Published by LS1965 & P65:

First published on 19 September 2020, 08:36 SGT.

Starting from 7 May 2021, we have minimised hyperlinked to Twitter to prevent someone screwing up our works.

Last updated: 13 October 2021, 14:50 SGT. See middle of this page.

Dear Friends, this webpage & the related were being hacked and turned BLANK on 17 November 2021. This is the 8th hacked incident (see the earlier related incidents)! After reading our reports, you should know who are the masterminds behind this!

Important note: Congratulations! Singapore has run  ahead of China in  our official number of COVID-19 cases starting from 30 October 2021! Is the Singapore PAP Government racing to be the World No. 1 in COVID-19 cases? The World please give way to those Unwise! See @sporeMOH with our record high local transmission! We are busy helping our vulnerable elders and children not to get infected, we will only be able to update our webpages later. Don’t worry, we are not caught by the Big Bullies and NEVER will be, as we are smarter than the Government Intelligence. Please stay safe. See you later. 8-D


Earlier important updates are listed below this section…



From LS1965 & P65:

Kindly note that starting from 7 May 2021, we have minimised hyperlinked to Twitter to prevent someone screwing up our works.

See our latest Claims Statement to the Big Bullies. Please add in your comments. Thanks. 8-D

Dear Big Bullies, still refuse to release the MISSING Bloggers? Well, we are also determined to make you “famous” round the clock!

The People please comment below the New reports or reply to 


we will hyperlink them perpetually on our web:

Updates on 13 October 2021

COVID-19 Singapore and Related

S’pore’s unvaccinated sign petition to be allowed in malls, nearly 6,000 signatures received (13 October 2021)


Unvaccinated Singaporeans banned from malls, dining at hawker centers from today (13 October 2021)


Nearly 6,000 people reportedly signed an online petition demanding the government do away with the restrictions they said were denying them access to essential goods and services, before the
Change.org page was removed.

Our comments:

See the Government Publication in our updates on 12 October 2021.


Those who have been taking back “amazing” fat pay cheques and yet screw up the COVID-19 situation in Singapore now want the People to pay the price. See the number of our beloved People have died everyday thanks to those Wicked who busy importing the virus and now run out of control… & sky rocketed high Local Transmitted cases… We invite the World please grade the P*P G*vernm*nt. Many Thanks.

Covid-19: PM Lee’s strange live telecast about almost nothing (10 October 2021)


PM Lee on Living with Covid-19: Respect the virus but not be paralysed with fear (9 October 2021)


Our Comments:

After imported tons of virus, causing the Local Transmitted cases to soar with our record high death count every day, do you think he has the “right conscience” to say this?

Ho Ching: SG going through ‘exit wave’ (11 October 2021)


Our comments:

Here is someone who is not medically trained and not a COVID expert expressed her “expert opinion”!

84-year-old man with COVID didn’t even get to see his wife in person before passing (13 October 2021)


Healthcare worker says, just saying thanks for their work doesn’t help them ― they need ‘better policies, better hospital administrators, and an attitude change in the general public about HCWs’ instead (13 October 2021)


Doctor rants about impatient families, questions, “Do you think you are the only patient that I have to care for?” (13 October 2021)


Doctor who died from COVID-19 was remembered as a kind and caring doctor who even lowered his fees for the needy (12 October 2021)


S’poreans claim ‘testing magnetic positive’ after Covid-19 vaccine (12 October 2021)


WP comes to aid of low-income families under quarantine running out of food supplies (12 October 2021)


Lim Tean calls record high COVID cases “Shameful Milestone”, but Alex Cook says it’s possible high numbers are the result of too much testing (7 October 2021)


Singapore to buy anti-COVID drug Molnupiravir, said to be effective against all variants (7 October 2021)


After COVID-19 infection, patients developing diabetes; experts unsure why (7 October 2021)


MOH’s Kenneth Mak: Catching up with hospital backlog could take months (8 October 2021)


HSA investigates illegal sale of Ivermectin following grandmother hospitalised for taking drug (8 October 20210


5,000 Covid-19 cases a day: How should we rate the Multi-Ministry Task Force as it pivots to a new “normal”? (26 September 2021)



Singapore PAP Government and Related

Singapore patrol robots stoke fears of surveillance state (8 October 2021)


MHA issues letters to 9 persons for posts misrepresenting Shanmugam’s comments in Parliament (8 October 2021)



Updates on 12 October 2021

COVID-19 Singapore and Related

Government Publication: See item 1


With effect from 13 October 2021, VDS must be implemented for entry into shopping malls and large standalone stores1. This means that only fully vaccinated persons2 will be allowed to enter these premises.

VDS means “Vaccination-Differentiated Safe Management Measures”


Earlier important updates:

Parliamentary questions for 2 August 2021 (2 August 2021)

Parliamentary questions for 5 July 2021 (3 July 2021)

Parliamentary questions for 10 May 2021 (9 May 2021)

Parliamentary questions for 5 April 2021 (5 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1378877429322768384

Have the earlier issues being addressed properly?

