This is the Publication by LS1965 & P65.


Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020

1st compiled on 24 June 2020, 14:00 SGT.

Last updated for this page: 2 July 2020, 15:46 SGT.


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See the Table of Contents help you to navigate in our GE2020 webpages.

See our compilation starting from 5 September 2019 here, highlighting the track records of the PAP Rulers.


Prepare for the Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020

Please see this video & vote correctly. As shown in the video, use your “Permanent-ink” Pen to mark a BIG “X” beside the empty slot of who you want to vote for! The Big Bullies will be too happy if we vote wrongly & send the wrong guys into the Singapore Parliament! Thanks. 8-D


Dear Supporters of the Big Bullies, please stop giving your harmful comments and delete all your past comments (supporting the Monsters) below all News reports!  Among us there are SPIES working with Yahoo News, we will definitely nab you & publish your real identities around the World! And you may need to hide in self-quarantine for the rest of your lives! Fools will serve the wrong masters & end up in self-destruction! 8-D


The comments of the People on GE2020 can be found below each of the following News report & these:

1 July 2020 Reports:

GE2020: Vivian Balakrishnan slams Chee Soon Juan over ‘false statement’ of 10m population plan

(Our comments: Many Thanks to thaman_shan who highlighted below this report “GE2020: PAP's Vivian, SDP's Chee engage in fiery debate live on national TV” that it was DPM Mr Heng Swee Keat who talked about the 10 million population here  https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/sporeans-must-remain-open-to-foreigners-says-heng

Dear Mr Vivian Balakrishnan, get your facts right! Now we want to see how you slam the DPM Heng Swee Keat! You dare not? Then don’t bark up the wrong tree & put yourself to shame!

We must put everything in proper record; the Big Bullies like to put words into our mouths! Beware of their wicked tactics!)

GE2020: PAP's Vivian, SDP's Chee engage in fiery debate live on national TV

GE2020: PAP candidate Tan See Leng clarifies directorship issue surfaced on social media

COMMENT: PAP’s GE2020 tactics show ingenuity of GRC system

GE2020: Parties explain, analyse candidacy decisions as they begin campaigning

The People please comment! 8-D

We will extract & publish your excellent comments!

We have listed what our Good Friends have been giving us in the past & now in our General Election Webpage! Please vote wisely!


Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Please upload your comments as we will come back & extract further:

GE2020: Parties explain, analyse candidacy decisions as they begin campaigning

From What To Do:

We need our CPF at age 55.

From Shark:

This is the last chance to stop 9% GST.

The outcome affects EVERYONE and your children/grandchildren too.

Vote wisely.

From Gameboy:

Do we need a 'yesman' always to cause our rice bowls to be in danger if their policy continues forever?

From  Batman:

An alternative voice is better than no voice...deny the incumbent the majority.. and we will see a more balanced parliament.

From Kevin:

Ownself check ownself or ownself shoot ownself?

1. There is a lot of jobs not enough locals so must bring ft? Then why you spend tax payer money to create 100k jobs

2. Ep has no quota and minimum qualifying salary is 3.9k so we bring the best in and not restrict talent?

The medium salary in sg is 4.6k more than 3.9k. Have you also check why so many grab Drivers and taxi drivers, do they love to drive instead of working pmet roles?

3. Housing is an asset and will appreciate? But 99 years lease decay = $0, retire what... at age 60 plus your house value max is only 100k

4. Why build terminal 5 when it is white elephant and so many mrt lines, and ksl line for what?

Oh yes so ft can travel 1.5 hours over to sg to work and travel back to spend at rm.. is that fair competition?

Sorry but to me, psp represents the closest policy that reflect the era of lky and the earlier generation while current 4g is only mass import.. but covid19 has changed the way we work and everything is going digital we don’t even need as many people now we are talking about productivity and innovation.

From TokaAli:

Reposting from Tan Kin Lian:

*These are some important issues to ponder before we cast our votes on 10 July*

1) S’pore has one of the highest per capita reserves in the world and yet about 12 to 15% of Singaporeans are living below the poverty level. Disgraceful. S’pore is one of the most expensive cities in the world but our S’pore workers have low wages, forced down by the poorly paid 1.2 million FWs.

2) S’pore per capita GDP in 2019 was 8th highest globally at US$65,977 (higher than in the US, UK, Aust, NZ) but income inequality (measured by gini coefficient) is very high. Chairman & CEO of banks and some GLCs get Wall St salaries in the millions while ordinary workers get Third World salaries. Is the medium household income per member too low vs per capita GDP to build an equal society?

3) The CPF Board is not allowed to carry out it's fiduciary duties. Why is the Government forcing the CPF to lend our CPF money to the Government at low interest rate to be invested by GIC and Temasek to make huge returns?

4) Why was S’pore public Debt in 2018 so high at S$416 Billion or 113% of GDP?

5) Since GIC and Temasek belong to the people of S’pore, not to the Govt, why only a handful of politicians are privy to their affairs? No transparency. If there is mismanagement how do we ever know? In 2019, the Sovereign Wealth Fund of Norway, with a population like Singapore, made a whopping 19.9% return on investment. Do we know what the GIC and Temasek made in 2019?

