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Earlier News comments: Please refer to Table of Contents for SG COVID-19. Thanks.
Updates on 23-25 March 2021 (continue from previous page)
MARUAH Singapore calls on individuals to submit three-finger salute photos in solidarity with the people of Myanmar (23 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1374306724014911491 Will Singapore put real pressure on Myanmar military leaders instead of issuing motherhood statements? (23 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1374265350531866625 “Count on me” (25 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1374911725422534658 “Count on me, Singapore” turned into spiritual song in India and sold for US$0.50 per download (24 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1374505963500101632 New Khoo Teck Puat Hospital CEO steps in; no official statements made on the change (25 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1374943817384792064 Kitchen floor tiles in a Toa Payoh HDB flat began emitting popping sounds before cracking open (23 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1374322717168656386 Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1374255807919951873
Updates on 25-27 March 2021 See our latest Claims Statement to the Big Bullies. Please add in your comments. Thanks. 8-D Dear Big Bullies, still refuse to release the MISSING Bloggers? Well, we are also determined to make you “famous” round the clock! The People please comment on the News reports, we will hyperlink them perpetually on our web: Blogger Leong Sze Hian raises S$24,598 to date from crowdfunding after High Court orders him to pay damages to PM Lee Hsien Loong in libel suit (26 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1375383719209472002 We support the Blogger Leong Sze Hian and his crowd funding, we appeal all who are able please help as many in Singapore are made jobless thanks to the Big Bully and his team! Shame of him who has been paid far above all other Rulers in the World and is only able to bring Counter-Prosperity to Singapore, making many smart Singaporeans jobless/underemployed and become poorer each day, so he keeps himself busy by suing Law-abiding Citizens to market himself in the Global stage! Dear Daddy God, we want JUSTICE! Please help us to remove our oppressors. Many Thanks. Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1375023851009155075 Congratulations to the 61.23% in GE2020 who voted for the w*ck*d and h*artl*ss to rule this Country! You’d better pray round the clock that you are well and don’t fall sick, because if the same happens to you, these inh*man fellows that you have voted for will NEVER help you base on their track record as evinced in this case. Can the kind neighbours please help this lady and making her life more bearable? Dear Daddy God, we need Your Power to help us to topple them upside-down before GE2025. Please have mercy on us and quickly come to our aid. Many Thanks. Victims of Sunshine Empire scam yet to recover lost money, since Singapore authorities confiscated S$21mil funds over 12 years ago (26 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1375403692850098180 Shame on them! See how quick they were in approving the construction and operation of the 2 Casinos in Singapore and grabbing money from your CPF on MediShield Life Premium Deductions! From their track record based on facts, we doubt that the victims are able to get back their money within 7 days (after dragging on for over 12 years!) Dear Singapore PAP Rulers, please comment! Bukit Batok: SDP chief Dr Chee Soon Juan urges JRTC to fix lifts that opens at every floor in Blk 621 (25 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1375029200973877248 Take our words! You must congratulate yourself if they are able to have them fixed within 2 weeks! Don’t you know that when come to productivity and efficiency, the Big Bullies track record is always NEGATIVE! Tudung at work: Closed door discussions “do not serve the interest of transparency”, are “confusing” (26 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1375297463289004033 Netizens dismiss IPS study findings that state younger, higher-income Singaporeans are more accepting of immigrants (25 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1375012868391890945 We thank all who have commented! Please don’t get too angry or it will cause your blood pressures to shoot up! In Singapore, we must get used to FAKE News created by the Big Bullies as they are immune to POFMA and later other Fake News Laws they will enact in Parliament to handle the smart Singaporeans ONLY! That’s why they must go before we can repair the damage and make Singapore PROSPER again! Cargo ship blocks Suez Canal affecting sea traffic in Straits of Malacca and at Singapore (26 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1375294650714497025 Agri-food sector contributes US$717 billion to Southeast Asian economy in 2019: Oxford Economics (25 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1374998924457545728 AstraZeneca says vaccine 76% effective in updated US trial data (25 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1374966343464742914 Modi vies for power in bloody Indian state (25 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1375069456947240960
