This is the Publication by LS1965 & P65.


Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020

1st compiled on 24 June 2020, 14:00 SGT.

Last updated for this page: 8 July 2020, 14:05 SGT.


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See the Table of Contents help you to navigate in our GE2020 webpages.

See our compilation starting from 5 September 2019 here, highlighting the track records of the PAP Rulers.


Prepare for the Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020

Please see this video & vote correctly. As shown in the video, use your “Permanent-ink” Pen to mark a BIG “X” beside the empty slot of who you want to vote for! The Big Bullies will be too happy if we vote wrongly & send the wrong guys into the Singapore Parliament! Thanks. 8-D


Dear Supporters of the Big Bullies, please stop giving your harmful comments and delete all your past comments (supporting the Monsters) below all News reports!  Among us there are SPIES working with Yahoo News, we will definitely nab you & publish your real identities around the World! And you may need to hide in self-quarantine for the rest of your lives! Fools will serve the wrong masters & end up in self-destruction! 8-D


The comments of the People on GE2020 can be found below each of the following News report & these:

7 July 2020 Reports:

GE2020: Building inclusive society a key challenge for SingaporeTharman Shanmugaratnam

GE2020: Police investigating man believed to have made report on WP candidate Raeesah Khan

The People please comment! 8-D

We will extract & publish your excellent comments!

We have listed what our Good Friends have been giving us in the past & now in our General Election Webpage! Please vote wisely!

Many Thanks for all your constructive & excellent comments! Please upload your comments as we will come back & extract further:

GE2020: Building inclusive society a key challenge for SingaporeTharman Shanmugaratnam

Our comments: So this is the man many People say will take over FM Heng Swee Keat to be the Singapore Prime Minister if he loses out in this coming General Election on 10 July 2020. Know that Mr Tharman is a key Cabinet member & Ruler of Singapore, see his track record in our General Election webpage and you decide if you still can trust his sweet words! Even before the COVID-19 entered Singapore around 20 January 2020, the Singapore economy was already much worse than the last General Election in 2015 with many Singaporeans out of job and not more than 48% working full-time! Those who are happy with the Big Bullies empty promises please vote for them & lead the entire Nation to doom! The result of this General Election will tell the World if the majority of Singaporeans are wise or “otherwise”. 8-D

From Julien:

Mr Tharman Sir, I got this info from Mom site, and shock with the figures, no wonder we Singaporean unable to secure jobs AT ALL.

Dec 2018 Dec 2019

EP- 185,800 193,700

S/P 195,500. 200,000

WP- 972,600. 999,000

FDW 253,800 261,800

WP (construction)

280,500 293,300

Other work passes 32,100. 34,700

Total foreign workforce

1,386,000 1,427,500

Total foreign workforce

(excluding FDWs)

1,132,200 1,165,600

Total foreign workforce

(excluding FDWs and construction) 804,600 824,20

From Edric:

Tharman is well liked so they are using him to bluff sheep.

From soon:

ISWARAN said part time jobs better than no jobs...i want to ask...why local got no jobs and foreigners got job....

From Andy:

During the PAP’s talk show, Mohd Fahmi Aliman, who is running in Marine Parade GRC was asked by the moderator to share his experience of walking on the ground.

Noting that his focus of campaigning is about low-wage workers, the PAP’s new candidate then shared a story of how he helped a 55-year-old man who lost his job for two months “move on” from a dishwasher to cleaner.

So PAP say they will create 100k job, what kind of job are we talking about? What salary? What prospect? Lets be transparent.

From Maris:

But.... how many lower and middle income households and individuals are not in the inclusive society of the so called Swiss standard of living.

Collecting cardboard, jobs clearing and cleaning tables at hawker centers etc.

These are the results of the policies of inclusive society ?

And your ministers are collecting, NOT CARDBOARD, but millions$ of salaries and bonuses.

Still dared to say inclusive society ?

From francis:

Definitely, the govt will ask Mr Tharman to talk to pull votes from the opposition. I believe he is the most likable by most Singaporeans. But we must stand firm, not to let emotions to overrun you. This year might be the covid effect that pull more voters away from the opposition. This might be our last election. Think twice n vote wisely.

