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Earlier News comments: Please refer to Table of Contents for SG COVID-19. Thanks.
Updates on 12-15 May 2021 (continue from previous page)
14th Parliament of Singapore Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill: WP MP He Ting Ru raises concerns of accessibility of PAB theory test requirements (12 May 2021) Improving safety of migrant worker transportation: Increased cost argument is “flawed”, says WP’s He Ting Ru (12 May 2021) PSP rebuts Straits Times, saying it doesn’t stoke or incite racism to gain political mileage (13 May 2021) ST accused Leong Mun Wai of playing race and nationality card after he accepted challenge to debate CECA in Parliament (12 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1392378783500472321
Updates on 15-17 May 2021 Kindly note that starting from 7 May 2021, we have minimised hyperlinked to Twitter to prevent someone screwing up our works. See our latest Claims Statement to the Big Bullies. Please add in your comments. Thanks. 8-D Dear Big Bullies, still refuse to release the MISSING Bloggers? Well, we are also determined to make you “famous” round the clock! The People please comment on the News reports, we will hyperlink them perpetually on our web: S$262,327 fully raised by Leong Sze Hian to pay defamation damages, cost and disbursement to Singapore Prime Minister (15 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1393568736100093957 See the comments of the People above and ours here: https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1393850761075859456
SG ranks 2nd highest in world in terms of infections per mil population involving B1617 variant (16 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1393889729721077761 Is this the greatest achievement of the World most expensive Rulers? We are willing to sell some People for FREE, please come, take the “goods” & carry them off now. Warning: The “goods” are “unfit for purpose” under the Singapore conditions. Thanks. Minister Ong acknowledges that a “mutant virus” from “higher risk countries” has broken through airport (15 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1393473262542364673 https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1393195726084231172 When People are incompetent with their jobs, they will give all kinds of excuse to evade responsibility and tell everyone that it’s not their fault! Such people would have been kicked out of the Corporate World long time ago! Yes, they dare to say this with their failed performance even after the People have voiced out to them numerous good advices! Good! Then please step down and let the next Team try this out! This Team will be formed by those who will listen to the People! Even closing both eyes, we can tell you the New Team will definitely be better! RDU calls for more transparency in MTF’s border control measures (15 May 2021) Singapore Polytechnic Year 2 student tests positive for COVID-19; SP switches to online learning for now (17 May 2021) Claims of racism and xenophobia seemingly made to divert attention from unfair trade agreement and public health concerns (17 May 2021) Singaporean appeals to “the few” not to let COVID-19 fear translate into hatred towards certain race (17 May 2021) The ONLY ones to blame should be the Party that controls the Singapore Borders, if they have really done their job diligently & prudently, we shouldn’t be seeing so many Community cases! Isn’t it true that till this day, all the Community cases have been created from imported cases which all of us have absolutely NO CONTROL over; except the Singapore Rulers. Shouldn’t these People who have created such a mess in our beautiful land step down now? It is a matter of time they will get kicked out if they still insist on holding to their positions to collect their fat salaries and showing off to the World their NEGATIVE KPI! Primary, secondary schools and JCs to shift to full home-based learning from 19 May, amid new strains of COVID-19 in Singapore: Minister Chan Chun Sing (16 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1393921263287033856 Police investigating woman who refused to wear mask despite requests from safe distancing ambassador (15 May 2021) Don’t miss out the interesting comments of the People! 8-D Australian cricketers land in Sydney after fleeing COVID-hit India (17 May 2021) UNICEF says rich countries can afford to donate Covax jabs (17 May 2021) Role of community during COVID-19 in India: When the state and markets failed (17 May 2021)
What will Dr Goh Keng Swee think of the state of socio-economic affairs in Singapore today? (15 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1393482791745114114 RDU: Racism in Singapore – showmanship does not resolve discrimination (15 May 2021) If hawkers are already paying NEA for cleaning services, can NEA still fine their customers for not clearing up? (15 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1393474332727279619 Look at the comments and you will know how much the People love the Singapore PAP Rulers. 8-D
Updates on 17-18 May 2021 Kindly note that starting from 7 May 2021, we have minimised hyperlinked to Twitter to prevent someone screwing up our works. See our latest Claims Statement to the Big Bullies. Please add in your comments. Thanks. 8-D Dear Big Bullies, still refuse to release the MISSING Bloggers? Well, we are also determined to make you “famous” round the clock! The People please comment on the News reports, we will hyperlink them perpetually on our web: $262,237.22 handed over to Singapore’s Prime Minister’s lawyers for Leong Sze Hian’s payment of damages and cost (17 May 2021)
