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Here is the List concerning how each COVID-19 case is infected: COVID-19 Cases: 1-130, 131-230, 231-683, 684-1623, 1624-3699, 3700-8014, 8015-12693, 12694-14951, 14952-17548, 17549-19410, 19411-22460, 22461-25346, 25347-28038, 28039-29314, 29315-31960, 31961-33249, 33250-37183, 37184-38514, 38515-40604, 40605-41216, 41217-42095, 42096-45783, 45784-47126, 47127-49098, 49099-53051, 53052 onwards ... (See later cases here)
Not reported as official COVID-19 death count in Indonesia or Singapore: Singaporean died in Batam Hospital: The Jakarta Post dated 29 February 2020.
COVID-19 Death Cases in Singapore: 90 & 212, 109, 476, 918, 855, 1604, 987, 1142, 1836, 128, 3381, 3145, 4754, 1071, 8190, 1595 & 9682, 703, 2728, 1323 & 17410, 14744, 16370, 1414 & 1528, 23550, 1305, 23908 & 24013, 1516, 4689, 17329, 11714 etc. Click below to see more cases happened after 4 June 2020. Summary details of death cases. May they rest in peace. (First compiled on 2 May 2020)
Cases 17,549-18,205 (Govt. Web reported on 3 May 2020, after 23:00 SGT) 657 new COVID-19 Cases: All are locally transmitted. 626 of the Cases are our Work Permit Holders staying at the Dormitories, 10 Singaporeans/Permanent Residents. The following are provided by the Government Official website: See the summary of the confirmed cases are in Annex A. See the links between the Previously Announced & New Cases in Annex B & Annex C. Look at Annex C, now they give the details of the Community cases. 7/10 of them are Singapore citizens and 3/10 likely have contracted the COVID-19 from their family member(s)! Are they living in the VERY SMALL HDB Flats designed & constructed under the PAP’s Supervision (see item 6)? Impossible to have 1m safe distancing at home to stay safe! Need to wear facemasks at home too? Dear Big Bullies & Monsters, please solve this problem now! You have many spare new unsold HDB Flats to house them (because many smart People refuse to buy 8-D)! Do this now, unless you want to see more People in Singapore become COVID-19 carriers and die from it! Make the People live like “sandwiches” and still expect them to vote for you! Shame on you! We have studied all the Clusters and new cases they mentioned carefully; we have noted that all of them are of unknown COVID-19 Causations. See the People’s comments below the News report. 8-D Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Due to space constraints, only some are extracted: From PennyForTot: Really pity all those frontliners... SALUTE!!! All these roller coaster cases could had been avoided if government had acted earlier instead of applying brakes only when everything go haywire…
From William: "clearance of backlogged cases"?? Isn't this a norm instead of a reason? Why not then report zero tmr just to explain backlog the following day? At least it will make Singapore celebrate for one day! Sometimes i feel the ministers think they are the only smart people around to play with words!
From Yell0w: Such a TlNY isIand yet can surpass even SK0rea and Japan ln VlRUS N0s.!!! Tiz CIearIy Sh0ws tat Sp0re iz Super 0ver-Cr0wded yah?!? AII the FTs & PRs stiII veIIy Happy T0 be Stranded 0n tiz VlRUS 'Diam0nd Princes' isIand with the 'G0Id-Standard' P@P izzit? Hrh hr hr.
From LouisLeo: Circuit breaker for almost a month but why are the numbers on local community cases still up. Business can never be opened at this rate if the circuit breaker extends again.
From Guy: We can only see daylight towards last quarter of the year... Let's pray for Singapore. And we cannot afford to pay the gov high salary to slowly learn from all the blunders you have made since the start of covid19. Can we have the election asap.
From jack: Highest pay salaries = highest infection in South East Asia. This is what we paid for?
From dian: If the infectious rate keep on going at this no. we Singaporean going to be the worst hits not them because we really don't know when it going to stop at the meantime we are in dire straits we don't Know how many going to close for good how many jobs going to lose sad days for us
From MTY: Clear reporting of cases helps to reduce speculations and worries, and helps citizens to make wise and informed decisions to keep their families & themselves safe, & keep the numbers down. The daily reports lack crucial information to help address concerns, and I feel living in a false sense of security. More details should be shared for community cases.
