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Here is the List concerning how each COVID-19 case is infected: COVID-19 Cases: 1-130, 131-230, 231-683, 684-1623, 1624-3699, 3700-8014, 8015-12693, 12694-14951, 14952-17548, 17549-19410, 19411-22460, 22461-25346, 25347-28038, 28039-29314, 29315-31960, 31961-33249, 31961-33249, 33250-37183, 37184-38514, 38515-40604, 40605-41216, 41217-42095, 42096-45783, 45784-47126, 47127-49098, 49099-53051, 53052 onwards ... (See later cases here)
Not reported as official COVID-19 death count in Indonesia or Singapore: Singaporean died in Batam Hospital: The Jakarta Post dated 29 February 2020.
COVID-19 Death Cases in Singapore: 90 & 212, 109, 476, 918, 855, 1604, 987, 1142, 1836, 128, 3381, 3145, 4754, 1071, 8190, 1595 & 9682, 703, 2728, 1323 & 17410, 14744, 16370, 1414 & 1528, 23550, 1305, 23908 & 24013, 1516, 4689, 17329, 11714 etc. Click below to see more cases happened after 4 June 2020. Summary details of death cases. May they rest in peace. (First compiled on 2 May 2020)
Cases 1624 -1910 (reported on 9 April 2020 after 21:30 SGT) 287 new COVID-19 Cases: 3 imported and 284 locally transmitted cases in Singapore. Look at the Government Official Report below, they have persistently refused to provide the details of each case! You decide what important information that they are hiding now!
See the People’s comments below the News report. Many thanks to Breeke for the comments on the above mentioned news, we extracted here: “USA 435,167/9.8mil sq km = 0.04 cases / sq km Spain 152,446/505k sq km = 0.3 cases/sq km S.Korea 10,423/100k sq km = 0.1 cases/sq km Hong Kong 974/1,100 sq km = 0.88 cases/sq km Taiwan 380/36k sq km = 0.01 cases/sq km World HIGHEST in cases / sq km .. and incidentally also the world highest in ministers salary ... Goes to Singapore 1910/731 sq km = 2.6 cases / sq km” Our comments: The World most expensive Rulers have made Singapore #1, but for the wrong reasons! Will the smart Singaporeans vote for them in the coming General Election?
The Government Webpage mentioned many Clusters; we have studied & noted that all of them are of unknown COVID-19 Causations. We have also noted that for all the 287 new cases stated in the above mentioned document, the COVID-19 Causations are unknown! They informed the World that they are busy with contact tracing works, but till this day, many sources that caused the infection of those Clusters remained unknown, let alone those Non-clusters. You decide who are the People putting on a show but have been sleeping on it! Fat salaries and months have gone by, but zero result! 8-( Click on the Hyperlinks to find details of other cases that we compiled earlier. Have a good day. 8-D
Case 1836: It was reported on 13 April 2020 that “he is a 65 year-old Singapore Citizen, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 13 April 2020 afternoon. He was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 9 April. Khoo Teck Puat Hospital has reached out to his family and is extending assistance to them.” He was reported as an unlinked case. Till this day, the Causation of the COVID-19 contraction remained unknown.
Cases 1911 –2108 (reported on 10 April 2020 after 21:56 SGT) 198 new COVID-19 Cases: All of them are locally transmitted cases in Singapore. New clusters include ICA Building. Look at the Government Official Report below, they have persistently refused to provide the details of each case! Can someone please find out what they are trying to hide?
See the People’s comments below the News report. They mentioned many Clusters; we have studied & noted that all of them are of unknown COVID-19 Causations. We have also noted that for all the 198 new cases stated in the above mentioned document, the COVID-19 Causations are unknown! Click on the Hyperlinks to find details of other cases that we compiled earlier. Have a good day. 8-D
“Today is Good Friday. For Christians, it is a special time to reflect on the sacrifice of Christ. For Singaporeans, it is a time to acknowledge the sacrifices of our frontline workers, since COVID-19 broke out in Singapore…” (PM Lee Hsien Loong, 10 April 2020) See the People’s comments below the News report. Our comments: From his words, it seems they could not locate the Causations of the Cluster & Non-cluster COVID-19 cases, see the sea of “red”! So please stay at home & always wear facemasks when you are out! Now he talks about “sacrifice”… Do you know how the Big Bullies make the People sacrifice for their own benefit? See the tr*sh items 1-13 here! Click on the Hyperlinks to find details of other cases that we compiled earlier. Have a good day. 8-D
Reported on 10 April 2020: “Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s government faces escalating criticism over a surge of infections at foreign worker dormitories. Public anger over the last week has manifested in an outpouring of donations for the workers, with an effort helmed by local social media personality Preeti Nair raising over S$215,000 (US$151,000) within 48 hours. A online petition for the government to do more to secure the rights of the workers has meanwhile obtained some 18,000 signatures.” Many Thanks to the many Generous who have contributed to help the workers & voiced out for their rights. You have made Singapore proud.
