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Here is the List concerning how each COVID-19 case is infected:

COVID-19 Cases:

1-130, 131-230, 231-683, 684-1623, 1624-3699, 3700-8014, 8015-12693, 12694-14951, 14952-17548, 17549-19410, 19411-22460, 22461-25346, 25347-28038, 28039-29314, 29315-31960, 31961-33249, 33250-37183, 37184-38514, 38515-40604, 40605-41216, 41217-42095, 42096-45783, 45784-47126, 47127-49098, 49099-53051, 53052 onwards... (See later cases here)


Not reported as official COVID-19 death count in Indonesia or Singapore: Singaporean died in Batam Hospital: The Jakarta Post dated 29 February 2020.


COVID-19 Death Cases in Singapore: 90 & 212, 109, 476, 918, 855, 1604, 987, 1142, 1836, 128, 3381, 3145, 4754, 1071, 8190, 1595 & 9682, 703, 2728, 1323 & 17410, 14744, 16370, 1414 & 1528, 23550, 1305, 23908 & 24013, 1516, 4689, 17329, 11714 etc.

Click below to see more cases happened after 4 June 2020.         

Summary details of death cases. May they rest in peace. (First compiled on 2 May 2020)


Case 1 has a travel history from Wuhan.

Case 2 has a travel history from Wuhan.

Case 3 has a close contact with Case 1.

Case 4 is a Chinese national from Wuhan arrived in Singapore.

Case 5 is a Chinese national from Wuhan to Singapore.

Case 6 & Case 7—Not reported!

Case 8 & Case 9 are Chinese nationals from Wuhan to Singapore.

Case 10 is a Chinese national from Wuhan to Singapore.


Cases 11-13 are Chinese nationals from Wuhan to Singapore.

Case 14 is a Chinese national from Wuhan, holding a Singapore Work Pass returning to Singapore.

Case 15 is a Singapore Citizen who travelled to Wuhan & returned to Singapore.

Case 16 is a Chinese national arrived in Singapore from Wuhan.

Case 17 is a Singapore Citizen returned from Wuhan.

Case 18 is a Chinese national arrived in Singapore from Wuhan.

Case 19 is a Singapore resident serving Chinese tourists at Yong Thai Hang.

Case 20 is a colleague of Case 19.


Case 21 is a domestic worker of Case 19.

Cases 22 & 23 are Singapore residents who were evacuated from Wuhan on 30 January.

Case 24 is a Singapore resident. She is a tourist guide who had brought tour groups to Yong Thai Hang.

Case 25 is the husband of Case 24 .

Case 26 is a Chinese national from Wuhan. She is the daughter of Case 13.

Cases 27 & 28 are family members of Case 19.

Case 29 is a Singapore citizen—causation unknown.

Case 30 is a Singapore citizen who attended a private business meeting with Chinese nationals (including from Hubei) at Grand Hyatt Singapore.


Case 31 is a Singapore citizen who travelled to Malaysia recently & had been to The Life Church and Missions Singapore.

Case 32 is a Singapore citizen—causation unknown.

Case 33 is a Singapore citizen who travelled to Malaysia recently —causation unknown.

Case 34 is a Singapore citizen. She works at Yong Thai Hang, she was identified as a close contact of Cases 19 and 20.

Case 35 is a Singapore citizen who works as a taxi driver -causation unknown.

Case 36 is a Singapore Permanent Resident who attended the same private Business meeting  at Grand Hyatt Singapore.

Case 37 is Singapore citizen & works as a private hire car driver -causation unknown.

Case 38 is a Singapore citizen who had visited The Life Church and Missions Singapore.

Case 39 had travelled to Malaysia & attended the same private Business meeting  at Grand Hyatt Singapore.

Case 40 is a Singapore citizen who works at Yong Thai Hang, he was identified as a close contact of Cases 19 and 20,


Case 41 is a Singapore citizen and had visited Paya Lebar Methodist Church (5 Boundary Road), and a gathering at Braddell Heights Residents’ Committee -causation unknown.

Case 42 is Bangladesh national and has no recent travel history to China. He is a Singapore Work Pass holder -causation unknown.

Case 43 is a Singapore citizen & works at Resorts World Sentosa before admission -causation unknown.

Case 44 is a Singapore Citizen & had served Quarantine Orders on two individuals from Wuhan who were subsequently tested positive for COVID-19.

Case 45 is a 2 year-old Singapore Citizen who was evacuated from Wuhan on 30 January 2020.

Case 46 is a Singapore Permanent Resident who works at Resorts World Sentosa Casino -causation unknown.

Case 47 is a Bangladesh national who works at 8 Seletar Aerospace Heights before admission -causation unknown.

