This is the Publication by LS1965 & P65.


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SINGAPORE General Election


Here is the List concerning how each COVID-19 case is infected:

COVID-19 Cases: See below.  See other COVID-18 cases here.


Summary details of death cases. May they rest in peace. (First compiled on 2 May 2020)


Cases 65,606 - 65,686 or 65,732?

7 August 2021: “Singapore confirms 81 new COVID-19 cases (6 imported + 75 locally transmitted (16 not linked to previous known cases)), total at 65,686”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 65,732 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

See item 6: Case 65943, an 80 year-old female Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 7 August 2021.

See item 6: Case 67716, a 63 year-old male Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 5 August 2021.

Due to space constraints, the latest COVID-19 News in Singapore are listed  here.

See the latest (7 August 2021) Government report <- Useless report?

With effect from 30 July 2021, they have refused to report on the Dormitory cases. See Figure 1 and compare with those earlier reported and you will know what we meant! From 29 June 2021,  they have also refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide!  The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks.

Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you!

Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021)


From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, You know we love You. Thanks for teaching us this concerning the Big Bullies: “Ah, you who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness…Therefore, as the tongue of fire devours the stubble, and as dry grass sinks down in the flame, so their root will become rotten, and their blossom go up like dust…”

Please see the News reports and the People’s comments above. You see, the Big Bullies have shamelessly arranged for their agents to harass the scapegoat again on 4th and 7th August 2021 again from  mobile numbers +65 90869893 & +65 80260483 respectively, as they are afraid of the over 2 million of us so they go after a law-abiding business owner who does not know our identities. We invite the World to please try out these numbers for their own verifications.

You see, there are at least 5 deaths (under the official count) from 1st to 7th August 2021 and the Big Bullies still busy opening our Borders from High Risk Countries. From their actions, You can see that they are hopelessly WICKED and refuse to care for our welling being and precious lives despite drawing skyrocket high monthly salaries in the name of serving the People, but in reality they are exploiting us and oppressing us. As You do not want us to proceed with the physical method, please help us to settle them and we will obey You fully when You teach us how to repair the damage. Many Thanks.

Our excellent PAP Government has given a sample on how to contain COVID-19 in Singapore. See the Imported, Community, Dormitories & Re-infected cases in Singapore & our comments. Look at the Thread on this Tweet & here, we have highlighted some facts on the Allergic Reactions & death cases due to some Vaccines. Stay safe, we love you. The People please comment on this & other news or reply to @Michael65413248. Due to space constraints, the other News reports are listed here. Please comment diplomatically and we will hyperlink & display on our web perpetually. Thanks. 8-D


Cases 65,687 - 65,764 or 65,810?

8 August 2021: “Singapore confirms 78 new COVID-19 cases (5 imported + 73 locally transmitted (21 not linked to previous known cases)), total at 65,764”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 65,810 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

See item 6: Case 65943, an 80 year-old female Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 7 August 2021.

From GISAID: The total number of Delta cases in Singapore has risen to 2334, 1245 cases appeared within the past 4 weeks consisting of 99.9 %Delta.

Due to space constraints, the latest COVID-19 News in Singapore are listed  here.

See the latest (8 August 2021) Government report <- Useless report?

With effect from 30 July 2021, they have refused to report on the Dormitory cases. See Figure 1 and compare with those earlier reported and you will know what we meant! From 29 June 2021,  they have also refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide!  The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks.

Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you!

Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021)


From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, You know we love You. Thanks for teaching us: “A ruler who lacks understanding is a cruel oppressor…   If someone is burdened with the blood of another, let that killer be a fugitive until death; let no one offer assistance.

Please refer to the News reports above and the People’s comments, Singapore is going to enter the “new normal” as decided by the Big Bullies after their busy importing the virus and have failed to contain them. You see the high number of local transmission every day and the high number of death cases. To hide their incompetency, they want us to live with COVID-19 regardless many will end up being severely injured and/or die as a result.

We have presented to You the facts that they have committed Assault and Murder/ Manslaughter against innocent People among us. As You don’t want us to throw them into the sea as it will grieve You, we beg You to rescue us and teach us the way to repair this MESS. Many Thanks.


Cases 65,765 - 65,836 or 65,882?

