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Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020 1st compiled on 24 June 2020, 14:00 SGT. Overall last updated: Page 13, Page 14, Page 15
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See the Table of Contents help you to navigate in our GE2020 webpages. See our compilation starting from 5 September 2019 here, highlighting the track records of the PAP Rulers.
Prepare for the Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020 Please see this video & vote correctly. As shown in the video, use your “Permanent-ink” Pen to mark a BIG “X” beside the empty slot of who you want to vote for! The Big Bullies will be too happy if we vote wrongly & send the wrong guys into the Singapore Parliament! Thanks. 8-D
Dear Supporters of the Big Bullies, please stop giving your harmful comments and delete all your past comments (supporting the Monsters) below all News reports! Among us there are SPIES working with Yahoo News, we will definitely nab you & publish your real identities around the World! And you may need to hide in self-quarantine for the rest of your lives! Fools will serve the wrong masters & end up in self-destruction! 8-D
The comments of the People on GE2020 can be found below each of the following News report & these: 25 June 2020: “GE2020: Lee Hsien Yang joins PSP but unclear if he will run for GE” 24 June 2020: “You can love Singapore and yet not vote PAP: Lee Hsien Yang” 23 June 2020: “General election 'will be like no other we have experienced': PM Lee”. 23 June 2020: “GE2020: Polling Day on Friday, 10 July”. 23 June 2020: “GE 2020: This GE is 'like no other', Singaporeans must be 'completely united' – PM Lee” 22 June 2020: “NTUC Enterprise unveils $50m support package to help Singaporeans” 24 June2020: Explainer: Why are Singapore's first family feuding? The People please comment! 8-D We will extract & publish your excellent comments! We have listed what our Good Friends have been giving us in the past & now in our General Election Webpage! Please vote wisely! Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Please upload your comments as we will come back & extract further: 23 June 2020: “GE2020: Polling Day on Friday, 10 July”. From r: CAREFULLY PLANNED! When 100,000 unemployed, pap launched work job training programme on 1july, Luring voters that they will be employed, and before they are actually employed, Voters have to first vote for pap in order to get closer to the dangling promises of jobs (but no guarantee), Then when voters lured or compelled by the faint hope of jobs to vote for pap, After selected again, Voters will again face with cruelty that no jobs or very unsuitable jobs offered (for example, graduate at age 50 to work as general workers that is the only job opportunity for them, they may risk injure their back as they are not use to carry heavy stuff). From Anita: LHL, you are an interesting man. Your dad built Singapore for Singaporean. Attract FDI to built Technological factories and business headquarters here, then trained our fellow Singaporean to take up important roles in these foreign factories and businesses. Our country and economy is turning better year after year and we became a 1st world nation. Then you came on board. You chased all the factories away and wanted to build 2 casinos promising that there will be 60k jobs to make up for the lost. But I only saw a handful of Singapore working in these casinos.... at the front door as security. Once you pass the front door, you will feel that we are in Shanghai. You are systematically stealing from the nation asset to sell it to the foreigners. You built and rebuild every of the essential services with our money and stole our job to give it to the foreigner. You run our country with million dollar salary but every service department that we went into, we are being served by foreigners from a third world country. From Banks to Telecom to Hospitals, just to name a few. Your dad said that we can withdraw our CPF money at age 55, you tell us to give you our CPF money at age 55. Nothing you did is right or good for Singaporean. The only thing that you are good at is to fix your opposition. And you tell us to be careful not to put our country in the hands of the wrong people. They can't be more wrong to put the country in your hands again. I believe every Singaporean will want you to take up the post of the opposition comes July 10. From Paul: Don't worry, just vote for all opposition members. Singapore will still have a government but it would be a better government. From James: Singapore heads to poll on 10th July hence marks the demise of the "dishonourable son's" political career. 