Parliamentary questions for 1 March 2021 (1 March 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1366190185805975555

Parliamentary questions for 16 February 2021 (15 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1361296675382386690

Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat to deliver Singapore Budget 2021 statement on 16 February (31 December 2020)

Till this day, he still refused to give the smart Singaporeans a proper account (see our Claims Statement above) for us to audit! We let the World decide who is trying to grab the $$$$$$$$$$$ and left many unemployed/underemployed smart Singaporeans practically NO help in this COVID-19 time while they continue with fat salaries with such COVID-19 containment work! Negative performance? You decide!

Parliamentary questions for 4 January 2021 (2 January 2021)

The smart Singaporeans please comment active as your comments will be permanently hyperlinked from our web. Thanks. 8-D

Parliamentary questions for 2 November 2020 (1 November 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1322900593514565632

Attention! Dear smart Singaporeans who have studied Law please see the Bills that will be passed in Parliament! Kindly reply to this Tweet or give your comments below this report (we will be scrutinizing them too), before the Big Bullies pass some oppressive Laws against us to enrich themselves (?), then we will need to tolerate the  wicked consequences perpetually! See item 1, item 2, item 3 & item 11 & you know what we meant! We thank The Online Citizen for the highlights…


President Halimah Yacob approves Third Supplementary Supply and Budget Adjustments Bill to reallocate resources amid COVID-19 crisis (2 November 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1323153209653972992

Dear smart Singaporeans, please monitor this as till this day, the PAP Government still refuse to upload a proper Statement of Accounts onto the web to let us audit! See our Claims statements here.


MediShield Life Premiums set to increase by 35 per cent following review of national health insurance scheme (22 December 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1341286263069024257

We will let the World decide if the Big Bullies are really wicked! They made at least 60-70% of the smart Singaporeans unemployed or underemployed by importing countless Foreign Job Seekers to take up the jobs that we are good at, and they now increase the MediShield Life Premiums by 35%! Can’t afford to pay-> “Demand Note, Fine, Suit, Jail + Threat to sell my house” will be impose on me! If this is not daylight robbery and extortion, then what is it? Thanks to the 61.23% in GE2020, ALL of us fall into this plight!

Dear Daddy God, please help us and have mercy on us! Please deliver us from the evil clutches of the Big Bullies! 让这些坏人全都自动消失!Use Google Translate! 8-D

MediShield Life to increase premiums by up to 35%, Singaporeans think it’s “daylight robbery” (30 September 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1311220721981566976

MOH invites S’poreans to share suggestions on the increase of MediShield Life premiums (30 September 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1311267225265987590

Is the Medishield Life really a shield against medical costs? Or is it really a battering ram to already tight pockets? (1 October 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1311518424506544128

(See latest updates here.)


Speaker of Parliament claims presence of “false narratives” being spun regarding selection of adjournment motions (30 September 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1311170311468003329

Dear smart Singaporeans, please help to monitor this. You know the Big Bullies are Expert Liars & 1st-Class Professional $$$$$Grabbers. A few days later, they will just close the case, sleep on it & conveniently expect us to forget about it! 


President Halimah Yacob says it is important for her to be periodically briefed by GIC and Temasek on their investment outlook as “both GIC and Temasek invest our reserves” (25 September 2020)

Twitter replies https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1309370758976675840

Dear smart Singaporeans, please help to conduct checks & balances on our Singapore Reserves. Thanks.


High Court awards the full claim of S$129,327 to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in defamation suit against blogger (10 May 2021)

The World please help to decide from this case, do you see a clear separation of Powers between the Judiciary and Executive? Welcome to Singapore to see LIVE how the Big Bullies oppress & persecute Law-abiding citizens!

PM Lee seeking nearly S$130,000 in legal costs and disbursements from blogger Leong Sze Hian; much of disbursements tied to engagement of Hong Kong expert witness (16 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1382666562214109187

See our comments and earlier record here.

News of Leong Sze Hian’s crowdfunding success to pay off PM Lee’s defamation damages made global headlines (6 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379303893402849282

Many Thanks to ALL the Parties for helping the smart Singaporeans to make this into global headlines. We are grateful that you have contributed to make the Singapore PM extremely famous overnight. Welcome to beautiful Singapore! 


Earlier records

See Table of Contents for Singapore COVID-19 too.

Year 2021

06-13 October 2021.

1-5, 6-10, 11-12 September 2021.

1-11, 3-18, 19-25, 25-30, 31 August 2021.

1-5, 5-13, 12-21, 21-30, 28-31 July 2021.

1, 1-14, 14-26, 23-30 June 2021.

1 , 1-8, 5-15, 12-22, 19-31 May 2021.

1-3, 4-12, 11-21, 20-30 April 2021.

1-3, 2-9, 9-18, 16-25, 23-31 March 2021.

1-2, 1-6, 8-17, 16-26, 24-28 February 2021.

1-5, 5-11, 7-18, 18-25, 25-31 January 2021.

February  to December 2020:

1-3, 3-10, 10-17, 17-23, 23-31st December 2020.

1-3, 3-12, 9-20, 19-27, 27-30 November 2020.

1-4, 5-10, 11-19, 19-26, 27-31 October 2020.

18 September & earlier, 19-23, 24-29, 30 September 2020.


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Table of Contents for SG News               1st Page of COVID-19 SG