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Webpage first launched on 7 October 2020.
Welcome to Singapore to watch Live Lawsuits against Citizens! When you have Clowns running the Government, all you can see is a Circus, as some Netizens commented! There is a man who cares about his own reputation, but he allowed (instructed?) his police officers harassing Law-abiding Business Owner & Senior Citizen, but they find NO way to charge these citizens! Till this day, he has given NO apology & NO compensation paid for the damages they suffered! See who has been trying so hard to be a “thorn” to Law-abiding Citizens and got screwed by the smart Singaporeans every day! He wants Equity but he is unable to come with CLEAN hands! We will not name him as his next Defamation Suit target could be the Webmaster for this page! You know who we referred to! 8-D Dear Big Bullies, following the precedents set by the “handsome” Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong (see below), please pay $150,000 to each of the above-mentioned injured parties harassed by your “distinguished” Police Officers. We are waiting for the money to come in as the victims have agreed to use the incoming funds to help any of our Singaporeans who might be in need! Failure to make the payments, we will continue to do FREE Intensive Marketing to publicise your “noble” acts to the whole World!
$262,237.22 handed over to Singapore’s Prime Minister’s lawyers for Leong Sze Hian’s payment of damages and cost (17 May 2021) S$262,327 fully raised by Leong Sze Hian to pay defamation damages, cost and disbursement to Singapore Prime Minister (15 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1393568736100093957 See the comments of the People above and ours here: https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1393850761075859456 Please contribute to help Leong if possible… Thanks. Don’t worry that you will get into trouble if you donate to Leong, because you will have our full support! We will let the World decides if such a move from the Big Bully is a disgrace, he has everything but he is all out to destroy Leong! Yes, he can’t kill him in broad daylight, so he wants to kill him financially! Really wicked and base! 得人心者得天下, 不得人心者 _________! See Google translate. 8-D Please fill in the blanks yourself. Thanks. Dear Daddy God, please help us to remove the wicked from our Beautiful Singapore… Many Thanks. High Court awards the full claim of S$129,327 to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in defamation suit against blogger (10 May 2021) The World please help to decide from this case, do you see a clear separation of Powers between the Judiciary and Executive? Welcome to Singapore to see LIVE how the Big Bullies oppress & persecute Law-abiding citizens! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1385604871051644932 Mainstream media outlets remain tight-lipped on bloggers Leong Sze Hian’s and Roy Ngerng’s crowdfunding success (17 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1383299240877645826 Blogger Roy Ngerng hits fundraising target in 8 days for damages to be paid to PM Lee over libel suit (16 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1382933793862868993 “'The CPF Song' by NeoKELELims, made in support of Roy Ngerng” (16 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1382902872761905153
Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1382666562214109187 See our Tweet https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1382842392227639302 Leong Sze Hian’s crowdfunding success demonstrates how common people can weaken libel tactics by Singapore leaders (7 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379778134774530048 The Court of Public Opinion took 11 Days while the Courts of Law took over 2 years (8 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379996583606030341 News of Leong Sze Hian’s crowdfunding success to pay off PM Lee’s defamation damages made global headlines (6 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379303893402849282 Many Thanks to ALL the Parties for helping the smart Singaporeans to make this into global headlines, we are grateful. Welcome to beautiful Singapore! Teo Soh Lung, on Leong Sze Hian’s crowdfunding success: The people have risen (5 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379001318883344388 No picture, no sound from Singapore mainstream media about Leong Sze Hian reaching fundraising goal (5 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379093832164327424 From this, the World can see how tightly the PAP Government is gripping tight on the mainstream media! We are surprised they are still able to breathe normally! 8-D Leong Sze Hian raises full sum for $133,000 defamation damages on Easter Sunday (4 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1378658640492687370 Many Thanks for being like Angels in helping the Blogger to raise this sum of money! This will remain as a perpetual record on our web to show the World including the Big Bully that we are ready to fight for what is right even in the face of oppression. May God bless you and your families in this Easter Season. 8-D
