This is the Publication by LS1965 & P65.


Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020

1st compiled on 24 June 2020, 14:00 SGT.

Last updated for this page: 5 July 2020, 19:54 SGT.


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See the Table of Contents help you to navigate in our GE2020 webpages.

See our compilation starting from 5 September 2019 here, highlighting the track records of the PAP Rulers.


Prepare for the Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020

Please see this video & vote correctly. As shown in the video, use your “Permanent-ink” Pen to mark a BIG “X” beside the empty slot of who you want to vote for! The Big Bullies will be too happy if we vote wrongly & send the wrong guys into the Singapore Parliament! Thanks. 8-D


Dear Supporters of the Big Bullies, please stop giving your harmful comments and delete all your past comments (supporting the Monsters) below all News reports!  Among us there are SPIES working with Yahoo News, we will definitely nab you & publish your real identities around the World! And you may need to hide in self-quarantine for the rest of your lives! Fools will serve the wrong masters & end up in self-destruction! 8-D


The comments of the People on GE2020 can be found below each of the following News report & these:

5 July 2020 Reports:

GE2020: Surge of credible, capable alternative candidates in this election – Lee Hsien Yang

GE2020: The quiet men of the Worker's Party making up for lost time in Aljunied GRC


4 July 2020 Reports:

POFMA order issued to Facebook pages of SDP, PV and TOC over false 10m population statement

GE2020: SDP, RP and SPP candidates pledge to become full-time MPs

GE2020: Promises made by PAP during GE2015 were ‘simply forgotten’ – PSP Francis Yuen

GE2020: Workers' Party East Coast candidate Nicole Seah returns to the limelight


29 June 2020 Report:

No need to vote opposition as NCMP scheme ensures their voice in Parliament: Indranee Rajah

Our comments: Based on the past 5 years performance of the Ruling Party as stated in our GE2020 & COVID-19 Websites, don’t you think it is better to rephrase her statement as: “No need to vote PAP as NCMP scheme ensures their voice in Parliament”!

19 October 2019 Report:

People's Association's 'repeated' failure to communicate with WP on municipal projects leads to 'irresistible conclusion': Pritam Singh

The People please comment! 8-D

We will extract & publish your excellent comments!

We have listed what our Good Friends have been giving us in the past & now in our General Election Webpage! Please vote wisely!

Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Please upload your comments as we will come back & extract further:

POFMA order issued to Facebook pages of SDP, PV and TOC over false 10m population statement (4 July 2020)

Our comments:

See what stated in the above mentioned report: “The POFMA Office has issued correction orders to the Facebook pages of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) and Peoples Voice (PV) for a false statement that the CEO of the Housing & Development Board had suggested Singapore’s population will increase to 10 million by 2030”.

Please compare with this Straits Times report dated 29 March 2020 (highlighted by thaman_shan in Yahoo comments around 1 July 2020): “On the projected population of 6.9 million by 2030, set out in the Government's 2013 Population White Paper, Mr Heng said the number goes beyond how densely populated Singapore would be. The social space is as important.

Singapore's population density is not excessive, he said, noting that other cities are a lot more crowded in terms of liveable space.

He cited former chief planner Liu Thai Ker, who said in 2014 that Singapore should plan for 10 million people for it to remain sustainable in the long term.”

We will let the World decide if this action against the Opposition Party is outright bullying?

Extracted by TokaAli:

From Lee Hsien Yang (Sunday 5 July 2020) :


This election year, Singapore is seeing a surge of credible and capable alternative candidates. They are caring and authentic. Many have impressive qualities and qualifications. But what matters even more is their preparedness to speak out fearlessly for the needs of their fellow Singaporeans.

Standing for the opposition needs character and courage in a way that standing on a PAP ticket does not. It demonstrates a willingness to sacrifice for our country. Alternative candidates have often been victims of unfair treatment, character assassination, and dissuasion from frightened family and friends. These candidates step forward to seek justice and equality for all. They have chosen to speak out because they are concerned for the future of our country.

Contrast this to the monochrome of PAP candidates. For many, entering the political arena appears like a career step. They are supported by a huge machinery, have the benefits of makeovers and the prospect of a parachute into Parliament on the coat-tails of a Minister.

Do we really want Parliament to be a mere stepping stone from a senior position in the SAF or civil service or some government-related body to higher office? Have paper qualifications and years of “grooming” created better or stronger leaders? Has the PAP system enhanced the performance of our 4G leaders? Do we want to perpetuate the PAP’s “natural aristocracy”?

