This is the Publication by LS1965 & P65.


Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020

1st compiled on 24 June 2020, 14:00 SGT.

Last updated for this page: 26 June 2020, 5:22 SGT.


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See the Table of Contents help you to navigate in our GE2020 webpages.

See our compilation starting from 5 September 2019 here, highlighting the track records of the PAP Rulers.


Prepare for the Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020

Please see this video & vote correctly. As shown in the video, use your “Permanent-ink” Pen to mark a BIG “X” beside the empty slot of who you want to vote for! The Big Bullies will be too happy if we vote wrongly & send the wrong guys into the Singapore Parliament! Thanks. 8-D


Dear Supporters of the Big Bullies, please stop giving your harmful comments and delete all your past comments (supporting the Monsters) below all News reports!  Among us there are SPIES working with Yahoo News, we will definitely nab you & publish your real identities around the World! And you may need to hide in self-quarantine for the rest of your lives! Fools will serve the wrong masters & end up in self-destruction! 8-D


The comments of the People on GE2020 can be found below each of the following News report & these:

25 June 2020: “GE2020: Lee Hsien Yang joins PSP but unclear if he will run for GE

24 June 2020: “You can love Singapore and yet not vote PAP: Lee Hsien Yang

23 June 2020: “GE 2020: This GE is 'like no other', Singaporeans must be 'completely united' – PM Lee

The People please comment! 8-D

We will extract & publish your excellent comments!

We have listed what our Good Friends have been giving us in the past & now in our General Election Webpage! Please vote wisely!

Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Please upload your comments as we will come back & extract further:

23 June 2020: “GE 2020: This GE is 'like no other', Singaporeans must be 'completely united' – PM Lee


LHL said think carefully who you vote. Of course oppositions

From SC:

Huh, the way he talk he know PAP will DOOMS liao and now he is Singing Song but the 'KEYS' all Wrong and he try to buy Vote from Public, anyway enough is enough, public now need some opposition in the parliament and dun let PAP ownself check ownself. So Sad

From Whyte:

In my view, the current ruling party started their campaign two weeks ago on national TV, and its still on-going (in conversation special). When will other political parties get their air-time on national TV?

Just be cautious. Based on past experiences, it's all sunshine and rainbows before elections. After elections, it's stormy weather void of any illusions.

From westgate:

Please remember 2011 and 2015 elections. Do you prefer how PAP behaved after 2011 or after 2015?

If you prefer after 2011, its because they had a rude shock of the swing in votes against them. When they got significant amount of it back in 2015 (some argue its because of LKY passing effect but whatever), did you like how they behave compared to 2011?

I found they actually became humble in 2011 but arrogance came back in 2015 with a vengeance. Look at what they did with Oxleygate, Select president and now the migrant worker disaster. I am sure there are so many more but you get the message. So, if you want the same humble PAP, you need to vote against them. There is no other way.

From Bao:

Time for change. Denied their two-third majority in parliament so they cannot "suka-suka" pass any law or amendments in parliament.

From Yeow Hwee:

Urged all employees to support employers by accepting Pay Cut but does the PM knows that employees spend so many years than only have their salaries climbed up slightly more but with his announcement majority of the employers are taking the opportunities to CUT at least 20% or more of their employees salaries which will not reinstate back. This Mandate which the PM had made many are unable to service their loans and commitments therefore bringing stress to all whom are affected esp when their creditors press them for payments. We only commit of the amounts we can afford base on our incomes but now we are trap with this Pay Cut announcement by our PM. Since the Gov is willing to support Employers so he shouldn't allow the employers to reduce the wages of their employees or at least give a grace period of 3 months all employers to reinstate all wages back to normal of their employees.

Will really need to VOTE wisely otherwise life will be even tougher in near future for next Generation.

From Ploor:

If you haven't notice PAP last 30 years modus operandi is massive import of cheap FW and fake FT while ever increasing various tax and turning all public ministries into private organization for maximum profits at the expense of citizens whose wage has been suppressed by imports resulting in unaffordable housing and basic medical cares. The global poll that states Singaporeans as the MOST UNHAPPY people, the MOST STRESSFUL worker, and LOWEST BIRTH RATE is the result of our society directed by this corrupted and tyrannical regime. Time for a CHANGE! Time to return Singapore back to Singaporeans and vote for passionate and caring leaders who put Singaporeans first! Say NO to PAP!!