From Flan:

well said Tharman, PAP is an exclusive dominant party, if voters do not take first steps to vote more voices and multiple oppo party members into parliaments then Singapore will continue to find difficult "Building inclusive society a key challenge for Singapore" so Tharman called and take lead to vote in oppo and at least 1/3 or more?

From blvr:

An inclusive society starts with accepting diverse views; something which PAP can never stomach. One only needs to look as far as Shanmugam who cunningly uses intolerance to preach tolerance.

From Gameboy:

It is only fair for Singapore to use their resources, e.g. money, to cater the needs of local people instead of for the care of foreigners as well as new citizens. They should take care the local people first rather than to be inclusive of new citizens or foreigners as well.

From zphoe:

Tharman, ask yourself how to be inclusive if the social class difference is so wide and PAP does not understand or feel the citizens on the ground anymore? for starters, ask yourself is the salary justifiable for the gov?

From Magician:

Is the PAP thinking inclusive? Unemployed has no unemployment benefit, it is not inclusive. Low wage worker does not have minimum wage, it is not inclusive.

From It’s about Time:

Errrrr inclusive? Well I have felt inclusively excluded for a Long time.

From Karma:

Tharman, saying is one thing, doing is another. The big problem is PAP is just rhetoric about everything every challenge, every issues, but the doing is not there, the results is also not there. Its the same old thing recycle over and over again, --- increase productivity, skills upgrading, tripartite, ....

The truth is

Not enough good jobs.

High inflow of foreign workers, labour, PMET and even top executives.

Many are retrenched.

Our industry is shrinking, labour market is shrinking.

No new investment coming in from abroad.

The 'Key' to unlock the challenges

of an inclusive society with lesser inequalities for Singapore is to include

Working Together with Alternative Political Parties. Vote WISELY.

From Joe Low:

Can we Singaporeans know since you say inclusive society, the huge number of foreigner work pass holders, all classes were they given support packages from our national Reserves something like the Job Support Schemes? So far we know are Singaporeans and PRs are given the same JSS payouts. BUT why are PRs who are foreign passport holders given so much of our national Reserves during this COVID-19 instead of giving more to our native Singaporeans, espcially those who are jobless or in-between jobs?

Your inclusive society is included all these foreign pass holders and PRs?

From Breeke:

When the Oxfam Inequality Index came out, ranking Singapore 149/156 for our dismal failures in fighting inequality, how did your party respond? Outright deny, followed by issuing a strawman counter argument, only to be shot down by a strong rebuttal. Nothing was ever said of the inequality issues thereafter.. until now, election time. I bet my last dollar this inequality topic will go into oblivion after Friday.

"SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Oxfam on Wednesday rejected Singapore's defense of its low taxes after the NGO ranked the wealthy city state among the 10 worst-offending countries in fuelling inequality with its low-tax regime.

Oxfam's Commitment to Reducing Inequality (CRI) index ranked Singapore 149th of 157, below Afghanistan, Algeria, and Cambodia, and marginally higher than Haiti, Nigeria and Sierra Leone."


From Rinpoche:

"Inclusive Society" must already be a musty stale and empty rhetoric many terms ago?

PAPi makes taxi drivers, food deliveries out of PMETs. PAPi makes waste paper out of Diploma, tertiary and vocational certificates by flooding in CECAs, FTs and FW. Now do those measures by the PAPi hurt the people deeply by allowing good paying jobs taken away by foreigners?

Singapore must "never be" where ‘pedigree and connections count more than ability and effort’: Say Who? He should ask MiloIndianCumMalay.

Behind his veil of softness, Jurong resident should be aware that Tharman is PAPi

Vote for more Alternative voices into Parliament. Time for Change.

Jurong and East Coast GRC should make their vote counts.

AMK should at the very least appreciate the alternative party dedication, time and efforts for Singapore and allow them to take back their deposits.

From Andrew:

4 years 11 months ago never say, now election time then say. All these time what were they doing, eating a million dollars dim sum?

From Anonymous:

PAP selling fake hope again during election.

It is time to tell the truth cases about Singapore under the fake prosperity on the surface by the PAP. Here is the real cases that happen to Singaporean that will make you unable to sleep if you continue to vote for PAP because you are their partners to this cruelty and worst you may be one of the victim in near future.