Updates on 28-29 March 2021 See our latest Claims Statement to the Big Bullies. Please add in your comments. Thanks. 8-D Dear Big Bullies, still refuse to release the MISSING Bloggers? Well, we are also determined to make you “famous” round the clock! The People please comment on the News reports, we will hyperlink them perpetually on our web: WP’s Yee Jenn Jong highlights plight of elderly lady living in “terrible and unlivable mess” in Eunos Crescent flat (29 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1376365030401208321 We thank ALL who have helped this elderly lady. Dear smart Singaporeans, do you think we should ONLY vote for People who are wise and helpful to occupy the Singapore Parliament in GE2025? If this matter is being brought up to the Big Bullies in their Meet-The-People-Sessions, you will know that it will never be solved satisfactorily, they will likely sleep on it, let your matter “rot” and become beyond repair! You know what we meant! Many complained to us that their Sessions are actually torturing sessions, you complained or sought help from them continuously many times but NOTHING gets done and would only make you develop hypertension and possible brain damage due to too much distress! 8-( Single buyer from North-Asia buys up all 20 condo units for $300m while ex-MP concerns SGs priced out of property market (28 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1375726400561414144 Singapore Train System: Signalling fault causes delays on North-South Line; commuters advised to make alternative travel arrangements (29 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1376367014193729541 SMA reveals losses of IP insurers due to rapid rise in management fees and commission payouts (29 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1376392434737889281 Progress Singapore Party elects new leadership in its 2nd party conference (28 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1376128642439385088 Ever Given container ship starts to move in Suez Canal: tracking sites (29 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1376406138577649665 Ever Given turned 80% in ‘right direction’: Egypt canal authority (29 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1376430503771922433
Updates on 29 March – 1 April 2021 See our latest Claims Statement to the Big Bullies. Please add in your comments. Thanks. 8-D Dear Big Bullies, still refuse to release the MISSING Bloggers? Well, we are also determined to make you “famous” round the clock! The People please comment on the News reports, we will hyperlink them perpetually on our web: Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1376714887133560832 Using exorbitant Tax-payers’ money to BUY public Confidence? You decide! Don’t you agree that if the Singapore Police is really performing so well, then no marketing is needed? Are they selling the Police services like listed Companies marketing their products to shore up possible falling stock prices? What a joke! See how the Big Bullies instructed the Police Officers to bully & harass Law-Abiding Business Owner and Elderly Citizen, then you will know how wicked they are! See, this is the Latest case concerning Elderly investor with UOB Bank! Read our report and you can rate the Singapore Police yourself!
Blogger Leong Sze Hian raises S$90,759 to date from crowdfunding after High Court orders him to pay damages to PM Lee in libel suit (31 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1376745700499861505 Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377129285522128898 See our Tweet https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1376044070330503170 Many thanks for helping the Blogger in his crowdfunding! Dear Big Bully, the People will hate you forever whenever they see the HOLES in their pockets to keep the Blogger safe against your wicked oppression! If your skin is not thick enough to accept criticisms from your own People, please hide in your bungalow for the rest of your life! We don’t need your “precious” contributions & we hate to see your “handsome” face! You are a shame to the smart Singaporeans! Wicked Rulers will always be hated! Not only has Leong Sze Hian’s case not aided PM Lee’s reputation, but it has probably damaged it (31 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377077513055133697 The people vs. Lee Hsien Loong (30 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1376773161576988675 Blogger Leong Sze Hian raises S$73,919 to date from crowdfunding after High Court orders him to pay damages to PM Lee in libel suit (29 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1376475556842192896
Singapore Government continues to issue motherhood statements on CECA, but how does it actually benefit the average Singaporean? (1 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377422491702886402 NTUC Income, Great Eastern Life, Prudential refuse to reveal remuneration of their top execs (30 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1376752224303509507 WP MP Gerald Giam provides updates on Hougang HDB unit razed by fire, says prepared to “coordinate further help as needed” (29 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1376517008158777348 Netizens slam OneMillion Tree Movement; urges government to prioritise preservation of existing greenery (31 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377057742410678273 Netizens don’t believe MP Murali Pillai’s action to help elderly man who fainted at coffee shop; calls it “wayang” (31 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377054852845596682