9 August 2021: “Singapore confirms 72 new COVID-19 cases (3 imported + 69 locally transmitted (20 not linked to previous known cases)), total at 65,836”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 65,882 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

From GISAID: The total number of Delta cases in Singapore has risen to 2334, 1245 cases appeared within the past 4 weeks consisting of 99.9 %Delta.

Due to space constraints, the latest COVID-19 News in Singapore are listed  here.

See the latest (9 August 2021) Government report <- Useless report?

With effect from 30 July 2021, they have refused to report on the Dormitory cases. See Figure 1 and compare with those earlier reported and you will know what we meant! From 29 June 2021,  they have also refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide!  The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks.

Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you!

Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021)


From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, You know we love You. Thanks for reminding us this: “The Lord said, “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.” (verse 10)

Please see the News reports and the People’s comments. We confess that when Unjust Laws were being passed in the Singapore Parliament, knowing that Human Rights have been violated, the majority still continue to vote for those who have made & passed these Laws. One of them is to legalise abortion in Singapore in 1969. Thanks to the Abortion Laws, countless foetuses were being killed in Singapore. The Big Bullies have disregarded the lives of these defenceless foetuses, now they are disregarding our lives by keeping our Borders open from High Risk Countries to kill the more vulnerable ones among us via COVID-19! We want to see Justice done for ALL the Goodwill and our Team promise to obey You fully. Many Thanks.


Cases 65,837 - 65,890 or 65,936?

10 August 2021: “Singapore confirms 54 new COVID-19 cases (1 imported + 53 locally transmitted (15 not linked to previous known cases)), total at 65,890”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 65,936 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

From GISAID: The total number of Delta cases in Singapore has risen to 2334, 1245 cases appeared within the past 4 weeks consisting of 99.9 %Delta.

Due to space constraints, the latest COVID-19 News in Singapore are listed  here.

See the latest (10 August 2021) Government report <- Useless report?

With effect from 30 July 2021, they have refused to report on the Dormitory cases. See Figure 1 and compare with those earlier reported and you will know what we meant! From 29 June 2021,  they have also refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide!  The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks.

Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you!

Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021)


From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, You know we love You. Thanks for reminding us: “…but seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Please see the News reports above and the People’s comments; You see that the Community Cases in Singapore are spreading like wild fire! There must be many asymptomatic cases in Singapore spreading the virus involuntarily (if they have been fully vaccinated)! We know that you will deal with the Big Bullies ultimately for their refusal to close our Borders, importing tons of the virus making countless sick and many dead. Please come and save All (both in Singapore and around the World) who are determined to walk in Your ways and deliver us from All harm. Many Thanks.


Cases 65,891 - 65,953 or 65,999?


11 August 2021: “Singapore confirms 63 new COVID-19 cases (2 imported + 61 locally transmitted (17 not linked to previous known cases)), total at 65,953”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 65,999 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

From GISAID: The total number of Delta cases in Singapore has risen to 2537, 1412 cases appeared within the past 4 weeks consisting of 100 %Delta.

Due to space constraints, the latest COVID-19 News in Singapore are listed  here.

See the latest (11 August 2021) Government report <- Useless report?

With effect from 30 July 2021, they have refused to report on the Dormitory cases. See Figure 1 and compare with those earlier reported and you will know what we meant! From 29 June 2021,  they have also refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide!  The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks.

Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you!

Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021)


From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, You know we love You. Thanks for teaching us: “...But a stupid person will get understanding, when a wild ass is born human...” 8-D

Please see the above News reports and the People’s comments. There are still so many Locally Transmitted Cases every day and many of these are not linked to previous known cases. One of the reasons can be deduced from this: that the wicked Big Bullies & Team have NEVER ensured that the Quarantine cases are properly isolated and the virus spread to other people within the same premises or others outside! Simple things like this they can’t do it properly, what great things can we expect from them? Now they are dying to want us to live with the virus, but we REFUSE! Only f**ls will believe that they will be able to overturn the present situation and repair the damage! There is tons of information that they are hiding from us to prevent us from working out a plan with others to improve the situation, please help us to flip over what they have been hiding and teach us how to save the People from further harm. Many Thanks.


Cases 65,954 - 66,012 or 66,058?

12 August 2021: “Singapore confirms 59 new COVID-19 cases (All locally transmitted (19 not linked to previous known cases)), total at 66,012”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 66,058 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

See item 3:   Case 66910, a 69 year-old male Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 11 August 2021.

