Published by: LS1965 & P65


Dear Daddy God, Creator of the Entire Universe, You see how the Big Bullies have devised such “excellent” Immigration Policies that they have imported so many Foreigners into Singapore that have taken up at least 50-100% of our Jobs in various Industries that many of us are now Jobless or Under-employed! The facts were only exposed around end June – early July 2020 when all of us were preparing for the General Election #GE2020. As You know we obey Your Laws & Ordinances, we would not resort to violence to “hammer” our Oppressors, as their Wicked Policies have continued to keep the smart Singaporeans out of jobs/ under-employed and let them suffer much mental stress and anxieties, we beg you to please transfer all our pains and anxieties to the Big Bullies and let them reap what they have sown! Can multiply that by at least a million times? You know how much Bribes they have collected for so many Foreigners’ imports into Singapore! We want to see Your Justice come to help to avenge us!

“The bread of the needy is the life of the poor; whoever deprives them of it is a man of blood.

To take away a neighbour’s living is to murder him; to deprive an employee of his wages is to shed blood.” (Sirach 34: 21-22)

Dear 61.24% of GE2020, you mean you can still love the “murderers” of your harmless neighbours?


How Some People can make the smart Singaporeans jobless or under-employed?


Click on the following Hyperlinks for latest updates:

See our record before GE2020: listed in items 4 & 5 and item 10.

5 January 2021.

Year 2020:

4, 11, 14,16, 17,18,21, 30-31 December 2020.


2 , 3, 4, 6, 12, 11, 12, 16, 18, 19-20, 23,25,27 November 2020.


1-2, 4, 7, 11-18, 19-25, 28-30 October 2020.


22, 24-29, 30 August to 3 September4,5,78-11, 12-15, 19 (CCS), 20-23, 24-29 September 2020.


Updates from 17 to 21 August 2020:

Ho Ching says people should report unfair hiring practices based on facts and not “hearsay”; Netizens call for transparency from MOM to stop speculations

Phillip Ang: Almost 50% of Temasek’s top management are foreigners – what hope do Singapore PMETs have?

Retrenched Indian Expat already has job offers “in the works” in less than 3 months

Please note that till this day, the PAP Rulers still refuse to give us a proper account on how our Reserves have been used for the People to audit!

See the Ministerial Statement presented by DPM Heng Swee Kiat on 17 August 2020 https://www.singaporebudget.gov.sg/budget_2020/AugustStatement

(video from CNA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Na_3WBC9eEk)

Do you know who is the Mr “Break-in, arrest without a warrant…”? See item 2!

Dear Big Bullies, you can continue to play with words & play with your immigration policies saying that you will help the smart Singaporeans! But the fact is countless of them complained to us that the jobs that they are interested and are good at are being taken up by NON-Singaporeans & you pretend to act “blind & deaf” to their plights. We are not surprised that the bulk of the Reserves being taken out have ended up to help Companies and Businesses that have less than 50% of their staff strengths as Singaporeans (as we have investigated it), or ended up in “some people’s” pockets?

Dear smart Singaporeans, you want to be seen totally defeated? NO Way! Since the Big Bullies are busy importing tons of foreigners to compete with us in our jobs market and making countless jobless or under-employed, causing our living conditions worse than when Mr Lee Kuan Yew was the Prime Minister before 29 November 1990, thus, they have forced us to enter Politics and we shall repay them with the same courtesy to defeat them in the next GE2025! Now is the time for you to start preparing! Yes! Doing the “SG-United” way to overthrow the Oppressors! Don’t worry, now they have already run out of bullets to act smart, just look at these 1-13 Goodies, Pages 1-15 & how they contain this COVID-19 crisis! The World can decide if the work they do is a BIG joke & whether these works can be used to make a Country prosper! The fact is, without TUITION, they can’t perform and don’t know what to do next! See their “blur” looks & you know what we meant! 8-D


Ex-MP Charles Chong confirms in post-election interview that PAP doesn’t listen from outside the party (dated 17 August 2020)

Labour chief now suggests to tighten EP policies after being voted out as MP in GE2020 (dated 15 August 2020)

Dear smart Singaporeans, look at the above mentioned reports and the People’s comment: Refusal to listen to the People and failure to create quality jobs for the People even there are FDIs; these are 2 deadly attributes for those who want to win in a General Election or to secure their thrones as rulers. In addition to that, some people love short-cuts and are lazy, thus it is easy for any of you who wants to compete with them in the General Election in 2025 & overthrow them! Start your preparation now? 8-D


Singaporeans hold 43% of Senior Roles in Financial Sector


Our Comments: We have done a thorough investigation on this topic. We have done a survey of more than 30,000 businesses in Singapore. We will not mention the Companies to protect their Privacies as agreed before our surveys! For many Companies in Singapore, the Singaporeans Staff Strength does not exceed 50%, and many fall between 10-30%! In the Construction Project sites are even worse; excluding the construction foreign workers, the Singaporean PMETs working in their site offices and head offices do not exceed 5% and 10% respectively for those who do our “mega” government projects. That’s the reason why so many qualified Singaporeans ended up jobless or under-employed! Happy with the Big Bullies’ performance in creating jobs for you?

Based on the above mentioned, do you see how the bulk of our Reserve which was meant to help the Singaporeans in this COVID-19 time has ended up with the Businesses which employ 50-100% of Foreigners & the NON-Singaporeans and left the born Singaporeans with insufficient aid and jobless/under-employed. Thus, till this day, the Big Bullies are unable to be transparent & give us a proper account on how the Reserves are being used for the smart Singaporeans to audit!

The Big Bullies can challenge us with facts listing the number of Singaporeans employed in each Singapore Business & listing the names of the Companies! Do they have the manpower like us to do this?

See https://twitter.com/asiaonecom/status/1296003743260061698

& the replies




See the Monetary Authority of Singapore has set an excellent example:

MAS: 57% of senior management positions in banking industry held by foreigners (reported on 19 August 2020). See the People’s comments below this report too! You decide as born Singaporeans, we have become 2nd class citizens, and our studies and work experiences are not being valued in our home Country! Sad...8-(

And yet the beautiful wife of the Singapore Prime Minister can say this in the face of so many people being jobless or under-employed!

The smart Singaporeans are NO fools. Dear 61.24% who voted for the PAP in GE2020, happy now? 8-D


Look at the following reports & the People’s comments below each. You will see how good the Big Bullies in creating quality Jobs for the smart Singaporeans:

Only now did MAS decide to reach out to retired banker to get his views on growing SG core (reported on 21 August 2020)

“It’s no use for politicians to keep saying no one will be left behind. The undeniable fact is that many are being left behind. Beyond looking at the bottom, look at what has transpired at the top. What happened to the Singaporean core?” (Reported on 20 August 2020)

Thus, we encourage ALL the smart Singaporeans who love Singapore to work towards the goal of running for the Singapore General Election GE2025 to compete against the Big Bullies. Cultivate in yourselves that great desire to replace them for the betterment of Singapore & serving the People with love & commitment. If the Big Bullies are really so good, they would not have screwed-up the economy even long before COVID-19 entered Singapore in January 2020 (see items 1-13), devising Laws to oppress the People (item 2) & Grabbing Money from us using MediShield Life (item 1) & CareShield Life (item 11) & even calling for General Election on 10 July 2020 in the midst of massive COVID-19 spread. See New Zealand has done otherwise! Singapore is not a guinea pig for their continuous “trial and error”, they have done this to us long before the 2015 General Election and now the situation is even worse than then! It’s time that we quickly SG-United to repair the damage before we can walk towards real progress! Thanks.





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