Published by: LS1965 & P65.


Past cases:

The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be (Total cases stated here + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! )

The rest of the Undercounting are indicated in red below & in this page :

Year 2022

God’s warnings against wicked Rulers and Judges: Wisdom 6:1-11.

Important note: All the death cases reported below are likely 99.9% fully vaccinated unless otherwise stated because the Big Bullies didn’t blow the trumpet telling the World that these death cases had not been vaccinated, thus absolving their liabilities that the non-vaccinated ask for death by refusing vaccination.


12 January 2022 (882 new cases, 1 death case, 486 (Community + Dormitory) cases & 396 imported cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). Newly found Omicron cases= 797 (284 imported + 513 local transmission). Now TINY Singapore ranks the 6th position in the World with the highest number of Omicron cases, total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore now is 5149 +797 = 5946  (3918 imported + 2028 local Transmission, based on GISAID, running ahead of Australia, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, India, Brazil, Mexico & Japan! Fantastic!). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=287243+882 =) 288,125 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

Total Imported cases = 12,000 + 396 = 12,396 (until 12 January 2022, MOH undercounted by “1” on 10 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”?

Total Death cases = 839 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID



11 January 2022 (846 new cases, 446 (Community + Dormitory) cases & 400 imported cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). Newly found Omicron cases= 438 (279 imported + 159 local transmission). Now TINY Singapore ranks the 4th position in the World with the highest number of Omicron cases, total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore now is 4711+438 = 5149  (3634 imported + 1515 local Transmission, based on GISAID, running ahead of France, Germany, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, India, Brazil, Mexico & Japan! Fantastic!). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=286397+846 =) 287,243 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

Total Imported cases = 11,600 + 400 = 12,000 (until 11 January 2022, MOH undercounted by “1” on 10 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”?

Total Death cases = 838 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID


COVID-19: The idea of mild Omicron ‘needs to be eradicated,’ emergency physician stresses


Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for keeping us safe especially All our Buddies who are unvaccinated. You see the ever rising Community cases caused by the 12000 imported cases thanks to the Big Bullies and now the Ministry of Health (MOH) even undercounted the number to look good? We pray for All the Goodwill around the World who have been infected and some probably still struggling in the Intensive Care Units, heal them quickly to show Your mighty deeds among the Nations. We trust in Your covenant with us that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose…” knowing ONLY You Alone  are really 100% care for our lives and our prosperity. Many Thanks.


10 January 2022 (750 new cases, 263 (Community + Dormitory) cases & 487 imported cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). Newly found Omicron cases= 389 (263 imported + 126 local transmission). Now TINY Singapore ranks the 4th position in the World with the highest number of Omicron cases, total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore now is 4322+389 = 4711  (3355 imported + 1356 local Transmission, based on GISAID, running ahead of France, Germany, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, India, Brazil, Mexico & Japan! Fantastic!). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=285647+750 =) 286397 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

Total Imported cases = 11,113 + 487 = 11,600 (until 10 January 2022, MOH undercounted by “1” on 10 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”?

Total Death cases = 838 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID



9 January 2022 (845 new cases, 1 death case (99.9% likely fully vaccinated because the Big Bullies didn’t blow the trumpet telling the World that these death cases had not been vaccinated, thus absolving their liabilities that the non-vaccinated ask for death by refusing vaccination), 242 Community cases, 16 cases from Dormitories & 587 imported cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). Newly found Omicron cases= 327 (218 imported + 109 local transmission). Now TINY Singapore ranks the 4th position in the World with the highest number of Omicron cases, total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore now is 3995+327 = 4322  (3092 imported + 1230 local Transmission, based on GISAID, running ahead of Germany, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, India, Brazil, Mexico & Japan! Fantastic!). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=284,802+845 =) 285647 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

Total Imported cases = 10,526 + 587 = 11,113 (until 9 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”?

Total Death cases = 838 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID


Singapore: Health Minister Ong Ye Kung says 30% of coronavirus deaths last year were fully vaccinated (10 January 2022)


This shows that the effectiveness of those vaccines are questionable!

What omicron variant symptoms doctors are seeing in recent patients


Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for keeping us safe as we work aggressively to ensure all around us do not get infected. You see the number of imported cases into Singapore and even being fully vaccinated, 30% of them died in 2021 due to COVID-19. The COVID situation in Singapore is total chaos thanks to the Big Bullies! Did You say the same (2 Chronicles 24:20) to those Big Bullies as they have committed tons of sins to oppress us, grabbing our money unlawfully and playing god against us as reported to you earlier? Please come and deliver us as we always strive to walk in Your way. Many Thanks.


