This is the Publication by LS1965 & P65.


Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020

1st compiled on 24 June 2020, 14:00 SGT.

Last updated for this page: 2 July 2020, 22:02 SGT.


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See the Table of Contents help you to navigate in our GE2020 webpages.

See our compilation starting from 5 September 2019 here, highlighting the track records of the PAP Rulers.


Prepare for the Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020

Please see this video & vote correctly. As shown in the video, use your “Permanent-ink” Pen to mark a BIG “X” beside the empty slot of who you want to vote for! The Big Bullies will be too happy if we vote wrongly & send the wrong guys into the Singapore Parliament! Thanks. 8-D


Dear Supporters of the Big Bullies, please stop giving your harmful comments and delete all your past comments (supporting the Monsters) below all News reports!  Among us there are SPIES working with Yahoo News, we will definitely nab you & publish your real identities around the World! And you may need to hide in self-quarantine for the rest of your lives! Fools will serve the wrong masters & end up in self-destruction! 8-D


The comments of the People on GE2020 can be found below each of the following News report & these:

2 June 2020 Reports:

GE2020: 7 parties take to national television to broadcast manifestos

GE2020: Government never targeted 10 million populationHeng Swee Keat

Our comments: See, he quickly said the opposite after we dug up his words in the past recorded by the Straits Times news dated 29 March 2020! The wicked Big Bullies have said tons of nice things but act in the opposite manner worse than the World’s most unreliable boyfriend; as recorded in our #GE2020SG Webpage! This coming GE will show the World how many smart Singaporeans among us who refuse to get conned by their empty words, empty promises & dare to stand up against oppression and be treated like slaves! 8-D

1 July 2020 Reports:

GE2020: Vivian Balakrishnan slams Chee Soon Juan over ‘false statement’ of 10m population plan

(Our comments: Many Thanks to thaman_shan who highlighted below this report “GE2020: PAP's Vivian, SDP's Chee engage in fiery debate live on national TV” that it was DPM Mr Heng Swee Keat who talked about the 10 million population here  https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/sporeans-must-remain-open-to-foreigners-says-heng

Dear Mr Vivian Balakrishnan, get your facts right! Now we want to see how you slam the DPM Heng Swee Keat! You dare not? Then don’t bark up the wrong tree & put yourself to shame!

We must put everything in proper record; the Big Bullies like to put words into our mouths! Beware of their wicked tactics!)


(GE2020: PAP's Vivian, SDP's Chee engage in fiery debate live on national TV

GE2020: PAP candidate Tan See Leng clarifies directorship issue surfaced on social media

COMMENT: PAP’s GE2020 tactics show ingenuity of GRC system

GE2020: Parties explain, analyse candidacy decisions as they begin campaigning

30 June 2020 Reports:

GE2020: Who are the candidates contesting in your constituency (SMC)?

GE2020: E-rallies to be live-streamed from Suntec, 3 time slots per day

GE2020: All seats contested for second straight GE, Heng Swee Keat springs surprise

Lee Hsien Yang won't be contesting GE2020, his name not in nomination papers

The People please comment! 8-D

We will extract & publish your excellent comments!

We have listed what our Good Friends have been giving us in the past & now in our General Election Webpage! Please vote wisely!


Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Please upload your comments as we will come back & extract further:

GE2020: Who are the candidates contesting in your constituency (SMC)? (30 June 2020 Report)

Note from the Publisher: When you see any “*” appear, this means that we have conceal some letters in order to avoid possible defamation suit. 8-D

From leo:

Hong Kah residents, pls get rid of the one who told Singaporeans to leave if their not happy.

From the Publisher: Video Dr Amy Khor: S'poreans can pack up and leave S'pore just like new citizens - 05Feb2013

From TokaAli:

India-Singapore Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement was first mooted by GOH CHOK TONG in 2002. The Declaration of Intent was signed by GEORGE YEO in 2003. The negotiation team was led by HENG SWEE KEAT between 2003-2005. THE AGREEMENT WAS SIGNED BY LEE HSIEN LOONG IN 2005. Here are the list of occupations the PAP Government opened up to INDIA, as listed in the CECA Annex 9A: List of professionals. Why is the PAP doing this to us, Singapore Citizens? Almost all of the jobs Singaporeans are capable of doing, is in this list. Why do you still want to vote for them to continue with this madness? Why do we want to let PAP continue to defecate on us, the citizens of Singapore?


