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Published by: Emmanuel & Maria International Consultants LLP This webpage was 1st launched on 5 January 2021, 23:46 SGT Last updated: 14 April 2023, 22:38 SGT
The COVID-19 Vaccine is now available, should I get vaccinated? We are pro-vaccination and some of us have been fully vaccinated. We are searching for a safe vaccine for our Families and Buddies (who have various underlying medical conditions) in order to confront this COVID wave. We have compiled a list of articles that we find useful for our reference before we make this decision, you may refer to them. We accept no liability and you are required to read with discretion as we are NOT in the Medical Profession. You are advised to talk to the Medical Doctor you trust before you proceed with the next step… Stay safe and wear your facemasks faithfully, because we love you and want to see you fully alive. 8-)
How to avoid DEATH due to adverse effects of Vaccination? This doctor from Taiwan shared in this video: 【疫苗防疫】原來醫學實證多吃這13種食物?竟然可以預防打新冠疫苗的死亡風險?|60歲邱正宏醫師跟你說 【邱正宏談健康】https://youtu.be/oVxxqOzGv7k He advised that you may want to consume these 13 kinds of food more often before you go for your jab: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/13-anti-inflammatory-foods
Updates on 14 April 2023 Surge of over 10,000 weekly Covid-19 cases in S'pore, MOH says it's driven by XBB subvariants (14 April 2023) https://mothership.sg/2023/04/rising-covid-cases-april-2023/ Extracts: MOH said that the current Covid-19 infection wave is driven by a mix of XBB subvariants, including XBB.1.5, XBB.1.9 and XBB.1.16. Omicron booster shots provide some protection against mild illness from Covid XBB subvariants, CDC says. (25 January 2023) XBB Subvariant (Wikipedia record) Is bivalent vaccine effective for XBB? Extracts: Our data suggest that XBB. 1.5 effectively evades current humoral immunity induced by mRNA vaccines or natural infection and that a bivalent vaccine (ancestral and BA. 4/5) can improve humoral responses to XBB. (8 Feb 2023)
The Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty bivalent vaccine (Wikipedia record) Pfizer Bivalent Vaccine Linked to Strokes in Preliminary Data (14 January 2023) The Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty bivalent vaccine Side Effects
The Moderna/Spikevax bivalent vaccine (Wikipedia record) STATE CORONER’S FINDING ON DEATH RELATED TO COVID-19 VACCINATION (MOH report dated 17 February 2023) Extracts: He received his first dose of Moderna/Spikevax COVID-19 vaccine on 18 June 2021, and passed away on 9 July 2021 after collapsing at his workplace earlier that day. The Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty bivalent vaccine Side Effects
Updates on 21 June 2022 to 27 February 2023 Singapore records first death linked to Covid-19 vaccination after coroner ruled man died from heart inflammation post-jab: MOH (18 February 2023) Extracts: In a statement, the ministry said that the man had died 21 days after receiving his first dose of the Moderna-Spikevax Covid-19 vaccine on June 18, 2021. He died on July 9 that year after collapsing at his workplace earlier that day.
So What Type of Vaccine Prevents Symptomatic Omicron the Best? https://epicentre.org.za/2022/04/05/bestcovidvaccine/ The Novavax vaccine against COVID-19: What you need to know (13 June 2022) What You Need to Know About the Novavax Protein-Based Vaccine (10 June 2022) https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2022/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-novavax-protein-based-vaccine FDA panel recommends Novavax COVID-19 vaccine be the fourth allowed for use in US (7 June 2022) Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine https://mvec.mcri.edu.au/references/novavax-covid-19-vaccine/ The Moderna COVID-19 (mRNA-1273) vaccine: what you need to know Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html Singapore Breaks Down COVID Deaths by Vaccine, With Moderna Seeing Lowest Rate (10 January 2022) Our comments: Take note of what stated in this report: About 30% of the COVID Patients who died in Singapore are fully-vaccinated! So don’t let down your guards, put on your facemask and maintain safe distancing, the vaccine you have received may NOT be as good to protect you as you think.
Updates on 4-13 June 2022 FDA decision on Novavax’s Covid shots could be delayed to review changes in manufacturing (9 June 2022) https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/09/fda-decision-on-novavaxs-covid-shots-could-be-delayed-.html FDA experts weigh authorising Novavax Covid-19 vaccine in US (8 June 2022) Extracts: …the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, was recently restricted in the US after being linked to a rare but serious clotting condition, especially in women of reproductive age. FAQ: What you need to know about Novavax's non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccine Nuvaxovid (15 February 2022) Extracts: There is no data on whether Nuvaxovid is effective against the Omicron or Delta variants, said Singapore's expert committee on COVID-19 vaccination… The vaccine, however, has shown "consistent efficacy" against the Alpha variant. Novavax COVID-19 vaccine (Wikipedia) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novavax_COVID-19_vaccine US FDA flags risk of heart inflammation after Novavax COVID vaccine (4 June 2022) https://www.axios.com/2022/06/03/novavax-covid-vaccine-heart-risk-fda START OF NUVAXOVID COVID-19 VACCINATION AND JOINT TESTING VACCINATION CENTRE OPERATIONS (13 May 2022) SG has advance orders for a “better” vaccine than Pfizer & Moderna https://theindependent.sg/sg-has-advance-orders-for-a-better-vaccine-than-pfizer-moderna/ COVID-19 Update | Ong Ye Kung: Over 2,600 in S’pore booked to get Novavax vaccine — Novavax benefits those not suitable for mRNA vaccine TGA releases vaccine-related myocarditis severity details (8 April 2022) https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/clinical/tga-releases-vaccine-related-myocarditis-severity Japan to take 150m doses of Takeda-produced Novavax shots, probe ongoing into deaths following inoculation with recalled Moderna vaccine lot (8 September 2021) Pfizer, Moderna COVID-19 vaccines induce responses against 2 key variants, small study finds (17 May 2021) Moderna vaccine slightly more effective than Pfizer vaccine in preventing COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and death (1 December 2021) Moderna may be superior to Pfizer against Delta; breakthrough odds rise with time (10 August 2021) Vaccines Vs Variants: Three Studies Provide New Insight (6 May 2021)
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