573 new COVID-19 Cases: All are locally transmitted. 560 of the Cases are our Work Permit Holders staying at the Dormitories, 5 are Singaporeans/Permanent Residents. The following are provided by the Government Official website: See the summary of the confirmed cases are in Annex A. See the links between the Previously Announced & New Cases in Annex B & Annex C. Look at Annex C, now they give the details of the Community cases. 4/5 of them are Singapore citizens, the sources of COVID-19 which made them sick are still UNKNOWN! We have studied all the Clusters and new cases they mentioned carefully; we have noted that all of them are of unknown COVID-19 Causations. See the People’s comments below the News report. 8-D Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Due to space constraints, only some are extracted: From Tan: The government advised all ELDERLY's to stay at home as much as possible to avoid going out as elderly's self - immunity is very weak, the risk is rather high . also advised All children avoid meeting their parents at this extraordinary time If they are not stay at same roof .But it's very sad that at this particular time we can see our elderly's PG MG working hard @ Coffee shop . hawker center. supermarkets .cleaners at every where .....In contrast to the special care of foreign workers, as well as the 24-hour medical team in protecting them ...I really don't know if our ministers have a conscience ? it is obvious that the government has the ability to take good care of the welfare of foreign workers, but " forgot " our elderly . !!
From MercuryQ: Why the vast majority of the new cases are foreign workers living in dorms? That is because they are being tested even if they are not sick. Why is there so few local cases? That is because they only go to see a doctor when they are seriously sick. Is there local asymptomatic cases undetected? Common sense tells me YES because there are new local cases everyday.
From Joe Low: For those who complain about the provision of 10m meals for Foreign Workers, please look at the bigger picture. Say these 10m meals x $4/meal = $40m as of yesterday, as these FW demanded better meals and bigger portion, which include fruit and a drink. The 10m meals are nothing compared to the rebates given out below. Why are foreigners (work permits and S-pass holders) working in SG given rebates to the tune of $675m from our SG Reserves? Levies for April and May is waived and in addition, each work permit and S-pass holder’s company will be given in cash $1500 and it will benefit over 62,000 companies, and given automatically without need to apply for it. And why are non-citizens (PRs) are given so much money from our Reserves with almost no differentiation compared to Singaporeans? Meanwhile, Singaporeans who are struggling and affected by the CB have to apply online for Temporary Relief Funds of $500, in addition to the $600 given earlier to Singaporeans
From Veteran@VOTE: Some 400,000 foreign workers live in dorms here in Singapore. ------------------ now, only today they revealed its 400K instead of daily report of 300K ... and 200K at the beginning. -- it was said, they delivered more than 410K 'care packs' at the dorms, so its true now, its 400K.
From Hard Times: Seems like the dorm workers threw away free food given to them because they are not spicy enough. Better get their governments to take over feeding them and send food and curries to them daily by air so we don't have to waste millions from our reserves. Our Comments: See https://worldofbuzz.com/sg-foreign-workers-allegedly-throw-away-good-food-from-govt-but-did-they-really/ to clarify possible misunderstanding. Thanks. The PAP Government used our Reserves to pay for the food! Don’t you think they need to ensure what they bought/ are going to buy are value for money. If the Government could not do this basic thing, get someone qualified to do it! Don’t waste our Reserves!
From Paul: How many foreign workers are screened each day? 3,000 (??) per day means that 100 days or 3 months are required. Currently 500-1,000 cases are reported each day. Can we the estimated infected total, minister?? No wonder we have a stand-by hospital at Changi with more than 40,000 beds!!
COVID-19: Migrant workers were on MOM's radar since January – Josephine Teo (reported on 4 May 2020). See the People’s interesting comments below the News report! Many Singaporeans say “Singapore is the ONLY Country where the Big Bullies are paid the Highest salaries in the World to screw things up”! See their radar can only produce such results! You want to buy the same radar or the same services provided by them?
