Webpage first launched on 7 October 2020.



Defamation trial: Article on Ho Ching’s sharing of toxic family relationship post meant to point out irony as Ho Ching is said to be one who is toxic, says Terry Xu (2 December 2020)

Twitter  https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1334127381141970945

Defamation trial: Closed-door hearing on Thursday morning to determine whether LKY’s lawyer Kwa Kim Li will testify (2 December 2020)

Twitter  https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1334177401992060929

Defamation trial: PMO will not respond to queries “even if I waited for another ten years”, says TOC chief editor Terry Xu (2 December 2020)

Twitter  https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1334077625506156544

We fully agreed with Terry Xu. Many of us have sent many faxes to the Prime Minister’s Office to highlight many issues but there is no reply, no help at all, no improvement! The Defendant’s Lawyer please asks the Plaintiff PM if everything we have written to him have fallen onto blind eyes and deaf ears. Please remind him that he is NOT the Emperor and we are NOT the peasants or his slaves. Many Thanks. 8-D     

Friends, do you know that they only pretend to listen and be attentive to us ONLY just before the General Election?

Just you wait until GE2025 comes, we won’t get fooled this round, we will prepare our own Candidates to compete with the Big Bullies! We  are determined to see the Big Bullies CRY! 8-D

Defamation trial: PM Lee confronted with email disclosing K Shanmugam’s assistance on LKY’s will, referencing his comment on preserving 38 Oxley Road for historical reasons (2 December 2020)

Twitter  https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1333950062901137408


PM Lee Hsien Loong seeks S$150,000 from Leong Sze Hian for sharing of Facebook post — but blogger offers S$200-S$400 instead (1 December 2020)

Twitter  https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1333655035792814080

Stated in this report: “The article, published by “Malaysian-based social news network” The Coverage, alleged that PM Lee had entered “several unfair agreements” with Najib Razak, who was the Malaysian Prime Minister at the time the deals purportedly took place, “including the agreement to build the Singapore-Malaysia High-Speed Rail”, according to court documents…

Prior to his removal of the post on 10 November, the court noted that Mr Leong’s article had garnered “22 ‘reactions’, five ‘comments’, and 18 ‘shares’”.

Dear Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, you should be suing The Coverage for Defamation instead of Leong to clear your GOOD name, Leong is just reposting their report! The Coverage should have all the related evidence or proof before they dared to publish such a report! Your case of Defamation can only be established if The Coverage could not prove what they have stated are facts!

Leong doesn’t have them & he immediately took down the related information after your compliant and only less than 50 people responded to his posting and you want $150,000 as damages. We will let the World decide if this will look like a Big guy bullying a small one with limited financial means especially in this COVID-19 time!

We are unable to locate the Original document published by The Coverage on the web, can anyone help to do this & upload for ALL to see to help Leong in this lawsuit? However, this is what we have found:

Clare Rewcastle - The Story Behind the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) Expose


and others



Important note: ALL of the above mentioned stated are NOT defamation but some publications to highlight to the Prime Minister, Readers must check and verify with facts before you believe in them. Thanks. 8-D


Defamation trial: PM Lee denies being in favour of preserving 38 Oxley Road property, says he acts according to Government’s powers (1 December 2020)

Twitter  https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1333773856859938816

Defamation trial: Lee Kuan Yew said PM Lee Hsien Loong “as PM has the final word” on 38 Oxley Road matters (1 December 2020)

Twitter  https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1333767743997403138

Defamation trial: Netizens’ comments on TOC article not on offending words but rather on Ho Ching’s Facebook post, argues lawyer Lim Tean (1 December 2020)

Twitter  https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1333703959832375298

Defamation trial: LKY intended to pass 38 Oxley Road property to LHY and LWL before PM Lee proposed to take the house, says PM (1 December 2020)

Twitter  https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1333703909899182081

Defamation trial: Ho Ching removed as an executor together with Lee Hsien Loong by Lee Kuan Yew in 2011 will (1 December 2020)

Twitter  https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1333662987282944000

On the first day of trial, @amnesty calls for the dropping of criminal defamation charges against @TOC  editor, Terry Xu brought by #Singapore Prime Minister @leehsienloong  - #standwithterry https://amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2018/11/singapore-government-must-end-harassment-of-online-news-platform-targeted-over-critical-article/

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/rachelchhoahwd/status/1333444259597447172


Defamation trial: PM Lee says he could not absolutely rule out disagreeing with siblings on ensuring LKY’s wish on 38 Oxley Road demolition (30 November 2020)

Twitter  https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1333418869478854656

