Earlier News comments: Please refer to Table of Contents for SG COVID-19. Thanks.


Updates on 8 February 2021

From LS1965 & P65:

See our latest Claims Statement to the Big Bullies. Please add in your comments. Thanks. 8-D

Dear Big Bullies, still refuse to release the MISSING Bloggers? Well, we are also determined to make you “famous” round the clock!

The People please comment on the News reports, we will hyperlink them perpetually on our web:

South Africa suspends AstraZeneca vaccination launch over study (8 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1358586397603561477

冠状病毒19负责分发电子监察器 43岁机场工作人员确诊 (8 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1358598493661757444

Lim Tean 林鼎:为何行动党仍畏惧生活工资(8 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1358607556202135554

去年入境旅客4200万人次 货物入境高达1170万件 (8 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1358636458379214848

AWARE urges ex-NMP Viswa Sadasivan to “denounce” attacks against women who were sexually harassed by him (8 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1358641779562713088

Comedian Sharul Channa shares an incident of workplace harassment by NUSS IQ host Viswa Sadasivan; he apologised “unconditionally” (6 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1357928511760195585


Updates on 8-10 February 2021

From LS1965 & P65:

See our latest Claims Statement to the Big Bullies. Please add in your comments. Thanks. 8-D

Dear Big Bullies, still refuse to release the MISSING Bloggers? Well, we are also determined to make you “famous” round the clock!

The People please comment on the News reports, we will hyperlink them perpetually on our web:

冠状病毒19】上月27日接种第一剂疫苗 工程师结束隔离后确诊 (9 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1358963096195387395

See; get infected with COVID-19 immediately after the 14-day quarantine? We let the World comment on the effectiveness of this vaccine!

PV’s Jireh Lim questions why news of SNEC mistakenly giving its staff member 5 doses of COVID-19 vaccine was hidden from public for weeks (8 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1358654437703745537

Do they treat the COVID-19 vaccination process a joke? Mistake again! Every few days there is a new “screw-up”! Do we have Cl*wns running the Government? Is this an outright disrespect of human lives? The World can please decide!

Welcome to Singapore to watch LIVE!

Ho Ching appears to defend SNEC mistake while Lawrence Wong and Gan Kim Yong remain silent (9 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359017371294384128

冠状病毒19】感染后康复不代表已免疫! 专家提醒需维持安全措 (8 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1358722725800521728

【冠状病毒19】确诊患者曾到访地点新增四处(8 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1358964735270662147

World Economic Forum delayed at the request of WEF, rather than the Singapore Government: PV chief Lim Tean

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1358676686364155904

【冠状病毒19卫生科学局提醒 若接种冠病疫苗应延迟捐(8 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1358689201022259200

冠状病毒19BGC员工染疫 团:增加体温检测和柜台消毒次 (9 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1358978802483879941

Prof Paul Tambyah addresses public concerns on COVID-19 vaccines in his latest Facebook live session (10 February 2021)

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Barely any compensation for spinal injury of NS serviceman during ICT; No avenue for redress due to Section 14 of Government Proceedings Act (9 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1358981890846281730

Netizens question why child molestation, other sexual offences are not considered violent crimes by Law Minister K Shanmugam (8 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1358753244453998597

“People are promoted based on performance”: Minister Chan Chun Sing challenges perception that public service favours scholarship holders (8 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1358765565431721984

Opposition is becoming mainstream with more professionally and academically ‘qualified’ candidates like in PAP: WP’s Yee Jenn Jong (8 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1358664581820936194

应黄循财文化战争 学者:包容就是最好的武器 (8 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1358664178383417345

DBS Research says Metro’s possible exit from retail scene would affect SPH more (8 February 2021)

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提高民众捍卫女权意识 AWARE见女性向性骚扰说 (8 February 2021)

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课不知屏幕全黑 国大教授全程闭麦课两小时 (8 February 2021)

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远怀念人民总统王鼎昌 勇气和信念带他走过巅峰 经历低 (8 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1358708894927880193

SportSG promises to put an end to errant individuals who re-sell public sports facility bookings for profit (8 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1358712641040965633