Case 48 is a Singapore Citizen who went to Malaysia & works at Grace Assembly of God before admission.

Case 49 is a Singapore Citizen & works at Grace Assembly of God before admission.

Case 50  is a Singapore Citizen who works at DBS Asia Central at Marina Bay Financial Centre before admission -causation unknown.


Case 51 is Singapore Citizen who works at Grace Assembly of God before admission.

Case 52 is a Bangladesh national who is a Singapore Work Pass holder. He worked at the Seletar Aerospace Heights construction site, the same location where Case 42 and Case 47 had worked.

Case 53 is a Singapore Citizen. He is linked to the cluster at Grace Assembly of God.

Cases 54 & 58 are Singapore citizens, they are linked to the cluster at Grace Assembly of God.

Case 55 is a Singapore citizen. He is a family member of Case 50-causation unknown.

Case 56 is a Bangladesh national. He is linked to the cluster at the Seletar Aerospace Heights construction site.

Case 57 is a Singapore citizen. He is linked to the cluster at Grace Assembly of God.

Case 58 is a Singapore citizen. He is linked to the cluster at Grace Assembly of God.

Case 59 is a Singapore Citizen with no recent travel history to China. He works at a Private Hospital before the onset of symptoms -causation unknown.

Case 60 is a Singapore citizen. She is linked to the cluster at Grace Assembly of God.


Case 61 is a Singapore citizen. He is linked to the cluster at Grace Assembly of God.

Case 62 is a Singapore citizen. She is linked to the cluster at Grace Assembly of God.

Case 63 is a Singapore citizen. She is linked to the cluster at Grace Assembly of God.

Case 64 is a Singapore Citizen with no recent travel history to China -causation unknown.

Case 65 is a Singapore Citizen. She is a family member of Case 50 and Case 55 -causation unknown.

Case 66 is a Singapore Citizen. He is linked to the cluster at Grace Assembly of God.

Case 67 is a Singapore citizen. She is linked to the cluster at Grace Assembly of God, and is a family member of Case 61.

Case 68 is Singapore citizen. She is a family member of Case 66.

Case 69 is a Bangladesh national. He is linked to the cluster at Seletar Aerospace Heights construction site.

Case 70 is Singapore citizen. She is a family member of Case 66.


Case 71 is a Singapore citizen. He is a contact of Case 66.

Case 72 Chinese national who is a Singapore Work Pass holder, and has no recent travel history to China. He is a non-medical contact of Case 59 -causation unknown.

Case 73 is a Singapore citizen. He was identified as a close contact of Case 51. He had attended church service at Grace Assembly of God.

Case 74 is a Singapore citizen. He is linked to the cluster at Grace Assembly of God.

Case 75 is a Singapore Citizen with no recent travel history to China -causation unknown.

Case 76 is a Singapore Citizen who was among the group of Singaporeans who were evacuated from Wuhan on 9 February 2020.

Case 77 is a Singapore Citizen with no recent travel history to China. He is a contact of Case 50 -causation unknown.

Case 78 is a Singapore Citizen with no recent travel history to China -causation unknown.

Case 79 is a family member of Case 72 -causation unknown.

Case 80 is linked to Case 66 .


Case 81 is linked to the cluster at Grace Assembly of God.

Case 82 is a Singapore Citizen with no recent travel history to China -causation unknown.

Case 83 is a Singapore Citizen with no recent travel history to China -causation unknown.

Case 84 is a Singapore Citizen with no recent travel history to China. She is linked to Case 66.

Case 85 is a male Chinese national who is a Singapore Work Pass holder, and has no recent travel history to China – causation unknown!

Case 86 is a Singapore Citizen with no recent travel history to China. He is reported to link to Case 82 (Really?)- causation unknown! Click on the hyperlinks, and you will see there is no common time and place of contact! How are the Cases linked?


Case 87 is a 32 year-old male Singapore Citizen who was among the group of Singaporeans who were evacuated from Wuhan on 9 February. He is linked to Case 76.

Case 88 is a Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to China. She is linked to Case 66 - causation unknown!

Case 89 is a Singapore Permanent Resident who has no recent travel history to China – causation unknown!

Case 90 (dead) is a Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to China.  She is linked to the cluster at The Life Church and Missions Singapore.


Case 91 is a Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to China. She is linked to Case 66.

Case 92 is a Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to China – causation unknown!

Case 93 is a Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to China – causation unknown!

Case 94 is a Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to China, Daegu and Cheongdo. Causation unknown!

Case 95 is Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to China, Daegu and Cheongdo. He is linked to Case 93. Causation unknown!

Case 96 is a Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to China, Daegu and Cheongdo. He is linked to Case 94. Causation unknown!