Defamation trial: The late Lee Kuan Yew was not moved by MSM editors’ views to retain 38 Oxley property, says PM Lee (30 November 2020)

Twitter  https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1333418076537311235

Defamation trial: “Since it defamed me, I consider it unfair,” says PM Lee (30 November 2020)

Twitter  https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1333417171788181505

Defamation trial: TOC’s Terry Xu “tries his best” to become a thorn in Government side, says PM Lee (30 November 2020)

Twitter  https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1333348804834304000

Defamation trial: Judge rejects lawyer Lim Tean’s question on disclosing correspondences within the Lee family in relation to 38 Oxley Road (30 November 2020)

Twitter  https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1333334947185242113

Defamation trial: PM Lee suffered absolutely no loss as a result of TOC publication, says lawyer Lim Tean (30 November 2020)

Twitter  https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1333315437233377281

Defamation trial: PM Lee tells the court he and Ho Ching do not hold anything against LHY and LWL (30 November 2020)

Twitter  https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1333296816276844544

Defamation trial: PM Lee questioned on why he decided to sue TOC chief editor Terry Xu and not his own siblings over allegations (30 November 2020)

Twitter  https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1333290746317852673


Lawyer Lim Tean to cross-examine Singapore Prime Minister on stand over defamation suit filed against TOC editor (27 November 2020)

Twitter  https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1332211570802356225


Criminal defamation trial: Prosecution withholds long statement of accused from Defence as they are not obliged to provide.

Defence says long statement crucial to prove accused's innocence and raise questions on the charges. (3 November 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1323538186946154496

From LS1965 & P65:

Dear Friends around the World (especially if you have studied Law), please read this case and decide if this is a fair Trial. We are determined to make All who collude with the Big Bully and deny justice to the Accused, famous round the clock! They’d better be prepared to have the smart Singaporeans curse them wherever they go!

“All lawlessness is like a two-edged sword; there is no healing for the wound it inflicts.

An assembly of the wicked is like a bundle of tow, and their end is a blazing fire. The way of sinners is paved with smooth stones, but at its end is the pit of Hades.” (Sirach 21:3, 9-10)

Can police statements always be taken at face value? (3 November 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1323440889394585600

“The PM is using the archaic and repressive law of criminal defamation and new inventions like POFMA to silence critics”, says Ken Jeyaretnam (3 November 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1323481184228331521


Daniel de Costa and @tocsg editor Terry Xu are being unduly prosecuted for exercising their peaceful right to freedom of expression - @amnesty reiterates our calls to @govsingapore to drop all charges against them, as we did back in 2018: https://amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2018/11/singapore-government-must-end-harassment-of-online-news-platform-targeted-over-critical-article/

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/rachelchhoahwd/status/1320760329341722624

Lawyer Lim Tean files application in High Court to disqualify Attorney-General from representing CAD, SPF and officers in matters pertaining to ongoing investigations against him (28 October 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1321385843349688322

Criminal defamation trial: Prosecution witness arrested, imprisoned for drugs after police turned up to his house to investigate criminal defamation (27 October 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1320995017293516800


Lawyer Lim Tean files judicial review application against investigation officers for alleged unlawful exercise of powers (20 October 2020)

Lawyer Lim Tean to represent TOC chief editor Terry Xu in defamation suit filed by PM Lee (15 October 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1316650115730485249

From LS1965 & P65:

Please retweet, comment and pray for Terry Xu so that he will win in this court battle and won’t need to pay the Plaintiff a cent! Terry needs to be well so all can comment on the TOC news! 8-D

Dear Judges, will you yield to subject yourself to unjust pressure instead of upholding Justice & Truth? Dear Judges, you are the Princes among the People, see Item 3, the PAP Government allowed their Police Officers wilfully harassed law-abiding Citizens (& Business owner) starting from April, May 2019 but till this day, they refused to apologise & pay compensation for damages inflicted. See the items 1-13 in our GE2020 webpage, Pages 1-15 & how the countless innocent Bloggers are still MISSING! People may say this is “Trial via Internet”, but all we care about is JUSTICE must be done! Thanks.

The World is watching & we are determined to make the Oppressor & ALL team up with him “famous” 24/7!


BIG News! The Prime Minister of Singapore is suing a Blogger for Defamation (October 2020)!


From LS1965 & P65:

Who is teaming up against the Blogger in Court so far?

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Lawyer Davinder Singh, Witness Dr Phan Tuan Quang .

Latest updates!