Blogger Roy Ngerng completes payment of S$150,000 in damages to PM Lee over defamation after successful crowdfunding (6 May 2021) Many thanks to All who have helped Blogger Roy Ngerng to foot the bill imposed by the wicked Big Bully who is seen all out to destroy Roy! Yes, he can only display his powers in oppressing defenceless & law-abiding citizens but he has no brains to make Singapore prosper and boosting Jobs Participation Rate! See how he & his team import COVID-19 into Singapore and produce screwed-up reports daily for the World to see, which we need to publish our own to rebut the false information & expose the facts! We invite the World to rate their KPI! Blogger Roy Ngerng hits fundraising target in 8 days for damages to be paid to PM Lee over libel suit (16 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1382933793862868993 Roy Ngerng raises over S$110,000 over 6 days of fund raising to pay for PM Lee’s defamation damage (13 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1381926852793630721 Roy Ngerng raises over S$90,000 over 5 days of fund raising to pay for PM Lee Hsien Loong’s defamation damage (12 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1381589946276970496 Roy Ngerng raises over S$70,000 over 4 days of fund raising to pay for Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong’s defamation damage (11 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1381207482849198082 Over S$45,000 raised by Roy Ngerng in two days to pay for defamation damages to Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong (9 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1380493736237527040 See our Tweet https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1380665935967645699 Roy Ngerng starts fundraising to pay PM Lee for his outstanding defamation damages; Over S$12,000 raised in a day (8 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1380054713744429056 You see who this wicked Money Grabber in Singapore is and now Roy Ngerng starts fundraising to pay off the Judgement debt! Please help him if you can but we are determined to make this Big Bully famous round the clock! This is how a f*olish person acts: he receives a fat salary more than any other Rulers in the World but he is unable to promote the prosperity of the Country and boost Jobs Participation Rate, so he spends his time suing those who tell the truth and criticizes his negative KPI! Will any of you pay for this kind of tr*sh performance? You decide!
Blogger Leong Sze Hian raises S$90,759 to date from crowdfunding after High Court orders him to pay damages to PM Lee in libel suit (31 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1376745700499861505 Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377129285522128898 See our Tweet https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1376044070330503170 Many thanks for helping the Blogger in his crowdfunding! Dear Big Bully, the People will hate you forever whenever they see the HOLES in their pockets to keep the Blogger safe against your wicked oppression! If your skin is not thick enough to accept criticisms from your own People, please hide in your bungalow for the rest of your life! We don’t need your “precious” contributions & we hate to see your “handsome” face! You are a shame to the smart Singaporeans! Wicked Rulers will always be hated! Not only has Leong Sze Hian’s case not aided PM Lee’s reputation, but it has probably damaged it (31 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377077513055133697 The people vs. Lee Hsien Loong (30 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1376773161576988675 Blogger Leong Sze Hian raises S$73,919 to date from crowdfunding after High Court orders him to pay damages to PM Lee in libel suit (29 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1376475556842192896
Blogger Leong Sze Hian raises S$24,598 to date from crowdfunding after High Court orders him to pay damages to PM Lee Hsien Loong in libel suit (26 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1375383719209472002 We support the Blogger Leong Sze Hian and his crowd funding, we appeal all who are able please help as many in Singapore are made jobless thanks to the Big Bully and his team! Shame of him who has been paid far above all other Rulers in the World and is only able to bring Counter-Prosperity to Singapore, making many smart Singaporeans jobless/underemployed and become poorer each day, so he keeps himself busy by suing Law-abiding Citizens to market himself in the Global stage! Dear Daddy God, we want JUSTICE! Please help us to remove our oppressors. Many Thanks. High Court decision to award S$133,000 in damages to PM Lee against veteran blogger a “wrong and deeply flawed judgment”, says lawyer Lim Tean (24 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1374746818840514568 Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1374911703540932610 High Court awarded S$133,000 in damages to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in his libel suit against veteran blogger Leong Sze Hian. (24 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1374566230871318529 Read this News report and remember the name of the Judge! We will let the World decide if there is a clear Separation of Powers between the Executive & Judiciary in Singapore or the Judge was being controlled by the Executive. It was stated in this report Prior to his removal of the post on 10 November, the court noted that Mr Leong’s article had garnered “22 ‘reactions’, five ‘comments’, and 18 ‘shares’”. Wow! Someone must be very happy to have the victim paid $133,000 based on just this “mini-?????”! Much of the other publicity was done by the Prime Minister himself who had his official social media spreading the details of this case! Thanks to the 61.23% in GE2020 that this has happened! Welcome to Singapore to see more bullying AGAINST the smart Singaporeans LIVE! We encourage all smart Singaporeans to ReSkill and ReTrain so as to run for the coming GE2025! Don’t you think that having a one-party majority Government for over 55 years is doing more harm than good? You decide! Who knows, if the Heaven help you, you may become the next Singapore Prime Minister!
