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See the HDB Net deficits financed by the PAP Government every year:

2018/2019 - $1.986 billion, Article from The Online Citizen

2017/2018 - $1.717 billion

2016/2017 - $1.189 billion

2015/2016 - $1.639 billion

2014/2015 - $2.018 billion

2013/2014 - $1.973 billion

Building so many flats that people dislike & refuse to buy! Look at the enormous sum $$$$$$$ wasted while the People are struggling to find work, put food on the table, paying the mortgage loans & incoming bills.


Dear Daddy God & our Creator, you see the Big Bullies have wasted our money that we need to live on & awarding Projects in Government Tenders by making sure that many Singaporeans do not work on them to boost Jobless Rate (see item 10). If they continue with us, Singapore will be heading for “????”! We want Justice! Please reflect the curse back to the Causations. Many Thanks.


See now, with the yearly deficits and the yearly grants given to HDB, the PAP Rulers can only give you smaller flats as compared to those completed in 1995 and making you pay 400% of the price in 1994/1995 to buy one (see below)! You decide if this is Productivity! The problem is not only “small” but unfit for human habitation? As till now, none of them dares to bring their families to shift into the Flats they designed and constructed and show us how humans can live in them comfortably!


Where did the Government Grants come from? Since 2015, the Fulltime Jobs Participation Rate has become stagnant at around 48% percent and many are Jobless as there have been investment and capital outflows and many Companies were forced to close shop thanks to the Gambling operations in Singapore inducing them to gamble and making them turned bankrupt!

The PAP Rulers have no worries, as Funds keep coming in to them from our CPF payments of MediShield Life Premiums (see item 1) and later starting from 2020 from payments of CareShield Life Premiums (see item 11) too! Moneys were/will be deducted against our wishes!

You decide if our CPF moneys have now become some peoples’ “gold mines”, as come to “Productivity” on ploughing back money with Useful Work-done, their performance is always unsatisfactory?

You decide if those “You know who” are blind and never see many people walking on the Streets and standing in Public Transport during office hours! Let’s see how those “highly paid to do this work” can just sleep on this but leaving us struggling 24/7 to find solutions to help the People to survive!

Yes, walking is good for us and by looking around and see how people do their business, you will learn something new each day and can start deciding what to sell next. You just can’t expect those who are “brain dead” to teach you the X-Factor how to make money!

Welcome to Singapore to see the new drama!


Reported on 13 September 2019:

PAP Mr Lawrence Wong: More first-time HDB flat buyers to get higher grants; income ceiling for eligible buyers raised.

Walk into a new HDB 5-room flat (or other type) now & compare with an old one of the same type, don’t you feel it’s much smaller?

See old articles reported and you decide if they are still applicable:

Have the sizes of HDB flats been reduced over the years?

5 biggest Singaporean HDB flat complaints (besides the 99-year lease)

HDB flats size 1960-2010 analysis: are the flats shrinking?

Flat designed to house 3.4 persons, so with your 2 children and 2 aged parents, you need to buy 2 flats instead? But each of these Singapore Rulers is living in a big house and contributed less than us who are promoting Singapore & helping the People to find work Free of charge! Can Journalists please report?

To make the people happy, don’t you think they need to enlarge your flat now to that maximum size before their first reduction around 1994-1995? Do this before the coming General Election? This is not playing Lego! Mission Impossible! 8-D

Dear smart Singaporeans, are you happy living like “Sandwiches” or you are being forced to be happy being with it?

Anyone wants to vote for the “Sandwich Makers” in the coming General Election?

Around 1994-1995, Mr Goh Chok Tong was the Singapore Prime Minister and Mr Lee Hsien Loong was the Deputy Prime  Minister. Check the Cabinet of Singapore since 1990 too!


HDB home prices then and now

See the HDB Flat Price goes up by close to 400% from 1980s to 2010s but Flat becomes smaller!

You decide if the PAP Government has first jacked up the Price then promises you a huge grant to make you happy!

房子如果不能住,再多的 “Grant”也沒用!


