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Here is the List concerning how each COVID-19 case is infected: COVID-19 Cases: 1-130, 131-230, 231-683, 684-1623, 1624-3699, 3700-8014, 8015-12693, 12694-14951, 14952-17548, 17549-19410, 19411-22460, 22461-25346, 25347-28038, 28039-29314, 29315-31960, 31961-33249, 33250-37183, 37184-38514, 38515-40604, 40605-41216, 41217-42095, 42096-45783, 45784-47126, 47127-49098, 49099-53051, 53052-54929, 54930-55747... (See later cases here)
Not reported as official COVID-19 death count in Indonesia or Singapore: Singaporean died in Batam Hospital: The Jakarta Post dated 29 February 2020.
COVID-19 Death Cases in Singapore: 90 & 212, 109, 476, 918, 855, 1604, 987, 1142, 1836, 128, 3381, 3145, 4754, 1071, 8190, 1595 & 9682, 703, 2728, 1323 & 17410, 14744, 16370, 1414 & 1528, 23550, 1305, 23908 & 24013, 1516, 17329, 11714 etc. Click below to see more cases happened after 4 June 2020. Summary details of death cases. May they rest in peace. (First compiled on 2 May 2020)
Cases 54930-55104 (Govt. Web reported on 9 August 2020, after 23:00 SGT) 9 August 2020: “Singapore confirms 175 new COVID-19 cases, total at 55,104”. See the Government web, related Annex A, Annex B & Annex C. The People please send your excellent comments on this & other News and reply to @Michael65413248. We will extract & display on our Web. 8-D Dear Big Bullies, when are you going to release the countless Bloggers that you held in detention? Want to keep them as “souvenirs” until the next General Election in 2025? Don’t tell us you don’t know their whereabouts! Now tell us who control the Singapore borders and the Government’s Intelligence! We will never let this matter rest until we see them again! We want Justice done! Do you think we will just sleep on this like you always do for practically everything? NO Way! From @MothershipSG: Pritam Singh's National Day Message 2020: Reflect on what it means to be S'porean From @STcom: Covid-19 can give rise to mental health stresses, say experts From @TheSGTribune: Who would've thought that being cooped up at home stresses your mental health. From @lawvinceco: Mental health is the most unspoken topic in Singapore. From @hunsbellybutton: “Having to be at home was difficult as she had no sense of personal space, both physical and psychological” — as referring to being stuck home with parents. Couldn’t agree more. From @irwinoroceo (4:02 PM · Aug 9, 2020): Singapore crosses 55k COVID-19 cases on it's 55th National Day. From @LesChander2 (10:00 PM · Aug 9, 2020): How still have imported cases from China inbound to SG??? From @sm0llest (3:50 PM · Aug 9, 2020): 55,000 on Singapore’s 55th birthday? watch all the aunties go buy 4D today. From @mnmvnnn (3:45 PM · Aug 9, 2020): woohoo! crossing 55k mark just in time for our 55th bday! #NDP2020 haha jokes aside but national day doesn't mean corona off day so stay safe okay guys? From @slnged (4:00 PM · Aug 9, 2020): Tribute to the frontline & all essential services workforce - healthcare, security, law enforcement, logistics, supermarket, transportations, social services, manufacturing & other contributors, etc. Thank you! #SGUnited #SG55 #COVID19 #NDP2020 #SingaporeNationalDay
Cases 55105-55292(Govt. Web reported on 10 August 2020, after 23:00 SGT) 10 August 2020: “Singapore confirms 188 new COVID-19 cases, total at 55,292”. See the Government web, related Annex A, Annex B & Annex C. The People please send your excellent comments on this & other News and reply to @Michael65413248. We will extract & display on our Web. 8-D From @CylirLim (4:07 PM · Aug 10, 2020): Compensate and replace them with locals if really required. Many locals needs job anyway. When can SG be cleared for at least a few weeks when keep having such import cases. Why allow so many imported cases? Is the Covid19 Task force not aware of the rising stats. SG so hard up for such imported cases to come here? Taxing on the medical facilities. If they're given subsidized rate when admitted, then it's not right. Why so generous? Take the opportunity to reduce further any kind of work permits that are contributing to the jobless rate. From @grace_actually (7:37 PM · Aug 10, 2020): Hi @sporeMOH @govsingapore I need you to do better so I can see my partner #loveisnottourism #loveisessential #afairgoforlove From @j2018wm (12:12 AM · Aug 11, 2020): We haven’t SARS virus vaccine since 2003, we can’t have vaccine because it’s man made, not from nature, just like a cow that has a deer head, rabbit's ears, and monkey's hands. Please watch this video tell u why #LimengYan #CCPVirus #War room pandemic https://twitter.com/j2018wm/status/1292856419557883909
Cases 55293-55353 (Govt Web reported on 11 August 2020, after 23:00 SGT) 11 August 2020: “Singapore confirms 61 new COVID-19 cases, total at 55,353”. See the Government web, related Annex A, Annex B & Annex C. Now you are happy that the new COVID-19 cases finally fall from three digits to two? Let’s look at the facts: Till this day, only 114,200 total unique Persons swabbed per 1 million total population in Singapore; this means that only 11.42% of the total population have been tested, thus 88.58% in Singapore not tested yet! As of today, the total population in Singapore is 5,855,434, which means that 5,186,743 in Singapore not tested yet & we don’t know how many of us are asymptomatic cases including ourselves! Dear Big Bullies, are you just going to be happy about this number 61 & refuse to take active steps to test the rest of us? Let us remind you, the longer you take to test all of us & confirm the number of asymptomatic cases, many among us will die of this deadly virus! Then countless will be devastated & Singapore will become a “????” Garden! Still can attract FDIs to boost Jobs Participation Rate? From January to August 2020, you only tested 11.42% of the entire Population. We will let the World decide whether you need at least another 4 years to complete testing all of us! Dear Big Bullies, are you satisfied with your complete screw-up now?