From  Firefire:

I want leaders who truly care for the people first. I want leaders who will deal with short term pain in reducing our reliance on foreign workforce, rather then refusing to see the long term negative effects that a large and growing foreign workforce in our country will do to us. I want leaders who are open and treat their people like adults, rather then children whom they can lord over.

I want leaders who are in touch with the common people rather than those who are in their ivory towers.

I want leaders who are willing to apologize and take responsibility rather than practicing "tai chi" when things go wrong.

The above are the reasons why I will not vote for the incumbent party.

From Fifth Estate:

Why nowadays his face like this? Lau sai is it?

From Rinpoche:

PAPi spent nearly 100 Billions and paid and feed PRs, FTs, FWs etc... many times of the only 2.6 million citizens voters but still failed to contain the Covit-19 virus.

We must be United to vote for Change and to prevent such things as the constitution being changed to allow for "SNAP" minority president for example.

The PAPi like to "SNAP" but this "SNAP Election" will be "14" pronounce in Cantonese as a downfall bad omen for the PAPi. Very well deserving for them, if you will to ask me as they FAILED with F9 report card, undeserving to be in the next form up at all.

Vote PAPi and the tax and GST will very likely be hike much worse than the last 5 years and surely new way of taxing the people will be introduced.

And more CECAs and FTs and new citizens will come to replace Singaporeans out of jobs.

Money will be given to groom foreign students against our Children future.

Time for Change. Time to say NO to PAPi.

Note from the Publisher: After this coming General Election, the Government will form the 14th Parliament. See the 13th Parliament of Singapore existing now.

From Edmund:

It is misleading to state that PM Lee Hsien Loong advises President Halimah Yacob on anything - especially on the issue of dissolving Parliament & issuing the Writ of Election. The President will not do anything to jeopardise her multi-million dollar annual salary & will take orders from the PM.

From KX:

Out with CCS. Out with JT. We want an alternative voice in Parliament...pls vote wisely...

From LCTA:

Vote OPPOSITION to abolish ceca employment agencies and consolidate all the PMET job opportunities in a job bank and Singaporean is given first priority to be hired until no Singaporean is available in the list of jobless and underemployed, then only will consider new citizen w/o NS followed by PR, EP , SP.


24 June 2020: “You can love Singapore and yet not vote PAP: Lee Hsien Yang

From CT:

My vote will not be for PAP... just because of a simple reason - I don't feel most of us, average Singaporeans are well treated by our current ruling government. Yes, we need our voices to be heard!

From Rain:

Glad that he comes out to speak for the ppl. Indeed, this government has deviated a-lot and betray the trust of the ppl. They implemented fearful law to protect their political interests and silence the ppl. A good government fear no criticism and do not hv to bring fearful law to jail ppl over freedom of expression. They over do it. It become authoritarian government. They also over do it for immigration. We become foreigner in our own country and many comments out there laughing at us and to kick us out of the country. The presidential election is a joke. There’s also many other issues. I dun understand why many ppl in crisis can’t use their own CPF money too. Even in the crisis today. They can’t support their families needs. Many families can’t afford to buy a laptop for their children during this crisis. We are first world country from the country build by LKY but look at the situation of the ppl now. We are like third world ppl.

From HSB:

Singapore will collapse because no PAP? You are dreaming. There's a strong civil service in place. Things will run as normal. No chance opposition will win majority knowing s in Singaporeans already conditioned by PAP brainwash. But we definitely need more credible opponents in parliament, otherwise the many wrongs by pap will never be rectified & expose. Just follow the argument from both side & you should be able to find out more & make your own decisions

From Alice:

A public service is supposed to work together with whichever government is in charge. We can still have a significant alternative voice/s and Singapore will run as it always has. We have to separate loyalty for Singapore from loyalty to a political party.

From Jessie:

If we love Singapore, we must vote the PAP out otherwise the population will increase to 10 million and we Singaporeans will have to live in 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom HDB because our jobs will be taken over by new citizens.

From Justinee:

All said, this is one intelligent and transparent statement coming for the son's mouth, indeed why the need of fear and monger crushing opponents who does not meet the eyes to policies? This is the TIME for Singapore and Singaporeans to stand up and face the bullying tactics that have pigeon hole the (rightful) freedom of people..if not Now, WHEN? LHY have bravely spoken up as one true son.

From Vote More Voices:

Mr Lee Hsien Yang.......Yes, we do love Singapore that is why we are voicing oout for opposition parties. However, if you can join the team and run for office that will be perfect for PSP!!