Criminal defamation trial: High Court rules prosecution obliged to disclose accused persons’ statements to Defence if such statements could help Defence or weaken Prosecution’s case (Terry Xu’s case) (18 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1372531793719595014 See the interesting comments of the People! Join @pjthum in conversation with Terry Xu, @tocsg's Editor-in-Chief this Friday at 8PM SGT (GMT+8). You can catch the livestream on Facebook and YouTube. Twitter https://twitter.com/NewNaratif/status/1372166607804403715
Defamation trial: Lawyer Lim Tean lambasts PM Lee for having “no courage” to face siblings in court over allegations, choosing to sue journalist instead (17 February 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1362034580232888321 Defamation trial: Readers’ immediate responses ‘irrelevant’ in evaluating aggravated damages, says PM Lee’s lead counsel Davinder Singh (16 February 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1361651731025788928 Defamation trial: Who gave LKY the impression that 38 Oxley Road had been gazetted if not PM Lee, Lim Tean argues (15 February 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1361257052467830784 Defamation trial: High Court to publicly hear closing oral arguments on 15 February (10 February 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359428698882064384 See Mark 7: 14-22 & you will know what have made this man unclean! Who are we referring to? You decide! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1357233733233958912 After reading this News report, we will let the World decide if this is a fair and whether there are truly Separation of Powers between the Executive and the Judiciary! The People please comment actively to help Terry Xu! He must be well so that we can continue commenting on the News reports. 8-D
Trial highlights of defamation suit between Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Terry Xu (16 December 2020) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1339124022508830721 Read the People’s comments and you decide if the entire matter is a joke! Someone who is unable to boost FDIs or Jobs Participation Rate had done this to make Singapore famous for the wrong reasons, we are really embarrassed! Dear 61.24% who voted for that Team in GE2020, please wake up and help to repair the damage!
Defamation suit: PM Lee proposed to LKY to have 38 Oxley Road willed to him (11 December 2020) Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1337390178416078851 High Court dismisses lawyer Lim Tean’s application to discontinue police investigations against him (11 December 2020) Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1337209559140720641 Defamation trial concerning Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong: High Court to publicly hear oral arguments in February next year (10 December 2020) Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1336872771201200130
This is an unpaid hyperlink for The Online Citizen The Online Citizen requested for Donation: Donation link: http://onlinecitizenasia.com/donate Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1335804443984457728
Defamation trial: PM Lee considered moving into 38 Oxley Road with wife Ho Ching (8 December 2020) Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1336120920826580992 The smart Singaporeans please comment! Compare his acts with what the wise king of France Saint Louis IX wrote to his son Philip III, and then you will know how much he is worth. 8-D
Lawyer Lim Tean recently defended Leong Sze Hian and Terry Xu against Lee Hsien Loong over the 38 Oxley Road saga. Lim Tean shared how these defamation suits may have backfired against Lee Hsien Loong (5 December 2020) Twitter replies https://twitter.com/allsgstuff/status/1335100373770657793 Now Singapore has become the 1st worldwide to have the Prime Minister busy suing Citizens for Defamation! Now that someone has become “famous” worldwide! Yes, not in boosting the Economy or Jobs Participation Rate, but for the wrong reasons Defamation trial: LKY email to family notes that he “cannot call the shots” on 38 Oxley Road and PM Lee has “final word” on gazetting house (4 December 2020) Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1334769986980593667 A son who respects his father will ensure that the Will of his late father being executed without fail. You see what the Singapore Prime Minister did in this report. The People please read and comment actively, because your contributions will leave as a permanent record for all to see. Thanks.
Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1334497443422105600 Defamation trial: PM Lee questioned on why he didn’t clarify with LKY in email about 38 Oxley Road being gazetted (3 December 2020) Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1334487262118244352 Defamation trial: LKY’s lawyer Kwa Kim Li’s handwritten notes reveal PM Lee Hsien Loong “has free reign”, “can handle Cabinet” (3 December 2020) Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1334435505925206017 Defamation trial: LKY’s lawyer Kwa Kim Li to testify on Thursday afternoon (3 December 2020) Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1334332598303145987
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