This is the Publication by LS1965 & P65.


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SINGAPORE General Election


Here is the List concerning how each COVID-19 case is infected:

COVID-19 Cases: See below.  See other COVID-18 cases here.


Summary details of death cases. May they rest in peace. (First compiled on 2 May 2020)


Cases 62,745 - 62,804 or 62,850? 

14 July 2021: “Singapore confirms 60 new COVID-19 cases (4 imported + 54 from the Community (6 not linked to known cases)), total at 62,804. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 62,850 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!


From GISAID: The total #Delta in Singapore has risen to 1052 cases with 203 new Delta cases in the past 4 weeks with 97.1 %Delta.

Ong Ye Kung: “Troubling and Disappointing” to See Rise in Covid-19 Cases (14 July 2021)


Refusing to close our Borders from High Risk Countries and have caused a surge of Community cases in Singapore, yet he dared to say this! The People please comment actively. Thanks.

Singapore to bar entry for long-term pass holders, short-term visitors from Myanmar from 15 July onwards (14 July 2021)

See, the Big Bullies still refuse to close our Borders from High Risk Countries after this spike on the Community cases today! The People please comment actively for perpetual record & viewing. Thanks.

KTV: We don’t know those Viet hostess; we’re not racist and we don’t exclude anyone (14 July 2021)


Man shares ‘nightmare’ experience with ambulance service when trying to transport COVID-19 positive relative into Singapore (14 July 2021)

See the latest (14 July 2021) Government report <- Useless report? Starting from 29 June 2021,  they have refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide!  The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks.

Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you!

Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021)


From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for teaching us: A stubborn mind will be afflicted at the end, and whoever loves danger will perish by it.”

You see the News reports above. The COVID-19 virus in Singapore is already out of control thanks to the Big Bullies who have been busy keeping our Borders open from High Risk Countries. We don’t want to perish with them! Please help to remove the wicked and teach us the way to repair the damage effectively. Many Thanks.

Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D


Cases 62,805 - 62,852 or 62,898?

15 July 2021: “Singapore confirms 48 new COVID-19 cases (6 imported + 42 from the Community (5 not linked to known cases)), total at 62,852. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 62,898 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!


TOC uploaded “Health Minister Ong Ye Kung urges people who visited KTV lounges in the past 14 days to get tested for COVID-19 (15 July 2021)


Handsome Mr Ong Ye Kung, please address why the ICA had approved the COVID-19 source into Singapore stated in the News below! The PAP Rulers must be extremely proud of their achievement of having created 53 New COVID cases in the Community under the single KTV Cluster within 2 days! Big Bullies, your “open-door” policy from High Risk Countries have caused us serious damage! Still expect the majority to love & support you? Shame on them?

Vietnamese hostess in index case of KTV cluster holds Short-Term Visit Pass approved by Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) (15 July 2021)

Extracts: “The KTV cluster has shot up to 53 in total with 41 new cases discovered today…”

Please see the comments of the People below this report. 8-D

Netizens question the entry of 20 women, who were arrested for suspected involvement in vice-related activities at 3 KTV lounges, into Singapore (15 July 2021)

Toa Payoh hawker centre shut after stall assistant who allegedly visited KTV tests positive for COVID-19 (15 July 2021)

See the latest (15 July 2021) Government report <- Useless report? Starting from 29 June 2021,  they have refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide!  The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks.

Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you!

Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021)


From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, We thank You for “You give us victory over our enemies, you put our adversaries to shame.”

Please see the above News and You decide if the entire matter is a disgrace. They did strange things behind our backs and now the entire matter is exposed for the World to see! We are ashamed of them for screwing up the COVID-19 situation in Singapore & now with their “????” policies for welcoming strange people into Singapore… Please help us to get rid of TR*SH when You think time is ripe… but we beg You to teach us how to repair the damage. Many Thanks.


Cases 62,853 - 62,913 or 62,959?

16 July 2021: “Singapore confirms 61 new COVID-19 cases (8 imported + 53 from the Community (9 not linked to known cases)), total at 62,913”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 62,959 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!


Covid-19 KTV Cluster: Is the Singapore Government So Naive to Believe Nothing Will Happen Behind Closed Doors? (15 July 2021)


Extracts: “There are now 87 cases linked to the KTV cluster…Most Singaporeans have done our part all this time. We have been patient, only to have our efforts sabotaged by the government’s oversight and errant KTV operators. And after all this, we are simply told that the situation is “troubling”.”

Bring in for what?


Two KTV lounges in Parklane mall to close due to likely ongoing COVID-19 transmission: MOH (16 July 2021)

KTVs registered as F&B outlets; what investigations did authorities do when granting temporary licenses? (16 July 2021)

Extracts: “MOH confirmed on Thursday (15 July) that 34 more cases were linked to the KTV cluster, which now has a total of 88 infections.”

See the latest (16 July 2021) Government report <- Useless report? Starting from 29 June 2021,  they have refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide!  The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks.

Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you!

Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021)


From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thank you for telling us this concerning the Big Bullies: “For the shepherds are stupid:…Therefore they have not prospered, and their whole flock is scattered.”

Please read the News reports and the People’s comments above, don’t you think the Singapore Government looks like being run by clowns? You see, the Big Bullies have arranged for their agent to harass the scapegoat again from 8:15 SGT today: this round from mobile number +65 96049779! Wickedness have made them st*pid, as they are unable to contain the virus and are afraid of us, so they can only harass her who knows nothing of our identities. Please bless her business abundantly so that she can continue to work with us to provide FREE Professional Services and to find ways to contain the virus in order to save the lives of the People. We beg you to please tell us the solution. Many Thanks.


