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This is the Publication by LS1965 & P65.
Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020 1st compiled on 24 June 2020, 14:00 SGT. Last updated for this page: 3 July 2020, 20:26 SGT.
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See the Table of Contents help you to navigate in our GE2020 webpages. See our compilation starting from 5 September 2019 here, highlighting the track records of the PAP Rulers.
Prepare for the Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020 Please see this video & vote correctly. As shown in the video, use your “Permanent-ink” Pen to mark a BIG “X” beside the empty slot of who you want to vote for! The Big Bullies will be too happy if we vote wrongly & send the wrong guys into the Singapore Parliament! Thanks. 8-D
Dear Supporters of the Big Bullies, please stop giving your harmful comments and delete all your past comments (supporting the Monsters) below all News reports! Among us there are SPIES working with Yahoo News, we will definitely nab you & publish your real identities around the World! And you may need to hide in self-quarantine for the rest of your lives! Fools will serve the wrong masters & end up in self-destruction! 8-D
The comments of the People on GE2020 can be found below each of the following News report & these: 3 July 2020 reports: On The Mic: GE2020 – Ravi Philemon of Red Dot United GE2020: SDP won’t tap Singapore’s reserves to fund its proposed programmes – Paul Tambyah GE2020: Government should state position clearly, before election – WP's Pritam on '10 million' saga GE2020: First POFMA correction direction during GE issued to Peoples Voice COMMENT: Dancing around 10 million people COMMENT: Ivan Lim is not the issue, the outdated GRC system is 2 June 2020 Reports: GE2020: 7 parties take to national television to broadcast manifestos GE2020: Government never targeted 10 million population – Heng Swee Keat Our comments: See, he quickly said the opposite after we dug up his words in the past recorded by the Straits Times news dated 29 March 2020! The wicked Big Bullies have said tons of nice things but act in the opposite manner worse than the World’s most unreliable boyfriend; as recorded in our #GE2020SG Webpage! This coming GE will show the World how many smart Singaporeans among us who refuse to get conned by their empty words, empty promises & dare to stand up against oppression and be treated like slaves! 8-D 1 July 2020 Reports: GE2020: Vivian Balakrishnan slams Chee Soon Juan over ‘false statement’ of 10m population plan (Our comments: Many Thanks to thaman_shan who highlighted below this report “GE2020: PAP's Vivian, SDP's Chee engage in fiery debate live on national TV” that it was DPM Mr Heng Swee Keat who talked about the 10 million population here https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/sporeans-must-remain-open-to-foreigners-says-heng Dear Mr Vivian Balakrishnan, get your facts right! Now we want to see how you slam the DPM Heng Swee Keat! You dare not? Then don’t bark up the wrong tree & put yourself to shame! We must put everything in proper record; the Big Bullies like to put words into our mouths! Beware of their wicked tactics!) The People please comment! 8-D We will extract & publish your excellent comments! We have listed what our Good Friends have been giving us in the past & now in our General Election Webpage! Please vote wisely! Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Please upload your comments as we will come back & extract further: GE2020: Government should state position clearly, before election – WP's Pritam on '10 million' saga (3 July 2020) From Terrence: Dear Singaporeans, we are only one week away from polling day. Please step forward to volunteer your time for opposition parties. Just need to give up some of the time we spend on mobile devices & television. At East Coast GRC, part of candidates' handbooks distribution activities were cancelled due to lack of volunteers. Outreach is so important at these final hours, even though the candidates have been working tirelessly on the ground for the last 10 years. When I was a polling agent for WP in 2015, I was the only one whereas PAP had 2 agents. When my shift was over, WP had no polling agent due to lack of volunteers again where PAP had another two replacements. If you've slight urge to volunteer, come forward "NOW", with your families & circle of friends, wait no more as we only have a few days left to fight the battle, a battle only happen once in 5 years, a battle not just for YOU & ME, but for the betterment of our beloved nation. From Ice: I too have the impression that the gov is raising the pop to 10m. if this is not going to happen then the gov. should stop the falsehood in the beginning at who ever started it. Is the gov. is bluffing or not knowing what they are doing? From Roger: I do hear Cow are preparing underground's tunnel to built Condo to house 10 millions population, correct me if I'm wrong, don't POFMA me as I 'm filling the news from abroad. From What’s Right: The figure of 10m was indeed mentioned during the talk. Since this was brought up by a person in authority, it may be construed to be a fact. HSK, could simply just explain his reason for the mentioning, which can be easily accepted as a matter of fact. I think, Vivian should not at all accuse SDP of falsehood since this was not a falsehood. This may just be a bullying tactic which we are very familiar with and SDP may just gain some additional sympathy votes... From Jack: PAP said no for now but if they win the election with strong mandate, in near future they will revert back to 10m and say the people support them and give them a strong mandate. So this election we should make them lose badly. From Winnie: How many millions are being spent on hundred of thousands of foreign dorm workers every day – free food, free pay, lodging, health care)….? How to know the truth if pap gets elected again? From PETERJ: Bala lied, on the 10 millions issue against Chee Soon Juan, is the most clearest and rock solid fault of his, yet why did he pursue such lines of deceits? Pofma? Is he suggesting that a Minister have the license to make a Lie? Or is he showing the follies of POFMA where his colleagues implemented? Or is he, just like USA Fake News CNN and BBC who bash through on their deceits for public