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Dear Visible Angels & Invisible Angels around the World, we invoke God’s protection & urgently need your prayers. See those “masterminds” are desperate to make 52% of us in Singapore without Full-time Jobs & make it impossible for us to help Jobs Seekers Worldwide! You decide if they are all out to kill us!

Dear Pope Benedict XVI & Pope Francis, you have our full support, please pray for us too.

Many thanks to All of You. We Welcome You to your Singapore!


Presently, the Full-time Jobs Participation Rate of Singapore is only 48%, while we & P65 are busy helping many in Singapore & others Worldwide to find jobs, those “masterminds” who can’t boost the Full-time Jobs Participation get Twitter to wipe off our Tweets, suspended our Accounts on 10 April 2019 to stop us from finding Jobs for ALL! Don’t you think they are wicked? See our extracted Tweets here:


Tweeted on 5 February 2019 (78 Retweets)

Dear #Goodwill around the World, Reply this Tweet if you're interested in any the Projects listed here. We want Professionals with #Integrity be our #Allies to work together.

You know #Singapore is small, we can't eat a "big pie" by ourselves! Let's share!

Welcome to #SG!

We Love You.


Tweeted on 28 December 2018 (111 Retweets)

We hope that with whatever work we do, we would be paid generously as we want to set up a Trust Fund to support our #Singapore #JobSeekers, to boost trade with ALL Friendly Nations & let #FullTime #JobsParticipation to surge over 90%. Thanks.

Welcome to beautiful #Singapore!


Tweets To ltaly Rulers on 2 January 2019

Dear Rulers of #Italy .@Quirinale .@GiuseppeConteIT , we know the way to help Repair / Rebuild your Bridges, Motorways for FREE/ with Far Below Cost if you have taken back the full ownership of these infrastructures.

#Singapore (90 Retweets)


We will do this on the condition that our men & #Singaporeans be employed in the Project Management. Please contact http://www.emmanuel-maria.com.sg/

if you are agreeable to this arrangement. Have a good day.

#Singapore (81 Retweets)


Tweets To UK’s Prime Minister on 8 March 2019


Dear Prime Minister .@theresa_may, We will tell you how the solve the EU immigration problem with NO cost (min cost) to the Govt if it is the main issue causing #Brexit; on the condition that you let us manage ALL construction projects to house immigrants. (53 Retweets)


We'll teach immigrants to boost UK’s GDP!

It would also be of #Singapore’s benefit if #UK remains in #EU as we want to set up Alternative HQs in UK to venture into EU markets!

Contact http://www.emmanuel-maria.com.sg/  if  this proposal is acceptable to you.

Have a good day. (52 Retweets)


Tweets to Pope Francis I on 4 February 2019

Dear .@Pontifex, shall we build a High Rise Hotel in the #Vatican City. We can help you to build for FREE/ below cost on the condition that #Singaporeans will supervise the Construction & will manage the Hotel upon completion. Funds$ will be fully managed by the #Pope's Office.

Please contact http://www.emmanuel-maria.com.sg/index.htm 



if you are agreeable to this. The #Pope's Fund can be used to house our #Refugees Brothers & Sisters & to train them as #Entrepreneurs to boost #Jobsmarket & for #Mission Works.

Sending you Joy & Goodwill from #Singapore!



Tweets to United States & Mexico from 28 December 2018 to 3 January 2019

Dear President @realDonaldTrump, we'll tell you how to build the Border Wall for FREE/minimum cost on the condition our men & #Singaporeans will supervise the Construction.

Contact http://www.emmanuel-maria.com.sg/index.htm  if this proposal is acceptable. Have a good day.

#US #Mexico   (90 Retweets)


Dear .@MayorSRB .@SenSchumer . @NancyPelosi .@TeamPelosi

Is #US still going to build Safe Border Wall with Doors/Gates to Friendly #Mexico? We can help to build FREE/ with minimum cost! See Thread for details.

Please contact us. Have a good day.   (94 Retweets)


.@SenateDems .@SenCoryGardner .@SenatorLankford .@SenTedCruz

.@RogerWicker .@SenatorKirk .@joniernst     

We've proposed to help building the #US - #Mexico Border Wall for FREE/ with Minimum Cost. See earlier Tweets.

Anyone interested?  (77 Retweets)


Dear President @lopezobrador_  , we need you to decide the locations where doors/gates should be installed at the Border Wall to facilitate trade between #Mexico & #US, as Friendly #US major concern is #BorderSecurity. We want you to be present in all discussions. Thanks.  (78 Retweets)






Important note:

The above article is an Unpaid Publication of Clients. We have checked the relevant facts to be correct & non-defamatory! We have done this to gain the goodwill of our Singaporeans so that they will not end up on the Streets to protest or create disorders which will affect the Prosperity of our beloved Singapore!

Dear PAP Government, we would be happy to help you to publish any clarification you may have upon your payment of fees to us; the amount to be paid will be conveyed to you by our Consultants. Thank you.