Table of Contents to help you to navigate new!


Here is the List concerning how each COVID-19 case is infected:

COVID-19 Cases:

1-130, 131-230, 231-683, 684-1623, 1624-3699, 3700-8014, 8015-12693, 12694-14951, 14952-17548, 17549-19410, 19411-22460, 22461-25346, 25347-28038, 28039-29314, 29315-31960, 31961-33249, 33250-37183, 37184-38514, 38515-40604, 40605-41216, 41217-42095, 42096-45783, 45784-47126, 47127-49098, 49099-53051, 53052 onwards ... (See later cases here)


Not reported as official COVID-19 death count in Indonesia or Singapore: Singaporean died in Batam Hospital: The Jakarta Post dated 29 February 2020.


COVID-19 Death Cases in Singapore: 90 & 212, 109, 476, 918, 855, 1604, 987, 1142, 1836, 128, 3381, 3145, 4754, 1071, 8190, 1595 & 9682, 703, 2728, 1323 & 17410, 14744, 16370, 1414 & 1528, 23550, 1305, 23908 & 24013, 1516, 4689, 17329, 11714 etc.

Click below to see more cases happened after 4 June 2020.

Summary details of death cases. May they rest in peace. (First compiled on 2 May 2020)


Case 703 (see item 8), a 58 year-old female Singapore Citizen, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 30 April 2020. She was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 26 March. It was reported that Ng Teng Fong General Hospital has reached out to her family and is extending assistance to them.


Cases 634 – 732 (reported on 27 March 2020)

49 new COVID-19 Cases: 22 imported and 27 locally transmitted cases in Singapore.

See the details from the Official document stated here.

The Imported Cases have travel history to Malaysia, Thailand, United Kingdom, Europe & United States. See related Press Release dated 27 March 2020.

You note that for All the 49 new cases stated in the above mentioned document, the COVIDF-19 Causations are unknown!

Click on the Hyperlinks to find details of other cases that we compiled earlier. Have a good day.


Cases 733 – 802 (reported on 28 March 2020)

70 new COVID-19 Cases: 41 imported and 29 locally transmitted cases in Singapore.

See the details from the Official document stated here.

The Imported Cases have travel history to Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Laos, Turkey, Pakistan, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Portugal & United States. See related Press Release dated 28 March 2020.

You note that for All the 70 new cases stated in the above mentioned document, the COVIDF-19 Causations are unknown!

Click on the Hyperlinks to find details of other cases that we compiled earlier. Have a good day.


Cases 803 – 844 (reported on 29 March 2020)

42 new COVID-19 Cases: 28 imported and 18 locally transmitted cases in Singapore.

See the details from the Official document stated here.

The Imported Cases have travel history to Malaysia, Philippines, India, Turkey, UAE & United States. See related Press Release dated 29 March 2020.

You note that for All the 42 new cases stated in the above mentioned document, the COVIDF-19 Causations are unknown!

Click on the Hyperlinks to find details of other cases that we compiled earlier. Have a good day.


Cases 845 – 879 (reported on 30 March 2020)

35 new COVID-19 Cases: 9 imported and 26 locally transmitted cases in Singapore.

See the details from the Official document stated here.

The Imported Cases have travel history to Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines, Brazil, United Kingdom, France & United States. See related Press Release dated 30 March 2020.

You note that for All the 35 new cases stated in the above mentioned document, the COVIDF-19 Causations are unknown!

Click on the Hyperlinks to find details of other cases that we compiled earlier. Have a good day.



Our comments:

Stay-Home Notice (SHN)? Don’t you think the potential Patient needs to wear facemask and to serve his/her SHN in the Hotel / Motel away from the Family members to avoid cross transmission to them in the same house? See the number of locally transmitted cases is surging now!

Dear Big Bullies, do you still insist that the Healthy person should not wear facemask unless he is sick? See the surging locally transmitted cases now, which you haven’t proved to us that you can handle! Don’t sleep on it! You want to see the number reach 1000 & make Singapore famous! Are you at wits’ end now?

Can someone please compare with others and check if Singapore is now the #1 on  (Number of COVID-19 cases / Country Area) as we are only a small red dot on the global map! Dear Big Bullies, you want to let Singapore to become #1 for the wrong reasons?

Note: Singapore Area = 725.7 km2.


Cases 880 – 926 (reported on 31 March 2020)

47 new COVID-19 Cases: 16 imported and 31 locally transmitted cases in Singapore.

See the details from the Official document stated here.

The Imported Cases have travel history to Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, India, Turkey, Canada, United Kingdom & Denmark. See related Press Release dated 31 March 2020.

You note that for All the 47 new cases stated in the above mentioned document, the COVIDF-19 Causations are unknown!

Click on the Hyperlinks to find details of other cases that we compiled earlier. Have a good day.