PAP MPs can generally expect smooth careers, some into Cabinet and other very highly paid political positions, others with directorships and various other positions. Given party expectations and obligations, and the party whip, they rarely speak up in Parliament to question issues of importance and they predictably vote as the party directs. For them, entering politics looks like a calculated career move rather than a sacrifice or service.

Not for them the path of Dr Tan Cheng Bock, who has always been his own man, and that rare MP who exercised independence of mind. Unlike him, even moderate PAP MPs can become part of the group-think.

Opposition MPs will question unpopular policies. They will fight any attempt by the PAP to raise GST. They can question outrageous ministerial salaries and conflicts of interest at Temasek and elsewhere. They will continue to question oppressive laws that silence rights to free speech and public assembly. Speaking their minds and tenacious questioning is how they will protect us from abuse of power and help create transparency and accountability. “Ownself check ownself” does not work.

The Workers Party MPs ferreted out how $22 billion of stimulus spending for the Covid-19 pandemic is actually loan capital. They challenged the Constitution amendments on how we elect our President. The list of issues they have spoken up on is extensive: the government’s population white paper, corruption in GLCs, HDB leases, MRT breakdowns, our CPF, spending on foreign students, the Administration of Justice Act, the Prevention of Harassment Act and POFMA.

For accountability, we need our elected representatives in Parliament to be willing to speak up and uncover the truth behind the PAP’s claims. We need them to be our voices and our vote in Parliament.

Have your voices actually heard in Parliament.

Vote for the opposition.

From andrew JD:

Chan Chun Sing said Zero foreign labour growth hard to achieve and LHL said each year he is going to make 35,000 PR and 20,000 new citizen. So obvious they are focus on displacing local with foreigner. It is only during election, local citizen become important to PAP, after GE they will go back to foreigner centric policy again. Get ready for another huge increase of foreigner living in our estate, compete for our job, displace us in public space in the next 5 years if PAP win big.

From Slayer:

Can someone explain to me why Singapore population had increased so much over the last 10 years especially from India and China? I am not convince our government is not planning or heading that direction.

From MR:

“The POFMA office said that the government has clarified on multiple occasions that Singapore’s total population is likely to be significantly below 6.9 million by 2030 through various statements.”

Then what is the one below all about?? Who is issuing the false statements??


You witness for yourself what is happening in a monopoly government. This will not work in the future. Every 5years same old promises but nothing’s changes. Bring about the changes before we become the next HK. Unreasonable laws and policies needs to rectified. Check on what had been going on all these while. Don’t blindly trust. Bring about the changes. No need to fear. This is democracy. We have the right to choose what is right for us and not always be told what is right for us. Bring in more checks and balance, bring in transparency, bring in more questions and bring in more alternate voices. This is the time. We need to do this. If not there is no hope other than for the elites.

From  AC A:

Just like what the WP chief commented 'why the government had not clarified its position earlier?'

there were countless of this 10M population remark for years, especially when the White Paper of 6.9M was being pushed out. This is not just been discussed recently and for THIS GE only.

SO, why now?

Hopefully, Singaporean, especially the 70% will realized that POFMA is only a tool benefit the govt party.

I believed that Singaporean know what is real FAKE news.

From Tan:

When 'they' dared to implied it but dare to say 'I NEVER MEANT IT'...THIS IS THE GOV 69.9% VOTED FOR.


From Forum:

PAP can’t blame SDP as they themselves allowed the news of 10m population to be widely published but never clarified that it is not PAP’s target. Singaporean’s also gauge how easily ICA issues PRs to foreigners such that they now form at least a third of SC & PR. PRs are the ones taking away business (self-employed sectors like real estate agents) & jobs of Singaporean’s. it’s not the FW like construction, Cleaners & maids. PAP better wake up to the plight of Singaporean’s.

From Alongyekung:

My answer for admin WhatsApp group or HCI or Facebook concern , go ahead and ban and sue everyone in Singapore within 1 week. Sorry No Sorry.

My partner liked Singapore for its ease of access to the rest of the world, a transport system that worked, the safe and clean environment and the rich variety of food.

She didn’t like the sterile and competitive environment though. She used to joke with the guy next door that the Porsche is depressed because his neighbor has just bought a Ferrari. Status and wealth are perceived as the keys to happiness.

I think that because of this there is a rather joyless and soulless nature to Singapore that suppresses the spirit. I cannot easily explain it but if you looked out at a crowd at a fantastic concert anywhere else in the world then compared it to a crowd at the same concert in Singapore you would immediately see what I mean. Elsewhere you would see animated faces, crazy dancing and hear shouts and laughter. In Singapore you would see a wall of mainly expressionless faces with phones in front of them. It’s as if the people have forgotten how to enjoy themselves and have fun.