Cases 2109 –2299 (reported on 11 April 2020 after 21:22 SGT) 191 new COVID-19 Cases: All of them are locally transmitted cases in Singapore. 51 new cases were linked to clusters at foreign worker dormitories. Look at the Government Official Report below, they have persistently refused to provide the details of each case! Can someone please expose what they are trying to hide?
See the People’s comments below the News report. They mentioned many Clusters; we have studied & noted that all of them are of unknown COVID-19 Causations. We have also noted that for all the 191 new cases stated in the above mentioned document, the COVID-19 Causations are unknown! Click on the Hyperlinks to find details of other cases that we compiled earlier. Have a good day. 8-D
Before 3 April 2020, the Singapore Rulers encouraged ALL “NOT to wear facemask unless they are sick”, you see what happen after that when they saw the number of COVID-19 cases surged over the roof: Reported on 3 April 2020: Government will no longer discourage people from wearing face masks, reusable masks to be distributed. Reported on 10 April 2020: Patrons Urged To Wear Masks When Visiting Markets. Reported on 11 April 2020: Wearing of masks to be made compulsory on public transport: Khaw Boon Wan Reported on 11 April 2020: Markets to refuse entry to people not wearing masks from Sunday: NEA
Dear smart Singaporeans, cast your votes carefully with much deliberation in the coming General Election! You see when you have Jokers running the Government; they are just using us as “guinea pigs” in their “trial & error” experiments. You see how serious the Jokers can be when they deal with our precious lives! We are sick of them! Please vote for the Jokers if you are happy to be treated as “guinea pigs” for the rest of your lives!
Cases 2300 – 2532 (reported on 12 April 2020) 233 new COVID-19 Cases: All locally transmitted cases in Singapore. See the details from the Official document stated here. They mentioned about the Clusters, we have studied and noted that all the Clusters are of unknown COVID-19 Causations. We have also noted that for all the 233 new cases stated in the above mentioned document, the COVID-19 Causations are unknown! See the People’s comments below the News report. Click on the Hyperlinks to find details of other cases that we compiled earlier. Have a good day. Look at the above, practically everything one needs to know to contain the COVID-19 are UNKNOWN! Do the Big Bullies expect to continue to receive their fat salaries & relax, then expect the People to do the contact tracing ourselves? Don’t tell us how hard you work! We want to see result, but the situation has become worse! Anyone wants to pay $millions to those who have been making things worse? It is either you are unable to do the work intelligently or pretend to work but have been sleeping on it!
The Government wants 1m safe distancing outside! We 200% agree! But that is not always possible at home! See item 6 on the sizes of the HDB flats that they have sold to the People! More cases to come? The Government please stretch their sizes now? Yes, possible unless these flats are made like rubber bands! Dear PAP Rulers, please demonstrate to us how to maintain 1m safe distancing within our HDB flats, unless you want the COVID-19 cases to surge!
Reported in item 11: Case 2728, a 60 year-old male Singapore Citizen, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 1 May 2020. He was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 13 April, and had a history of hypertension and hyperlipidaemia.
Cases 2533 – 2918 (reported on 13 April 2020) 386 new COVID-19 Cases: All locally transmitted cases in Singapore. See the Official report below. Practically 99% of the details concerning the infected cases remained unknown! You decide what and why they are hiding from us. They mentioned about the Clusters, the biggest cluster now is “S11 Dormitory”, we have studied them and noted that all the Clusters are of unknown COVID-19 Causations. We have also noted that for all the 386 new cases stated in the above mentioned document, the COVID-19 Causations are unknown! You see the Big Bullies are paid $millions each month to do contact tracing and to contain the COVID-19. Are you satisfied to see how the COVID-19 Cases exploding? KPI negative? You decide! When Some who are cursed manage the Country, they can only spread darkness & give the People bad luck. See items 1-13 here & you decide who are cursed. See the People’s comments below the News report. Click on the Hyperlinks to find details of other cases that we compiled earlier. Have a good day.
Cases 2919 – 3252 (reported on 14 April 2020) 334 new COVID-19 Cases: All locally transmitted cases in Singapore. See the Official report below concerning each case here: Although they mentioned many cases are linked to the Clusters, we have studied them and noted that all the Clusters are of unknown COVID-19 Causations. We have also noted that for all the 334 new cases stated in the above mentioned document, the COVID-19 Causations are unknown! See the People’s comments below the News report. Click on the other Hyperlinks to find details of other cases that we compiled earlier. Have a good day.
