ways of getting accessed to them and has studied them thoroughly. Please tell me exactly which one you are referring to.

5. If your truths cannot be found in what mentioned in paragraph (4) above concerning causing “harassment, causing alarm & distress”, so sorry, I don’t think I can help you because I have never spied on others & have no intention to do this now & in future. I care about my reputation & cannot let my Company suffer any damage! Don’t you know this is the basic for any business to prosper? You can continue to send me messages but I need to tell you now that I may not have the time to reply you immediately. I will let ALL reasonable men & women decide if the CID Police Officers are acting with Bad Faith & are busy finding ways to nail charges on the innocent (based on the facts stated) knowing that I can’t tell them anything more than myself!

6. Dear Police Officers, please do something useful now! It will only make yourselves look “small” if you continue to find ways to nail the innocent while I and my friends are busy finding ways & means promoting Singapore to boost the Full-time Jobs Participation Rate!



Name of Witness omitted to protect her privacy


Important Note: This email will be circulated to ALL interested parties after it has been sent! I need to do this for others to keep record to protect my well-being!


Updates on 22 April 2019

Message from LS1965 & P65:

Look here: The CID Police Officers are now looking for Witness to give them information in order to arrest those who can be found guilty under Section 4(1)(a) of Chapter 256A Protection from Harassment Act. Over 1.3 million People in Singapore harassed the Rulers based on the Laws Passed in Parliament or should it be the other way round? See the Laws listed below!

Many Singaporeans now want the World to help decide whether the following Laws passed in Singapore Parliament amount to “Intentionally causing harassment, alarm or distress” to the People under Sections 3 & 4 of Chapter 256A Protection from Harassment Act?

- MediShield Life Scheme Act 2015.

- Income Tax (Amendment) Bill (Passed): New Sections 65F to 65K empowers the Comptroller to forced entry, arrest without a warrant, to detain, search & criminalize etc. See page 87 onwards.

- Films Act: Sections 23, 34, 36 & 37 on related search, seize & arrest.

- Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Act 2018 (GST):

New amended Sections 83E to 83J on provisions “to arrest without a warrant under certain circumstances, entry, search & seize” etc..


Message from the Witness:

Thank God that I don’t know LS1965, P65 & M15, thus the CID Police could not get any detail from me. But the “persecution” has started & they want me who commits no crime to admit. With your prayers, I have remained steadfast & joyful. May God continue to grant me His wisdom to rebut my enemies & let them fall into disgrace!

The Publisher & Faithful Friends have stood by me, defended me in this difficult time.

Many thanks to all of you.


See the Notice & Letter pasted on my Company Entrance by the  CID Police on 4 & 16 April 2019.


Updates on 19 April 2019

Note from the Publisher:

You decide if those who enacted the Laws & got them passed in Parliament have the right to get the Police to inflict grave damage to those who explain them honestly to ALL!

We support All of Goodwill! Welcome to Singapore!


Email sent by the Witness to CID on  19 April 2019, 5:48am:

To: The Criminal Investigation Department

Dear Mr Pan BiFu,

1. Further to my email dated 18 April 2019, 4:59am, I was informed yesterday that many Tweets from Twitter Accounts M15, LS1965 & P65 concerning the following had been deleted by Twitter:

- MediShield Life Scheme Act 2015.

- Income Tax (Amendment) Bill (Passed): New Sections 65F to 65K empowers the Comptroller to forced entry, arrest without a warrant, to detain, search & criminalize etc. See page 87 onwards.

- Films Act: Sections 23, 34, 36 & 37 on related search, seize & arrest.

- Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Act 2018 (GST):

New amended Sections 83E to 83J on provisions “to arrest without a warrant under certain circumstances, entry, search & seize” etc..

2. Now I am quite convinced that the unjust treatments that I had received from the CID Police (see my earlier emails) must be related to this. I was informed that LS1965 & P65 are Twitter Followers of the Singapore Prime Minister @leehsienloong & presently around 1.3 million of them. If your “masterminds” are furious about them, you should not come after me! I am sure till this day you could not find any evidence that I have contacted them with email, phone or met them, because I have never done so. You have targeted the wrong person!

3. The Singapore Government Intelligence is always very smart! Don’t tell me that till this day, none of the Police Officers is able to identify a single one of them out of the 1.3 million! You should proceed to check through the Immigration Department instead, do I need to teach the Police Officers step by step how to go about this?

4. Prove to me now that I have colluded with any criminal to justify your unjust actions against me based on the facts of my earlier emails! I want the Singapore Prime Minister to give me a formal written apology & the Singapore Government to pay me damages inflicted by the CID Police Officers before you can expect me to cooperate with you further! Don't contact me again if you are unable to give me concrete evidence that I had been involved in any criminal acts or had colluded with any criminals!



Name of Witness omitted to protect her privacy


See Notice & Letter from the CID Police.


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Note from Publisher:

This is an Unpaid Publication. The content of this publication is checked to be from the real source. The names of the Witness & all related to her have been omitted to protect her privacy. Thanks.


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