Please read this article to save yourself and your family. We thank Dr David Lye for his professional advice on this COVID-19 matter… It really takes courage to speak the TRUTH in the Singapore context! Netizens question the logic of limiting taxis and private-hire care passengers while encouraging public transport (17 May 2021) Read the People’s comments and you can decide if this policy implemented by the Singapore Rulers is logical and reasonable? Is this a joke? It is more dangerous to take public transport these days especially the Train is always packed during peak hours! Just imagine if one is sick with COVID-19, how the virus will transmit to at least thousands in his entire trip! Big Bullies, please wake up & use your brains! World Economic Forum in Singapore cancelled due to uncertainties caused by COVID pandemic (17 May 2021) This is really “a slap on the face” against the Big Bullies! Busy importing the virus into Singapore until it has now become a huge outbreak with double digit new Community cases daily, do you think anyone with a right frame of mind will come? Dear smart Singaporeans, we pray always that God will grant us the wisdom to make an upright living in this difficult time… You dare to rely on the Big Bullies? Based on their track record in our COVID-19 web & GE2020 web, they can only screw things up including your prosperity! TOC uploaded “Prof Paul Tambyah answers questions from public in TOC interview (15 May)” to #Vimeo (17 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1394249287714971653 Further monitoring needed before deciding if another Circuit Breaker is necessary: Ong Ye Kung (17 May 2021) TOC uploaded “Facilitating travellers from high infection rates countries and virus breaking through” to #Vimeo (17 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1394237947080290307 Is this “Logical” coming out from mouth of a Singapore Minister? The World can decide! Thanks to their excellent CONTAINMENT method, now the new DAILY Community cases are double-digit! Flashback to 2020: Travellers from countries with higher infection rates need to be facilitated while managing risk of virus transmission (17 May 2021) Construction firms want foreign workers to enter Singapore in safe and controlled manner as constraints on manpower escalate (17 May 2021) COVID-19 in Singapore: The tragedy is that no lessons have been learnt (17 May 2021) Apart from what stated in the mentioned report, you see the Big Bullies have NEVER learnt anything from the SARS outbreak in Singapore (2002-2004) when at least 33 persons died in Singapore! Why? Because they do NOT love the People and do NOT have this basic respect of life in them! The People can add in their other comments too. Thanks. Woman investigated for not wearing mask, reported as an ex-RSN Major commanding mine-sweeper (17 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1394221837844942853 Pfizer, Moderna vaccines effective against Indian variants: study (18 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1394466427537592327 Can someone please check that this is not a paid advertisement? Thanks.
Updates on 18-19 May 2021 Kindly note that starting from 7 May 2021, we have minimised hyperlinked to Twitter to prevent someone screwing up our works. See our latest Claims Statement to the Big Bullies. Please add in your comments. Thanks. 8-D Dear Big Bullies, still refuse to release the MISSING Bloggers? Well, we are also determined to make you “famous” round the clock! The People please comment on the News reports, we will hyperlink them perpetually on our web: DPM Heng Swee Keat says foreigners can be considered “Singapore core” (18 May 2021) See the People’s comments. Mr “Forced Entry, Arrest Without a Warrant etc.” (item 2) said those mentioned above, do you agree? The PAP Ruling Party only has this kind of talents? You decide! 8-D TOC uploaded “Four SPF officers allegedly gang up on an elderly lady for taking her mask off” to #Vimeo (18 May 2021) Many thanks for uploading this for the World to see what the Singapore Police Force has been doing to Law-abiding Citizens especially the Elderly ones. See our record for the Elderly Informant case and the Witness case. They have refused/ failed in the contact tracing for COVID-19 to contain the infections, so they turned to harassing Law-abiding Citizens to show that the World they are not idling but “working”! We repeat what stated on the video: SHAME ON YOU! Q&A with Prof Paul Tambyah: Do air purifiers work against COVID-19, can the virus survive on food, thoughts on Sinovac and more (18 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1394608739697692673 https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1394560998363869184 Current community outbreak of COVID-19 related to SG’s overreliance on foreign labour and investment: Prof Paul Tambyah (18 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1394593102657163265 New stricter measures may not have a major impact but will “buy time”: Prof Paul Tambyah (18 May 2021) MOM says border not closed earlier due to need of migrant workers; No mention of others such as STVP and work passes (18 May 2021) Why was POFMA not used against Chief Minister of Delhi for unsubstantiated COVID claims? (19 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1394853528624013312 Dear smart Singaporeans, let’s monitor this closely to see if the Big Bullies can only use POFMA against those residing in Singapore, but will ONLY behave like “obedient sheep” before a great Nation like India! Thanks. 