Lim Tean intends to begin contempt of court proceedings against Commercial Affairs Department director, police officers in relation to alleged unlawful arrest (14 October 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1316228217683030018


Leong Sze Hian defamation trial: High Court directs parties to evaluate whether Leong’s republication is actionable (9 October 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1314375241011990534

Leong Sze Hian defamation trial: Leong submits no case to answer against PM Lee Hsien Loong’s defamation claims (7 October 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1313799640488214528

Dear smart Singaporeans, read this report presented by The Online Citizen about what happened in the Court today! The entire matter is really a joke! People who cannot perform in their work to make Singapore prosper will do all kinds of things to look busy! Yes! This round is causing disgrace to Singapore & the Singaporeans!

The Defence Lawyer was right by saying that “alleged abuse of process and attempting to thwart freedom of expression and speech by sending “a message to the population that the Government will not tolerate criticism”.”

Tonight, the TV News reported that the jobs created by SG-United are more than 100K, but most of them are mismatch! You need to retrain to do the work! This shows only one thing, whatever they taught in the Polytechnics & Universities is unable to equip you for the jobs! After training, can you be sure that the jobs are still there waiting for you? Let’s use our fine judgements and don’t get conned into wasting time and money!

We welcome ALL to Singapore to see how wickedness will make one stup*d! This drama won’t be the last; those who are foolish will be busy misusing their brains to create more “?????” for ALL to see! Have a good day. 8-D


Transcript: Lim Tean decries action by CAD as politically motivated (3 October 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1312163094223699968

We are glad that Mr Lim Tean had clarified his stance in this report! The entire matter concerning the Singapore PM suing a Blogger and arrested the Defence Lawyer just before the court case looks like a circus for the World to joke about!

Those who have no shame & no love for Singapore will always put Singapore on the spotlight and be famous for the wrong reasons! We are determined to list out all the names of the individuals and parties involved so that they will remain famous perpetually! 我们会让你们这些“好人”全都留“香”千古!See Google Translate! 8-D

Mr Lim Tean, we support you to help the Blogger to fight a good fight in court! We will pray to God that he doesn’t need to pay a cent to the PM! May God bless you & your team. Thank you.

The arrest of Lim Tean yesterday (3 October 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1312217624584105984

1 week before the Court case, on 2 October 2020 morning, the Defence Lawyer Mr Lim Tean was being arrested. Politically motivated? Please retweet https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1311965400146481152 to help the victims. Many Thanks.



We are determined to make the Singapore Prime Minister and All related to this case famous worldwide!

Dear Judges, you are the Princes among the People, see Item 3, the PAP Government allowed their Police Officers wilfully harassed law-abiding Citizens (& Business owner) starting from April, May 2019 but till this day, they refused to apologise & pay compensation for damages inflicted. See the items 1-13 in our GE2020 webpage, Pages 1-15 & how the countless innocent Bloggers are still MISSING! People may say this is “Trial via Internet”, but all we care about is JUSTICE must be done! Thanks.


Tweets from @allsgstuff relating to the arrest of the Defence Lawyer before the Court case of “Singapore Prime Minister sues a Blogger”:





The People please upload your comments to help the victims. The Blogger must win in this court “fight” or the next round it will be our turn to get sued.

Police did not respond to Lim Tean’s point about possible contempt to court proceedings before he was arrested (5 October 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1312939092435513344

Dear @tocsg, please give details of the names, contacts & work address of the Police Officers who arrested Mr Lim Tean, we want to upload on our web and circulate for the World to see. Many thanks. 8-D


High Court commences open court hearing of PM Lee Hsien Loong’s defamation suit against blogger Leong Sze Hian (6 October 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1313302637425590274

Please see the interesting comments of the People and decide if the Singapore Prime Minister is really that popular and well-loved by the smart Singaporeans! 8-D


Leong Sze Hian defamation trial: Lawyer Lim Tean cross-examines PM Lee on why blogger was the only person issued IMDA takedown notice, sued (6 October 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1313440574406615043

Leong Sze Hian defamation trial: Expert report from PM Lee Hsien Loong’s witness nothing more than ‘guesswork’, says lawyer Lim Tean (7 October 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1313725122679894016


BIG News! The Prime Minister of Singapore is suing a Blogger for Defamation!

From LS1965 & P65:



We are determined to make the Singapore Prime Minister and All related to this case famous worldwide!

Dear Judges, you are the Princes among the People, see Item 3, the PAP Government allowed their Police Officers wilfully harassed law-abiding Citizens (& Business owner) starting from April, May 2019 but till this day, they refused to apologise & pay compensation for damages inflicted. See the items 1-13 in our GE2020 webpage, Pages 1-15 & how the countless innocent Bloggers are still MISSING! People may say this is “Trial via Internet”, but all we care about is JUSTICE must be done! Thanks.




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