This is the Publication by LS1965 & P65.


Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020

1st compiled on 24 June 2020, 14:00 SGT.

Last updated: Page 13, Page 14, Page 15


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See the Table of Contents help you to navigate in our GE2020 webpages.

See our compilation starting from 5 September 2019 here, highlighting the track records of the PAP Rulers.


Prepare for the Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020

Please see this video & vote correctly. As shown in the video, use your “Permanent-ink” Pen to mark a BIG “X” beside the empty slot of who you want to vote for! The Big Bullies will be too happy if we vote wrongly & send the wrong guys into the Singapore Parliament! Thanks. 8-D


Dear Supporters of the Big Bullies, please stop giving your harmful comments and delete all your past comments (supporting the Monsters) below all News reports!  Among us there are SPIES working with Yahoo News, we will definitely nab you & publish your real identities around the World! And you may need to hide in self-quarantine for the rest of your lives! Fools will serve the wrong masters & end up in self-destruction! 8-D


The comments of the People on GE2020 can be found below each of the following News report & these:

7 July 2020 Reports:

GE2020: 'Good friends' PSP's Tan Cheng Bock, SDP's Paul Tambyah reiterate call for COVID-19 debate

'Murmurs on the ground' about 4G leaders' performance leaving 'more to be desired' not surprising: Pritam Singh

On The Mic: GE2020 – Kumaran Pillai of the Progress Singapore Party

6 July 2020 Report:

GE2020: Opposition relying on ‘old recycled manifestos’, are ‘completely silent’ on how to tackle COVID-19 – PM Lee

Our comments: Any “recycled” manifestos of the Opposition are still better than the Big Bullies making Laws to grab our CPF money (against our wishes) using MediShield Life (item 1), CareShield Life (item 11) & making other Laws to “break in, arrest without  a warrant etc.” (see item 2) & more here; these are something unheard of in any democratic society! Now despite being paid much more than other Rulers in the World, you see how they can screw-up the COVID-19 situation in Singapore!

The People please comment! 8-D

We will extract & publish your excellent comments!

We have listed what our Good Friends have been giving us in the past & now in our General Election Webpage! Please vote wisely!

Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Please upload your comments as we will come back & extract further:

'Murmurs on the ground' about 4G leaders' performance leaving 'more to be desired' not surprising: Pritam Singh (7 July 2020)

From Timothy:

Dear Singaporeans, on Polling Day volunteer your services to all Opposition parties as Polling Agents. You only have to see that there are no repeat voting and Polling clerks are not allowed to guide the hands of the voters at the booths.

Thank you

From Paul:

Overpaid pigeon-holed ministers did not address covid comprehensively. Govt has no transparency, no accountability, conflict of interests, foreign interests over Singaporeans, etc. Time to change and vote for the OPPOSITION.

From Magician:

There are so many underemployments in Singapore. Local talents and people are not given the right opportunity to do something. The system of meritocracy is broken. Singapore is just not working the right way now.

From Marken:

'Murmurs on the ground' about 4G leaders' performance'

More than murmurs, IT IS A FACT and that's the general opinion out there on the ground. Murmurs are just the noises resulting from it. lol


From HoLeeJinx:

Singapore should not be lee family or pap dominated but democracy and people dominated....

From dogisbetter:

We don’t vote for skilful talker PAP who also sit at the white throne commanding us, we just shut up & follow their orders. We vote for workers who have hearts to serve, diligent, down to earth & leaders who want to lead us, listen & respond to our concerns. Vote PAP Out!

Jalan Besar Voters

We calling your help to explain to old uncle auntie parents grandparents we voting for true democracy which places power balance in checks sound governance & integrity in our system. Familiar faces are no longer the faces of lky. Whether or not these claims of JT is real or not, can only be addressed by Oppositions. We Must Vote PAP Out!


Voters from Marsiling-Yew Tee

We cannot vote for Lawrence who leads us to covid failure turning sg from a hero to a mockery in the world. Until now, many first worlds lock us outside their borders. Many citizens lost their jobs during CB due to foreign workers. The same Lawrence is firmed in EVIL hdb buy back scheme that reduces your hdb to $0. Vote PAP Out!

Taiwan Is Flattening the Curve. Singapore Is Locked Down. Inside Their ‘Second Wave’ Coronavirus Responses


From Planewalker:

It’s not murmurs, literally everyone who is not IBs, blast the 4g leaders' incompetence in the social media and public transport. They are that bad.

The only reason PAP supporters are voting for their party now is because of the two $600 handouts, not because they are inspired by the 4g

From Joe Low:

3G "leaders" already failed big time but they are best at compensating themselves handsomely while the subjects are suffering day in day out. No need to talk about 4G they have the exact same DNA from their masters in order to be accepted as their own kinds and speak their own languages. All others are noises to them.

Singapore, can we trust our current government and trust in what they are doing? Read these:

Just after the last GE in 2015, MOH under Minister Gan then released news of SGH hepatitis C virus infections and caused a few deaths. There’s more to it:

(1) SingHealth data leak, including PM Lee’s data, around 1.5m. It was mentioned that a nation was involved but the name of the “sensitive country” cannot be disclosed.

(2) HIV data leak of 14,200 patients that caused a lot of distress for those affected. The American Mikhy Brochez got the data from his gay Doctor friend.

(3) Data leak from blood bank 800,000 donor’s records.

All the above happened in the space of a handful of years yet Ah Gan is in solid ground and still tasked with managing the COVID-19 taskforce and see what happened to Singapore today?

How much blunders we need to face and how much Reserves we need to bled in order for us to learn or we don’t have to? A single party rule is the likely cause of continuous issues as there’s almost no repercussion or penalty for the elite ruler under their charge

From Ho:

Good example cited by Sylvia Lim on NZ PM performance..Think our PM thinks too little of his people..PAP is not the only saint or sane one around, doesn't mean if u guys are not the majority the opp can't come tog and work for the greater good..

From OhPehSom:

Saying there is only a "murmur" is too weak a description. There is in fact a wide spread disgruntlement.

From Pp:

We can't breath under the PAPaya.. it's so stifling under the PAPaya..

We need fresh air to drive out stale n rot in the current MIW system ..

The PAPaya in power too long is good at bullying it's own citizens, pushing out those better than themselves.. jailing, bankrupting n character assination is the expertise of this bad regime..

After they elected into power, beware the evil face out again ...

From Oblada:

With good reasons and logic, we know that we need to put some credible Oppositions into Parliament. This, besides discouraging unilateral decision being push through can also to prevent the abuse of power which we can witness in other countries.

To be able to achieve this, we must tell Singaporeans that their voting decision should not to be guided by self- interest and selfishness.

From previous incidence we witnessed, Singaporeans rushed to stock up food and even toilet paper when Covid 19 first hit Singapore. Yes, we can say that the raising of alarm to DORSCON to yellow by the Govt did cause some confusion. The beggar thy neighbour mentality was showing.

Another example was the discussion of building dormitories for foreign workers years ago. Singaporeans generally agree that this was a good idea AS LONG AS these dormitories were not built near my homes it could affect my property price or the cleanliness of the neighbourhood.

Hence for voters who agree that it is important to have good alternate voice and check & balance in Parliament, please do not be selfish and harbour fear that if Opposition get elected in your constituency, the maintenance of your estate will suffer or your priority for housing will suffer...etc. Everyone of us need to do our part and contribute to the overall wellbeing of Singapore.

From Popersg:

For the record, Ronald Reagan was an actor turned president of USA. A true leader is not defined by his profession or academic performance but leads by his heart for people and surrounded by smart advisors.



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