It is really a genius idea (作恶的天才?) for the “You know who” continually down size each type of HDB Flats and makes you pay more to buy one! We will let the World decide if they really hate you so much as to take active steps to make sure that you are unhappy and don’t prosper!

See who were involved and are involving now to perform the same old trick starting from 1994-1995:

8th Parliament of Singapore

9th Parliament of Singapore

10th Parliament of Singapore

11th Parliament of Singapore

12th Parliament of Singapore

13th Parliament of Singapore


Can you believe that the following Past & Present Ministers for National Development were / is not the Masterminds behind the down-sizing of each type of HDB Flats and / or jacking up their costs?

Lim Hng Kiang (17 April 1995—3 June 1999);

Mah Bow Tan (3 June 1999—20 May 2011);

Khaw Boon Wan (21 May 2011—30 September 2015);

Lawrence Wong (1 October 2015—now) - Incumbent.

Please do your own research to verify if we are telling the truth! The smart Singaporeans will dig up all the facts to ascertain who our enemies & friends are!

Welcome to Singapore to see!



After all, they are your HDB designs constructed under your supervision!

如果你們不敢住,就把房子变大,自己制造的問題請自己解決!Don’t you think whoever created this problem should fund from their own pockets to rectify the damage?

There is not even a proper place in each HDB flat for a child to study in peace, how can you expect them to give constructive contributions to our Nation later?

Based on the mentioned, do you see some people have been planning and working so hard to ensure that we don’t prosper?

Do you want to vote for someone who refuses to care for your wellbeing?


7. Merdeka Generation Package

See the Merdeka Generation Package announced by the Singapore Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat before 16 May 2019 to make the Singaporeans happy!


Dear Merdeka Generation, please check your CPF Statements & see how much deductions have been made under the unknown coverage MediShield or MediShield Life Premiums since 9 August 2015 (SG50)! You will notice that this Package promised by the PAP Government does not match up to 25% of what you have paid in MediShield or MediShield Life Premiums so far!


What is MediShield Life? It is a health insurance to exclude no one! Sounds good! But till this day, no hardcopy document sent to anyone of us to confirm the exact coverage & exact pay out for any illness! All you can see is how “Demand Note, Fine, Suit & Jail + Threat to sell your house” can be imposed on you if you default on the Premium Payment! Please check with the various Acts passed in Parliament here & satisfy yourselves that we are not lying!


Dear Friends around the World, do you call this “MediShield Life Premium” a payment to insure the People against “Demand Note, Fine, Suit & Jail + Threat to sell your house” instead?


For the younger generation who have just started work, please check if the interests you earn in CPF are less than what have been deducted by the PAP Government using MediShield Life! Do you consider that CPF a really a good channel to save for your retirement?


Dear PAP Rulers, we have just stated the facts & asking questions only, there is no defamation or harassment against you here! You know we love Singapore & we love you too, but come to voting for you in the next General Election before 15 January 2021, All the Smart Singaporeans can’t be fooled, they will need to weigh  against the present detriments & the long term damage!


8. Busy hacking our Webpages that they have no time to protect you from data leak? (updated on 6 November 2019)

Will any Client of the Publisher get affected? Never! See 1st paragraph of page 1a.

All who had been following our Tweets until 10 April 2019 will remember that we had informed all that our websites LS1965, P65 & M15 were hacked & turned blank on 25 October 2018 & 25 January 2019. Why the hackers had chosen the 25th day of the month? Because Christmas is celebrated on the 25th day too? You decide if these were instructed by any of the Singapore Rulers! See our deduction on the case of the Witness: Updates on 13 May 2019! The Web Hosting Supplier then was WEBSEVER.SG.