From GISAID: The total number of Delta cases in Singapore has risen to 2537, 1412 cases appeared within the past 4 weeks consisting of 100 %Delta.

Due to space constraints, the latest COVID-19 News in Singapore are listed  here.

See the latest (12 August 2021) Government report <- Useless report?

With effect from 30 July 2021, they have refused to report on the Dormitory cases. See Figure 1 and compare with those earlier reported and you will know what we meant! From 29 June 2021,  they have also refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide!  The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks.

Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you!

Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021)


From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, You know we love You. Thanks for teaching us: “What a person desires is unfailing love; better to be poor than a liar.

Please see the above News reports and the People’s comments. Today the number of COVID-19 imported cases in Singapore miraculously fall to ZERO even with the PAP Rulers’ continuous open-door policy for High Risk Countries, this shows that they are either not doing a proper job to control the imports in the past or the figure ZERO is a FAKE! You know the Big Bullies are experts in creating Fake News to market themselves; as they are 100% immune to the Fake News Law POFMA in Singapore! The high number of locally transmitted cases is now a worrying issue to many of us, please teach us how to reduce the number of locally transmitted cases with the Big Bullies’ ST*PID “forever open-door policy from High Risk Countries” being in-placed. Many Thanks.


Cases 66,013 - 66,061 or 66,107?

13 August 2021: “Singapore confirms 49 new COVID-19 cases (4 imported + 45 locally transmitted (13 not linked to previous known cases)), total at 66,061”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 66,107 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

See item 4Case 66875, an 84 year-old male Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 13 August 2021.

Jessie has given a good suggestion on Border Control below the above TOC News report. Thanks.

Due to space constraints, the latest COVID-19 News in Singapore are listed  here.

See the latest (13 August 2021) Government report <- Useless report?

With effect from 30 July 2021, they have refused to report on the Dormitory cases. See Figure 1 and compare with those earlier reported and you will know what we meant! From 29 June 2021,  they have also refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide!  The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks.

Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you!

Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021)


From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, You know we love You. Thanks for reminding us: “…But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine.

Please see the News reports above and the People’s comments. Almost every day we see someone among us die of COVID-19, our hearts are filled with sadness… although we want to repair the damaged situation but the Big Bullies have full control of our Borders and busy importing the virus from High Risk Countries! We beg You to teach us how to procced to the next step as we know ONLY You can help us. Many Thanks.


Cases 66,062 - 66,119 or 66,165?

14 August 2021: “Singapore confirms 58 new COVID-19 cases (1 imported + 57 locally transmitted (17 not linked to previous known cases)), total at 66,119”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 66,165 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

From GISAID: The total number of COVID Delta Cases in Singapore has increased to 2727, 1454 of these appeared in the past 4 weeks with 100 %Delta.

Due to space constraints, the latest COVID-19 News in Singapore are listed  here.

See the latest (14 August 2021) Government report <- Useless report?

With effect from 30 July 2021, they have refused to report on the Dormitory cases. See Figure 1 and compare with those earlier reported and you will know what we meant! From 29 June 2021,  they have also refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide!  The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks.

Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you!

Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021)


From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, You know we love You. Thanks for telling us this regarding the Big Bullies: “Because you have scattered my flock and driven them away and have not bestowed care on them, I will bestow punishment on you for the evil you have done.”

Please see the News reports and the People’s comments above. The number of  COVID Delta cases in Singapore is now shooting up at an exorbitant rate, now we have 100 % Delta in the past 4 weeks. So many new COVID-19 Locally Transmitted cases emerge everyday which we don’t know where they have come from as the wicked Big Bullies have been hiding everything from us! Since You don’t want us to use force against them, can You please teach us Your acceptable way to throw them out as the situation is now at its worst state. We know You also agree that those who are just and upright should NOT perish with the wicked. Please teach us how to proceed with the next step to save All the Goodwill in Singapore. Many Thanks.




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Important note:

The above article is an Unpaid Publication of Clients. We have checked the relevant facts to be correct & non-defamatory! We have done this to gain the goodwill of our Singaporeans so that they will not end up on the Streets to protest or create disorders which will affect the Prosperity of our beloved Singapore! Dear PAP Government, we would be happy to help you to publish any clarification you may have upon your payment of fees to us; the amount to be paid will be conveyed to you by our Consultants. Thank you.