Published by: LS1965 & P65


This webpage was first launched on 14 July 2020.


We are capturing Important News in Singapore to be used for  future reference. You know in Singapore we have the Big Bullies, they love to silence the People (using wicked accusations such as spreading falsehood or threats to sue for defamation) and hope that everything the People say will quickly “gone with the wind”. This webpage is created just to prevent that!

The People please comment actively because what you have commented below will serve as a perpetual record, and we may extract some of your excellent comments when we have time later. Many Thanks.


21 July 2020 report:

MHA to review penalty framework for cases such as one involving dentistry student, says Shanmugam

See the comments of the People below the News report!

This is the man who has created Laws to be lenient towards criminals & have allowed his Police Officers to harass & criminalize Law-abiding citizens because they have become scapegoats (see item 3) as we highlighted the many unjust Laws passed in Parliament to oppress the People from 2015-2020 (see item 1, item 2 & item 11). Besides unlawfully pasting Police Notices at the Business entrance of a Law-abiding Singapore business owners, they also arranged $$$$ to be credited into the DBS Account of an elderly cancer survivor & law-abiding Citizen to accuse her of stealing! Wanting to drive her to an early death!      

People who are full of darkness inside want to rule the Country! What we will end up will be NO True Prosperity, NO Justice & good People being fiercely persecuted! And even death?

Please pray for these good & law-abiding Singaporeans being persecuted by the Big Bullies! Many Thanks.

The 61.24% of Singaporeans please wake up, you have voted for the Persecutors in GE2020 to run the Government! Is this what you really want?


21-22 July 2020 Reports:

COVID-19: ‘Extremely crowded’ beaches at East Coast Park, Sentosa a concern – Masagos

COVID-19: Two B2B events to trial safe management framework for up to 50 attendees

See the comments of the People below these 2 reports! The World please decide if the Singapore PAP Government is a Joke! 8-D


3 die as dengue outbreak in Singapore shows no sign of abating: report

See the interesting comments of the People below the News report!

Running the Country using the fists of oppression (see items 1-13), making many Jobless & underemployed, screwed up the COVID-19 situation in Singapore & now people died of dengue outbreak!

Dear Big Bullies, there is NO possibility of good result if you refuse to renounce your wickedness and DON’T have hearts that really care for the People. This is for you:

“Arrogance is hateful to the Lord and to mortals, and injustice is outrageous to both. Sovereignty passes from nation to nation on account of injustice and insolence and wealth.”

(Sirach 10:7-8)


19 July 2020: PAP must share info if WP is to craft credible policy alternatives: Pritam Singh

The People please comment!

Agreed! WP can use anything written in our webpages (GE2020 & COVID-19) as “bullets” to debate in the Singapore Parliament. The People please actively provide the same for WP to debate and defend our rights in Parliament! @YahooSG, please cooperate by reporting all events happening in the Parliament so that the People can comment promptly. Thanks.

The whole World should know that the Big Bullies like to play “hide-and-seek” with the smart Singaporeans and we must provide NO place for them to hide! 8-D


17 July 2020 Reports:

COVID-19: Election Night crowds will potentially have 'consequence', says Lawrence Wong

Our comments: See the People’s comments below the report! You know Some People are just nuisance, they screwed up the Singapore economy (see items 1-13, Pages 1-15) & the COVID-19 situation, instead of fixing themselves, they want to find fault with the Opposition & their Supporters! Shameless? You decide.

Travellers with travel history to Australia's Victoria state, Japan, Hong Kong to serve SHN at dedicated facilities


16 July 2020 Reports:

WP targeted younger Singaporeans well during GE2020, PAP has to do better, says Chan Heng Chee

See the People’s comments below the News report.

Our comments: How much did the Big Bullies pay her to say this or what kind of goodies she has received? Really shameful! Yes, she said all these even being well aware what the Big Bullies did and are doing to oppress the People (See items 1-13); especially MediShield Life & CareShield Life  “Demand note, Fine, Suit & Jail” (see item 1item 11) & making Laws to allow UNLAWFUL “break in, arrest without warrant etc.” (see item 2) & what the People commented in Pages 1-15. Thanks to the wicked, Singapore is being obstructed from true progress and the COVID-19 cases surge daily skyrocket high!

Twitter Hack Hits Obama, Biden, Musk in Bitcoin Scam

Chuck Woolery’s Twitter Account Disappears After His Son Apparently Comes Down With Coronavirus

Our Twitter accounts were being permanently suspended on 10 April 2019; as we had highlighted to All the unjust Laws passed in the Singapore Parliament to oppress the People! We don’t believe that the Big Bullies did not have a hand in this!


15 July 2020 Reports:

GE2020: ELD apologises for miscommunication that prevented woman from voting – report

GE2020: 101 overseas Singaporeans unable to vote due to 'glitch' in ICA system (Reported on 4 July 2020)

GE2020: Workers' Party members witness counting of overseas ballots at ELD


14 July 2020 Reports:

Pandemic knocks Singapore into recession as GDP plummets 41% in second quarter

Coronavirus antibodies may not help with cure, after Dutch study sees harmful effect in ICU patients (14 July 2020)

Plans for 10 Aug start for 2 cross-border travel schemes between Singapore, Malaysia

GE2020: ELD apologises, to do thorough review of Polling Day long queues

GE2020: PSP selects Leong Mun Wai and Hazel Poa for NCMP seats

GE2020: PSP will 'respect' WP's Pritam Singh as Leader of the Opposition - Tan Cheng Bock


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