From Anonymous:

They are saving the CECA PMET jobs. Many Singaporeans are first to be retrench while the CECA PMETs are still holding on to their high paying jobs and staying in their condominiums. Policy and payouts to save whose jobs? Not Singaporeans first??? Payouts used to save foreigners jobs instead? Laughable seriously...

From dogisbetter:

@PAP manifesto

“Provide free in-patient treatment for COVID-19 at public hospitals. In total, the government has allocated $20 billion to MOH in recent budgets.”

For foreigners? We will not squander our reserves on foreigners again and again who no need to serve ns. OUR LAST ELECTION VOTE PAP OUT


so you must be one of those that causes outsiders laughing singaporean for paying so much for a property? Correction, it’s about paying highest RENTAL. today you pay 500k to HDB and reduces to $0 because you want pap? NO SERS

From NewTariff in Town...:

Before going to the polling station. Just think how your CPF being stolen right in front of their eyes. How can you survive with a monthly payout of $350 from your SELF-funded pension scheme while retired ministers and mps pension are funded by the taxpayers.

As if not humiliated enough they can withdraw advance pension in one lump sum. Already si no need to be so kiasi anymore.

VOTE PAP OUT for good.

From Norman:

The annual MP allowance is $192,500,but for half an effort Murali gets all, so Bukit Batok residents please stop acting silly this time and make the change and give us a voice in Parliament..

From Opininon:

No foreigners should influence Singapore and Singaporeans ! I notice we have a number of Malaysians became our Ministers ? What do you think ? double standards or not? vote wisely this time or regret the next 5 years.

From wengcheong:

Revisited all these PAP MPs in this news. We really don't know what these MPs were doing during their term. There is nothing great that they have done for the people. What Darryl David, Mervin Yong, Chris De Souza and so on and Companies. Having fat monthly salaries for nothing. VTO. Opposition Parties, please occupy their seats.

From Bao:

Murali Pillai cannot even manged his own family member (son was jailed for molest) you expect him to be able to manage his constituency? Residents of Bukit Batok please think hard before you cast your precious vote. Dr Chee had committed that he will be serving as a full-time MP if elected. So do you want someone who is committed to serve full-time and wholeheartedly or only a part-time one who only comes along once a while and who cannot ever managed his family members?

From the Publisher: See the related report & related comments.

From Ploor:

My birthday wish is that Lim Tean, Chee Soon Juan, Tan Cheng Bock, Pritam are all vote in the Parliament and we will see PAP** working hard for the people!

From Patrick:

Uncle is not a supporter of Dr CHEE but given his tenacity over the years he deserves a chance to represent the people in PARLIAMENT in this COVID-19 influenced GE ! Residents of BUKIT BATOK----Make it HAPPEN !

From SGP:

My Choice is Nicole Seah & Team. Well they're up against Heng SK Team. I pray for History to be made that Heng & his Team will be defeated.

To those who say Heng is a sure bet, I would only say Let's History be made. Does not mean if Heng is defeated, S'pore will collapse. Nobody is indispensable in Singapore or any where in the world.

From Popeye:

Heard PAP Murali spent full time on his job and serve his constituent part-time

Please give Chee Soon Guan a chance to serve you full-time. He is dedicated

and can provide diverse views in Parliament. Wonder if Murali ever spoke in Parliament?

From Gold Vindicating Avenger:

My Predictions 2 : Mary mounts SMC is abandoned by Josephine the empress of France after the debacle of the workers dorms infections . . . because she is too valuable to lose like George Yeo 9 years ago

So she's redeployed to " safe " GRC and Garang fem Gan sent to try her luck. She got guts have to give the woman credit ( or maybe just follow obey big boss orders )

From Pict:

Why is Grace Fu a full minister not helming a GRC but taking a small SMC? Is the party protecting her?

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