Earlier News comments: Please refer to Table of Contents for SG COVID-19. Thanks.


Updates on 4-5 April 2021

From LS1965 & P65:

See our latest Claims Statement to the Big Bullies. Please add in your comments. Thanks. 8-D

Dear Big Bullies, still refuse to release the MISSING Bloggers? Well, we are also determined to make you “famous” round the clock!

The People please comment on the News reports, we will hyperlink them perpetually on our web:

Leong Sze Hian raises full sum for $133,000 defamation damages on Easter Sunday (4 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1378658640492687370

See earlier details here.

Many Thanks for being like Angels in helping the Blogger to raise this sum of money! This will remain as a perpetual record on our web to show the World including the Big Bully that we are ready to fight for what is right even in the face of oppression. May God bless you and your families in this Easter Season. 8-D

Parliamentary questions for 5 April 2021 (5 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1378877429322768384

Have the earlier issues being addressed properly?

Parliamentary questions for 1 March 2021 (1 March 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1366190185805975555

Premiums could “rise significantly” if insurers “recklessly increase” number of doctors on Integrated Shield Plans panels: Life Insurance Association (4 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1378551570892271622

Tan Cheng Bock backs Francis Yuen for PSP’s new chief, says PSP does not belong to him but Singaporeans (4 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1378325354536964097

Questions about AstraZeneca jab linger (5 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1378871360802410497

Marathon champion Soh Rui Yong to participate in Eugene Thuraisingam LLP’s Run For Justice 10km event to support legal representation schemes for migrants (4 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1378551685593841664

Truck driver makes tearful apology over Taiwan rail crash (5 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1378783803557171201


Updates on 5-7 April 2021

From LS1965 & P65:

See our latest Claims Statement to the Big Bullies. Please add in your comments. Thanks. 8-D

Dear Big Bullies, still refuse to release the MISSING Bloggers? Well, we are also determined to make you “famous” round the clock!

The People please comment on the News reports, we will hyperlink them perpetually on our web:

News of Leong Sze Hian’s crowdfunding success to pay off PM Lee’s defamation damages made global headlines (6 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379303893402849282

Many Thanks to ALL the Parties for helping the smart Singaporeans to make this into global headlines, we are grateful. Welcome to beautiful Singapore!

Teo Soh Lung, on Leong Sze Hian’s crowdfunding success: The people have risen (5 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379001318883344388

No picture, no sound from Singapore mainstream media about Leong Sze Hian reaching fundraising goal (5 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379093832164327424

From this, the World can see how tightly the PAP Government is gripping tight on the mainstream media! We are surprised they are still able to breathe normally! 8-D


Netizen urges Government to “cut off” private insurance companies from running MediShield to prove its sincerity in keeping medical cost affordable (5 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379017388331515914

Over 2,000 inmates assisted by Yellow Ribbon Singapore in securing employment upon release: Ministry of Home Affairs MHA (6 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379367685847404547

Whatever figures you read & obtain from the Government, please verify yourself before believing in them! You know Some People are experts in manipulating figures to look good only, they are immune to the Fake news Laws in Singapore or POFMA! 8-(

Netizens unconvinced that cleaners’ jobs won’t be jeopardised if diners start cleaning up their own tables at hawker centres (6 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379364089240018945

WP's Louis Chua on whether GST as a regressive tax is really the best option for raising revenue… (6 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379286252873261057

“Why keep increasing?”: Netizens slam LTA for increasing ERP rates by S$1 at some gantries on AYE and CTE (6 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379352154209710080

Leong Mun Wai: Why the Government did not press the issue further to ask Joey Mendoza to admit plagiarism (6 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379348987594039297

MCCY exploring whether there is a need to enhance intellectual property protection for Singapore Symbols (6 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379326376726175744

“Exploring” now means no action taken yet! The Alternative Parties in Singapore and the smart Singaporeans please keep track, Some People can explore for many years and eventually sleep on it…zzzZZZ. Many Thanks.