Cases 55293-55353 (Govt Web reported on 12 August 2020, after 23:00 SGT) 12 August 2020: “Singapore confirms 42 new COVID-19 cases, total at 55,395”. See the Government web, related Annex A, Annex B & Annex C. The People please send your excellent comments on this & other News and reply to @Michael65413248. We will extract & display on our Web. 8-D See the complaints of the People in Pages 1 to 15. You decide if the COVID-19 in Singapore is really a wonder worker in helping the Singaporeans to create Jobs! Let’s see if the smart Singaporeans will be fooled by the Big Bullies! “92,000 jobs, traineeships committed as of end-July, 7 in 10 are PMET roles” as announced by Mrs Josephine Teo, regardless of the unfavourable situations listed below: COVID-19: Singapore Airlines offers cabin crew early release, retirement to further cut costs. Boeing 737 MAX cancellations rise, deliveries drop as crises drag on. Singapore enters worst recession in 55 years; MTI downgrades growth forecast. “We are not returning to a pre-COVID-19 world … We must chart a new direction now,” said Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing on Tuesday (Aug 11), after Singapore announced what he described as its “worst quarterly performance on record”. You see, having more Oppositions in the Parliament is a right move, they can help us to check if the Big Bullies have been busy creating fake news instead of working real hard to match their fat salaries! 8-D
Cases 55354-55497 (Govt Web reported on 13 August 2020, after 23:00 SGT) 13 August 2020: “Singapore confirms 102 new COVID-19 cases, total at 55,497”. See the Government web, related Annex A, Annex B & Annex C. The People please send your excellent comments on this & other News and reply to @Michael65413248. We will extract & display on our Web. 8-D Dear Big Bullies, when are you going to stop importing the COVID-19 into Singapore, ramp up your efforts to do contact tracing & speed up the testing of Asymptomatic COVID-19 Cases? You have wasted your Police resources to have so many handsome Police Officers station at the various Train Stations in order to catch us! Didn’t we tell you that we are more law-abiding than you & smarter than your Government’s Intelligence? There are so many times we just stand in-front of these Police Officers to stare at their handsome faces & maintain “eyes-to-eyes” contact, but they always turn & refuse to look at us! If any of them dare to pull off our facemasks, we will just make a few hard coughs & they will run away & you will need to disinfect the entire Train Station, including the Station massive air-con system! Do your work faithfully & don’t play games with us! Why can’t you just copy from New Zealand to learn how they could achieve ZERO new infection earlier? 8-D From @TODAYonline: Court reserves judgement on whether Lee Suet Fern should be sanctioned for role in Lee Kuan Yew's final will. See the earlier reports: 13 August, 4 March, 24 February 2020. Please publish the Court’s ruling of this case later & indicate the Judges’ names too. Let’s see if this is a fair judgement! Dear Judges, you are the princes of the People, we want you follow your conscience & give a right judgement, unless you want to end up like the Big Bullies whom we have made famous Worldwide for the wrong reasons! Thanks. See how the Big Bullies have arranged for their Police Officers to harassed law-abiding Business owners & Citizens in item 3. Till this day, they have refused to apologize and pay compensation for damages inflicted! The Singaporeans should not be guilty of failure to defend what is right, of any unjust persecution of the innocents and inherit a curse from God as a Nation! God exists & He NEVER sleeps (cf. Psalm 121)! From @allsgstuff: More imported cases? Crash Landing on SG https://twitter.com/allsgstuff/status/1293867498262147072 From @infinity10 (11:34 PM · Aug 13, 2020): Oh dear... the unlinked cases... UGH From @allsgstuff: All three scenarios show the same data. So convenient when they lump us all together (on unfair hiring & firing…) https://twitter.com/allsgstuff/status/1293874592289820672 From @ChannelNewsAsia: 2 COVID-19 cases visited HomeTeamNS Khatib on 5 occasions during their infectious period https://twitter.com/ChannelNewsAsia/status/1293895986012516352 Reply from @chiituuraaa: Just 12 days ago only it newly opened....