8-D MOH rebuts media reports over Delhi Chief Minister’s assertion of new variant of COVID-19 being found in Singapore (19 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1394719217589571588 See the interesting comments of the People! 8-D https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1394639256526655488 The Big Bullies were busy importing the virus into Singapore to harm us and you see what the exported Country said now! The wicked only have the guts to bully their own citizens, but will obediently & willingly let outsiders not only slap them right on the face but left, right & top too! Interesting! 8-D DJ Jade Rasif experiences “major COVID-19 scare” due to questionable quarantine orders received from authorities (18 May 2021) Sudan bans travellers from India, imposes virus curbs (19 May 2021) Red Cross urges ‘extraordinary steps’ to hike COVID jab access (18 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1394622120500600835 Vatican’s new Hong Kong bishop says religious freedom must stay (18 May 2021)
Updates on 19-22 May 2021 Kindly note that starting from 7 May 2021, we have minimised hyperlinked to Twitter to prevent someone screwing up our works. See our latest Claims Statement to the Big Bullies. Please add in your comments. Thanks. 8-D Dear Big Bullies, still refuse to release the MISSING Bloggers? Well, we are also determined to make you “famous” round the clock! The People please comment on the News reports, we will hyperlink them perpetually on our web: Woman shares heartbreaking experience of dealing with angry customers after delivery driver husband dies from over-exhaustion (19 May 2021) Our sincere advice is: If you are angry with the PAP Government and/or the Rulers, please don’t vent your frustration at other innocent party! This poor delivery driver has shown the World the pathetic situation in Singapore where the Big Bullies are busy relaxing and fattening themselves and the People needs to pick up just any job to break-even financially! Please be compassionate as they are also victims created by the wicked Big Bullies! Many Thanks. The PAP’s obsession with name-calling of Singaporeans (21 May 2021) Here’s a MUST see and laugh about it: The People’s comments! 8-D Transformative Justice Collective urges gov’t to remove expansion of police powers in Road Traffic Act amendments (19 May 2021) The 4Ss of Lee Hsien Loong’s legacy as Prime Minister (19 May 2021) Thanks Mr “Handsome”, we will remember you and ensure that our offspring will remember your “great” contribution to Singapore forever!
10 more workers at Changi Airport tested positive for COVID-19, bringing total infected in cluster to 43 (21 May 2021) Residents of Blk 506 Hougang Ave 8 to be all tested for Covid-19; 70-yr-old dies to infection (21 May 2021) South Asian family suspected to have transmitted B1617 variant to airport worker, unlikely to be migrant workers (22 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1395980174223622148 Selective shortened COVID-19 quarantine period has been in force since early 2021 (22 May 2021) Brunei temporarily suspends reciprocal green lane arrangement with Singapore from Thursday till further notice (21 May 2021) Dear Big Bullies, aren’t you ashamed of how you control the Borders & imported countless COVID-19 cases into Singapore to infect the Community? Brunei’s move is just a courteous way in telling the Big Bullies that since they have made Singapore into an internationally famous COVID-19 Hub (?), please don’t come in to infect us! Welcome to see even you are not coming to Singapore! This is the KPI of the World’s most expensive Rulers! Shame on you! Chinatown free food corner for homeless people and elderly folks in central Singapore still running despite COVID-19 situation (21 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1395397591626551299 Facebook, Twitter, SPH Magazines issued with POFMA directive over falsehoods on “Singapore variant” (20 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1395199506145288193 Netizens chide Indian minister for claiming there is a new Singapore COVID-19 variant (19 May 2021) Delhi Health Minister: Wrong to say that there’s no Singapore Covid strain (19 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1394954160152383491 MOH’s rebuttal statement confirms prevalence of more transmissible B.1.617.2 variant in Singapore (19 May 2021) Netizens applaud Suntec City for providing dine-in areas for food delivery riders, essential workers (21 May 2021) Shangri-La Dialogue cancelled two weeks before event despite assurances that event will carry on (20 May 2021) Timeline of Jade Rasif’s MDW quarantine saga with Ministry of Manpower (21 May 2021) Former DJ Jade Rasif publicly shares conversations, email correspondence with MOM to clarify her version of story on MDW’s quarantine orders (21 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1395678674859536388 TOC uploaded “Former DJ Jade Rasif's conversations with officials over MOM's classification… (20 May 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1395377764937699330
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