Published by: LS1965 & P65

Dear Friends around the World, please see how the Singapore PAP Government has been containing the COVID-19 situation in Singapore. The COVID-19 in Singapore has entered the “bull market”... Due to whatever reasons you may know, they  have not done a proper counting of the reinfections that is happening in Singapore till now which the smart Singaporeans have highlighted (see their comments below each of these reports):

21 April 2021: No. of reinfection discovered: 1 (Indian expat)

22 April 2021: No. of reinfections discovered: 17 (Westlite Dormitory)

11 more dorm residents of Westlite Woodlands test positive for COVID-19; 1,146 residents from same block will be sent to government quarantine facility for 14 days (22 April 2021)

Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1385166304366120962

This is the Straits Times article dated 29 April 2021 that “Theforgotttongeneration” highlighted where 5500 Foreign Workers were being tested (26 tested positive) where  at least 5 were found to be reinfection and among others 6 were still being examined by the expert panel: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/over-5500-workers-tested-as-precaution-after-cluster


More to be recorded later...


Total no. of Reinfections discovered in Singapore = 34.

The actual TOTAL number of reinfections in Singapore should be more than this number listed above; we will take it as such unless the PAP Government could prove to us that they have honestly reported every case in the past, but just look at this.

See the Government report dated 6 February 2021, item 6:


“MOH, in consultation with an expert panel, has detected the first case of likely COVID-19 re-infection in Singapore. He was identified from rostered monitoring testing conducted as part of MOH’s surveillance of recovered workers to monitor their post-infection immunity….”

Another report:


“This is not the first case of Covid-19 reinfection in Singapore. 

On January 25, a 28-year old Bangladeshi national, working here, tested positive for the virus after having recovered from it in June last year.”


Read this report dated 22 April 2021:


Look here, even one has been properly vaccinated, he is still vulnerable against COVID-19. Extracts:

“Earlier in the week, the government said a 35-year-old Bangladeshi migrant worker staying at the dormitory tested positive for the virus, despite having received both doses of vaccine. This prompted the government to isolate and quarantine his close contacts at the dorm and workplace.”

So please avoid all crowded places and wear your facemasks faithfully, because we love you and want to see you healthy and fully alive! 8-D



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