About 2.2 million Singaporeans have yet to redeem SingapoRediscover vouchers, but Government will not extend redemption deadline for now: Minister Chan Chun Sing (6 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379272512262000640

CDCs raised yearly average of nearly S$12 million from 2015 to 2019 with corporate donations, says Minister Chan Chun Sing (6 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379274458561675269


Workers’ Party asked to file Parliamentary Question over FAS corruption investigation; reply from Ministry was “not appropriate to comment further at this point” (6 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379256613027086337

Either work like snail or refuse to investigate the Corruption case (involved them too?) is not important, one of the two reasons is enough to make them unfit to rule Singapore!

If the Management of a Listed Company can’t perform, you kick them out! We let the smart Singaporeans decide what we should do with these most highly paid Politicians in the World! The World please decides if you can dump $$$$$$$ to People who can only give you tr*sh in their work!

Different narrative of the Singapore story is the political and ideological contest between local educated and foreign educated (6 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379240679881203712


Mutual recognition of vaccination certification will take time: Janil Puthucheary (5 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379025625743298563

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379024518862274562

Suspension of SIA flights will not affect talks on travel bubble between Singapore & Hong Kong: Ong Ye Kung (6 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379240991828361220

1 in 3 COVID survivors suffer mental, neurological problems: study (7 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379607765321195521

Amnesty International condemns rich world’s ‘near-monopoly’ on COVID vaccines (7 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379604791869984768


Singapore is not concerned about the fate of Myanmar citizens, says Burma Human Rights Group Executive Director (5 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379001438261628928

The PAP Rulers please respond & do your best to help as acceptable Human Beings! Please don’t cause disgrace to the smart Singaporeans!

Indonesia, East Timor flood death toll surges past 150: officials (6 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379286520566272000

For People who say that this is not due to Global warming, we pray that the same will happen to them & let them experience swimming round the clock to save their own lives!

Now so many have died, let’s be more aggressive in reducing our carbon footprint to keep our environment green. Dear Daddy God, please bless and help us… Let the families of the victims be consoled that they are now resting within your embrace. Many Thanks.

Polar bears forced to forage eggs as warming shrinks hunting grounds (7 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379609472650334210

Climate change driving marine species poleward (6 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379249363361394689


Updates on 7-9 April 2021

From LS1965 & P65:

See our latest Claims Statement to the Big Bullies. Please add in your comments. Thanks. 8-D

Dear Big Bullies, still refuse to release the MISSING Bloggers? Well, we are also determined to make you “famous” round the clock!

The People please comment on the News reports, we will hyperlink them perpetually on our web:

Roy Ngerng starts fundraising to pay PM Lee for his outstanding defamation damages; Over S$12,000 raised in a day (8 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1380054713744429056

You see who this wicked Money Grabber in Singapore is and now Roy Ngerng starts fundraising to pay off the Judgement debt! Please help him if you can but we are determined to make this Big Bully famous round the clock! This is how a f*olish person acts: he receives a fat salary more than any other Rulers in the World but he is unable to promote the prosperity of the Country and boost Jobs Participation Rate, so he spends his time suing those who tell the truth and criticizes his negative KPI! Will any of you pay for this kind of tr*sh performance? You decide!

Leong Sze Hian’s crowdfunding success demonstrates how common people can weaken libel tactics by Singapore leaders (7 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379778134774530048

The Court of Public Opinion took 11 Days while the Courts of Law took over 2 years (8 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379996583606030341


Heng Swee Keat announces his stepping down as 4G leader(9 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1380375973275832321

Heng Swee Keat throws in the towel as touted successor to Singapore premiership (9 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1380114787531685889

Progress Singapore Party voices concern over stepping down of DPM Heng as designated PM successor (9 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1380383856092721153

Singapore’s fiscal position “much better” than what Government asserts, says NCMP Leong Mun Wai (8 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1380067652899647489


Average of one obstruction case per HDB block; 150 blocks remain without Lift Upgrading Programme (8 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1380033194175688704

MOM reviewing medical check-up process for migrant domestic workers to allow certifying doctors to personally examine helpers (7 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379709450496446465

Reviewing? The smart Singaporeans please monitor how long they will take! If any of us is going to do it, it will taker less than a week. Some People who have been paid more than any Rulers always sleep on their jobs and expect us to forget about it!