From MK Ling:

Yes, I declare my love for Singapore, even though I have voted WP for the past elections at East Coast GRC. WP East Coast teams have been walking the ground for the past 10 years almost every week, but still, with all the hard works, it is still an uphill task to beat the incumbent in our very unfair election landscape.

The teams shared with me that they would expect to work non-stop for at least 10-15 years in East Coast GRC in order to stand a chance to challenge the PAP. Such is the sad truth for the alternative candidates.

2 Votes to East Coast GRC team from my family & wish them great success on 10 July.

From Jimi Hendralin:

Mr. LHY, Please stand for election and help bring back LKY style of politics and help govern Singapore, I believe the oppositions also hope that you can join in as a candidates every one in Singapore trust that you can govern Singapore the way LKY govern in the past. We believe Dr. Tan Cheng Bok deserve your support fully and also need a PM like you, majority Singaporean will support you , we know you can bring back the LKY style of politics

From Dunbother:


From SGHeartlander:

if you need proper check and balance you need to have some opposition in the parliament... at least 30% of it.

From Ho:

We love Singapore, this coming election. Show our colour!! Vote and changes our future.

From Justice Pao:

Lee Hsien Yang is absolutely right because the two are not the same. We should not be confused about this issue. And for democracy to take place, we need opposition in parliament. There can never be true democracy without any opposition.

From Dorothy:

Yes, you are absolutely right. We love Singapore but we do not have to vote for PAP. Because Singapore does not belong to PAP. PAP uses POFDMA to silent us, now we shall use our votes to replace them.

From Old bird:

Hsien Yang is absolutely right! We love our country and yet not vote for the PAP because of some of its flawed policies and some very non transparent policies like Ministers salaries and that of those at Temasek where LHL’s wife is the head there. Till date Singaporeans are still in the dark as to how much she gets a year. Many have said that she earns and that have been denied. She should disclose and settle this mystery once and for all. For that matter she should be there at all. Unlike the great LKY his wife was never in the public service so as not to let people second Guess how much she earns.

From June:

I cannot accept that my HDB flat becomes Zero value when the previous government told us that it would appreciate over the years and current gov can let people move to new BTO flats with some top up , I cannot accept that the current president is change by walk over without voting , I cannot accept the water bill is increased by 30% , I cannot accept that I have pay additional insurance make compulsory by the government when I already have my own insurance , I cannot accept another 6.9 millions populations to flood into our tiny island , I cannot accept nonstop roadworks in every inch of our roads everyday for years , I cannot accept Sia Suay minister and cotton comes from sheep , I cannot accept 300k to 400k of foreign workers in our little dot , I cannot accept that there is no accountability for workers living in dormitories infected by covid 19 infections . I cannot accept CPF not paying out people's money when they reached the age of 55 and keep on increasing their age for payout . I want have more voice in our parliament to focus on the needs of our people and not fearing to hear more taxes and increase of daily food and other prices . I hope to see a lot more improvements in helping the poor and needy .I also want at least 15 mins allowance time for parking in HDB carpark areas when the ministers are paying only $1 for the whole day in HDB parking areas . I hope to see more oppositions voicing out for us . Thank you .

From Chengjian:

Those good old days when your father MM Lee Kuan Yew had gone thru rough & tough situations to show his passion for our people and our country. However, ever since the days when LKY left us and your brother PM Lee Hsien Loong fully taken over the helm, and with the 4th generation batch of MPs, we feel the days are no longer glamorous deep in our heart. Many new policies are being implemented that may not be in our likings but yet we have to swallow down b'coz opposition party isn't strong to voice out in parliament and eventually passed thru due to more votes from the ruling party. All of us love Singapore and we are proud to be the citizens but then again, we feel it's time we need a change, a change for the better. We need more opposition parties to be in parliament for checks and balance. We want accountability and transparency.

From BT:

Sir pls step forward without fear or favour stand as a Candidate in T.Pagar. Public support & yr Super Dad Soul's support will make the PSP team win.

PAP will be underdogs for sure.

From eric:

Absolutely right. Absolute power corrupt absolutely, why should a country run by a single party for so long without a proper check and balance? if all listed companies need to be checked and audited by so many internal and external auditors, so how can a country with so many assets of Singaporeans at stake run solely by a single party that can do whatever they want and take whatever they want? A strong opposition will keep ruling party on their toes, different views can be expressed , and voices of the Singaporeans from all walk of life can be heard.


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