Dear Big Bullies, still encourage the Healthy NOT to wear Facemasks & concentrate 90-95% of your Police Force trying to catch us for telling the Truth (about your “good deeds” to harm us) instead of tracing the Causations of those infected cases? See the sea of red! If you have behaved with good faith to love & care for the People, we would have sung you praises! Catch us? Do it now! Since April 2015, you can’t even locate one out of the 1.7 million of us! See, we are smarter than the Government’s Intelligence; obviously smarter than you too! 8-D


Cases 927 – 1000 (reported on 1 April 2020)

74 new COVID-19 Cases: 20 imported and 54 locally transmitted cases in Singapore.

See the details from the Official document stated here.

The Imported Cases have travel history to Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Switzerland, Netherlands, Austria, Slovenia, UAE, South Africa, Ethiopia, Brazil, United Kingdom & United States. See related Press Release dated 1 April 2020.

For the 10 new locally transmitted cases linked to Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home (LAM) at 1 Thomson Lane, see the details from the Official document stated here.

You note that for All the 74 new cases stated in the above mentioned document, the COVIDF-19 Causations are unknown!

See the People’s comments below the News report.

Click on the Hyperlinks to find details of other cases that we compiled earlier. Have a good day.


Cases 1001-1049 (reported on 2 April 2020)

49 new COVID-19 Cases: 8 imported and 41 locally transmitted cases in Singapore.

See the details from the Official document stated here.

The Imported Cases have travel history to Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, India, Canada & United Kingdom. See related Press Release dated 2 April 2020.

They mentioned about the various Clusters, we have noted that all of them are of unknown COVID-19 Causations. We have also noted that for all the 49 new cases stated in the above mentioned document, the COVID-19 Causations are unknown!

See the People’s comments below the News report.

Click on the Hyperlinks to find details of other cases that we compiled earlier. Have a good day.


Cases 1050 –1114 (reported on 3 April 2020)

65 new COVID-19 Cases: 9 imported and 56 locally transmitted cases in Singapore.

See the details from the Official document stated here.

The Imported Cases have travel history to Malaysia, UAE, Romania, United Kingdom & United States. See related Press Release dated 3 April 2020.

They mentioned about the Clusters, we have noted that all of them are of unknown COVID-19 Causations. We have also noted that for all the 65 new cases stated in the above mentioned document, the COVID-19 Causations are unknown!

See the People’s comments below the News report.

Click on the Hyperlinks to find details of other cases that we compiled earlier. Have a good day.


Case 1071, an 84 year-old female Singapore Citizen, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 21 April 2020 night. She was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 2 April. Khoo Teck Puat Hospital has reached out to her family and is extending assistance to them.


Cases 1115 – 1189 (reported on 4 April 2020)

75 new COVID-19 Cases: 6 imported and 69 locally transmitted cases in Singapore.

See the details from the Official document stated here.

The Imported Cases have travel history to Malaysia, Argentina, Hungary, Chile, US, France, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom & United States. See related Press Release dated 4 April 2020.

They mentioned about the Clusters, we have noted that all of them are of unknown COVID-19 Causations. We have also noted that for all the 75 new cases stated in the above mentioned document, the COVID-19 Causations are unknown!

See the People’s comments below the News report.

Click on the Hyperlinks to find details of other cases that we compiled earlier. Have a good day.


Case 1142, a 90 year-old male Singapore Citizen, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 11 April 2020 morning. He was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 3 April and was admitted to the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) on the same day. It was reported that NCID has reached out to his family and is extending assistance to them (reported  on 11 April 2020, after 22:22 SGT).


Cases 1190 – 1309 (reported on 5 April 2020)

120 new COVID-19 Cases: 4 imported and 116 locally transmitted cases in Singapore.

Look at the Government Official Report below, now they refuse to provide the detail of each case & where the imported cases come from, you decide if they just want to confuse the Readers! From this report, you should be able to gauge how they do work! Pathetic! This is the Singapore Government Reporting Standard!


They mentioned about the Clusters, we have noted that all of them are of unknown COVID-19 Causations. We have also noted that for all the 120 new cases stated in the above mentioned document, the COVID-19 Causations are unknown!

See the People’s comments below the News report.

Click on the Hyperlinks to find details of other cases that we compiled earlier. Have a good day.


Cases 1310 -1375 (reported on 6 April 2020)

66 new COVID-19 Cases: 1 imported and 65 locally transmitted cases in Singapore.

Look at the Government Official Report below, they refuse to provide the detail of each case. Now 99% of the information is hidden, see here


You want to vote for a Government in General Election who refuses to be transparent and always playing “hide-and-seek” with you by NOT revealing important information such as these which concerns our precious lives?

They mentioned about the Clusters, we have studied & noted that all of them are of unknown COVID-19 Causations. We have also noted that for all the 66 new cases stated in the above mentioned document, the COVID-19 Causations are unknown!

