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Here is the List concerning how each COVID-19 case is infected: COVID-19 Cases: 1-130, 131-230, 231-683, 684-1623, 1624-3699, 3700-8014, 8015-12693, 12694-14951, 14952-17548, 17549-19410, 19411-22460, 22461-25346, 25347-28038, 28039-29314, 29315-31960, 31961-33249, 33250-37183, 37184-38514, 38515-40604, 40605-41216, 41217-42095, 42096-45783, 45784-47126, 47127-49098, 49099-53051, 53052 onwards ... (See later cases here)
Not reported as official COVID-19 death count in Indonesia or Singapore: Singaporean died in Batam Hospital: The Jakarta Post dated 29 February 2020.
COVID-19 Death Cases in Singapore: 90 & 212, 109, 476, 918, 855, 1604, 987, 1142, 1836, 128, 3381, 3145, 4754, 1071, 8190, 1595 & 9682, 703, 2728, 1323 & 17410, 14744, 16370, 1414 & 1528, 23550, 1305, 23908 & 24013, 1516, 4689, 17329, 11714 etc. Click below to see more cases happened after 4 June 2020. Summary details of death cases. May they rest in peace. (First compiled on 2 May 2020)
Cases 25347-26098 (Govt. Web reported on 14 May 2020, after 23:00 SGT) 752 new COVID-19 Cases: All are locally transmitted. 750 of the Cases are our Work Permit Holders staying at the Dormitories, 2 cases in the Community & 1 of them is a Singaporean. The following are provided by the Government Official website: See the summary of the confirmed cases are in Annex A. See the links between the Previously Announced & New Cases in Annex B & Annex C. New cluster announced in Annex B: “2 Perumal Road”. Dear PAP Rulers, now only 2.7% of our Reserve spending are accounted for! Where does the 97.3% $$$$$$$$$$$$ go to? Does the bulk of $$$$$$$$$$$$ end up in the wrong pockets that belong to non-Singaporeans? Please be reminded that if $$$$$$$$$$$ goes missing, the 2 million of us will aggressively go after the Thieves! We will NEVER sleep on it! See the People’s comments below the News report. 8-D Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Due to space constraints, only some are extracted: From Francis: PM.. your multi task force failed. Every day we are seeing high numbers. Pls don't hide, come out n address what's next before Jun 1? From Whyte: I'm more concern about the spending of Govt's budget on FWs. Big towkays get addicted to cheap and transient labour - all Singaporeans pay for their mistakes, while they still benefit from handouts from Govt. I shudder to think about next year and the year after, when we (Singaporeans) need to "return" all the monies. Our comments: Dear Big Bullies, let whoever make the Foreign Workers sick pay for their compensations! If you dare to use the bulk of our Reserves to pay, we will turn you upside-down! You should know there are close to 2 million of us here! Give us an account on how you spend our Reserves now! Don’t pretend and act “deaf” to the voices of the People! From Philip: “JT has urged the public to not be overly alarmed", migrant workers are human, they have love ones & family too. From William: It seems the explanation that extensive testing is the result of high infection numbers reported. Correct me if i am wrong, but high infection numbers really have nothing to do with or without extensive testing. Without extensive testing will only result in more reported cases later. So Extensive testing is really to curb spreading of covid fast. Having said this, then why still averaging 700 for almost a month? Many reasons but for sure the testing done is far from effective. Ho Ching earlier cited NZ able to turn around after 11 days but how many days alr for Singapore? How many more before we too can have a turn around. Can the task force answer this questions then to try explaining till nothing make sense anymore? From Joe Low: Insight: News can be so manipulative YET don’t know how many readers will take it at face value. 1) Coronavirus: Case tally in Singapore dorms lower than what models predicted earlier They can also set the model projection to astrologically high 500,000 infected right? So now 23,000 infected is only a tiny fraction and they can claim credits and tell the whole world ‘low number infected’ by getting a Professor from NUS to do this. For your info, SG is No.1 highest per million population infected in Asia and No.11 worldwide. 2) Over $16b in Gov aids disbursed to Singaporeans, businesses Other than the Six hundred S$ to each adult Singaporeans, there’s another 450,000 Singaporeans applied for Temporary Relief Fund of Five Hundred S$. Note, Singaporeans have to go to Gov website to apply just for this Five Hundred S$. BUT non-citizens (PRs) will be getting up to Thirty-one Thousands S$ indirectly from their firms, automatically. How much of our Reserves are paid to these PRs and then the containment of foreign workers in dorms? Unimaginable.