Cases 62,914 - 62,981 or 63,027?

17 July 2021: “Singapore confirms 68 new COVID-19 cases (8 imported + 60 from the Community (5 not linked to known cases)), total at 62,981”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 63,027 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

KTV cluster: total number of cases = 149.


From GISAID: The  number of Delta cases in Singapore has risen to 1083 cases with 206 new Delta cases in the past 4 weeks making up 96.3 %Delta.

Places visited by COVID cases: Hong Lim Market & Food Centre, ComfortDelGro Driving Centre, Jurong Fishery Port, Rowell Road, various Wet Markets (see item 6).

Netizens baffled by ICA granting entry to Vietnamese woman as “girlfriend” of Singaporean man under the familial ties lane (16 July 2021)


Lawrence Wong: It’s clear that Vietnamese hostesses on STVP didn’t bring in COVID-19 (17 July 2021)


Where is the priority of those 4G politicians entrusted to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic? (17 July 2021)

Minister Ong: More than 2,000 people have been quarantined to contain KTV cluster (17 July 2021)

TOC uploaded “Government has quarantined 2,480 individuals who could potentially be part of KTV cluster” (16 July 2021)


“Big fish” who profited from KTVs in COVID-19 cluster should be punished as well, says social commentator (16 July 2021)

KTV cluster: How effective will an after-action review be in lieu of a commission of inquiry? (16 July 2021)

TOC uploaded “Authorities will take action against locals who sponsored pass holders with false information” (16 July 2021)


See the latest (17 July 2021) Government report <- Useless report? Starting from 29 June 2021,  they have refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide!  The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks.

Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you!

Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021)


From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for teaching us: “They are shepherds who lack understanding; they all turn to their own way, they seek their own gain.”

Please see the News reports and the People’s comments above. We have earlier reported to You that they have been unlawfully grabbing our money using MediShield Life and CareShield Life, now they are gambling with our lives by refusing to close our borders from High Risk Countries causing countless to fall SICK. We refuse to become their bets; please let them have a taste of the consequences. We beg You to deliver us from the hands of the Wicked and teach us how to repair the damage. Many Thanks.


Cases 62,982 - 63,073 or 63,119?

18 July 2021: “Singapore confirms 92 new COVID-19 cases (4 imported + 88 from the Community (including 1 from Dormitory) (17 not linked to known cases)), total at 63,073”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 63,119 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

Clusters in Wet Markets and Hawker Food Centres.

The largest COVID cluster is the KTV lounges/clubs cluster which now has a total of 173 cases.


See the latest (18 July 2021) Government report <- Useless report? Starting from 29 June 2021,  they have refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide!  The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks.

Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you!

Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021)


From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for teaching us: “An evil soul will destroy him who has it, and make him the laughingstock of his enemies.”

Please see the News above and the People’s comments. You see there are 92 new cases of COVID-19 cases 88 from the Community today, the situation is as bad as August 2020 (close to 1 year back)! Yes, this is after $hundreds of billions spent!

It clearly shows that by refusing to close our borders from High Risk Countries, we have suffered huge damage besides many have died in Singapore due to COVID-19 directly or indirectly. You decide if the Big Bullies are really completely useless and have a KPI of -100%! Please deliver us from the clutches of the Unwise and teach us how to repair the damage. Many Thanks.


Cases 63,074 - 63,245 or 63,291?

19 July 2021: “Singapore confirms 172 new COVID-19 cases (9 imported + 163 from the Community (26 not linked to known cases)), total at 63,245”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 63,291 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!


163 local transmissions: 116 are linked Jurong Fishery port cluster and 20 are part of the KTV lounges/club cluster. This brings the total number of cases linked to each cluster to 179 and 193, respectively.

COVID-19 Singapore: Fishmongers at Senoko Fishery Port seek explanations from authorities over closure order; netizens slam authorities for “poor management” (19 July 2021)

See the latest (19 July 2021) Government report <- Useless report? Starting from 29 June 2021,  they have refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide!  The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks.

Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you!

Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021)


From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for teaching us: “Wisdom rescued from troubles those who served her…When his oppressors were covetous, she stood by him and made him rich. She protected him from his enemies, and kept him safe from those who lay in wait for him; in his arduous contest she gave him the victory, so that he might learn that godliness is more powerful than anything.

You see the number of new COVID-19 cases in Singapore today: 172. This is the highest record after August 2020 (almost 1 year back) where the HIGH new daily cases were due to the crowded Dormitories where our Foreign Workers stayed! You see, the Singaporeans are living in congested & but very expensive HDB Flats, thanks to the Big Bullies who busy grabbing money from our pockets, and our living spaces are not much better than them who stayed in the Dormitories; practically impossible to walk around in the house!

Now by refusing to close our Borders from High Risk Countries, the Big Bullies have made so many SICK! We want Justice whom only YOU can give! Please settle the Big Bullies for us (as they refuse to step down) and teach us how to repair the damage. Many Thanks.


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Important note:

The above article is an Unpaid Publication of Clients. We have checked the relevant facts to be correct & non-defamatory! We have done this to gain the goodwill of our Singaporeans so that they will not end up on the Streets to protest or create disorders which will affect the Prosperity of our beloved Singapore! Dear PAP Government, we would be happy to help you to publish any clarification you may have upon your payment of fees to us; the amount to be paid will be conveyed to you by our Consultants. Thank you.