70%, Tio Bo? From gary: I will reserve my vote for whichever party that promises no increase in taxes for the next 5 years. Better still, reduction in GST, COE, ABSD and other taxes. By all means go ahead and increase taxes for those UHNWs owning GCBs, Lamborghinis, RR, etc. From TheRighteousHand: It just goes to show how desperate the PAP is. Now the daily infection rate has dropped to below 250 daily they quickly want to get the election through. When it was in the daily range of 700+ they dare not talk about elections knowing they gonna lose a lot of votes. There is reason to suspect the daily rate of 250 and below has been engineered to make it look like they have it under control because elections coming. Why are there so much distrust in this govt? It's because over the years they have shown to us that they cannot be trusted. They say one thing and then do the opposite. Remember about ERP and the COE? back then when they introduced the COE they said it was a temporary measure and would be scrapped when the ERP system kicks in. Well, the ERP system has been in operation for more than a decade already but COE has still not been removed. Can this govt's words be trusted at all? From Joe Low: Citizens, we have limited opportunity to take back SG and manage the country for Singaporeans, not just for the elites and foreigners including PRs. We must say NO to 6.9m population and say YES to 4.5m population. There are more than enough talents here who are willing to serve SG, just that the incumbent made it difficult for them to launch their political career. From Tham Wing: Singapore will be Singapore. Doesn't matter who governs. It's not a risk voting for opposition. From Sleazyslim: After 52 years and from 21 years onwards finally it’s abt time am going to make a decision which will bring the wind of change .. irs is about time From Gege: Single at age 39, out of job. Due to this virus incident, I see no future to find a partner and form a family. Time to retire. From YH0: It is time to do our part to vote for the opposition... voting in more opposition into the parliament to deny PAP 2/3 majority. Our lives matter... as this political party is ONLY for foreigners. From MT4 Trader: No return CPF NO vote.
23 June 2020: “General election 'will be like no other we have experienced': PM Lee”. From Eagle: i hope the 70% can think with their heads and vote wisely.. don't make the other 30% suffer for no reason.. don't forget the PAPPIEs are flip flop prata.. From vincent: Of course we will vote wisely is to vote you out From Gerrard Villa: Vote PAP ...... I have not finished my sentence .........OUT From Anonymous: Alot of donation advertisement lately. Seems like the poor are left out and not taken care. Vote wisely. From Karma: Covid-19 do not seem to be as deadly as SARS..but it's a world Pandemic. We are well prepared..but dormitories not under radar.. No need wear mask and no need to panic..but hundreds of confirmed cases daily... Future Population projection : 10 million..?? Yes, vote wisely... Vote WISELY... From Ben: We will definitely vote wisely, hope this will be an unforgettable election. 6.9 million or 10 million population CECA,FT Amount of Scholarship spend on non Singaporean Singaporean a priority when implementing policies From Tu Tu: We will See Our NEW Government Rule! All My Support For The Opposition Party! From Eric: i gave it a serious thought, my decision is still to vote wisely against the rise of GST to 9%, that's my contribution to the nation and the people!! Against the high cost of living and for the betterment of fellow Singaporean. Singaporean for Singapore!!! Majulah Singapore!! Let's move forward!!! From sharil: How come this round, GE will be on Friday, a full working day? In the past, those calculative pap*** would have had elections held on Saturdays, when half the country won’t be working anyway, thereby rendering election day as a public holiday, meaningless. Are they really that afraid they will lose this time round, so much so, that they have to 'bribe' voters with a public holiday, when they have the election on a Friday, instead of the usual Saturday? Note: We have modified to “pap***” to avoid possible defamation suit. 8-D From Rinpoche: No need to wear mask. We are well prepared. FTs create more good paying jobs for Singaporeans. Constitution Changed for Snap Minority President. POFMA CECA Failed Amaravati Project National Identity Dilution with Philippians, Magalas, Indians, Vietnam, Burmese, ...... Gave nearly Per Day of 1 millions $Singapore tax payers dollars to groom foreign students everyday. Many Singaporeans PMET lost their good paying jobs GST and tax hikes and hikes Broken Promise to return the CPF Yes, we will think carefully to cast the vote. From ChangeAgent: The gambling is becoming a habit. First was the face mask, now the GE. What's next? All in on our reserves? From small: Didn't PM say in Jan-Feb, the govt was well-prepared over 17yrs after 2003 SARS? If that were so, we would have performed as well as Macau and Taiwan and gone back to normalcy quickly but apparently not. It's been 5 months and we're still struggling. Calling for an election now in the midst of the pandemic when you have no good effective solution is a very bad decision. If you think vaccination is the only