#AreWeOkay: SG Mental Health Matters invites the public to join the conversation (31 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377054701846458371 Dear smart Singaporeans, many of us are struggling in this difficult time as the Big Bullies have imported so many Foreigners to take up our jobs and making many jobless or underemployed! Please! Please! Remember to do something worthwhile now and exercise to preserve your sanity and to stay alive, because we are aiming to kick out the Big Bullies out of Parliament latest by GE2025 (not too far away). Many Thanks. SDP’s chief Chee Soon Juan questions the lack of communication among PAP ministers over tudung issue (31 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1376825871827300354 Netizens question the need for domestic workers to clean exterior of windows after Indonesian maid fell to death at Hougang block (31 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377192947112796166 Electricity tariffs up by 8.7% for households in April to June 2021; gas tariffs up by 0.84% (31 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377189783563239424 MAS & SGX need to scrutinise CapitaLand’s latest restructuring plan, protect retail investors from its troubled assets (30 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1376733606123552769 Deliveroo set for London stock market launch (31 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377114726023319553 Netizens slam Genting Singapore executive chairman Lim Kok Thay’s pay doubled last year while many employees lose jobs (29 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1376443791960326146 I am a proud Singaporean not because I like what I see (30 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1376780781406785538
Why China as an authoritarian country can allow protests but not a democratic country like Singapore? (31 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377184880363151367 WHO experts say COVID probably came to humans from animals (30 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1376729697929814017 China under pressure after WHO chief revives lab leak theory (31 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377155454808195072 China deflects questions after WHO chief revives lab leak theory (31 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377207371265671168 WHO experts say Chinese jabs show ‘safety’, but data lacking (31 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377239063720255497 Diplomatic allies Taiwan and Palau begin coronavirus travel bubble (1 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377471922536116224 BBC reporter leaves China, says ‘too risky to carry on’ (31 March 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377237103046750208
Updates on 1-3 April 2021 See our latest Claims Statement to the Big Bullies. Please add in your comments. Thanks. 8-D Dear Big Bullies, still refuse to release the MISSING Bloggers? Well, we are also determined to make you “famous” round the clock! The People please comment on the News reports, we will hyperlink them perpetually on our web: Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377839981012660224 Dear smart Singaporeans, keep track of this figure presented by our fellow Singaporeans and make sure that the figure don’t shrink! The Big Bullies are experts in wasting money and making losses, see the HDB yearly deficits and other losses listed here. Who knows if they have really pocketed money or snatch more to put into their Buddies’ pockets? Corruption? Your smart brains will tell you! We must work harder to repair the damage before some Fools turn all of us into “??????”. Please fill in the blanks yourself… Singapore Airlines passenger flights barred from landing in Hong Kong for two weeks from 3 to 16 April 2021 (3 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377978274563948549 Dear Friends around the World, welcome to see how the Big Bullies have imported so many COVID-19 cases into Singapore and now they want to export to Hong Kong! Till this day, they still do not know how this case could leak into Hong Kong! Shame on them! Paid far more than all other Rulers in the World yet still can be counter-productive! Come & see how Fools turn Singapore into a Circus for COVID-19! WP’s Jamus Lim seeks to address Anchorvale residents’ long-standing frustration in lift breakdowns (2 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377817492060581888 Resident chides Pasir Ris-Punggol Town Council (PRPTC) for delay in updating residents about maintenance works (2 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377916855076143111 Thanks for the 61.23% in GE2020 for voting the PAP to occupy the Singapore Parliament to serve you! See the results and we invite the World to rate their KPI. Many Thanks. Lorry driver stops to help elderly man cross the road; driver behind blocks off traffic with car… (2 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377862259339317248 No signals, no words is needed! Thanks for being observant and have taken an active part to cooperate and act like Angels. Mixed reactions from netizens over Singapore’s non-interference stance on junta violence in Myanmar (1 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377563199491440641 Dear smart Singaporeans, we can’t expect that the Big Bullies will do something effective to help the Myanmar People, just look at the problems that they have created in Singapore and making so many smart Singaporeans suffer. Let’s be active in praying for Myanmar, & support them in Social Media too, that the People will obtain Justice for all the atrocities that were/are done upon them and the People’s rights will be respected and honoured. Many Thanks. SPH undergoes “strategic review” in the face of challenging operations and outlook of media business (1 April 2021) Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1377558984543068164
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