Case 1

A adult man called a charity hotline. He was at the edge of committing suicide. He was a responsibly Singaporean, taking care of his family, working hard to earn a living, make it to a PMET. But he was retrenched and replaced by a foreigner, not because he can't do the job, but it is cheaper to hire foreigner. For months, he has been looking for job, due to his education, he was not successful and was very stress by the cost of living. Although the charity giving him the morale support, he committed suicide, bring along his wife and 2 children...

Case 2

A graduate called, he was at the edge of mental breakdown after 3 years of unable to find a job, and have to pay back the study loan. He has went through many interviews, but those job was taken up by foreigners. He eventually breakdown and now staying in some charity home.

Case 3

A depression woman called and tell a heart-sadden story about her husband and she. They were loving couple, but good time ended when her husband was retrenched. He was unable to get another job in Singapore, thus have to go overseas to find a living. And after years, he is divorcing the woman...

Case 4

A woman called. She was a single mum and was retrenched, seeking help. She used as a PMET and as single mum, she can’t really commit too much time in the job. Luckily, she had a ex-boss who is compassionate to her plight. However, there was a management change. A foreigner become her boss and sacked her and replaced with his country-mate. She is desperate situation, and have spend months looking for new job. She didn’t called again…

Case 5.

A depression young man called that he went to many job-fair but still unable to find a job. He realize that a lot of employers are not interested to employ Singaporean, but were there to do an act to fulfil MOM stupid requirement so that they can employ foreigners. He can’t understand why MOM side foreigner to the extreme. He also didn’t called again….


Of course there are more heart-sadden cases, but who are responsible for breaking up those Singaporean family? The foreigners? No, it is the doing of the PAP. The only gov that don't take care of its citizens unlike many 1st world countries where priority of jobs were given to their citizens, not even PR. Time to vote the heartless PAP out!

From Dylan:

I realized that nobody has mentioned this- to those who say that the opposition has no track record...our late LKY was an oppie. PAP was the opposition against the British, and we gave him our vote.

From Whyte:

Like what PM said about oppositions rehashing old stories, I would like to also ask about skillsfuture. Set up in 2015, what results has it shown? Considering the government has always been advocating for training, even during the pandemic period.

From KX:

To be inclusive, you need checks n balances. A proportionate representation may be the way to to forward.

From Truth in Life:

In my Opinion - Collective responsibility and inclusive society - Please can I share your PAY ..???

From Vertv Ewvc:

Sporeans always ended up hurting again and again cos every time after pap*** won election the cost of living escalate non stop and more and more foreigners get top pmet jobs.

From NewTariff in Town...:

Prisoner of Conscience speaking. Treating Sporeans like spastic. Vote ALL out. Don't let them povertize you. Many have hundreds of thousand in the CPF account.

From Walter:

The same PAP narratives of helping those retrenched with training and re-training. That say, Tharman is indirectly telling Singaporeans that a huge wave of retrenchment is coming as the GLCs/TLCs are going to have drastic cost cutting measures and retrenchment. Union members will be the most affected and NTUC will help the govt to justify your retrenchment. It will also use the same old narratives of training, retraining, upgrade yourself, don't be choosy etc. to be in line with the PAP govt propaganda. This has been the case in the past retrenchment, and it will still be the same approach in this recession. NTUC is with the Govt. Workers suffer. Singaporeans needs to vote in at least 1/3 opposition so that it has the parliamentary power to protect the interest of the common people and the retrenched.

From Tan:

Dear minister: you'r PAP candidate is proud to say that she helped 80-year-olds find jobs, is it a failure or success of our society?

Is our government incapable of caring for an elderly man? We can spend millions of dollars to take care of foreign workers!

From Bananaboat:

Parliament must also be inclusive with representatives from different parties.

From Roger:

Is POFMA the answer? To build an inclusive Sgpore??

From LCTA:

Now there is a new term I learn inclusive society to be added under PAP wayang rally talk, no vote is taken for granted, no one is left behind , we will help you to overcome this pandemic, we will emerge stronger and united, we will help you to reskill , retrain and upgrade you with WSG grooming courses, we will do this , we will do that and..... till now still no action to reinstate our jobless Singaporeans back to the workforce first and foremost for the on job training.


Note from the Publisher: When you see “*”, it means that we have changed the word to avoid possible defamation suit. 8-D


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