8 January 2022 (811 new cases, 253 Community cases, 14 cases from Dormitories & 544 imported cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). Newly found Omicron cases= 404 (243 imported + 161 local transmission). Now TINY Singapore ranks the 4th position in the World with the highest number of Omicron cases, total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore now is 3591+404 = 3995  (2874 imported + 1121 local Transmission, based on GISAID, running ahead of Germany, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, India, Brazil, Mexico & Japan! Fantastic!). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=283,991+811=) 284,802 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

Total Imported cases = 9982 +544 = 10,526 (until 8 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”?

Total Death cases = 837 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID



7 January 2022 (777 new cases, 2 death cases (99.9% likely fully vaccinated because the Big Bullies didn’t blow the trumpet telling the World that these death cases had not been vaccinated, thus absolving their liabilities that the non-vaccinated ask for death by refusing vaccination), 366 Community cases, 15 cases from Dormitories & 396 imported cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). Newly found Omicron cases= 535 (284 imported + 251 local transmission). Now TINY Singapore ranks the 6th position in the World with the highest number of Omicron cases, total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore now is 3056+535 = 3591  (2631 imported + 960 local Transmission, based on GISAID, running ahead of Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, India, Brazil, Mexico & Japan! Fantastic!). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=283214+777=) 283,991 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

Total Imported cases = 9586 +396 = 9982 (until 7 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”?

Total Death cases = 837 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID


$1.26m paid to 296 with serious side effects after COVID vaccination in S'pore: report (7 January 2022)

This only tells the fact that COVID vaccination  is not always safe!


Note Paragraph 15, you decide if those People are just sugar coating their big bluff!


COVID 'fully vaccinated' status in Singapore will be 270 days after primary vax series (5 January 2022)

Group of 5 rule, other COVID SMM, to remain through CNY: Lawrence Wong (5 January 2022)

COVID care protocols revised from Thursday depending on severity, health status: MOH (5 January 2022)

Agencies combing CCTV footage of NYE gathering at Clarke Quay: Lawrence Wong (5 January 2022)

Omicron wave may see 15,000 cases per day in 'worst case scenario': Kenneth Mak (5 January 2022)

Obviously, this will become fact when the Incompetent continue to sit on the thrones to manage the crisis but refuse to step down! If we DIY to manage Singapore the outcome could overturn!

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for keeping us fully alive! You see the chaotic situation in Singapore now, we are still within the window period which the PAP Rulers told us that that they will limit the Vaccinated Travellers using VTL as they “will freeze all new ticket sales for VTL flights and buses for travel into Singapore from 23 December 2021 to 20 January 2022, both dates inclusive, but the number of imported cases within this period has soared to record high! You know which group of People have been bluffing the World! We offer this situation to you! Can You accept those wicked mortals who have been busy playing god to prevail against You who have made Heaven and earth? We trust in Your Justice. Many Thanks.

6 January 2022 (813 new cases, 1 death case (99.9% likely fully vaccinated because the Big Bullies didn’t blow the trumpet telling the World that these death cases had not been vaccinated, thus absolving their liabilities that the non-vaccinated ask for death by refusing vaccination), 404 Community cases, 19 cases from Dormitories & 390 imported cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). Newly found Omicron cases= 365 (234 imported + 131 local transmission). Now TINY Singapore ranks the 7th position in the World with the highest number of Omicron cases, total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore now is 2691+365 = 3056  (2347 imported + 709 local Transmission, based on GISAID, running ahead of Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, India, Brazil, Mexico & Japan! Fantastic!). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(= 282401+813=) 283,214 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

Total Imported cases = 9196 + 390 = 9586 (until 6 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”?

Total Death cases = 835 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID



5 January 2022 (805 new cases, 2 death cases (99.9% likely fully vaccinated because the Big Bullies didn’t blow the trumpet telling the World that these death cases had not been vaccinated, thus absolving their liabilities that the non-vaccinated ask for death by refusing vaccination), 353 Community cases, 13 cases from Dormitories & 439 imported cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). Newly found Omicron cases= 440 (302 imported + 138 local transmission). Now TINY Singapore ranks the 4th position in the World with the highest number of Omicron cases, total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore now is 2251+440 = 2691 (2113 imported + 578 local Transmission, based on GISAID, running ahead of Australia, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, France, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, India, Brazil, Mexico & Japan! Fantastic!). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(= 281,596+805=) 282,401 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

Total Imported cases = 8757 + 439 = 9196 (until 5 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”?

Total Death cases = 834 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID


Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for keeping us safe again and we are grateful that many unvaccinated we know are not being infected. You see, our mini-sized Singapore has now ranked the 4th position in the World with the highest number of Omicrons cases and we were informed that many who have contracted with the Omicron were forced to go back home (against their wishes) to recover to prevent them from taking up precious beds in our Public Hospitals, they told us that they felt being betrayed by the Big Bullies who are still unrepentant and busy importing the virus, the number of daily new cases has doubled! We offer this chaotic situation to You and we know You say this to us:  ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of these Big Bullies. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.’ We trust in Your word and we are determined to work even more aggressively to ensure those around us are not being infected. Many Thanks. 