5) Why are we the citizens as shareholders not getting an annual report of the GIC and Temasek's performances nor paid any dividend due to us as the shareholders?

6) Why should a Minister be paid more than the salaries of President Xi, Putin, Modi, Widodo and Duterte combined. Where is the logic?

7) Why have we not elected a President?

8) Why is the President paid more than the salaries of Presidents Xi, Putin, Modi, Macron, Widodo, Duterte, PM of Malaysia, Australia and NZ combined? Where is the logic?

9) Politicians are not civil servants. Why give them up to 8 months in bonuses?

10) Why does an MP get $16,000 a month in allowances apart from their salaries?

11) Why allow a cancer patient only $600 from their own CPF Medsave fund for a scan which costs $1,400?

12) Why keep the CPF money until the owner dies?

13) Why have a COE of $30,000 to $40,000 a car, making its price 5 times more expensive than in Japan or Korea when there is already a quota scheme in place? Why not ballot it like in China?

14) Why are Singaporeans the only people in the world to bear these horrendous car taxes?

15) Why allow GMO food to be sold in S’pore (banned in Japan) when it's Glyphosate can cause cancer?

16) Why has the Press Freedom Index in S’pore fallen to 158 (catagorized as Black) which is below Malaysia, Indonesia, Rawanda and Uzbekistan?

17) S’pore is a super-aging society with a low Total Fertility Rate. Statistically, our 3.5 million citizen population will drop by one third in the next 50 years if young people cannot afford to get married and have children.

18) If the Spore population is raised to 6.9 millions, then Singaporeans will be the Minority.

19) Will all HDB owners lose their flats when the 99 years lease is up?

20) To create a more equal society will the Ministers donate half their bonuses (up to 8 months) to the poor families in Singapore?

From Breeke:

Let's not miss the woods for the trees. All these candidacy or bread and butter issues are not issues that can be contemplated, let alone addressed, in isolation from the main encompassing problem ie the underlying PAP ideology.

The PAP govt, through what is known as state capitalism, generates tons of revenue directly through organs like HDB (Sg govt owns 90% of land - the "costs" of which are factored into the HDB they sell to you - up from 30% in the early days) and indirectly through "privatised" entities ie GLCs (close to 40% of our stock market capitalisation).

You ppl think your minuscule taxes are what fill their coffers? Wrong. The working class (the proletariat, in Marxist theory) is "prized" for their labour, not their money (but that doesn't stop them from channeling whatever little money you had back into the coffers via a host of mechanisms such as GST, HDB, large medical bills, insurance premiums etc).

That brings us to the 2 other classes in SG - the capital owners (the bourgeoisie) and the elites.

Capital owners -

Now, GLCs and Temasek entities though most are not 100% owned by the state, they are very well supported by the state. Case in point - SIA's $13B lifeline paid from reserves. While the $13B comes fully from state pockets, the benefits accruable to the state is only 55% (Temasek's ownership in SIA).The Capital Owners class can be found in the 45%.

Elites –

This is the "Govt" (and their "related" people - think CEOs of GLCs). Their primary role is to serve as stewards for the Capital Owners and their primary goal is profit maximisation. Their secondary role is to ensure there exists a steady source of labour to generate those profits. This source of labour is nationality agnostic .. Singaporean working class or CECA working class or Ah Tiong class ... it doesn't matter.

From Joe Low:

East Coast GRC residents please do Singapore a favour, we already have a President "pre-selected" by PAP rather than a democratic selection by the people who don't make the cut to be one. Singapore don't need another PM who don't really make the cut to be one. One is too many for tiny Singapore to feel the shame and hurt.

When the top leaders were reasonably paid in the 70s and 80s, they not only work hard to deliver, they helped transformed SG to a better country. The current patch of too highly paid leaders cannot think or think out of the box to serve the nation as their big monetary compensation and status made it hard for them to take risk to disobey their master who have given them and their kakis untold luxuries and perks and connections that ordinary people on the street cannot even smell in their lifetimes.

From Anonymous:

“Political leadership in Singapore needs to be much more than about one family or one man. The empirical evidence shows that dynastic politics causes bad government," is totally correct as PAP is a imperial party when elected PAP MP don't even attend parliament because at the end of day, they can't vote with their conscious. Sorry, after some time they have no conscious, they only care about money... Time to vote the greedy PAP out!

From dogisbetter:

Sengkang Citizens

We want SERS not just upgrade and return our hdb to pap at $0. Ng Chee Meng can still contest in 2025 if he truly cares for SK residents. Give him 5 years test to show that he is not serving power, money and then decide again in 2025 if he still wants to serve SK residents. Vote PAP out!


(From the Publisher: click on the above link, note that the Page has been deleted! Title of this report: “Minister Ng Chee Meng warn Sengkang: Vote PAP or no upgrading | States Times Review”.

So they want to take back their words because the Big Bullies are too shameful to let the World know that they are using upgrading to threaten the People? Please vote for others  whom your like & then we will have a chance to conduct a proper audit of the Reserves against the Big Bullies to check where the $$$,$$$,$$$,$$$ flow to instead of helping Singaporeans in this COVID-19 time!

From Roger:

No more seat warmer HSK is not fit to be our PM. At this hard time we don't need a recover stroke patient to lead Sg.




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