This is the Publication by LS1965 & P65.


Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020

1st compiled on 24 June 2020, 14:00 SGT.

Last updated for this page: 5 July 2020, 8:40 SGT.


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See the Table of Contents help you to navigate in our GE2020 webpages.

See our compilation starting from 5 September 2019 here, highlighting the track records of the PAP Rulers.


Prepare for the Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020

Please see this video & vote correctly. As shown in the video, use your “Permanent-ink” Pen to mark a BIG “X” beside the empty slot of who you want to vote for! The Big Bullies will be too happy if we vote wrongly & send the wrong guys into the Singapore Parliament! Thanks. 8-D


Dear Supporters of the Big Bullies, please stop giving your harmful comments and delete all your past comments (supporting the Monsters) below all News reports!  Among us there are SPIES working with Yahoo News, we will definitely nab you & publish your real identities around the World! And you may need to hide in self-quarantine for the rest of your lives! Fools will serve the wrong masters & end up in self-destruction! 8-D


The comments of the People on GE2020 can be found below each of the following News report & these:

4 July 2020 Reports:

GE2020: Chan Chun Sing's comment on non-PAP coalition govt is fearmongering – opposition parties

GE2020: PAP candidates will return as grassroots advisers even if they lose, says WP's Marine Parade team leader

GE2020: Masagos mistakenly refers to Lee Hsien Yang as Singapore's PM during online rally

3 July 2020 reports:

GE2020: Vote us for diversity instead of PAP's '2D cutout' candidates – PSP Tanjong Pagar team

The People please comment! 8-D

We will extract & publish your excellent comments!

We have listed what our Good Friends have been giving us in the past & now in our General Election Webpage! Please vote wisely!

Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Please upload your comments as we will come back & extract further:

GE2020: Chan Chun Sing's comment on non-PAP coalition govt is fearmongering – opposition parties (4 July 2020)

Our comments: Thank God, it must be a miracle that Singapore is still alive after they have given us so many “goodies”, see our General Election  Webpage & COVID-19 Records; making us busy repairing the damage round the clock! It only proves that the smart Singaporeans & the Civil Services are capable to run Singapore as normal even being obstructed by “Tr*sh”!

From dogisbetter:

Singaporean, 11 Oppositions need your help & volunteers. They are fighting this last battle very hard for us. Get your whole family friends neighbours colleagues to register your will to fight with them for our true democracy at their websites. Thank you.


Most or all 4G MPs are paper tigers, know how to create fears and talking nonsense, when challenge their tails at the back. Come on dare to have a live debate with Opposition's team - Chee Soon Juan, Lim Tean, Sylvia Lim n Jamus Lim on 10m population n Covid-19.

Let Singaporeans be the judge.

From Neovue:

This idiot toilet paper minister every time he opens his mouth or shows his arrogant face can really make people vomit. Coward shaking in his boots so trying scare tactic. This whole voting during this time is part of the scare tactic!

From Breeke:

I can't fathom how any self-respecting person will vote for someone who smiles at them in public, but behind closed doors, call them idiots.

From Theronn:

Fear mongering was when newspapers reported that the chief urban planner quipped that 10 million headcount for Singapore to be sustainable.

Fear mongering was when the parliament passed some population white paper regarding population increase.

For CSJ to bring it up on national tv was not fear mongering but rather, raising greater awareness.

From mAverick:

PAP has always thrived on citizen's fear. LHL says this election is like no other....come on, which election is the same?

2015 when LKY passed away, they say they needed a strong mandate that Sg will survive post LKY.... now they say they need a strong mandate to get us out of Pandemic...come on...you mean without 100% PAP Sg will collapse? that sounds more like blackmail to me.

Give you 100% you give my job to ft.... sorry. no. You don't take care of my livelihood, I won't vote for you.... this is how democracy works. Government by the people for the people of the land. Not vote you in and you get someone else to take away my job and train me to take the job i don't want just to survive.

From Carte:

The pap is playing dirty. Its candidates are using the people's association to get access into condos to campaign door to door while opposition candidates cannot do so. The PA is funded by taxes. It cannot work for the pap in a GE. Stop your MC from giving access to pap candidates unless opposition candidates can do likewise.

From ourtheir:

Singapore achieved an extraordinary economic success from 1970 to 1996.

This was possible because people in Singapore devoted and dedicated their working life in silent suffering and sacrifice to struggle to make it possible. The people of Singapore are not God or divine being so Singapore did not perform the economic miracle.

The people in Singapore work together with discipline, determination and diligence to bring economic success to the government of Singapore.

Question - In the minds of the PAP leaders both past and present, do they claim the Singapore economy success entirely to themselves and the people of Singapore do not have the right to claim credit for that success?

Question - in the minds of the PAP leaders both past and present, are they convinced by illusion and delusion they have the super natural ability to create the Singapore Economy Miracle?

The divine being called god stated thou shalt not be false witness and thou shalt only worship one and only God.

From Andy:

I believe in none of the paper generals in the gov.. They are mere scholars who were only good in studies (though no proof is given to justify their scholarships). After their graduations, they were given comfortable military jobs with no war and big budgets to manage. So what kind of true experience do they have to manage a ministry, and at times, more than one.