MOE to merge 18 primary and secondary schools between 2022 to 2024 — was class size considered? (7 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379767193752178691

Hay Dairies turns down land awarded by SFA due to lease being insufficient to recover cost of investment; netizens urge Government to “do more” to help local farms (7 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379761773914513408

Online users call for stricter action against workshops carrying out illegal modifications after 6,500 drivers were caught speeding in Sengkang (7 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379746072407511045


WHO does not support vaccine passports for now; Singapore in talks for mutually recognised vaccine passports (7 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379766497850109953

Australia halts AstraZeneca shots for under 50s over clot concerns (8 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1380106885496471554

Philippines suspends AstraZeneca vaccine for under 60s (8 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1380088684108783616

Four Asian startups to compete for $500,000 in world’s largest emerging markets competition (8 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1380005882482860032

Britain slams ‘bullying’ Myanmar over London embassy standoff (9 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1380342147581407237

Britain says forced to accede as Myanmar junta sacks envoy (9 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1380103814880038916

Over 533 million Facebook users have had their personal data leaked online, Facebook claims the leaked data was from 2019 (7 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1379731767930785792


Updates on 9-10 April 2021

From LS1965 & P65:

See our latest Claims Statement to the Big Bullies. Please add in your comments. Thanks. 8-D

Dear Big Bullies, still refuse to release the MISSING Bloggers? Well, we are also determined to make you “famous” round the clock!

The People please comment on the News reports, we will hyperlink them perpetually on our web:

Over S$45,000 raised by Roy Ngerng in two days to pay for defamation damages to Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong (9 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1380493736237527040

See our Tweet



Did Heng Swee Keat get tired of waiting for Lee to step down or lost faith in his 4G peers and their politicking? (10 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1380698354322182148

Stepping down to escape the reporting to ALL Singaporeans on the COVID-19 expenses and refuse to present a proper account for us to audit? Please do these before you go! You think we will just sleep on it like many of you and pretend that nothing has happened! We put this question to the World: Will any of you sleep on it when hundreds of billions of Taxpayer’ money not accounted for?

Chan echoes PM Lee assuring that same team still in place despite Heng stepping aside as 4G leader (9 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1380437942485811201

We don’t want that “cotton from sheep” to be our Singapore Prime Minister! Don’t forget he has been calling us “idiots” too (1st in his heart, then the leaked audio)! It will be a disgrace to ALL of us if he is made one! All the Singaporeans are smarter than him; none of us will think that “cotton is from sheep”!

Besides “cotton from sheep”, what kind of good track record that he has? Till this day, that entire Team has imported so many Foreign Job Seekers to take up the jobs that we are good at and made tons of Singaporeans jobless/underemployed! Since Foreign Talents are always better in their eyes, shall we have a Foreign Team to replace them! We will bet till the last dollar if these Big Bullies are being kicked out, they will be worse that any of us as for their track records, their KPIs are always negative! Only Fools will take them in to help them to lose money!

“What happened to Lee Hsien Loong's idea of succession 16 years ago?” (9 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1380431269570437120


Hong Kong suspends its order of AstraZeneca jabs (9 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1380416639611600896

‘Full capacity everywhere’: Manila hospitals struggle as virus surges (9 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1380418941802143744


Updates on 11-12 April 2021

From LS1965 & P65:

See our latest Claims Statement to the Big Bullies. Please add in your comments. Thanks. 8-D

Dear Big Bullies, still refuse to release the MISSING Bloggers? Well, we are also determined to make you “famous” round the clock!

The People please comment on the News reports, we will hyperlink them perpetually on our web:

Roy Ngerng raises over S$70,000 over 4 days of fund raising to pay for Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong’s defamation damage (11 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1381207482849198082

Petition emerges rejecting Chan Chun Sing as next PM after DPM Heng Swee Keat announced resignation (12 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1381485647173541889

Netizens skeptical some of PAP’s 4G leaders; say they lack “leadership qualities” (12 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1381499980570099713

The Economist says “pugnacious” and “whippersnapper” Chan Chun Sing will replace Heng Swee Keat (11 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1381204723227840512

Mr Heng Swee Keat cites his age for resigning while PAP Government raised retirement age for people to work older (12 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1381451046862602240

Workers’ Party MPs share anecdotes from Sengkang mosque visit ahead of Ramadan (12 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1381452523916132352


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