Case 97 is a Singapore Permanent Resident who has no recent travel history to China, Daegu and Cheongdo. She is currently warded in an isolation room at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID). She is linked to Cases 93 and Case 95. She works at Wizlearn Technologies Pte Ltd.

Case 98 is a Singapore Permanent Resident who has no recent travel history to China, Daegu and Cheongdo. He is currently warded in an isolation room at NCID. He is linked to the cluster at Wizlearn Technologies Pte Ltd. Causation unkown!

Case 99 is a Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to China, Daegu and Cheongdo. He  a close contact of Case 93. Causation unkown!

Case 100 is a Malaysian national, who has no recent travel history to China, Daegu and Cheongdo. He is linked to the cluster at Wizlearn Technologies Pte Ltd. He had been identified as a close contact of Case 93. Causation unkown!


Case 101 is a Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to China, Daegu and Cheongdo, but had been in Batam from 21 February to 23 February. He is linked to Case 103. Causation unkown!

Case 102 is a female Filipino national who is a Singapore Work Pass holder, and has no recent travel history to China, Daegu and Cheongdo. She is a foreign domestic worker employed by Case 101. Causation unkown!

Case 103 is a Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to China, Daegu and Cheongdo but had been in Batam from 21 February to 23 February. She is a family member of Case 93, and is linked to Case 101. Causation unkown!

Case 104 is Myanmar national who has no recent travel history to China, Daegu and Cheongdo but had been in Batam from 21 February to 23 February. She is a foreign domestic worker employed by Case 103. She had been identified as a close contact of Case 93. Causation unkown!

Case 105 is a Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to China, Daegu and Cheongdo. He is linked to the cluster at Wizlearn Technologies Pte Ltd. Prior to hospital admission, he had attended a business meeting at Toa Payoh Hub with Case 95. Causation unkown!

Case 106 is male Japanese national who is a Singapore Work Pass holder. He works at WinTech Nano-Technology Services Pte Ltd, which is located on the same floor as Wizlearn Technologies Pte Ltd. Causation unknown!

Case 107 is a Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to China, Daegu and Cheongdo but had been in Jakarta, Indonesia. She is linked to Case 94. Causation unknown!

Case 108 is a female Filipino national who is a Singapore Work Pass holder. She is a foreign domestic worker employed by Case 101, and works in the same household as Case 102. Causation unknown!

Case 109 (passed away on 29 March 2020) is a Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to affected countries and regions. Causation unknown!

Case 110 is a Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to affected countries and regions. He is linked to the cluster at Wizlearn Technologies Pte Ltd. He had been identified as a contact of Case 93. Causation unknown!


Case 111 is a Singapore Permanent Resident who has no recent travel history to affected countries and regions but who had been in Malaysia from 18 February to 21 February. Causation unknown!

Case 112 is a Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to affected countries and regions. She had been identified as a contact of Case 94. She is linked to the cluster involving a private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong. Causation unknown!

Case 113 is an imported case involving a male French national who is a Singapore Work Pass holder. Causation unknown!

Case 114 is a family member of Case 115, and is linked to the cluster involving a private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong. Causation unknown!

Case 115 is linked to the cluster involving a private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong. Causation unknown!

Case 116 is linked to the cluster involving a private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong. Causation unknown!

Case 117 is linked to the cluster involving a private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong. Causation unknown!

Case 118 is a family member of Case 114 and Case 115, and is linked to the cluster involving the private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong. Causation unknown!

Case 119 is a Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to affected countries and regions. He is employed by SingTel but had not gone to work since onset of symptoms. Causation unknown!

Case 120 is linked to the cluster involving the private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong. Causation unknown!


Case 121 is linked to the cluster involving the private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong. Causation unknown!

Case 122 is a close contact of Case 117, and is linked to the cluster involving the private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong. Causation unknown!

Case 123 is a Singapore Citizen who had been in South Africa from 14 February to 17 February and France from 22 February to 24 February. Causation unknown!

Case 124 is a Singapore Permanent Resident who had been in Germany from 27 February to 5 March. Causation unknown!

Case 125 is a family member of Case 128, and is linked to the cluster involving the private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong. Causation unknown!

Case 126 had been identified as a close contact of Case 109. Causation unknown!

Case 127 is a close contact of Case 117, and is linked to the cluster involving the private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong. Causation unknown!

Case 128 (passed away on 14 April 2020) is a family member of Case 125, and is linked to the cluster involving the private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong. Causation unknown!

Case 129 is a family member of Case 130, and is linked to the cluster involving the private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong. Causation unknown!

Case 130 He is a family member of Case 129, and is linked to the cluster involving the private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong. Causation unknown!



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