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Updates on 28 November 2019:

1. Boost Information Consumption and pushing forward industrial upgrade.

2. Encourage and boost cross-border e-commerce. It will boost the logistics sector too!

3. Aim to produce excellent quality products for sale in the International market.

4. Expand into the high value manufacturing services, engage in research. Encourage shared services and outsourcing, multimedia and e-commerce.

5. Develop of New Technology aiming to boost manufacturing and exports. The syllabus in Universities & Polytechnics should be modified quickly to adapt the students to the latest technology. On the job training should start when they are in school, not after graduation.

6. To encourage consumption so as to boost Jobs Participation, the government should optimize the tax system, alleviate people’s burdens and raise disposable incomes. Other measures include promoting travels within the country, organizing large-scale events such as conferences and exhibitions, and offering purchase subsidies for energy-saving equipment and electric vehicles. These policies will guide and provide the public with a wide range of consumer choice.

7. Rollout priority public investments in infrastructure, such as bridges, expressways, ports, and railways nationwide will ensure that prospects for private investment remain bright, given better access to markets and job opportunities. Momentum in private construction is expected to be sustained by continued strong demand for office and retail space and housing. In addition, the services and manufacturing sectors will also be the main growth drivers in the near term. Strong retail trade and expansion in business process outsourcing will continue to spur growth in services. More than 50%-70% of the workforce to involve in the infrastructure works should be citizens to boost Jobs Participation Rate within the Country.


Updates on 27 November 2019:

1. China’s example – for countries which need to be more open up.

2. Improving Shopping areas, Supporting Trade-ins for household appliances and encouraging activities for holidays.

3. Expand Government spending on infrastructure projects or other projects. During Tender, insert Special Tender Qualifications to stress that 50-70% of employees engaged in the works must be citizens before awarding the Projects. Boost Government spending but cut credit cost.

4. Increase special government bond issuance.

5. Quickly open up New Markets when your existing Trading Partners are affected by various issues such as Trade War. By doing so, you can help them selling their products to the New Markets too.


Written on 24 November, updated on 25 November 2019:

1. Promoting a consumption upgrade and accelerating major investment projects as downward pressure on the economy increases.

2. Policies to enhance entrepreneurship, employment and consumption will encourage people to spend.

3. Improving commercial pedestrian streets and encouraging night markets and entertainment. Exporters must shift focus to products they can sell in the domestic market.

4. Private-sector Companies should make efforts through capital investments to shore up domestic demand, while offering their workers more sustainable wage hikes to boost personal consumptions…

5. The Government should boost personal incomes by reducing taxes and creating more jobs as the country trains its focus on “employment-first policy”.

6. Boost “Created in Singapore” or “Created in (Name of your Country)” innovative products by importing parts from our Allies to boost their sales too.

7. The Government should focus on stimulating consumer demand among the middle class and to raise the individual income tax threshold, to improve medical care, housing and other life essentials in order to expand the Social Security Coverage in the Country.



List incomplete yet. We will update again when we find other useful input.


Acknowledgments: First, we want to thank our Creator for helping us to make the search on the Articles quick and easy! Click on the hyperlinks above to see the authors of the articles. We thank them for their precious contributions to make this publication possible. Many Thanks.


Compiled by:

Emmanuel & Maria International Consultants LLP on 24 November 2019.

Last updated: See top of page 1.




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