This is the Publication by LS1965 & P65.


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SINGAPORE General Election


Here is the List concerning how each COVID-19 case is infected:

COVID-19 Cases: See below.  See other COVID-18 cases here.


Summary details of death cases. May they rest in peace. (First compiled on 2 May 2020)


Cases 62,415 - 62,430 or 62,476?

21 June 2021: “Singapore confirms 16 new COVID-19 cases (3 imported + 13 from the Community (5 not linked to previous cases)), total at 62,430. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 62,476 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!


See the Government web and related Annexes.

From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please comment above or reply with comments to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for telling us: “He who walks with wise men becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” You see those Big Bullies, with their failure to control our borders have created so many Community cases daily and now we are suffering the harm! It was stated in the Annexes https://www.moh.gov.sg/docs/librariesprovider5/default-document-library/annexese18219ba55a64fb8bc70497dc76e610d.pdf that so many places the INNOCENT infected cases have visited, will many others become infected too? The COVID variants are more worrying to us!  Please come and save us now as the next General Election will only happen in 2025, if the Big Bullies still continue to rule Singapore and control our borders, just by looking at their track record; will the majority end up being COVID-19 cases by then? Please carry us through this crisis and we promise to obey You always. Many Thanks.

Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D


Cases 62,431 - 62,448 or 62,494?

22 June 2021: “Singapore confirms 18 new COVID-19 cases (3 imported + 15 from the Community (5 not linked to previous cases)), total at 62,448. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 62,494 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!


See the Government web and related Annexes.

See item 11Case 63752, a 44 year-old male Singapore Permanent Resident, has passed away...

From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please comment above or reply with comments to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for telling us the deceitfulness of some People so we should keep them at arm’s length. You see there is another new COVID-19 death case making the official count to 35! One is already too many but the Big Bullies just treat them as a figure without blinking their eyes! Really wicked!

Although the COVID-19 crisis has overshadowed the World, there is one thing we are thankful for is it exposes the interior of each person! Those who have behaved badly before the crisis have become worse and those who have been life-giving to others have become better as this crisis have driven them to work harder to better the lives of others although not every time successful. Please look at the rising Community cases in Singapore with the $hundreds of billions spent, facts will tell You whether the Singapore Big Bullies have the minimum love for the People, any intention or will to contain the COVID-19!

Now we humble ourselves and put ALL our trust in You, instead of those who can ONLY give EMPTY Promises and FALSE hopes. We know that we are always within Your LOVING Palm as we struggle and help ALL to stay afloat and we are convinced that You will supply anything lacking in our endeavours. Many Thanks.


Cases 62,449 - 62,470 or 62,516?

23 June 2021: “Singapore confirms 22 new COVID-19 cases (9 imported + 13 from the Community (3 not linked to previous cases)), total at 62,470. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 62,516 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!


See the Government web and related Annexes.

Stay-home notice period reduces to 14 days for travellers from high-risk countries, but compulsory to take additional COVID-19 tests (23 June 2021)

The Big Bullies find ways to twist and turn to reduce stay-home notice period from HIGH-RISK countries, but the number of Community cases in Singapore keeps on increasing daily and NEVER plunge to zero! We will bet till the last dollar that what these Big Bullies decided to do here will NEVER work! Any Singapore Ruler who has “serious dementia” (or “short-circuited” inside?) must step down to avoid causing harm to our fellow smart Singaporeans!

India declares a new COVID-19 variant of concern – “Delta plus” strain (23 June 2021)

From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please comment above or reply with comments to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for teaching us: “Like snow in summer or rain in harvest, so honor is not fitting for a fool…” You see the rising COVID-19 cases in the Community & what has been reported above; the Big Bullies know that they couldn’t contain the virus and hate our reporting, yet still could not locate anyone of us, so they arranged for someone to harass the scapegoat today again, started calling at 12:58 SGT from +65 81838089!