The “cheerleader" for the nation and people of Singapore will make your life happy. I need you to vote this cheerleader — to go to Parliament. One who will:

- Lead by example

- Take responsibility

- Tell the unvarnished truth

- Listen to the experts and follow the science

I will vote opposition for Jalan Besar, ANG Mo KIO, Bishan Tao Payoh, West Coast for GRC

I will vote opposition for Bukit Batok, MACPherson, MaryMount, Punggol West, Yuhua for SMC.

Why? GRC

1. Small businesses (SME) are the backbone of communities across our nation, and we need to do so much more to help them. Instead she get CECA and FT to fill the gap w/o proper checking. Jalan Besar GRC JT may have forgotten about them — but Opposition never will.

2. The Supreme Court has ruled that the PM can fire at will the head of the AGC— Lee Sheng Wu was fined $15k for contempt of court. The culprit is the AMK GRC - VTO

3. The recklessness of buying fighter jets F35 and spends unnecessarily on military equipment cause noise pollution put Singapore into debt. Culprit Bishan -Toa Payoh GRC

4. The recklessness of spending unnecessary money running Social Development Network for MSF giving PR government money to join dating event. Like father like son. Culprit WestCoast GRC.

5. All of them made the Singapore exchange laughing stock causes reduce earning in stock market record LOW, low enthusiasm and investor run away for example SIA

Why? SMC

1. CSJ failing to pay $500,000 in libel In Feb 2006, Dr. CSJ was charged with contempt of court and made bankruptcy. On 17 Mar 2006, he was sentenced to jail for 8 days after refusing to pay his fines of $6,000. His sister was jail. During the GE2020 political debate on July 1, 2020, Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) Chee Soon Juan challenged Vivian to state categorically whether the PAP wanted to raise the population to 10 million or not, PAP didn’t able to answer. He is the only opposition candidate to challenge PAP. Murali won the by-elections in 2016 following the step-down of former PAP MP, David Ong and has been the part-time MP since. He continue to be the partner of Rajah &Tan appointed as senior counsel on January 2020. He is very rich and continue to work as a lawyer.

2. Tin PEI Ling joined Jing King Tech Group as its gathering chief. She is rich and take marked totes and shoes like Kate Spade. In 2011 General Election including Ms Tin Pei Ling and a Kate Spade satchel has been featured. She gave wrong numbers from Fortitude Budget saying that per capita $24k . Goh Meng Seng The People's Power Party (PPP) secretary-general .On June 27 2020 this will be his last challenge in a general political decision. His gathering proclamation for MacPherson will be through different projects and plans.

3. In 2015, Ms Gan, 46, turned into the main female general in the Singapore Military. The new PAP competitor was among the initial four ladies to get the SAF Legitimacy Grant in 1993. She is a military individual and all her experience originate from military. Subsequently she will be an administration hound. Dr Ang Yong Guan is a Singaporean therapist with more than 40 years' involvement with the claim to fame. He rehearses at Ang Yong Guan Psychiatry along Plantation Street. He is an old buddy of Tan Cheng Bock and a politic veteran to improve the situation for Singapore. He has confidence in choice for Singapore and has become old buddy of Lee Hsien Yang since joining PSP.

4. Nothing to be known about both Sun Xue Ling and Tan Chen. Gossipy tidbits said Xue Ling spouse is an outsider initially from China. Tan Chen from Pritam Singh 's laborer party . Not a lot think about her moreover. Credit given to Tan Chen since she is resistance , however Xue Ling don't talk a lot in parliament.

From Joe Low:

PWP set by Govt target 6.9m by 2030 but due to various circumstances, this is slowed down. The 10m is a projection by some professional and later picked up by various sources and used loosely as an imaginary target.

But why make a molehill out of this number? Character assassination of candidates and their parties?

From Richard:

POFMA was setup primarily to tackle oppies. They can appeal, go to court. But by the time a ruling is make, the election will Long be over.

That’s probably why oppies want us to deny pappies the 2/3 majority such bill like POFMA cannot be passed quickly after 2 days debate

From What?:

Are you trying to distract us from Covid 19 which you said is the main focus of this election. but all i hear is the 10m. Why dont you explain why we are faring so badly in handling the Covid 19 crisis compared to HK, Taiwan and Vietnam.? Being able to throw money at it does not mean that you had handled the crisis well.

From dogisbetter:

Parents, do you have children between the age of 16 & 20? In five years time many will be working. Your vote this ge determines their futures, fairness in employment, citizen first like other first world. Vote for true democracy today. Vote for 50% Opposition


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