This is the Publication by LS1965 & P65.

Dear Friends, this webpage & the related were being hacked and turned BLANK on 17 November 2021. This is the 8th hacked incident (see the earlier related incidents)! After reading our reports, you should know who are the masterminds behind this!


BIG News! NOT Singapore General Election yet but Bloggers went MISSING! Click to see who!


Prepare for Singapore General Election

Please see this video & vote correctly. As shown in the video, use your “Permanent-ink” Pen to mark a BIG “X” beside the empty slot of who you want to vote for! The Big Bullies will be too happy if we vote wrongly & send the wrong guys into the Singapore Parliament! Thanks. 8-D


Latest Updates!

The Singapore General Election has been confirmed on 10 July 2020, but the People have NOT received the Polling cards on 30 June 2020! The Big Bullies want to stop us from voting? See more here. See the People’s comments extracted! 8-D

We have listed what our Good Friends have been giving us in the past & now in our General Election Webpage! Please vote wisely!


What are the tricks the Wicked play to win the General Election? New!


See the People’s comments below the News reports after our Table of Contents.


Table of Contents

Status of COVID-19 in Singapore new!


The “COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Bill” was passed in the Singapore Parliament on 7 April 2020. See highlights & summary of the important provisions. New!


Parliamentary Elections (COVID-19 Special Arrangements) Bill introduced on 7 April 2020. New!


See the important items here:

1. MediShield Life Premiums

2. Other Laws Passed in Parliament that will have a great impact

3. Criminalising the Scapegoats

4. Became obstacles to us when we were looking for Jobs Opportunities for Job Seekers

5. Are you still finding a suitable job?

6. Are you planning to buy a HDB Flat soon?

7. Merdeka Generation Package

8. Busy hacking our Webpages that they have no time to protect you from data leak?

9. Welcome to Singapore the Gambling Hub?

10. Singapore Government Tenders

11. Mandatory CareShield Life

12. Have you heard of the PAP Government Whips?

13. Reported 1000 Homeless in the Smart Nation Singapore  (November 2019)! Will the number be rising?


List incomplete… More will be added when we find others important to you.


See the People’s comments below each of these Reports! Please comment actively as this will serve as the perpetual record:

Dear Supporters of the Big Bullies, please stop giving your harmful comments and delete all your past comments (supporting the Monsters) below all News reports!  Among us there are SPIES working with Yahoo News, we will definitely nab you & publish your real identities around the World! And you may need to hide in self-quarantine for the rest of your lives! Fools will serve the wrong masters & end up in self-destruction! 8-D


In the process of compiling…

East Coast GRC needs help, see message from Terrence!

4 July 2020 Reports:

GE2020: Chan Chun Sing's comment on non-PAP coalition govt is fearmongering – opposition parties

GE2020: PAP candidates will return as grassroots advisers even if they lose, says WP's Marine Parade team leader

GE2020: Masagos mistakenly refers to Lee Hsien Yang as Singapore's PM during online rally

3 July 2020 reports:

GE2020: Vote us for diversity instead of PAP's '2D cutout' candidates – PSP Tanjong Pagar team

On The Mic: GE2020 – Ravi Philemon of Red Dot United

GE2020: SDP won’t tap Singapore’s reserves to fund its proposed programmes – Paul Tambyah

GE2020: Government should state position clearly, before election – WP's Pritam on '10 million' saga

GE2020: First POFMA correction direction during GE issued to Peoples Voice

COMMENT: Dancing around 10 million people

COMMENT: Ivan Lim is not the issue, the outdated GRC system is

2 June 2020 Reports:

GE2020: 7 parties take to national television to broadcast manifestos

GE2020: Government never targeted 10 million populationHeng Swee Keat

Our comments: See, he quickly said the opposite after we dug up his words in the past recorded by the Straits Times news dated 29 March 2020! The wicked Big Bullies have said tons of nice things but act in the opposite manner worse than the World’s most unreliable boyfriend; as recorded in our #GE2020SG Webpage! This coming GE will show the World how many smart Singaporeans among us who refuse to get conned by their empty words, empty promises & dare to stand up against oppression and be treated like slaves! 8-D


1 July 2020 Reports:

GE2020: Vivian Balakrishnan slams Chee Soon Juan over ‘false statement’ of 10m population plan

Our comments: Many Thanks to thaman_shan who highlighted below this report “GE2020: PAP's Vivian, SDP's Chee engage in fiery debate live on national TV” that it was DPM Mr Heng Swee Keat who talked about the 10 million population here  https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/sporeans-must-remain-open-to-foreigners-says-heng

Dear Mr Vivian Balakrishnan, get your facts right! Now we want to see how you slam the DPM Heng Swee Keat! You dare not? Then don’t bark up the wrong tree & put yourself to shame!

We must put everything in proper record; the Big Bullies like to put words into our mouths! Beware of their wicked tactics!)


GE2020: PAP's Vivian, SDP's Chee engage in fiery debate live on national TV

GE2020: Special voting hour for those unwell, on SHN; COVID-19 patients cannot vote

GE2020: Voting at the Singapore General Election amid the COVID-19 pandemic

GE2020: PAP candidate Tan See Leng clarifies directorship issue surfaced on social media

COMMENT: PAP’s GE2020 tactics show ingenuity of GRC system

GE2020: Parties explain, analyse candidacy decisions as they begin campaigning

30 June 2020 Reports:

GE2020: Who are the candidates contesting in your constituency (SMC)?