Collecting sky-rocketed salaries and yet still creating such a big MESS out of the COVID-19 situation in Singapore, but refuse to step down to let the more talented take over, don’t You think they are the REAL Shameless? Is there a way to kick them out? Please teach us and we promise to obey You fully. Many Thanks.


Cases 62,471 - 62,493 or 62,539?

24 June 2021: “Singapore confirms 23 new COVID-19 cases (9 imported + 14 from the Community (2 not linked to previous cases)), total at 62,493. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 62,539 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!


See the Government web and Annexes.

COVID-19 task force shares broad plans for Singapore transition to new normal, highlights possibilities of “living normally” with the virus (24 June 2021)

Living normally with the COVID-19 virus? This is NOT any virus but a deadly kind! Their words show that they have no intention to contain the virus and don’t bother if you are contracted, alive or dead? Time for them to dump the People who voted for them? This is the multi-million$ Ministers’ solution? The World can decide if they are mentally SICK!

The People please comment actively to be used as perpetual record and for perpetual viewing too! Thanks.

Singapore to receive a batch of COVID-19 vaccines called “Comirnaty”; MOH says they’re same as Pfizer (23 June 2021)

Please read the comments of the People and our Reference first before you decide to take this jab, because we love you!

From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please comment above or reply with comments to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for telling us: “For righteousness is immortal. But the ungodly by their words and deeds summoned death; considering him a friend, they pined away and made a covenant with him, because they are fit to belong to his company.

Please see the above News which are self-explanatory. We would be grateful if You can send those Wicked to their proper place so that we can clear this COVID Mess and start to rebuild our Singapore. Many Thanks.


Cases 62,494 - 62,513 or 62,559?

25 June 2021: “Singapore confirms 20 new COVID-19 cases (5 imported + 15 from the Community (3 not linked to previous cases)), total at 62,513. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 62,559 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!


See the Government web and related Annexes.

MOH says Delta Plus variant not detected in Singapore (25 June 2021)


India Reports First Death from Delta+ Variant As Singapore Shortens Stay-Home Notice period for Travelers (24 June 2021)


From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please comment above or reply with comments to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for telling us: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them.” See the News above, they have not detected the Delta Plus variant DOES NOT mean it has not entered Singapore! As the PAP Government still insist on NOT closing our borders from HIGH Risk Countries, giving excuses for Singaporeans, Permanent Residents & etc. to come back as and when they like, it is a matter of time the Delta Plus will spread in Singapore like wild fires and all of us would be DOOM!

Look here, they allowed the incoming persons to serve their Stay-Home Notice (SHN) period within their own residences, that’s how they spread to other people within the same Premises and how the Community cases are being generated!

They should use their brains when they devise their policies! Do You think we should give them step-by-step tuition? Please get them to step down now as it is a proven fact that they have being defeated FLAT by the virus! Many Thanks.


Cases 62,514 - 62,530 or 62,576?

26 June 2021: “Singapore confirms 17 new COVID-19 cases (4 imported + 13 from the Community (6 not linked to previous cases)), total at 62,530. https://www.moh.gov.sg/news-highlights/details/13-new-cases-of-locally-transmitted-covid-19-infection_26Jun

See item 8: Cases 64255 has passed away...

The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 62,576 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!


See the Government web and related Annexes.

The fundamentals of Singapore’s national healthcare plan needs to be reassessed, say alternative parties (23 June 2021)

Singapore on track to increase group sizes for dining-in from mid-July, says Minister Lawrence Wong (26 June 2021)


The Big Bullies have failed/refused to minimise the imported COVID-19 cases causing the daily emergence of Community cases now show NO Sign of abating! The PAP Government said can increase group size for dining! Please read the People’s comments and the World can decide if some ?????’s brains are still functioning normally! 8-D

From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for telling us that You will see that we get Justice, and quickly.

Please see the above News which is self-explanatory. You see the number of new Community cases today, the Big Bullies have refused to treat our lives, this virus seriously and seem to ignore the irreversible damage that will be inflicted upon a person when he is being infected. Please teach us how to deal with the situation quickly. Many Thanks.