See the People’s comments below the News report.

Click on the Hyperlinks to find details of other cases that we compiled earlier. Have a good day.


Cases 1376 -1481 (reported on 7 April 2020)

106 new COVID-19 Cases: 3 imported and 103 locally transmitted cases in Singapore.

Look at the Government Official Report below, they refuse to provide the detail of each case. Now they prefer to play “hide-and seek” with us as 99% of the information below is hidden:


They mentioned about many Clusters, we have studied & noted that all of them are of unknown COVID-19 Causations. We have also noted that for all the 106 new cases stated in the above mentioned document, the COVID-19 Causations are unknown!

See the People’s comments below the News report.

Click on the Hyperlinks to find details of other cases that we compiled earlier. Have a good day.


Cases 1482 -1623 (reported on 8 April 2020 after 22:33 SGT)

142 new COVID-19 Cases: 2 imported and 140 locally transmitted cases in Singapore.

Look at the Government Official Report below, they still refuse to provide the detail of each case & have been trying hard to hide the important information from us:


You see “the 32-year-old male Indian national, identified as Case 1604 a locally transmitted case, who died while awaiting test results for the virus. The long-term pass holder had been swabbed at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) for the virus on Tuesday and was advised to stay at home but had died at his residence the next day”. Don’t you see it is obvious that he followed the PM Lee & his team’s advice faithfully “not to wear facemask unless one is sick” before 3 April 2020? Then he died before the test result was out! You decide we should credit his death into their account!

The PAP Government only encouraged the People to wear facemasks on 3 April 2020 (see items 24-27) but it was too late for this innocent Indian national! See the items 1-13 tr*sh items that they have given us! Can you expect the Wicked give you anything good? NEVER! Like Case 1604, you decide if they really care about your well-being! Till this day, they have not apologized & paid compensation to many who have been infected with COVID-19 due to their fo*lish advice of not wearing facemasks!

They mentioned about many Clusters, we have studied & noted that all of them are of unknown COVID-19 Causations. We have also noted that for all the 142 new cases stated in the above mentioned document, the COVID-19 Causations are unknown!

See the People’s comments below the News report.

Click on the Hyperlinks to find details of other cases that we compiled earlier. Have a good day.


See the Stay-Home Notice (SHN) Requirements & Hotels to be used for SHN Facilities published by the Singapore Government on 24 March, 4 April & 8 April 2020.

Compare the above mentioned with our Comments on 16 March 2020. You decide if they have used our ideas.

Dear Big Bullies & Monsters, we let you copy freely but you shouldn’t play dirty by having our Twitter accounts suspended on 10 April 2019, hacking our webpages, turning them blank & harassing the Witness & the elderly cancer survivor who have contributed to this (see item 3)!

Do you have such wicked mentality: “比我聪明和更受欢迎的全都该死” ? 8-(  See Google Translate. 8-D


Lawrence Wong breaks down while paying tribute to 'unsung heroes' fighting COVID-19 (reported on 25 March 2020). See video.

Tears? Does he really love & have compassion on those fighting COVID-19 in Singapore? We NEVER say is Cr*c*dile tears!

You see the Big Bullies’ track record in importing COVID-19 into Singapore! Excellent + Superb + AAA+!

If this is the Report on importing FDIs into Singapore to boost Jobs Participation Rate, all Singaporeans will vote for them in the coming General Election! But they have imported the wrong thing & now they can’t chase it out!

Cry? Other Rulers & MPs want to showcase your tears on TV to win votes too? The Singaporeans are NO fools! See what “goodies” they have given us & now we are busy 24/7 repairing the damage! We should be the ones crying instead!

What is Mr Lawrence Wong’s track record? You see item 6 concerning the HDB Flats they have designed & built, then you grade him yourself!

Yes, just cry now & later go back to your big house to relax & sleep...Zzz...


We will update other new cases later. Remember to wear your Facemasks & stay safe. Have a good day.


COVID-19 Cases:

1-130, 131-230, 231-683, 684-1623, 1624-3699, 3700-8014, 8015-12693, 12694-14951, 14952-17548, 17549-19410, 19411-22460, 22461-25346, 25347-28038, 28039-29314, 29315-31960, 31961-33249, 33250-37183, 37184-38514, 38515-40604, 40605-41216, 41217-42095, 42096-45783, 45784-47126, 47127-49098, 49099-53051, 53052 onwards ... (See later cases here)




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Important note:

The above article is an Unpaid Publication of Clients. We have checked the relevant facts to be correct & non-defamatory! We have done this to gain the goodwill of our Singaporeans so that they will not end up on the Streets to protest or create disorders which will affect the Prosperity of our beloved Singapore! Dear PAP Government, we would be happy to help you to publish any clarification you may have upon your payment of fees to us; the amount to be paid will be conveyed to you by our Consultants. Thank you.