Cases 18779-19410 (Govt. Web reported on 5 May 2020, after 23:00 SGT) 632 new COVID-19 Cases: All are locally transmitted. 605 of the Cases are our Work Permit Holders staying at the Dormitories, 8 are Singaporeans/Permanent Residents. The following are provided by the Government Official website: See the summary of the confirmed cases are in Annex A. Look here: 16,998 of Foreign Workers (living at the Dormitories) out of the Total of 19,410 cases contracted with this COVID-19. The PAP Government told us that they have regular checks on the Dormitories & yet so many workers can be sick! Impossible to have safe distancing, too congested in their rooms; even at their work sites they are working side-by-side! See this is how they managed the dormitory operators! Mrs Josephine Teo signalled to us that they didn’t happily sleep on it (dated 5 May 2020), but they did not have those dormitories rectified fast enough to contain this COVID-19! We will let the World rate the PAP Government now: Pass or FAIL? The People please keep checking on these PAP Ministers & Teams, the moment we don’t supervise them, things will turn worse & may end up beyond repair! Then we will have this circuit breaker indefinitely… 8-( See the links between the Previously Announced & New Cases in Annex B & Annex C. Look at Annex C, for the eight (8) Singapore citizen cases; the sources of COVID-19 which made them sick are still UNKNOWN! However, Four (4) of them are living in the same household as earlier confirmed COVID-19 cases! Dear Big Bullies, you still want to deny the VERY SMALL HDB Flats that do not allow for safe distancing inside the house make people sick? Shame on you who made the People spend tons of $$$$$$$$ to buy your HDB Flats that you yourselves refuse to live in (see item 6)! We will let the World decide if they are Professional $$$$$$Grabbers! We have studied all the Clusters and new cases they mentioned carefully; we have noted that all of them are of unknown COVID-19 Causations.
See the People’s comments below the News report. 8-D Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Due to space constraints, only some are extracted: From Covid-19 Signs of Last day: Netherlands cancels 600k mask found to be infected.......I guess this is 600k......we got for free.............from china https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3077428/netherlands-recalls-600000-face-masks-china-due-low-quality Our input: See the related news “COVID-19: China donates 600,000 face masks to Singapore” (dated 5 May 2020).
From The Indefatigable Black Sheep: We have received 600k Mask from China.....Many countries have rejected it. Check out this video.....which shows china prc worker at face-mask factory using face-masks to wipe his shoes...(see the entire clip) click to view the clip https://streamable.com/95enly
From Bernard: MOH had waited till beginning of last week to ramp up testing amongst FW. Media reported last week ONLY 21, 000 test done. Its STILL a LONG way down the road..... Such a delay was due to lack of isolation bed for these infected cases which was proudly reported that such facilities is now adequate!
From Planewalker: Guys, You know what truly causes a ruling party to lose massive amount of votes, lots of job losses, business bankruptcy and zombie economic. True in US, same for Hong Kong and Singapore. Wait for the Singapore reports on massive job losses due to their two months of lockdown, that will be the finishing blow to their ruling party.
From Lee: Well done! Cases keep increasing everyday, still no solution to solve the problem, they still got time to prepare GE. Life no value here.
From Daniel: Malaysia has proven to us in terms of management. It ordered all foreign workers to be tested and at the expense of its employers! Why our government so thick skin keep on using tax payers money? No questions ask when providing $50/day for Malaysians WP. No action taken against dorms operators, using 5star hotels for quarantine of "higher class" residents. All these are taxpayers money! Give covid support grant for jobless need to submit this and that when it fact it is only right of you to disburse handouts no questions ask when you want such a long CB!!!Vietnam Malaysia Thailand countries with lockdown manage to open businesses in less than 2 months but our CB is 2 months and chances of extending is high! My friend's hotpot restaurant told him if anymore extension they will have to close shop. This government is the highest paid in the world but our lockdown is one of the longest due to their poor judgement and foresight! Bring on the election we make sure to VOTE YOU OUT!SINGAPOREANS LETS VTO VTO VTO!!!
COVID-19 Cases: 1-130, 131-230, 231-683, 684-1623, 1624-3699, 3700-8014, 8015-12693, 12694-14951, 14952-17548, 17549-19410, 19411-22460, 22461-25346, 25347-28038, 28039-29314, 29315-31960, 31961-33249, 33250-37183, 37184-38514, 38515-40604, 40605-41216, 41217-42095, 42096-45783, 45784-47126, 47127-49098, 49099-53051, 53052 onwards ... (See later cases here)
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Important note: The above article is an Unpaid Publication of Clients. We have checked the relevant facts to be correct & non-defamatory! We have done this to gain the goodwill of our Singaporeans so that they will not end up on the Streets to protest or create disorders which will affect the Prosperity of our beloved Singapore! Dear PAP Government, we would be happy to help you to publish any clarification you may have upon your payment of fees to us; the amount to be paid will be conveyed to you by our Consultants. Thank you.