You see, some people were so busy hacking our Websites that they have turned tons of our People’s confidential information into public documents! See https://mustsharenews.com/data-breaches-singapore/


Our Webpages were made BLANK again on 29 October & 3 November 2019 morning! (see Twitter @Michael65413248 Media Tweet dated 29 October & 3 November 2019) You decide who the “Masterminds” are! The Publisher has decided to claim damages against the Hosting Supplier, as these are the Publisher’s company webpages for business purposes! NO DAMAGE MUST BE DONE! The Publisher has a hosting contract with Web Hosting Supplier Vodien Group and we were told that WEBSEVER.SG helps them to manage our Websites. Did the Hosting Supplier received instructions from the “oppressors” to hack these webpages? Do you want to host your Websites with Vodien or Webserver.sg?


See the reply from Vodien to us when possible “insiders” hack our Websites and turned All Blank. Want them to provide the same service to you?


Dear PAP Rulers, come and catch us if you can, don’t go after the unrelated parties! We only stated the facts above; obviously you know that there is no defamation or harassment against you! We know you hate us for reporting the Truth to All, now we must publish our record to the World in case anyone wants to defame us after getting Twitter to wipe off a big chunk of our Tweets on 10 April 2019!

You see some people always like to play “dirty” by hacking our websites over and over again!

If such people are really wise, they should be busy repairing the damages done, not inflicting more evil! Will you vote for them if they run for the next General Election?

Welcome to Singapore to see!


9. Welcome to Singapore the Gambling Hub? (updated on 28 February 2020)

We love watching this video published on the Singapore TV round the clock!

Facing mounting Gambling Debts? No Peace? Worry about Loan Sharks killing your family? Feeling Suicidal?

No self-killing in Happy Singapore please, there is ALWAYS a way out!

Someone said: "As Prime Minister, I carry the ultimate responsibility for the decision.” (See below) Very Good! 8-D

Click here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_resort if you can’t find the statement.


So Dear “Loan Shark” Uncles, don’t go after the wrong persons, we have a strong backing & we are counting on him & his Team to carry out the “ultimate responsibility” to bail out All affected!

Fantastic! So please honour your promise & don’t act like any unreliable boyfriend! The whole World is watching you! 8-D


Extracted from Wikipedia:

“The plan to build the integrated resorts was subject to considerable debate among Singaporeans even till 2014.[7] Several groups, such as those belonging to the Muslim and Christian communities as well as social workers, openly expressed their disapproval of the casinos.[8] Concerns were raised about the negative social impact of casino gambling, citing worries that the casinos could encourage more gambling and increase the risk of compulsive gambling.[9] Activist groups argued that a casino could also lead to undesirable activities often associated with gambling, including money laundering, loan sharks or even organised crime.[10]

Lee acknowledged the downsides of having integrated resorts and the concerns expressed by the public. He promised that there would be safeguards to limit the social impact of casino gambling. He stated there would be restrictions on the admission of local people into the casinos, for example, family members of a patron of the casino may block him or her from entering and gambling. Lee announced a steep entrance fee of S$100 per entry or S$2,000 per year and a system of exclusions for all Singaporeans. (Increased to $150 per entry or $3,000 per year on 4 April 2019) In addition, the casinos would not be allowed to extend credit to the local population.

Lee, who has been prime minister since August 2004, took a significant political risk when he made the decision, with some of his cabinet members against the plan.[citation needed] Nonetheless, Lee decided to go ahead with the decision; he stated:

"As Prime Minister, I carry the ultimate responsibility for the decision."[5] 

(From us: Click here for the record:


You are encouraged to print out the contents of the above-mentioned webpage before Someone denies & erases them.)


The six-month consultative period gave the opportunity for many sections of the population to voice their opposition to the casinos, including a petition that attracted tens of thousands of signatures. When Lee approved the proposal after such widespread criticism, the opposition said that he had overruled consensus.[citation needed]


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Important note:

The above article is an Unpaid Publication of Clients. We have checked the relevant facts to be correct & non-defamatory! We have done this to gain the goodwill of our Singaporeans so that they will not end up on the Streets to protest or create disorders which will affect the Prosperity of our beloved Singapore!

Dear PAP Government, we would be happy to help you to publish any clarification you may have upon your payment of fees to us; the amount to be paid will be conveyed to you by our Consultants. Thank you.