Last updated: 29 April 2020

This is a Publication by LS1965 and P65

Singapore coming General Election 


Updates on 29 April 2021

As the elderly informant has been receiving prank calls to harass her since last year and to protect her against the Evil Singapore Police Force Officers, we will now reveal the person who unlawfully credited the money into her account, lodging a police report & accused her of stealing:

Mr Muhammad Hafiz Bin Rahman

The Singapore Police Force is headed by PAP K. Shanmugam. He is the person who wilfully allowed/instructed this?

The Police Officers who have harassed her:

Mr Seow Ming Huat, Mobile: +65 90927397, DID: +65 62447302, Tel: +65 62447200.

Ms Diana Tay, DID: +65 62447513, +65 81803474.


Updates on 28 July 2020

The Minister of Home Affairs is K. Shanmugam, we will let the World decide who is the Mastermind involved in this!

These harassment cases from the Police (see below & the witness case) all started because we have informed All using Social Media concerning the Unjust Laws passed in Parliament to oppress the People (see Updates on 18 April 2019, 9:50pm).

The Masterminds who are unable locate us proceed to instruct the Police Officers to go after the scapegoats now... They want to press them to reveal our identities, but these scapegoats know nothing concerning us…

Dear Rulers, if you are too ashamed to let these Laws be exposed in the light, why did you want to pass them in Parliament in the first place? The World can decide if they are wise or otherwise!


Police case: Framing against an Elderly Law-Abiding Citizen

Singapore: Your enemy refused to commit any crime but you want to nail this person? How? See the innovative tactic to charge an innocent citizen to be a thief: First, you bank in a sum into your enemy’s bank account. After a few months you report to the Police, informing the Police that the Bank has informed your enemy of wrongful transaction & your enemy refused to repay the wrongful transacted sum!

Get the Police involved too or has the Police always been involved?

You see, this elderly citizen (whom the Big Bullies know that she is a cancer survivor) wanted to refund the $$$$ starting from day 1 but the Police Officers refused to collect & persistently accused her of being a thief! We will keep this webpage perpetually alive to expose the evil deeds of those Big Bullies! Do you think such people are still fit to run for the coming General Election? Obviously NOT before they learn how to be acceptable human beings first!


See the informant’s Police report dated 23 May 2019. The Police Diana Tay from Bedok Police Station had repeatedly called the Informant & her family threatening them & insisting that the Informant refused to refund the wrongfully transferred sum while the Informant’s DBS Bank was not notified of any wrongful transfer of money at all!


The Police Officers from Bedok Division involved in this:

Mr Seow Ming Huat, Mobile: +65 90927397, DID: +65 62447302, Tel: +65 62447200.

Ms Diana Tay, DID: +65 62447513, +65 81803474.


See the earlier Police case related to this in April 2019.


Updates on 28 July 2020 by LS1965 & P65

Till this day, there is still NO apology from the PAP Rulers and NO compensation paid for damages inflicted upon the Victim.


Updates on 21 August 2019

The Police Officer Mr Seow Ming Huat had collected the DBS Cheque SGD 1,000/- payable to a Mr “               ” on 19 August 2019, 18:58 (SGT).

All of us know the name of the causation (Payer who claimed to have mistakenly deposited the money to the  elderly cancer survivor’s DBS Account) but we will not reveal it to the World now to give him the “benefit of doubt”, but should the same incident happen to her or others again, we will circulate his name around the World. In order to protect the elderly cancer survivor from further harm, we will keep these webpages alive perpetually as till this day, the Police Officers still refused to apologize for causing much distress, suffering and sleepless nights to her & have been accusing her of stealing since 23 May 2019. No one can guarantee what they will do next to her or others whom the Masterminds hate!

So this is not the case of money laundering as highlighted in Updates on 10 August 2019 (see below), we will now let the World decide who are the Singapore Rulers involved in this!

The game is not over yet! What will the Rulers do next?

Till this day, the Rulers still refuse to apologize to the Witness in the earlier case & pay compensation! Do you think they have the right to let the CID Police Officer harassed and caused damage to her & her business without paying compensation? Since the Rulers refused to apologize and pay compensation, we will let the World decide if the Rulers had instructed the CID Police Officer Pan BiFu acting like a “loan shark” against an innocent law-abiding citizen in the first place? Can such people still fit to run for the next General Election to happen before 15 January 2021?