solution and answer to dealing with Covid-19, then I'm sorry to tell you that vaccination is not only NOT the solution, it's a very bad solution - there are non-vaccinated solutions that are far more effective and safer. To give you, your team and entire govt the mandate to make vaccines and other policy roll-out mandatory and one-size-fit-all essentially amounts to surrendering our voice and YOU be the VOICE with the only say. That is relinquishing our freedom and choice. The people's (not PAP's) right to their voice, say and choice must remain and sustained for the current and future generation over the next 5 years and far beyond. Yes, will definitely vote wisely to have my (not PAP's) voice, say and choice. From Oscar: Ah long stress already. Keep reminding us to vote wisely. But the fact is if Singaporeans vote Wisely, PAP will not be the govt anymore. So Singaporeans do take heed on Ah long advice to vote wisely. From Jimmy: u are actually asking for trouble when u have election in covid-19. Very obvious some of your minister will be voted out !! From Tan: Enough of this group who set laws and break them without penalty. Others who committed them will be sued till pants drop. They are above all laws. 1. In 2012 set a law whereby NRIC should not be used. Now they are scanning NRIC like no people business. 2. His wife's millions dollars salary case lead to a minister using POFMA but dare not reveal the actual amount. 3. FW's covid testing lead to the reveal of 400,000 population FWs living here in dorm. Google and one will find till Dec 2019, there are 1.4 million FWs and FTs. Local born are over 2 millions. Total population are 5.7 million. 4. The law required all personnel to wear mask and keep away from crowd if necessary. Yet a MP entered a wet market and shot a selfie with a hawker. It is posted in the facebook. Take his advise. Think carefully and vote wisely. From test of time: Singapore have faced many crossroads before and we survived, it is time to charter a new course. We have seen many slow, flawed and U turns in policies in this pandemic. How can we trust them with or future? From Ed: How would you grade PAP performance for the past 5 years? A or F? From Kayalvili: Ya I am waiting too for the Best GE ever. Think wisely folks. Our RIGHTS as Singaporeans and how we were deprived left to hang alone to survive while the FOREIGNERS were given Priority. I am not against the FWs I do appreciate their great help to our country but when they were given paid salary while we Singaporeans were jobless that was heart wrenching when I saw we were thrown by the PAPs. Hope for a new great start for the future. All the Best to Oppositions. Stay united do do your Best to strive a better Nation together. Vote wisely. I don't want to suffer for the next 5 years do you ?? From iNViSiGOTH: Mandate: • Authoritative Command • Formal order from a superior court or official to an inferior one. Does that sound like they are serving us? It’s another 5 years if we still choose to give them majority. They won’t have any mandates if we reduce their winning to a narrow margin meaning our rightful role as masters will be return back to us as well as our country and most importantly our citizen status and our jobs. From Anzac: Before any mandate, accountability takes more important. Thank you for the present Government for the major screwed up that led us to where we are today, spending our reserve like water. It should not be classified as money well spent, but money to divert attention from the failure. Trying to paint a beautiful picture? Let's not forget that these blunders today is caused by who? Will there be accountability or are Singaporeans going to issue a blank cheque for them to do whatever they want? When Wuhan lockdown, Singapore are still spreading our legs wide open & in the end the virus did flies into our little red hole. The first almost 20 cases are all from China with the initial 10 over from Wuhan, isn't it? Also, you do not need to wear a mask if you are well. Well, that is a major contributor for today high infections. Since day one, I already told peoples that when we took the first wrong step, 满盘皆输. A lot cannot see the bigger picture of why, as China is the only infected country. Now they saw it. How much had the Government spent on cleaning these mess they had created. Also, spending money on something & found out it wouldn't work & instead to rectify into the problem, spent more money to come out with another. The Singapore Government is very generous in spending our money. If I going to pay someone million to try, I might as well try it myself. Not forgetting that they claimed to be the best elite, deserving the highest pay. But only in a crisis can we see one's ability & it proved to be likewise, not even mediocre, but worst. You Do Not Need To Wear A Mask If You Are Well. 42,000 Infections & Still Adding With 26 Deaths. Vote for the Party that brought you these.
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