consumption, erroneous analysis against Trump deliberately, supposed no one knows? Or just a plain Blind spot? How can a competent Minister made such errors? Why not? From robin: It may not be in black and white but the Govt itself creates the impression of the 10 million target (talk about underground city, 6.9 million white paper, building activities everywhere, a prominent architect saying it is feasible to have 10 millions and not refuted). Apologise to SINGAPOREANS!!! From KM: This is the typical trade mark of PAP. Don’t be too specific so that you can twist and turn to according to whoever governs at that time. But I still don’t just them even they say no 10 million for a simple reason. They say at age 55 can withdraw all my CPF. See what happen.. They move the goal post and put in a lot of other conditions. From Gold Vindicating Avenger: This is the reason why Opposition Parties are setup for. The ruling party is notorious for keeping their cards to themselves and not revealing them to the people that matter --- the citizenship. I am even willing to give the Heng Sweet benefit of doubt --- that he has no intention of 10 m population for SG. However he did not convey this to ANYONE until that symposium in 2019 at NTU, and he quoted Liu Taiko the HDB planner ( who is THE authority for such issues ) and without explaining his own stance and his ultimate projections. That leaves many to become suspicious and naturally speculation will be rife. Thus someone like the SDP is left with no choice BUT to ask some TOUGH questions ON BEHALF on many citizens who are rightly CONCERNED. I do not see what is the crime here, maybe we should be thankful that the matter is finally clarified and can sleep more soundly. This is a Good Outcome. From Planewalker: PAP like to leave their plans vague because 1) They do not want the public to know much about their plans and get angry over them. 2) They like to create traps for opposition and dissenters and they can easily backtrack and then sue the opposition for misleading statements when they are the ones intentionally vague about everything 3) They do not want accountability and responsibility if their plans fail. By not allowing public to know their plans, no one can hold them responsibility for their poor execution and decisions making if the plan turns out to be disastrous. From Andrew: Noting the facts that the ruling party can made law within a single parliamentary sitting, there is no need for the ruling party to "state" early. That is why the 70 % have to wake up and see the light ! From Wl Kam: It Just shows that P@Pies are "kooning"(sleeping on the Job.) Only time for them to Wake is these few days of GE Hustings. Now with the POFMA as their "Weapon of Mass Silencing" they will use at Will. Look at how they handle the COVID-19, in January LHL just woke up to tell us "Don't Wear Mask...." (WHO Instructions? But can't he think of the consequences for Singaporeans.) The COVID-19 Task Force is now having "Heavy Eyes", and their reporting is Predictable. COVID-19 is here to stay GKY said. Ha ha he probably to "tired" to repeat anymore. The daily Reports are just passing Notes. So NOW when we have the latest Block infection, GKY have to open his "drowsy" faculties to "investigate". What happened to all that "measures that P@Pies have? How can WE continue to let them do things like this and that? From Fair Comments: If the road is one-way, then it’s good if the driver knows exactly where he wants to go. However, if the driver himself is unsure of the direction to his destination, then a two-way street would be better. But in PAP’s sense of driving, the driver (HSK) wants to drive only on one-way street but he himself doesn’t know the direction to his destination. On Nomination Day, HSK was seen struggling to give a public speech. How could someone of his calibre be chosen for PM material? Don’t U think PAP’s choice in selecting HSK as next PM is just a tsunami in making? From Joe Low: As the rate of attacks on the incumbent, I can foresee the downfall of the big bully, who masked up figures and not transparent on issues like pay for Temasek, AIM $2 company which quietly winded down, etc. With combined force, the opposition will be the formidable parties that even PAP cannot hold for long. Good work, oppositions From dogisbetter: Has SG been progressing & prosperous during the last 5 years? But who actually benefited from it? Foreigners, the selected few elites & PAP. Developing countries like Indonesia practice democracy by limiting ft in certain job sectors such as education. We need to stop PAP exploiting our citizens rights. 50% Oppositions Ensure integrity in our ruling parties From Jerry Lim: When Circuit Breaker was extended, it was clear the dormitory cases cannot be wrapped anymore. Immediately after that, the figures exploded. The easing on Phase 2 was to get the election going regardless of the COVID-19 situations. People, the community cases is on the rise again and all they want is a strong mandate of 93 seats. They really care, don’t they? They promised me a Swiss standard, they promised me that my hdb home is my retirement nest, they 'never' promised you or even said 10m. If promises to them is nothing, so what if they never say? Give them 93 seats strong mandate and live to regret it From ReservedVotes: No 10 million for now don't mean no 10 million or more later. Just don't forget elected presidency can overnight be changed to reserved presidency! Can we rule out reserved GRCs or reserved SMCs in future if PAP is bent on ruling with at least 2/3rd majority? From Tan: Ah Heng stated his position clearly already what!!.. From Veteran@VOTE: p4p did not counter the 10M before GE becoz they want to trap / fix sdp csj on the campaigning / debating. if the p4p is so truthful, why they need to corner a legitimate opposition candidate instead of standing their ground to compete ?? are they scare of losing ... even one seat or are they scare of scj himself ??? but, why scare ?? p4p will still form the govt, after all is said & done. this clearly show that they still want to maintain absolute power so no one, including citizens, can question them or say 'no'. its also to guard their huge loots from the people by themselves. want to know more ??? ------ VOTE IN THE CORRECT BOX. [x] means YES to the candidate.
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