Cases 55498-55580 (Govt. Web reported on 14 August 2020,after 23:00 SGT) 14 August 2020: “Singapore confirms 83 new COVID-19 cases, total at 55,580”. See the Government web, related Annex A, Annex B, Annex C. Dear Ministry of Health (MOH), please explain why Annex C has turned into such a page https://www.moh.gov.sg/error/404 (discovered on 15 August 2020, 6:50 SGT)! The Big Bullies gave instruction for you to hide the information? This is the Annex C just uploaded by MOH! The People please check for discrepancies & send your excellent comments on this & other News and reply to @Michael65413248. We will extract & display on our Web. 8-D Lawrence Wong: Clearance of migrant workers’ dorms today does not imply we will automatically have COVID-safe dorms in the future (reported dated 7 August 2020) video . Look here, 79 new COIVID-19 cases found in the Dormitories on 14 August 2020! According to what Mr Lawrence Wong said, they should be the bulk of workers from those whom have been tested negative but in isolation. Ministerial Task Force, you think this COVID-19 virus is a joke? Please tell us how you have isolated the Workers that so many could get infected! You should isolate them in your countless unsold HDB Flats for them to be safe! Are the Dormitories conditions like “chicken cages”? What? The Dormitories may not be COVID-19 safe? This is the best result the highest Paid Politicians in the World could give us? You decide if the Big Bullies have failed to provide proper isolation facilities and want to cause these workers permanent damage and destroy the good reputation of Singapore & the Singaporeans? 8-(
Cases 55581-55661 (Govt. Web reported on 15 August 2020,after 23:00 SGT) 15 August 2020: “Singapore confirms 81 new COVID-19 cases, total at 55,661”. See the Government web, related Annex A, Annex B & Annex C. The People please send your excellent comments on this & other News and reply to @Michael65413248. We will extract & display on our Web. See our extracts. 8-D Dear Friend around the World, you see how the Ministerial Task Force contain the COVID-19 in Singapore: By 7 August 2020, they have tested all the workers in the Dormitories & they have isolated the rest who are healthy. You see how many healthy isolated workers reported sick with COVID-19 starting from 8 August 2020: 8 August (125), 9 August (171), 10 August (175), 11 August (56), 12 August (30), 13 August (91), 14 August (79), 15 August (62). What kind of Isolation Facilities are these? Healthy ones made sick with this kind of Isolation! Do you think they would likely be better off not having “isolated” by the Ministerial Task Force in the first place! We will let the World decide if the entire matter is a joke! 8-D From @sarahcoldheart (5:21 PM · Aug 15, 2020): 3 in "community". Whyyyyyyyy From @friendship_feed (4:59 PM · Aug 15, 2020): Took so long... #covid19
Cases 55662-55747 (Govt. Web reported on 16 August 2020,after 23:00 SGT) 16 August 2020: “Singapore confirms 86 new COVID-19 cases, total at 55,747”. See the Government web, related Annex A, Annex B & Annex C. See the People’s comments below the News report. Thanks for your excellent comments, due to space constraints, only some are extracted: See our other latest comments here. Muhyiddin: Microsoft, Amazon and Google keen to develop Malaysia into regional IT hub | Malay Mail (report dated 15 August 2020) Dear Big Bullies, you see the number of COVID-19 cases in Malaysia & compare it with Singapore! The salaries of the Malaysian Rulers are less than 1/4 of yours & yet they can do much better than you to contain the virus, now the FDIs are going into Malaysia to boost their Quality Jobs Participation Rate! You have taken out hundreds of billions from our Reserve & yet can only produce negative results, and still busy appearing on TV & Internet News to market yourselves! Shame on you? The World can decide! From Jessie: Still no explanation on the no of cases. Since election is over, the govt. is going to just carry on doing what it wants, regardless of citizens. After the last election we lost our rights to vote in the President. Are we going to be replaced by foreigners at every level of our lives? -Jessie From liangjwc: Yesterday 81 cases I already commented on why the liars are lying and today 86 cases………so they can continue lying until 60,000 cases by early next year…..just wait and see.
COVID-19 Cases: 1-130, 131-230, 231-683, 684-1623, 1624-3699, 3700-8014, 8015-12693, 12694-14951, 14952-17548, 17549-19410, 19411 onwards, 22461-25346, 25347-28038, 28039-29314, 29315-31960, 31961-33249, 33250-37183, 37184-38514, 38515-40604, 40605-41216, 41217-42095, 42096-45783, 45784-47126, 47127-49098, 49099-53051, 53052-54929, 54930-55747 ... (See later cases here)
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