Cases 26099-26891 (Govt. Web reported on 15 May 2020, after 23:00 SGT) 793 new COVID-19 Cases: All are locally transmitted. 791 of the Cases are our Work Permit Holders staying at the Dormitories, 1 case in the Community & he is a 53 year-old Singaporean (Case 26186, an unlinked case) based on Annex C from the Government web. The following are provided by the Government Official website: See the summary of the confirmed cases are in Annex A. See the links between the Previously Announced & New Cases in Annex B. New cluster announced in Annex B: “80 Kaki Bukit Industrial Terrace, 48 Toh Guan Road East, 55 Tuas South Ave 1, 119 Tuas View Walk 1, 33 Tuas View Walk 2”. Look at the above-mentioned; the new clusters are Industrial estates! How can anyone get infected when the work place should have been closed on 7 April 2020 (start of circuit breaker) or 22 April 2020 (when all construction were made to stop), noting that the incubation period is 14 days! You decide if Some People have collected bribes to allow them to continue working & now the new clusters of infection expose their wicked deeds! Circuit Breaker is only applicable to you if you are not a buddy of the Ruling Party PAP? See the facts & you decide! Thanks to some useless fellows, the number of COVID-19 cases has been surging & has made Singapore becoming a famous COVID-19 Hub in Asia!
See the People’s comments below the News report. 8-D Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Due to space constraints, only some are extracted: From hi: The people demand justice for the deceased. All paps and doctors advising pap should be prosecuted. From Andrew: "Australia really focused on Singapore but Singapore is one of the greatest failures in the world now," Mike Toole, a communicable diseases specialist with the Melbourne-based Burnet Institute, told the ABC. Very good. Our comment: Can any Singapore Highest Paid Ruler in the World still expect to enter another Country & walk on the red carpet? From Eddie: Who is monitoring what is happening inside the dorms? No one has been charged with breaking CB inside the dorms e.g. visiting other rooms, crowding together, playing cards, eating together. MOM is not there. MOH, NEA not at the dormitory floors but outside on ground level. From blvr: PAP's CB strategy: Punish Singaporeans and reward foreign workers. Yet, the daily infections among Singaporeans is at single digits while FWs continue to grow and in the high hundreds. It's very clear that the carrots aren't working. From Light: Excellent work, MoM! Carry on reporting time and again on the great improvements in the dormitory conditions! Meanwhile, MOH, please do report on the very much awaited health and medical costs, resources, facilities and human supports given to the dormitory workers infected - especially in relations to the local infections! Where are the monies going to come from? Is there any data, figures and statistics on the inconveniences, sufferings and costs inflicted on the peoples as a result of the Circuit Breakers? From JamesBond: This is quite a joke everyday churning out around 700, 800 figures like production floor....I pity those front line medical staff under tremendous pressure due to blunders from the Minister's judgement. Or else the medical staff could be resting at homes with their loves ones.... From Yellow: N0w Ah L00ng & his PAP*** team AII SlLENT lik IittIe Iambs? N0 M0re grand Speeches /Press C0Nferences T0 GlV G00D news 0r N0 G00D news T0 say anym0re izzit?? Our comment: We have modified to “PAP***” to avoid possible defamation suit. 8-D