Updates on 10 August 2019

Till this day, the Singapore Rulers who hate us for informing the World concerning the laws passed in Parliament against the People (see Updates on 18 April 2019, 9:50pm) are still not able to locate us. The World can decide if these Laws constitute as unjust oppression!


Please see the email sent by the Informant to the Police at the bottom of this updated section.


We have consulted some experienced Police Officers (who support our work) concerning this perplexing problem why the Payer who claimed that he had mistakenly deposited the SGD 1,000.00 into the Informant’s DBS account, refused to reveal his name so that the Informant could refund him with cheque quickly.


This is their answer to us:

This could be a money laundering case where the name of the Payer could not be revealed (Police Officer Mr Seow Ming Huat / Ms Diana Tay involved too?) or

The Singapore Rulers could be involved so this Payer could not be named for fear that it would trace back to the Mastermind who is the causation!

You know the Singapore Government has been encouraging digital payments for many years in Singapore but now the Police Officer Mr Seow Ming Huat wants to collect the refund via cash! Don’t you think is VERY strange?


We will let the World decide which category this case referred to! 8-D


If the Payer is really residing at Block 127 Tampines Street 11, then it belongs to the charge of the Tampines GRC. The MPs in-charge are DPM Heng Swee Keat, Masagos Zulkifli , Baey Yam KengDesmond Choo & Cheng Li Hui.

Can any of you please advise who is involved in this case to persecute the elderly cancer survivor?



10 August 2019


Your Reference:  omitted


Singapore Police Force

Bedok Division

No. 30 Bedok North Road

Singapore 469696.

Tel: 6244 7200

Fax: 6444 3009

Attention: Police Officer Mr Seow Ming Huat / Ms Diana Tay


Dear Mr Seow Ming Huat,




Please refer to my email sent to you on 30 June 2019 concerning the above mentioned which I have not received any reply from you. We put in record now that we have missed your calls on 7 August 2019 but there was no one picked up your phone when we called back later.


2.     We have noted that till this day (more than 1 month since my email to you), you have failed / refused to reveal to me the name of the Payer who claimed that he had mistakenly deposited his SGD 1,000.00 into my DBS account so that I can write a cheque to refund him.


3.     We need your full cooperation so that I can make a quick refund to him! I am putting this in record so that none of you could accuse me of stealing later! We will let the World decide if any of the Singapore Rulers is the mastermind behind this to instruct the Police to do this to me, an innocent elderly cancer recovered patient who commits no crime, to drive her to any early death!



Yours faithfully,


(Name omitted to protect the privacy of the Informant)



Important Note: This reply has been placed on the World Wide Web as I need all who have prayed for me to continue to pray for my safety against the evil plots of my enemies. Many thanks to All who have prayed for me & I will always pray for you too...


Updates on 30 June 2019

See paragraph (1), do you think the Payer is living at Block 127  Tampines Street 11 (picture). What a joke! The Police stated that the offence was committed there, but the Informant has never been in Tampines for the past 10 years.

Please see the latest reply from the Informant and you can decide who the Mastermind behind this:

30 June 2019

Your Reference:  omitted

Singapore Police Force

Bedok Division

No. 30 Bedok North Road

Singapore 469696.

Tel: 6244 7200

Fax: 6444 3009

Attention: Police Officer Mr Seow Ming Huat / Ms Diana Tay


Dear Mr Seow Ming Huat / Ms Diana Tay,




        Please refer to the above mentioned letter sent to me dated 20 June 2019 which I only received on 29 June 2019. You stated that the offence was committed at Block 127 Tampines Street 11, but I have never been to Tampines in the past 10 years...I was threatened by your letter as my family member had informed you on 23 & 27 May 2019 that none of the Banks had informed me of any wrongful transactions though you have claimed so. I have also clearly conveyed to you my message that I want to refund the money via cheque.


2.     After some enquiries with the various Banks, please note the following facts:


OCBC Bank Manager confirmed that the Transaction number starting with “Y” means the Payer is in fact an OCBC customer & he had transferred the money from OCBC Bank to my DBS account on 26 December 2018 & 31 January 2019.