Who help in contributing to the spike of COVID-19 cases in Singapore? We thank Joe Low for his comments to the news report stated above. We have extracted here: “Tomorrow onward all need to wear mask when outside .... But let us look at these shocking statements by various parties about masks since the early days......
On 10 Feb 2020, 4 heroic Doctors stood up and challenged MOH’s stand on wearing mask. They are Dr Collen Thomas (Physician, Mount E Hosp), Dr Judy Chen (GP), Dr Tham Hoe Meng (GP) and Dr Lim Pin Pin (GP). Together, they have over 115 years of experiences in the medical fields. Sadly, the authorities responded with heavy firepower and shot down this suggestion and brushed aside within days.
Surprisingly, one of which opposed is Assoc Prof. Kenneth Mak, from the Taskforce for Covid-19. And there’s this NMP Calvin Cheng said ‘it’s nonsense’ a businessman. Another is Assoc Prof. Hsu Li Yang of the NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
The 4 heroic Doctors: https://blackdotresearch.sg/wuhanwatch-is-this-health-advisory-signed-off-by-4-doctors-legit/
Assoc Prof. Kenneth Mak who brushed aside the suggestion:
‘Nonsense’ so said Calvin Cheng: http://theindependent.sg/nonsense-says-calvin-cheng-of-advice-by-4-doctors-to-wear-masks-at-all-times/” Our Comments: “Please do not wear Facemask unless you are sick!” – This is the message of the PAP Government to all residing in Singapore before 3 April 2020! Remember what Prime Minister Lee said here (dated 31 January 2020). When they gave such an advice, have they thought about the workers who always need to work side-by-side & live in congested dormitories? The answer is obvious as now they made it mandatory ALL to wear Facemasks the moment we step out of the house! When the Worker Case 1604 died on 8 April 2020 and the many of the Workers contracted COVID-19, then those Jokers woke up & now busy fire-fighting! Dear Big Bullies, do you need us to give you step-by-step tuition to run the “small red dot on the Map” Singapore? If you are really wise, you would not have busied misusing your brains by creating Items 1-13 to harass the People! Now the COVID-19 will keep you busy for some time, still want to harass us? Dear Friends around the World, you think they will fare better when they run your Country which is at least thousands of times bigger than Singapore? Take them if you want them! We want to send them for recycling!
Case 3381: It was reported that this 80 year-old male Malaysian national, has passed away on 14 April from causes not related to COVID-19 infection. Under MOH’s enhanced surveillance, he had been tested for COVID-19 after his demise, and his test result came back positive.
Case 3145, a 95 year-old male Singapore Citizen, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 17 April 2020. He was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 13 April. Raffles Hospital has reached out to his family and is extending assistance to them.
Cases 3253 – 3699 (reported on 15 April 2020 after 22:30 SGT) 447 new COVID-19 Cases: All locally transmitted cases in Singapore. 404 number of cases involved Workers living at dormitories. See the Official report below concerning each case here: https://www.moh.gov.sg/docs/librariesprovider5/pressroom/annex-b_15-4.pdf They mentioned MOH has uncovered links for 375 previously unlinked cases, see here: https://www.moh.gov.sg/docs/librariesprovider5/pressroom/annex-a_15-4.pdf We have studied all the Clusters and those unlinked cases, we noted that all the Clusters are of unknown COVID-19 Causations. We have also noted that for all the 447 new cases stated in the above mentioned document, the COVID-19 Causations are unknown! See the People’s comments below the News report. Click on the other Hyperlinks to find details of other cases that we compiled earlier. Have a good day.
Many Thanks to all the smart Singaporeans who uploaded all their useful comments; including that from Limpei who uploaded “Managing the coronavirus crisis: drawing the right lessons”. When the People reported, you can expect that the contents include tons of information that main-stream media dare not pen it; for fear of the Big Bullies & Monsters!
COVID-19 Cases: 1-130, 131-230, 231-683, 684-1623, 1624-3699, 3700-8014, 8015-12693, 12694-14951, 14952-17548, 17549-19410, 19411-22460, 22461-25346, 25347-28038, 28039-29314, 29315-31960, 33250-37183, 37184-38514, 38515-40604, 40605-41216, 41217-42095, 42096-45783, 45784-47126, 47127-49098, 49099-53051, 53052 onwards ... (See later cases here)
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Important note: The above article is an Unpaid Publication of Clients. We have checked the relevant facts to be correct & non-defamatory! We have done this to gain the goodwill of our Singaporeans so that they will not end up on the Streets to protest or create disorders which will affect the Prosperity of our beloved Singapore! Dear PAP Government, we would be happy to help you to publish any clarification you may have upon your payment of fees to us; the amount to be paid will be conveyed to you by our Consultants. Thank you. |