Cases 26892-27356 (Govt. Web reported on 16 May 2020, after 23:00 SGT) 31st death: Case 1516. 465 new COVID-19 Cases: All are locally transmitted. 457 of the Cases are our Work Permit Holders staying at the Dormitories, 5 cases in the Community & 4 of them are Singaporeans based on Annex C from the Government web; 3 out of 4 are household contacts of other infected cases! This reflects one thing which we have mentioned many times: The mini-small but very expensive HDB Flats that the PAP Government sold to the People contributed to the COVID-19 infection as it is impossible to have safe-distancing within your own flat and the PAP Rulers & MPs refuse to live in them too! The following are provided by the Government Official website: See the summary of the confirmed cases are in Annex A. See the links between the Previously Announced & New Cases in Annex B. New cluster announced in Annex B: “9 Sungei Kadut Way, 7 Tech Park Crescent, 137 Tuas View Square ”. Look at the above-mentioned; the new clusters are Industrial estates / work areas! How can anyone get infected when the work place should have been closed on 7 April 2020 (start of circuit breaker) or 22 April 2020 (when all construction were to stop) noting that the incubation period is 14 days! The Big Bullies have been collecting bribes to allow them to continue working in secret & now the new clusters of infection expose their wicked deeds? You decide! These People are 1st class Professional $$$$$$Grabbers! How to make them cough out the bribe$$$$$$$$? 8-D
See the People’s comments below the News report. 8-D Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Due to space constraints, only some are extracted: From Hong Pei: Discharged patient still positive & only require to stay home 7 days additionally. Darn scary. Our comments: See, this is the way the PAP Government treats the deadly COVID-19! Dear PAP Rulers, let such Patients stay in your homes to convince us that they are not infectious! It was reported that as of 16 May, there are 18 of such Patients. Dear Big Bullies, use “Demand note, Fine, Suit & Jail (+ Threat to sell your house)” to demand the COVID-19 to leave the Patients; as what you have done to the People to demand $$$$$ for MediShield Life Premiums (item 1) & CareShield Life Premiums (item 11)! Show us how powerful & mighty you are! Do it now! COVID-19 still refuses to obey you? Shame on you! From Theforgottongeneration: With still so many FWs being infected, surely there is under-reporting on how much it is costing us to test, isolate, medically assist and help them to recover. Very likely we have spent more on the FWs over this covid19 situation than was spend on Singaporeans. Who is paying? From Henry: The number has continued to escalate under this sin govt. What do you reckon? From robin: Singapore Govt is REACTIVE, always waiting for something to happen then act. That’s the trouble. From Jenny: Papies strategy to not to stress the frontline healthcare workers ended stressing not just them but businesses & everyone with extension costs pain. From seah s: So it is alright for millionaire ministers to make mistakes and it is wrong for sin people to kpkb! Translation from web extracted: Kao pei kao bu (KPKB) What it means: Meaning cry father, cry mother in Hokkien, the crying indicates noise and “KPKB” is used for people who kicks up a big fuss about something. From My Opinion: Economy loss, jobs loss, business, loss, what else? Already said someone must resign ! From Tan: Taiwan has been nine days in a row without confirmed cases and there were no cases of local infection for 34 days ..Taiwan's ministers should be paid the highest in the world or our ministers ? Errrrrrrrr. From TheRighteousHand: Seriously isn't it obvious that something is wrong here because foreign workers housed in dormitories are common in other countries as well, but they do not have this problem. Why only happen in Singapore? Why is there no ministerial investigation into this peculiarity? Something is obviously not right here. No million dollar minister ever wonder on this point? Didn't it strike them at all? Where is their radar?