OCBC informed that for any complaint of wrongful transaction, the standard procedure is for them to call the Payee’s Bank to arrange for the refund (for this case is DBS) & it is for my Bank DBS to contact me to arrange for the refund. Till this day, DBS has never informed me of any wrongful transaction!


If the Payer had contacted OCBC Bank to arrange for the refund, why isn’t DBS Bank informed of that? Or has OCBC been negligent of such important matter?


I was told that the Payer then lodged a Police Report & accused me that I refused to refund the money after the Bank had contacted me, but OCBC or DBS has never contacted me concerning such matters at all!


I will now let the World decide if this is a plot to nail the elderly lady who has been a law-abiding citizen in her entire life!


3.     I have been waiting for you to fix an appointment to meet me to refund the money via cheque since our last tele-conversation with you on 27 May 2019  but you refused to call us. I just don’t understand why the Payer refused to let me put his name on the cheque to facilitate the refund process. Has he caused me any damage in order to hide his name? I didn’t even insist to see his face, why he should be afraid if he didn’t harbour any bad faith against me? I have lodged a police report on 29 June 2019 to reinforce my intention to refund the money which you seem to ignore when you sent me the above mentioned letter!


4.     The police report which I lodged reinforced my intention to refund the money so that none of you could accuse me of “Dishonest Misappropriation of Property”. I have always wanted to refund via cheque but none of you want to collect, you have been insisting that I need to refund via cash! You should be checking the Payer why he is so secretive about his name if he has nothing against me. I felt that I am already being treated like a thief without committing any crime in my entire life!


5.     My family member had informed you on 27 May 2019 that I am a patient that could not take much stress, but you still sent the above mentioned letter and made me feel threaten. The fact is I was a cancer patient just completed the operation in March 2019, and I need time to recover. I want to thank many in Singapore and Overseas who have prayed for my speedy recovery, but you have been insisting in making life bitter and difficult for me! Do you want to drive me to an early death before you can be satisfied? Who is the Mastermind behind this or the Police has always chosen to be cruel to an elderly patient?


6.     Please be reminded that it is the Payer who had credited the money into my DBS account! I didn’t go and grab his money! You should be investigating him instead of me! I suspect that he has been instructed by a Mastermind to do this to frame against me! If not, why is he afraid to reveal his name? I will let the whole World judge and analyse!


7.     If I were the Payer who had mistakenly credited the money to someone, I would be very apologetic for causing distress to others and will not be hesitant to reveal my name in order to settle the matter quickly as what many reasonable Singaporeans will do. But this Payer has shown no remorse for causing me distress and wasting my time! I will let the World decide if he is acting with bad faith and going to do the same to me over and over again or to others and if the Police Officers are siding with him to bully an old lady?


8.     Are you capitalising on my old age and thinking that I am easy with no support? You want to meet me on 2 July 2019 at 10:00am to investigate me; I don’t think I can be present as I have been treated with bad faith based on the facts stated above!  I am afraid I may not come out alive after your intensive questioning which must have well-planned! I will have no escape if you have intention to criminalise me in order to nail charges on me. I deduce this based on how you have been treating me till now! 


Pursuant to Section 21(2) of the Criminal Code (Chapter 68, Revised Edition 2012), you may report to a Magistrate who in his discretion, issue a warrant ordering me to attend.


I am curious which f**l**h Magistrate after many years of study in Law will instruct me that I can only refund the Payer via cash, will chose to take orders from the Police to nail a law-abiding elderly Singapore Citizen and will not hesitate to cruelly drive her to an immediate death! Do the Police Officers take instructions from a Mastermind to do this to me?


Yours faithfully,


Name omitted


Important Note: This reply has been placed on the world wide web as I need all who have prayed for me to continue to pray for my safety against the evil plots of my enemies. Many thanks to All who have prayed for me & I will always pray for you too...






Note from Publisher:

This is an Unpaid Publication by LS1965 & P65. The content of this publication is checked to be from the real source. The names of the Informant & all related to her have been omitted to protect her privacy. Thanks.