GE2020: E-rallies to be live-streamed from Suntec, 3 time slots per day

GE2020: All seats contested for second straight GE, Heng Swee Keat springs surprise

Lee Hsien Yang won't be contesting GE2020, his name not in nomination papers

29 June 2020 Reports:

PM Lee: GE2020 not about my family dispute, but about Singapore's future amid crisis

GE2020: Josephine Teo to leave Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC to contest in Jalan Besar

GE2020: Voting to proceed at 10 overseas polling stations, says ELD

28 June 2020 Reports:

GE2020: WP unveils 'Make Your Vote Count' slogan, manifesto and last four candidates

SDP focused on ‘quality not quantity’ of its GE2020 candidates: Chee Soon Juan

GE2020: PSP's Lee Hsien Yang says not using party as 'mouthpiece' for family dispute

27 June 2020 Reports:

GE2020: Ivan Lim withdraws as PAP candidate, PM Lee calls controversy ‘unfortunate’

Goh Chok Tong: A look back at the ex-PM's eventful political career

GE2020: PAP's manifesto focuses on 'keeping Singapore going'

GE2020: PAP candidate Ivan Lim responds to online criticism, pledges to 'stay the course'


26 June 2020 Reports:

Ivan Lim saga: PAP’s Masagos says GE is time for candidates to ‘redeem’ themselves

Don't 'pigeonhole' new PAP candidates just based on their background: Chan Chun Sing

GE2020: PSP chief Tan Cheng Bock to lead team in West Coast GRC, Lee Hsien Yang not listed as candidate

GE2020: What led Lee Hsien Yang to join PSP?


25 June 2020: “GE2020: Lee Hsien Yang joins PSP but unclear if he will run for GE

24 June 2020: “You can love Singapore and yet not vote PAP: Lee Hsien Yang

23 June 2020: “General election 'will be like no other we have experienced': PM Lee”.

23 June 2020: “GE2020: Polling Day on Friday, 10 July”.

23 June 2020: “GE 2020: This GE is 'like no other', Singaporeans must be 'completely united' – PM Lee

22 June 2020: “NTUC Enterprise unveils $50m support package to help Singaporeans

24June2020: Explainer: Why are Singapore's first family feuding?

See the People’s comments here! 8-D

We will extract & publish your excellent comments!

We have listed what our Good Friends have been giving us in the past & now in our General Election Webpage! Please vote wisely!

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, we want to thank you that the Polling day of the Singapore General Election has now been confirmed. We  are grateful for your faithful support of our work (starting from April 2015) to help Singaporeans & our Allies to boost Jobs Participation and uphold justice in our society. Please support us in this fight and let the World know that Your justice will always prevail as we put all our trust in You. Build us into a Nation after Your own heart as we promise to walk in righteousness and deal with all our Allies faithfully as You are faithful. We love You. Many Thanks.


Speeches by the Singapore PAP Rulers:

20 June 2020: “Partnerships important in forging Singapore's future: Heng Swee Keat.

See the comments of the People below the News report. See our extracts here.

17 June 2020: “Singapore must never be where ‘pedigree and connections count more than ability and effort’: Tharman

See the comments of the People below the News report. See our extracts here.

14 June 2020: “Singapore must resist protectionism, even when competing for jobs: Chan Chun Sing”.

See the comments of the People below the News report. See our extracts here.

11 June 2020: “Measures to tackle COVID-19 cases in dorms early on were 'insufficient': Teo Chee Hean

See the comments of the People below the News report. See our extracts here.

8 June 2020: “No plan currently for mandatory use of wearable devices for COVID-19 contact tracing: Balakrishnan

See the comments of the People below the News report. See our extracts here.


Dear Friends, please email to the Publisher if we have missed out any important speeches by our “excellent” PAP Rulers. The Good Friends have given so much “goodies” to the People that we need to work 24/7 to catch up with the recording. Many Thanks. 8-D


21 June 2020: PSP considering to compete in Nee Soon GRC: Tan Cheng Bock

21 June 2020: SDP chief Chee Soon Juan to contest in Bukit Batok SMC for upcoming GE

19 June 2020: Singapore GE: Timeline of key developments from 2019 to June 2020

18 June 2020: COVID-19: No physical rallies, cap of 5 per group for walkabouts if general election held

18 June 2020: Red Dot United registered as political party, can take part in GE

18 June 2020: Progress Singapore Party introduces 6 candidates to contest in upcoming GE

18 June 2020: Singapore GE: SDP set to campaign on COVID-19 platform

18 June 2020: Singapore to hold political campaigns for general elections on TV

17 June 2020 COMMENT: Pandemic politics and Singapore's general election

16 June 2020: Reform Party unveils 6 candidates, to contest in 4 constituencies: report

13 June 2020: Singapore People's Party to field 5 candidates at upcoming general election: report


21 April 2020: Singapore political parties warned about threats of foreign interference in elections.

8 April 2020: Singapore's next General Election: Who's contesting where?



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Important note:

The above article is an Unpaid Publication of Clients. We have checked the relevant facts to be correct & non-defamatory! We have done this to gain the goodwill of our Singaporeans so that they will not end up on the Streets to protest or create disorders which will affect the Prosperity of our beloved Singapore!

Dear PAP Government, we would be happy to help you to publish any clarification you may have upon your payment of fees to us; the amount to be paid will be conveyed to you by our Consultants. Thank you.