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4. Became obstacles to us when we were looking for Jobs Opportunities for Job Seekers (updated on 9 February 2020) When those “Monsters” arranged to have our Twitter Accounts suspended on 10 April 2019, they also made it impossible for us to tweet to other World Leaders to help Job Seekers to find work, see here which we enjoyed many Retweets from Friends around the World! You decide if these “Monsters” are really wicked, they could not provide work for the People and we took the initiative to do it FREE to benefit ALL but they chose to cut off this avenue! You decide if they want us dead! 有些人搞得很多人失业,还希望大家选他们执政,可能吗?如果有人没办法还房屋贷款,变得须露宿街头,我们一定会找你们这些 “执政败类”算帐! Need to stay for FREE in Singapore? Best place to go is Changi Airport “Jewel”! It’s better than any 6-Star hotel in the World! Never squat anywhere outside as we are concerned about your safety! Google Translate is here. 8-D
Daily Blessings to You from Emmanuel Goh & Friends
5. Are you still finding a suitable job? (Updated on 4 March 2020)
See here: How to boost Jobs Participation Rate? new!
Updates on 3 March 2020, 22:00 SGT See what the PAP Rulers Mr Chan Chun Sing & Mrs Josephine Teo said in Parliament; reported here: The same problem has existed even before the last General Election in 2015 & you see with the Big Bullies around, the Jobless problem has become worse in 2020. Earlier, they put all their blame on the Trade War between United States & China, now they blame it on the COVID-19! If they are really so wise & smart to match their fat salaries, they would have turned such misfortunes into opportunities for the Singaporeans? Let’s see whether the smart Singaporeans will get conned by their empty & “honey coated” words! They are behaving worse than any unreliable boyfriend in the World! 8-( Let’s cooperate & test them out: We will vote for the Political Party that can prove themselves by getting us happily employed before the General Election! Dear Big Bullies, game over for you now! Even you are going to start working round the clock it will still be MISSION IMPOSSIBLE! Everyone knows it is impossible for persistently lazy people to become hard-working overnight! Later, we will throw out tr*sh & celebrate!
Updates on 18 January 2020 Wow, 60,000 jobs created from 2015 –2018 & 80% filled by Singaporeans as reported by Mr Chan Chun Sing on 16 January 2020: see CNA, Straits Times & Yahoo News<-see the interesting reactions of the People! 8-D “80%” looks familiar! Did they copy from here or there? Dear Singaporeans, you decide if these are Fake News! We know of Fake Jobs in the JobsBank & Fake Tenders in the GeBiz Portal, Fake News is just a “micro” matter for Some People! Every wickedness will be exposed! The Singaporeans are NOT stupid!
Updates on 16 January 2020 Unable to create quality Jobs for the People, so they want to impose “Stiffer penalties for employers with discriminatory hiring practices…” (announced by Mrs Josephine Teo on 14 January 2020) We will leave this to those affected to comment. You decide if those “You know who” should be punished first by awarding a long list of Public Projects without ensuring that at least 50% of total Projects Workforce are Singaporeans & left many Singaporeans unemployed (see item 10)! Dear Big Bullies, you can say “A-Z” to tell the World that you are doing work, but the Full-Time Jobs Participation Rate has remained at 48% since 2015, or is it worse now? We want to see your Productivity but not just appearing on TV to advertise yourselves! You see, they only seem to do work & listen to the People when the General Election is approaching! After the General Election in 2015, they became our Oppressors (see items 1-13 below)! History will repeat itself, want to vote for them again? You decide if the best way to make those “You know who” work is to make the General Election more frequent! 8-D Do you think they should be treated with the “carrot & stick method” to ensure that they won’t oppress us? 8-D Dear Big Bullies, you have the power to act, but we will make you pay for it if you foolishly make our beloved & happy Singapore unattractive for FDIs and local investments! So think carefully before you act!
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Important note: The above article is an Unpaid Publication of Clients. We have checked the relevant facts to be correct & non-defamatory! We have done this to gain the goodwill of our Singaporeans so that they will not end up on the Streets to protest or create disorders which will affect the Prosperity of our beloved Singapore! Dear PAP Government, we would be happy to help you to publish any clarification you may have upon your payment of fees to us; the amount to be paid will be conveyed to you by our Consultants. Thank you. |