4 January 2022 (842 new cases, 3 death cases (99.9% likely fully vaccinated because the Big Bullies didn’t blow the trumpet telling the World that these death cases had not been vaccinated, thus absolving their liabilities that the non-vaccinated ask for death by refusing vaccination), 334 Community cases, 6 cases from Dormitories & 502 imported cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). Newly found Omicron cases= 438 (347 imported + 91 local transmission). Now TINY Singapore ranks the 8th position in the World with the highest number of Omicron cases, total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore now is 1813 + 438 = 2251 (1811 imported + 440 local Transmission, based on GISAID, running ahead of Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, France, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, India, Brazil, Mexico & Japan! Fantastic!). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(= 280754+842=) 281,596 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

Total Imported cases = 8255 + 502 = 8757 (until 4 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”?

Total Death cases = 832 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID



3 January 2022 (464 new cases, 177 Community cases, 2 cases from Dormitories & 285 imported cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). Newly found Omicron cases= 187 (183 imported + 4 local transmission). Now TINY Singapore ranks the 8th position in the World with the highest number of Omicron cases, total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore now is 1626 + 187 = 1813 (1464 imported + 349 local Transmission, based on GISAID, running ahead of Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, France, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, India, Brazil, Mexico & Japan! Fantastic!). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(= 280290+464=) 280,754 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

Total Imported cases = 8255 (until 3 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”?

Total Death cases = 829 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID


Singapore must be ready for Omicron wave: Health Minister (3 January 2022)

Read this article and you decide if the Singapore PAP Government has now admitted defeat against this new “Miss Singapore Omicron”! Come to Singapore if you dare to see how the Big Bullies fall flat before this virus, look at the unprecedented record high number of imported cases that has spread to the Community like wild fire! What are we doing now? Hiding 24/7, working remotely to preserve our lives and keeping those around us SAFE! 

COVID SCIENCE-Virus leaves antibodies that may attack healthy tissues; B cell antibodies weakened, not defeated by Omicron (4 January 2022)


Months after recovering from SARS-CoV-2 infection, survivors have elevated levels of antibodies that can mistakenly attack their own organs and tissues, even if they had not been severely ill, according to new findings.”

Read the above article and do a thorough research on this, compile the necessary data and this will help you to claim against any Government in the World who has been busy importing the virus making countless SICK and many DEAD! The smart Singaporeans can approach our Claims Consultants if you need help to claim for compensation for any damage suffered, just contact the webmaster.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for keeping us safe 24/7 and able to help those around us who are in need, yes, thanks to the Big Bullies who have created this virus chaos. We beg you to increase our leverage and trust in You fully that we will be able to complete it with Your strength (Philippians 1:6). Many Thanks.


2 January 2022 (429 new cases, 128 Community cases, 4 cases from Dormitories & 297 imported cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). Newly found Omicron cases= 155 (119 imported + 36 local transmission). Now TINY Singapore ranks the 8th position in the World with the highest number of Omicron cases, total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore now is 1471 + 155 = 1626 (1281 imported + 345 local Transmission, based on GISAID, running ahead of Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, France, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, India, Brazil, Mexico & Japan! Fantastic!). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(= 279861+429=) 280,290 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

Total Imported cases = 7672+297= 7969 (until 2 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”?

Total Death cases = 829 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID



1 January 2022 (456 new cases, 1 death case (99.9% likely fully vaccinated because the Big Bullies didn’t blow the trumpet telling the World that these death cases had not been vaccinated, thus absolving their liabilities that the non-vaccinated ask for death by refusing vaccination), 187 Community cases, 9 cases from Dormitories & 260 imported cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). Newly found Omicron cases= 155 (128 imported + 27 local transmission). Now TINY Singapore ranks the 8th position in the World with the highest number of Omicron cases, total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore now is 1316 + 155 = 1471 (1162 imported + 309 local Transmission, based on GISAID, running ahead of Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, France, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, India, Brazil, Mexico & Japan! Fantastic!). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(= 279405+456=) 279,861 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

Total Imported cases = 7412+260= 7672 (until 1 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”?

Total Death cases = 829 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID




The Singapore PAP Government has provided this excellent example here on border measures! Follow and copy this step-by-step if you want the same happens to you as in Singapore:  the number of imported cases surges to record high with exorbitantly huge increase in numbers of community cases (and dormitory cases, if you have many Foreign workers)! Now the Wise in Singapore are busy hiding from the virus and finding all ways to work remotely! Our 1st priority now is preserving our own lives instead of $$making!

A ‘very strange’ omicron variant symptom has emerged


Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for keeping us safe and enjoying Your Peace despite this total chaotic COVID situation created by the Big Bullies in Singapore! Thanks for encouraging us: “Be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.We will continue to do the good works You have instructed, to work aggressively to prevent those around us from being infected and to help others to preserve their sanity! Many Thanks.




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