月薪逾300新元 马国青年却拨出四成济贫 (8 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1358720178192855040

How many has Singapore hung from the gallows? (9 February 2021)

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Netizens suggest students should be afforded choice to opt out from high-element activities in school camps (9 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359085314799722496

Ho Ching to retire from Temasek Holdings CEO post; Temasek International CEO Dilhan Pillay Sandrasegara to succeed her (9 February 2021)

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绝接受心理卫生学院安排 汉冰箱挡门反锁屋内被(9 February 2021)

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就私人救护车服务做出虚假陈述 卫生部报 (9 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1358991075667570689

The NAC is a “graveyard for independent arts in Singapore”, says Cultural Medallion winner and arts veteran Thirunalan Sasitharan (9 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359028459578785793

Singapore sees higher overall crime rate due to rise in scams despite remaining among safest cities globally: Police (9 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359105892445278209

WP’s Jamus Lim nominates long-time supporter of WP to formally be a member of the party (10 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359336976156135426

Sheng Siong CEO Lim Hock Chee’s philosophy of care proves successful and sustainable (10 February 2021)

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Updates on 10-12 February 2021

From LS1965 & P65:

See our latest Claims Statement to the Big Bullies. Please add in your comments. Thanks. 8-D

Dear Big Bullies, still refuse to release the MISSING Bloggers? Well, we are also determined to make you “famous” round the clock!

The People please comment on the News reports, we will hyperlink them perpetually on our web:

Defamation trial: High Court to publicly hear closing oral arguments on 15 February (10 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359428698882064384

See Mark 7: 14-22 & you will know what have made this man unclean! Who are we referring to? You decide!

4 instances when the Government flip-flopped on its own words (11 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359735455554633733


Before you go for your COVID-19 Vaccination, see the facts here first:


President Halimah Yacob urges Singaporeans to get vaccinated in CNY message (10 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359396444017471491

总理称全国已有25万人接种首剂冠病疫 (11 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359660005524439048

PM Lee urges people to get vaccinated in CNY message; notes that 250,000 have received first vaccine dose (11 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359724958742642694

【冠状病毒19】新增的客工宿舍病例暂与其他病例无关 (11 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359665307300814850

马亚:冠病疫苗内不含活病毒 误打五剂未必造成伤 (11 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359687610101358592


高空活动意外非首次发生 曾有小学生自四楼坠下重伤 (11 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359699765517254658

Temasek new CEO still positive on China despite large investments stuck in Jack Ma’s Ant Group (11 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359734571345080320

Netizens highlight ground reality after study reveals household income from work for poor families dropped 69% in 2020 due to pandemic (10 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359461723774844928

Dear 61.23% of GE2020, satisfied now? If this persists for a few more months, the majority will be “??????”, please fill in the blanks yourself! Your beloved Big Bullies only care about grabbing $$$$$$$ from our CPF using MediShield Life & CareShield Life! They are shielded with their fat salaries but they are careLESS about your livelihoods! Still love them?

Community organisations collect recommendations on how Budget 2021 can help improve needs of low-income communities (10 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359469522802135048

Netizens cites K Shanmugam’s ministerial statement as why they believe Parti Liyani is guilty despite High Court ruling (11 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359774723794681858

Former M’sian national swimmer jailed for defaulting on S’pore NS to pursue study in US; Netizens want his PR status revoked (11 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359700602125647877

Hope surfaces for Singaporean facing execution in China as pro bono lawyers seek case review in higher courts (10 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359399750785765377

Young couple scammed over S$277,000 by Carousell seller offering discounted stay at Marina Bay Sands (11 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359677769890684933

Workers’ Party volunteer helped fix PAP MP Edwin Tong’s fallen CNY poster (10 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359398078248341509

云端分享软件供应商遭黑客针对 电信第三方文件分享受影 (11 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359707610312806404

Man’s donation after molesting a woman on MRT should not be viewed as a ‘get out of jail free’ card, says AWARE (11 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1359714744308006915

续刘程强传统 新春前扫除检视选区民(11 February 2021)


Updates on 12-13 February 2021

From LS1965 & P65:

See our latest Claims Statement to the Big Bullies. Please add in your comments. Thanks. 8-D

Dear Big Bullies, still refuse to release the MISSING Bloggers? Well, we are also determined to make you “famous” round the clock!