From Nair:

Does not matter,,,if coalition of opposition party or Opposition form a government. Voters do not fear,,bcoz the system is in place. And the Civil service will execute the job. Parties only manage cleverly. That's all my Lord.

From LCTA:

For now PAP has changed, so we must vote OPPOSITION.

If any OPPOSITION has changed , then vote another opposition so as to ensure no more 87 yes men and women under one man , their performance and kpi is determined by the residents of the constituency.

When people ask him for 30000 breakdown, he was not sincere and straight to the point but choose to go round and round the bush, giving all sorts of excuses and finally he still insist to send his team Singapore comprising of PR,NC w/o NS, EP, SP as key players to compete with the world and how many Singaporeans side-lined like our table tennis team he cannot disclose.

Do you still want this ah beng minister to xia suay Singaporeans this GE2020.

From Lee飞刀:

It can be seen that the ruling party did not anticipate that the doctor Tamaya would run for Bukit Pangjang SMC. Tamaya is well-known and well-educated. It is a strong candidate. The ruling party can only use the personality as a strategy to attack the SDP candidates to save votes.

From Timothy:

CHAN CHUN SING remember this for life.

Singaporeans are not kiasu or kiasi.

Singaporeans believe that there is TOMORROW.

The TOMORROW is to serve fellow SINGAPOREANS.


From sun:

From day 1 until today, bla bla bla. I represent them. Without PAP, world economy will collapse, the world turn into ice age and possible 6 world war, water shortages, earth will suffer. Anymore?

From S Jason:

Cotton comes from sheep

Many of today Ministers & MPs only said YES to their Boss

They are not dare to raise the hard question in Parliament

That is y they are name YES MAN

Vote opposition to have better voice in parliament

From Viva Singapore:

I welcome the opposition to form Govt and people will wake up that without PAP the sun still shine.

From Roger:

Can we trust a minister who claim cotton grows on sheep? Wakeup Sgporeans vote for Opposition to counter PAP fake news.

From Kuok ji:


From Black Bull:

The relationship between the Government n People is like a marriage commitment between a husband n wife. At start every thing is like sleeping on the bed of rose. With passing of time, year after year when the relationship get sour, difficult n stressful, both couples will try to work out their differences. But if situation doesn't improve, matters getting too difficult to comprise, what then? Well they must decide what is good for both of them to continue with life. Same thing if SGreans life is getting too stress out by the decisions SG take without accepting public feedback n concern, then what? Vote wisely.

From Planewalker:

Any surprises? The entire PAP manifesto is fear mongering, their rally speeches are fear mongering, their national day speech is fear mongering.

You know why? Because they know they got no other selling points and they are clueless on how to handle covid and other incoming global crisis that are coming. So they project their worries and fear onto us, the citizens, they want us to feel their helplessness and in a moment of despair and confusion, vote for their party.

From Chan:

In life never let anyone put a hold on you; especially another person/s. No matter how good that person/s is/are. People can change for whatever reasons; they can also be sway by greed, etc.; manipulated; distracted; etc. Or they may be gone, no more around. As such, we must always have backups, be it other persons or plans. Something to fall back on. So, give the oppositions a more than 1/3 of the seats in Parliament. They will be our backup and fall back.

From Fifth Estate:

No amount of fear mongering or fish mongering is going to save the pap anymore. Even the 69.9% die hard pap dungs have begun to see thru the pap's wayang now.

From kong:

You are the 1 more of the Singaporeans don't like, anyhow talk without thinking and sleep in the parliament with sure a high pay.

From Andy:

Does is it consider as fake news, unless ministries are working for PAP only and not the people of Singapore? POFMA shall look into it.

From Jacky:

Ccs thought only their party can rule Singapore. Let us vote out this arrogant, self-serving ruling party. Without them the globe will still be spinning.

From Julien:

This show...the 4G leaders, especially CCS completely no confidence of forming a government,

He shouldn't have participate in GE, we Singaporean need very firm and positive thoughts leaders... NOT a leader without confidence AT ALL....

LHL choose the wrong person !

From My Opininon:

Yes. Well said Francis. The MRT trains will continue to run, the uniformed groups will continue to work, schools and Universities will continue to open, etc etc even pappies are voted out.

From WhatTheFishIsThis:

Actually it's good IF opposition coalition gets to form next Government and majority in Parliament. Only way to kick out the useless PAP leaders, not-my-President and HC and GIC head. God please make this day come true quickly !!

From Yark:

Don't see any good of Heng Swee Kiat becoming PM. Most his speeches would fumble and stammer without looking at prepared notes. How to meet foreign dignitaries when his speech was like this: "For our East Coast residents, we also have a plan for the East Coast. We have a East Coast, Singapore, we have a together and East Coast plan. We care at East Coast."

What the hell is this?

From KX:

These are the so-called Generals in our Forces. I call them cub-scouts; always keen to seek recognitions and self-glorification. They have never been to war, never seen an unrest, never actually lived in a jungle, slept on the ground. Never ever done any social work except nearing elections. Worst still, get into parliament thru the backdoor. And now teaching Grandfather how to suck eggs.

From Astro:

It’s just pure arrogance from an unproven politician, thinking that they will win big. Winning or losing aside, one has to be humble and once again, he has failed to show off this vital virtue.


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