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Here is the List concerning how each COVID-19 case is infected: COVID-19 Cases: See below. See other COVID-18 cases here.
Summary details of death cases. May they rest in peace. (First compiled on 2 May 2020)
Cases 60693-60719 or 60762? 14 April 2021: “Singapore confirms 27 new COVID-19 cases (26 imported + 1 in the Community), total at 60,719”. The Total COVID cass in Singapore should be 60,762 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1382238146956431362 See the Government web and related Annexes. See the Community cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 60720-60735 or 60778? 15 April 2021: “Singapore confirms 16 new COVID-19 cases (all imported), total at 60,735”. The Total COVID cass in Singapore should be 60,778 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1382601454364491777 See the Government web and related Annexes. See the Imported, Dormitories & Community cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 60736-60769 or 60778? 16 April 2021: “Singapore confirms 34 new COVID-19 cases (32 imported + 2 in the Community), total at 60,769”. The Total COVID cass in Singapore should be 60,812 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1382965844834017283 See the Government web and related Annexes. See the Imported, Dormitories & Community cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 60770-60808 or 60851? 17 April 2021: “Singapore confirms 39 new COVID-19 cases (35 imported + 4 in the Community), total at 60,808”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 60,851 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1383363169419096068 See the Government web and related Annexes. Please see the constructive comments of the People below this News report and you decide if there is any proper control to reduce the new daily COVID-19 in Singapore! Shame on those who have been drawing sky-rocketed high salary but can only produce tr*sh! Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Dormitories & Community cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 60809-60831 or 60874? 18 April 2021: “Singapore confirms 23 new COVID-19 cases (22 imported + 1 in the Community), total at 60,831”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 60,874 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1383698606910185475 See the Government web and related Annexes. Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Dormitories & Community cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 60832-60851 or 60894? 19 April 2021: “Singapore confirms 20 new COVID-19 cases (19 imported + 1 in the Community), total at 60,851”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 60,894 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1384053340787511296 See the Government web and related Annexes. Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community & Dormitories cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 60852-60865 or 60908? 20 April 2021: “Singapore confirms 14 new COVID-19 cases (13 imported + 1 in the Dormitory), total at 60,865”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 60,908 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1384413728473419777 See the Government web and related Annexes. Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community & Dormitories cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 60866-60880 or 60923? 21 April 2021: “Singapore confirms 15 new COVID-19 cases (14 imported + 1 in the Community), total at 60,880”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 60,923 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1384786816818040833 See the Government web and related Annexes. Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 60881-60904 or 60947? 22 April 2021: “Singapore confirms 24 new COVID-19 cases (22 imported + 1 in the Community + 1 in the Dormitory), total at 60,904”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 60,947 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1385153748524101633 See the Government web and related Annexes. Dear Ministry of Health (MOH), please address the issues raised by “LocallyBorn” here https://www.theonlinecitizen.com/2021/04/28/23-new-cases-of-covid-19-infection-in-spore-3-cases-in-the-community/ What are the new COVID-19 variant strains that have entered Singapore & how the PAP Rulers are going to block them? We are not sleeping and we will never let it slide! Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 60905-60943 or 60986? 23 April 2021: “Singapore confirms 39 new COVID-19 cases (36 imported + 2 in the Community + 1 in the Dormitory), total at 60,943”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 60,986 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1385506893695635456 See the Government web and related Annexes. Please see the excellent comments uploaded by our smart Singaporeans! F**ls who have no foresight will end up busy fighting fire and get screwed up by the People everyday! Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 60944-60966 or 61,009? 24 April 2021: “Singapore confirms 23 new COVID-19 cases (18 imported + 5 in the Community), total at 60,966”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 61,009 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1385889546227699718 See the Government web and related Annexes. Please see the excellent comments uploaded by our smart Singaporeans! F**ls who have no foresight will end up busy fighting fire and get screwed up by the People everyday! Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 60967- 61,006 or 61,049? 25 April 2021: “Singapore confirms 40 new COVID-19 cases (all imported), total at 61,006”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 61,049 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1386229946729648130 See the Government web and related Annexes. See the perfect score of 40 imported cases, please read the comments of the People below this News report. Please advise who is the “expensive mayonnaise” that one of us are referring to? We can’t locate his/her name on the web...8-D Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 61,007- 61,051 or 61,094? 26 April 2021: “Singapore confirms 45 new COVID-19 cases (43 imported + 1 from the Community + 1 from the Dormitory), total at 61,051”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 61,094 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1386593590755823618 See the Government web and related Annexes. Look here, the daily new COVID-19 cases has reached unprecedented high since 31 January 2021, see the comments of the People below this News report! Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 61,052- 61,063 or 61,106? 27 April 2021: “Singapore confirms 12 new COVID-19 cases (11 imported + 1 from the Community), total at 61,063”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 61,106 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1386949936269385729 See the Government web and related Annexes. “The unending story”- that’s how we described the COVID-19 situation in Singapore. Please read the comments of the People below the News report. Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 61,064- 61,086 or 61,129? 28 April 2021: “Singapore confirms 23 new COVID-19 cases (20 imported + 3 from the Community), total at 61,086”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 61,129 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1387320487605198850 See the Government web and related Annexes. Dear smart Singaporeans, we gave the PAP Rulers the mandate to import FDIs to boost Jobs Participation Rate, but they now busy importing COVID-19 to infect the Community! Please comment actively for perpetual record. Thanks. 有些人无德无才还敢作领袖,真是不要脸!See Google Translate. Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 61,087- 61,121 or 61,164? 29 April 2021: “Singapore confirms 35 new COVID-19 cases (19 imported + 16 from the Community), total at 61,121”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 61,164 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1387692780475109377 See the Government web and related Annexes. 16 new COVID-19 cases within a day in the Community! This is an unprecedented record since 18 October or earlier. The People please comment actively as we will hyperlink to your comments to be used for perpetual record! It’s best to impose “voluntary self-quarantine” whenever possible because you can’t trust the Big Bullies to keep the environment COVID-19 FREE! Remember to wear your facemasks when you are out because we love you! This is the Straits Times article dated 29 April 2021 that “Theforgotttongeneration” highlighted where 5500 Foreign Workers were being tested (26 tested positive) where at least 5 were found to be reinfection and among others 6 were still being examined by the expert panel: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/over-5500-workers-tested-as-precaution-after-cluster Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
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Important note: The above article is an Unpaid Publication of Clients. We have checked the relevant facts to be correct & non-defamatory! We have done this to gain the goodwill of our Singaporeans so that they will not end up on the Streets to protest or create disorders which will affect the Prosperity of our beloved Singapore! Dear PAP Government, we would be happy to help you to publish any clarification you may have upon your payment of fees to us; the amount to be paid will be conveyed to you by our Consultants. Thank you.