Cases 27357-28038 (Govt. Web reported on 17 May 2020, after 23:00 SGT) 682 new COVID-19 Cases: All are locally transmitted. 673 of the Cases are our Work Permit Holders staying at the Dormitories, 5 cases in the Community & 4 of them are Singaporeans based on Annex C from the Government web. The following are provided by the Government Official website: See the summary of the confirmed cases are in Annex A. See the links between the Previously Announced & New Cases in Annex B. New cluster announced in Annex B: “9 Sungei Kadut Avenue.” (dated 17 May 2020) See new Clusters on other dates: 16 May, 15 May, 14 May, 13 May, 12 May, 11 May, 10 May, 9 May, 8 May, 7 May. See, so many new clusters found starting from 7 May 2020 are Industrial estates / work areas! How can anyone get infected when the work place should have been closed on 7 April 2020 (start of circuit breaker) or 22 April 2020 (when all construction were to stop) noting that the incubation period is 14 days (ends on 6 May 2020)! We will let the People compute how much Bribes the Big Bullies have collected to allow them to continue working in secret & now the new clusters of infection expose their wicked deeds and thanks to them, COVID-19 cases in Singapore is sky-rocketed high!
See the People’s comments below the News report. Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Due to space constraints, only some are extracted: From Joe Low: Insight: Open your eyes wide to see how SG performs internationally over this coronavirus vs its high compensation to the leaders. More so we were sold so many hopes and there were little or no apologies or accountabilities from the teams… For those who are still blind to where SG is heading. Turn on your TV and see how many international big brands are fighting for airspace nowadays compared to 15 to 20 years ago. How many times a same movie was repeats in a space of 2 years? How many paid advertisement during commercial breaks? Our comments: As publisher, we are refrained from giving active support to any Political Party in the coming General Election at this point of time. Thanks for your comments. From F: SG reputation and fame as a First World country has been tarnished. What so great about Changi airport, Garden by the bay, Marina Bay, etc, etc, when there is big lapse in containment of the C19 virus ? All the beautiful structures and infrastructures are only for show when we are unable to act fast enough as compared with lowly paid leaders of HK, Taiwan or NZ. Mind you, SG is supposed to have the title of the highest paid politicians in the whole earth planet. Many of us embarrassed. From seah s: I m looking forward for ZERO community case. From Mass testing for Covid-19 pls...: Something is amiss... if South Korea's 2nd wave due to night entertainment spots can be tackled by the swift action of their govt in a matter of days. Why Sg's FW numbers not falling after 1 LONG month? Obviously the SG taskforce's plan A failed miserably, so the question is do they actually have a plan B or C or D? Why are they being paid millions for such reckless job done? Putting lives of Singaporeans at risk day in day out. JT, if you hv no valuable input pls let another to take over, can? From Eddie: China has just fired the Party Secretary of one city in Jilin for failure to prevent an outbreak. Party Secretaries are highest level officials in China. Who has Spore fired? Such high numbers mean a failure of CB in dorms. Workers were confined to rooms for the dorms in isolation. And for others, it was social distancing, wearing masks. Not a single dorm resident has been fined $300, or expelled. Clearly MOM is not monitoring compliance inside the dorms. Thousands of "ambassadors" and compliance officers patrol malls, hawker centres. Thousands have been fined, several jailed. So, you expect the public to believe there was 100% compliance by the dorm residents?
We will update other new cases later. Remember to wear your Facemasks & stay safe. Have a good day.
COVID-19 Cases: 1-130, 131-230, 231-683, 684-1623, 1624-3699, 3700-8014, 8015-12693, 12694-14951, 14952-17548, 17549-19410, 19411-22460, 22461-25346, 25347-28038, 28039-29314, 29315-31960, 31961-33249, 33250-37183, 37184-38514, 38515-40604, 40605-41216, 41217-42095, 42096-45783, 45784-47126, 47127-49098, 49099-53051, 53052 onwards ... (See later cases here)
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Important note: The above article is an Unpaid Publication of Clients. We have checked the relevant facts to be correct & non-defamatory! We have done this to gain the goodwill of our Singaporeans so that they will not end up on the Streets to protest or create disorders which will affect the Prosperity of our beloved Singapore! Dear PAP Government, we would be happy to help you to publish any clarification you may have upon your payment of fees to us; the amount to be paid will be conveyed to you by our Consultants. Thank you.