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Here is the List concerning how each COVID-19 case is infected: COVID-19 Cases: See below. See other COVID-18 cases here.
Summary details of death cases. May they rest in peace. (First compiled on 2 May 2020)
Cases 61,122- 61,145 or 61,188? 30 April 2021: Singapore confirms 24 new COVID-19 cases (15 imported + 9 from the Community), total at 61,145. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 61,188 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1388047292637356034 See the Government web and related Annexes. See the number of new cases in the Community is record high again, higher than any of the days from 18 October 2020 to 28 April 2021 or earlier. All the money dumped into TraceTogether and SafeEntry Apps and Tokens is wasted and the PAP Rulers can only produce such negative results! The People please comment actively as we will hyperlink for perpetual record. Thanks. Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 61,146- 61,179 or 61,222? 1 May 2021: Singapore confirms 34 new COVID-19 cases (25 imported + 7 from the Community + 2 from the Dormitories), total at 61,179. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 61,222 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1388418661447176194 See the Government web and related Annexes. Excellent results for the PAP Rulers! Today there are record high Community cases and Dormitory cases too! The People please comment actively for perpetual reference. Thanks. Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 61,180- 61,218 or 61,261? 2 May 2021: Singapore confirms 39 new COVID-19 cases (25 imported + 14 from the Community ), total at 61,218, Case 62573 passed away. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 61,261 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1388768495446413312 Look here! Record high 14 COVID-19 cases in the Community today, only second to that on 29 April 2021. The People please comment actively to be used as perpetual record. Thanks. See item 8: Case 62573, an 88 year-old female Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 1 May 2021. She had been warded in TTSH Ward 9D from 14 April, and was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 28 April. She had a history of cancer, hypertension, congestive cardiac failure, stroke and hyperlipidaemia. Our comments: She was admitted on 14 April but TTSH could only confirm she had COVID-19 infection on 28 April 2021 (14 days had passed)! Delay in treatment caused the death? When the Leaders are sleeping on their jobs, the rest just follow? The People please comment actively. Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 61,219- 61,235 or 61,278? 3 May 2021: Singapore confirms 17 new COVID-19 cases (7 imported + 10 from the Community ), total at 61,235. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 61,278 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1389126681479323652 See the Government web and related Annexes. A complete failure! The number of Community cases is double digit again! Wicked Big Bullies, all of you should go in order not to inflict more damage to the smart Singaporeans! After tons of $$$,$$$,$$$ spent to control the virus, it is only getting worse. The smart Singaporeans please comment. Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 61,236- 61,252 or 61,295? 4 May 2021: Singapore confirms 17 new COVID-19 cases (12 imported + 5 from the Community ), total at 61,252. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 61,295 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1389489420332683264 See the Government web and related Annexes. Today Singapore has 5 new community cases, this is unheard of before 31 December 2020. $Hundreds of billions spent and ending up with more Community cases daily! The People please comment for perpetual record. Thanks. Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 61,253- 61,268 or 61,311? 5 May 2021: Singapore confirms 16 new COVID-19 cases (15 imported + 1 from the Community ), total at 61,268. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 61,311 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1389850710225965057 See the Government web and related Annexes. We thank the People for your active comments. Outrages! See the comments of LocallyBorn and you will know why Singapore is infested with countless COVID-19 imported cases (which have created so many Community cases) to screw up our economy! Well done Big Bullies! See the comments of Gerrard_view & these are the News articles he referred to: Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 61,269- 61,286 or 61,329? 6 May 2021: Singapore confirms 18 new COVID-19 cases (16 imported + 2 from the Community ), total at 61,286. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 61,329 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Twitter https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1390220497636499458 See the Government web and related Annexes. Please read the comments of the People above. Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 61,287- 61,311 or 61,354? 7 May 2021: Singapore confirms 25 new COVID-19 cases (21 imported + 4 from the Community ), total at 61,311. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 61,354 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! See the Government web and related Annexes. Please read the comments of the People above. Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 61,312- 61,331 or 61,374? 8 May 2021: Singapore confirms 20 new COVID-19 cases (13 imported + 7 from the Community ), total at 61,331. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 61,374 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! See the Government web and related Annexes. Please read the comments of the People above. Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 61,332- 61,359 or 61,402? 9 May 2021: Singapore confirms 28 new COVID-19 cases (18 imported + 10 from the Community ), total at 61,359. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 61,402 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! See the Government web and related Annexes. Please read the comments of the People above. Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 61,360- 61,378 or 61,421? 10 May 2021: Singapore confirms 19 new COVID-19 cases (16 imported + 3 from the Community ), total at 61,378. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 61,421 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! See the Government web and related Annexes. Please read the comments of the People above. Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 61,379- 61,403 or 61,446? 11 May 2021: Singapore confirms 25 new COVID-19 cases (12 imported + 13 from the Community ), total at 61,403. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 61,446 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! See the Government web and related Annexes. Please read the comments of the People above. There are Perfect 13 new COVID cases in the Community today! You decide if the PAP Government has run out of bullets to contain the virus by now. Please wear your facemasks faithfully & impose voluntary quarantine whenever possible because we love you, your smart brains will tell you if the Big Bullies can really protect you against this deadly virus! Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 61,404- 61,419 or 61,462? 12 May 2021: Singapore confirms 16 new COVID-19 cases (6 imported + 10 from the Community ), total at 61,419. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 61,462 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! See the Government web and related Annexes. Please read the comments of the People above. Look at the new daily Community cases in Singapore and you will know the containment of the virus is already a complete screw-up even $Hundreds of billions spent! Dear Daddy God, we beg you to protect all the good people around the World from this deadly virus. Help us in all our struggles & let us emerge stronger after this crisis. Immerse us in the precious blood of Jesus Christ who willingly suffered & died the tragic death on the Cross to save us. Many Thanks. Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
Cases 61,420- 61,451 or 61,494? 13 May 2021: Singapore confirms 32 new COVID-19 cases (8 imported + 24 from the Community ), total at 61,451. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 61,494 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! See the Government web and related Annexes. Please read the comments of the People above. Dear smart Singaporeans, please check the official report tonight & avoid all hot spots/places, you know what we meant! Thanks to those W*cked who have refused to have proper borders control, now the 6-star Singapore Changi Airport has become a COVID-19 Hub? Wear your facemasks always & maintain safe distancing, because we love you! Dear Daddy God, please come & save us. Many Thanks. Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D
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Important note: The above article is an Unpaid Publication of Clients. We have checked the relevant facts to be correct & non-defamatory! We have done this to gain the goodwill of our Singaporeans so that they will not end up on the Streets to protest or create disorders which will affect the Prosperity of our beloved Singapore! Dear PAP Government, we would be happy to help you to publish any clarification you may have upon your payment of fees to us; the amount to be paid will be conveyed to you by our Consultants. Thank you.