The People please comment on the News reports, we will hyperlink them perpetually on our web:

AWARE calls on Viswa Sadasivan to make a full and unreserved apology (12 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1360102746372902912

If the Minister truly regrets his mistake, he should come clean, apologise and bow to Singaporeans before resigning.

Twitter https://twitter.com/allsgstuff/status/1356920576288452611

Too proud to say sorry

Twitter https://twitter.com/allsgstuff/status/1356873723874340865

Smoking in Singapore: All based on a few simple words ‘I saw you from across the road’ he was eventually issued with a summon.

How was this possible without any evidence and witnesses around? Does the NEA officers hold authority over us common folks?

Twitter https://twitter.com/allsgstuff/status/1356921160185831424


Updates on 12-15 February 2021

From LS1965 & P65:

See our latest Claims Statement to the Big Bullies. Please add in your comments. Thanks. 8-D

Dear Big Bullies, still refuse to release the MISSING Bloggers? Well, we are also determined to make you “famous” round the clock!

The People please comment on the News reports, we will hyperlink them perpetually on our web:

Parliamentary questions for 16 February 2021 (15 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1361296675382386690

Defamation trial: Who gave LKY the impression that 38 Oxley Road had been gazetted if not PM Lee, Lim Tean argues (15 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1361257052467830784

地铁内光谱行动无声抗议 范国瀚遭罚款8千元或监禁32 (15 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1361244134888079364

UK virus jabs hit first target as N. Zealand puts city in lockdown (15 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1361202115645964288

Look carefully! You decide if the Singapore Prime Minister, his wife and buddies have observed safe social distancing here!

Twitter https://twitter.com/allsgstuff/status/1360225783608987648


Updates on 16-17 February 2021

From LS1965 & P65:

See our latest Claims Statement to the Big Bullies. Please add in your comments. Thanks. 8-D

Dear Big Bullies, still refuse to release the MISSING Bloggers? Well, we are also determined to make you “famous” round the clock!

The People please comment on the News reports, we will hyperlink them perpetually on our web:

Defamation trial: Readers’ immediate responses ‘irrelevant’ in evaluating aggravated damages, says PM Lee’s lead counsel Davinder Singh (16 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1361651731025788928

Why did Ho Ching retire as CEO of Temasek when our GLCs are in limbo? (17 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1361940571233783809

Indian university caught selling 36,000 fake degrees has graduates working in Singapore (16 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1361617368263221251

India’s opposition accuses BJP state government of covering up fake degree scam (17 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1361947735558025216

“Why double standards?”: Netizens slam Govt for exempting World Economic Forum attendees from SHN period (17 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1361910532224151555

WHO backs AstraZeneca jab in boost for poor countries (17 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1361880221670993923

Activist Jolovan Wham jailed 22 days, fined $2,500 for three charges in relation to 2017 train protest (16 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1361466206612561927

Will the Government change or will it imprison more people like Jolovan before things can change for the better?

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1361526903123959809

WP’s Jamus Lim shares about young resident’s disappointment that he wasn’t present to distribute Edusave award (16 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1361556748792954881

Netizens highlight double standard in opposition-led constituencies after MP Jamus Lim wasn’t invited to present Edusave award to student (16 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1361571777323950084

Kranji Woodlands Forest cleared for development; nature lovers caught by surprise (16 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1361600057376702467

Executive Sub-Editor of Lianhe Zaobao laments the loss of The Substation as giving up “part of our collective souls” (16 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1361637445012455427

Tanjong Pagar【丹戎巴葛致命车祸】英妮:将探有效杜绝飙车措施 网民要求当局速加强执 (17 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1361869637487501313

Netizens chide authorities for taking actions to deal with speeding only after Tanjong Pagar fatal car crash (17 February 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1361941081231777795



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