Cases 62,531 - 62,544 or 62,590?

27 June 2021: “Singapore confirms 14 new COVID-19 cases (2 imported + 12 from the Community (1 not linked to previous cases)), total at 62,544. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 62,590 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!


See the Government web and related Annexes.

Click on the Annexes and see the new Community cases detected on 27 June 2021: ALL of them are Singapore Citizens! So the 61.23% of GE2020 must be completely happy with the performance of the Wicked Big Bullies now! Dear Big Bullies, you made us SICK, please disappear now!

Let’s pray aggressively that all the Community & Dormitory cases don’t suffer the irreversible damage stated here! Many Thanks.

From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for telling us that You will repay the wicked for committing murder and will make them pay for all their wickedness. You see till this day, the official death count due to COVID-19 is already 36 but the actual death count should be at least 51 (some of them had committed suicide after the infection and died in despair due to their knowledge of the irreversible damage). The Big Bullies with full knowledge on the repercussions of COVID-19 on the human body still refuse to close our Borders from High Risk Countries and have caused their deaths. We want them to pay for murdering the victims, please let us see Justice is done and we trust that You are now embracing the victims with love. Many Thanks.


Cases 62,545 - 62,553 or 62,599?

28 June 2021: “Singapore confirms 9 new COVID-19 cases (5 imported + 4 from the Community), total at 62,553. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 62,599 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!


See the Government web and related Annexes.

Netizens voice concerns after doctors request MOH to delay COVID-19 vaccinations for youths (28 June 2021)

This is worrying! Read this New and you decide if the Ministry of Health MOH has the welfare the youths in their hearts! The People please comment actively for perpetual record and viewing! Thanks.

From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for telling us: “A desire realized is sweet to the soul, but to turn away from evil is an abomination to fools.” You see the above News which is self-explanatory. Besides this, the Big Bullies still busy keeping our Borders open to High Risk Countries to endanger the lives of all residing in Singapore. Singapore is so small on the Global map that we can only be represented with a dot and one of the highest populated Countries in the World. See we are now ranked 5th Globally on our score in having the COVID-19 Delta Variants ahead of many Big Countries around the World !

Please teach us how to get rid of the Big Bullies so that we could snatch back the Borders control in order to stop all COVID-19 imports. Many Thanks.


Cases 62,554 - 62,563 or 62,609?

29 June 2021: “Singapore confirms 10 new COVID-19 cases (5 imported + 5 from the Community), total at 62,563. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 62,609 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!


See the Government web <- Click here, now they refuse to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide!  The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks.

Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you!

“Who will police the police?”: Singaporean who allegedly suffered abuse at Cantonment Police Station seeks answers (28 June 2021)

Another new case recording the Singapore Police Force abusing law-abiding citizens! More here: see the Witness’ case & the elderly Informant’s case too! This is the quality of the Singapore Police Force? Some “u**less fellows” who are unable to trace the COVID-19 cases end up becoming Big Bullies! What’s the next step? Are they going to use more taxpayers’ money to boost their marketing to clean up their Bla*k image? Singapore is the only Country in the World where $hundreds of billions spent and end up with a negative outcome?

From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for telling us: “Sovereignty passes from nation to nation on account of injustice and insolence and wealth.”

You know the Big Bullies have “all the three” mentioned above for a long time already! With the News report above and the new COVID-19 cases in Singapore today, it is really distressing! When are You going to let them get out? Or should we wait for your instruction to do it ourselves? The longer we wait, the more our National Reserve is going to get depleted! Please advise us. Many Thanks.


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Important note:

The above article is an Unpaid Publication of Clients. We have checked the relevant facts to be correct & non-defamatory! We have done this to gain the goodwill of our Singaporeans so that they will not end up on the Streets to protest or create disorders which will affect the Prosperity of our beloved Singapore! Dear PAP Government, we would be happy to help you to publish any clarification you may have upon your payment of fees to us; the amount to be paid will be conveyed to you by our Consultants. Thank you.