Pope Francis I Regina Caeli 2022:


Solemnity of Pentecost, Regina Caeli, 5 June 2022 

Video, Video (American Sign Language)

Regina Caeli text

Mass Readings, Past Homilies and Regina Caeli


Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, Regina Caeli, 29 May 2022

Video, Video (American Sign Language)

Regina Caeli text

Mass Readings, Past Homilies and Regina Caeli


6th Sunday of Easter, Regina Caeli, 22 May 2022

Video, Video (American Sign Language)

Regina Caeli Text

Mass Readings, Past Homilies and Regina Caeli


5th Sunday of Easter, Year C

15 May 2022 Regina Caeli

Video, Video (American Sign Language). Text.

Mass Readings, Past Homilies and Regina Caeli.


4th Sunday of Easter (Good Shepherd Sunday), Year C

8 May 2022 Regina Caeli

Video, Video (American Sign Language). Text.

Mass Readings, Past Homilies and Regina Caeli.


3rd Sunday of Easter, Year C

1 May 2022 Regina Caeli

Video, Video (American Sign Language). Text.

Mass Readings, Past Homilies and Regina Caeli.


2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday), Year C

24 April 2022 Regina Caeli

Video, Video (American Sign Language). Text.

Mass Readings, Past Homilies and Regina Caeli.


Easter Monday

18 April 2022 Regina Caeli

Video, Video (American Sign Language). Text.

Mass Readings, Past Homilies and Regina Caeli.


Pope Francis I Regina Caeli 2021:


Pentecost Sunday

23 May 2021 Regina Coeli prayer Pope Francis

Video , Video (American Sign Language) , Text .

Mass Readings, Past Homilies and Regina Caeli


This experience reveals that the Holy Spirit is like a strong and freely flowing wind; that is, he brings us strength and brings us freedom: a strong and freely flowing wind. He cannot be controlled, stopped, nor measured; nor can his direction be foreseen. He cannot be understood within our human exigencies – we always try to frame things – he does not let himself be framed in our methods and our preconceptions. The Spirit proceeds from God the Father and from his Son Jesus Christ and bursts upon the Church; he bursts upon each one of us, giving life to our minds and our hearts. As the Creed states: he is “the Lord, the giver of life”. He has power because he is God, and he gives life.

…Because the Spirit is universal; he does not remove cultural differences, differences of thought, no. He is for everyone, but each one understands him in his or her own culture, in his or her own language. The Spirit changes the heart, broadens the view of the disciples. He enables them to communicate to everyone the great, limitless works of God, surpassing the cultural confines and religious confines within which they were accustomed to thinking and living. The Apostles, he enables them to reach others, respecting their possibilities of listening and understanding, in the culture and language of each one (Acts 2: 5-11). In other words, the Holy Spirit puts different people in communication, achieving the unity and universality of the Church.

Pope Francis I (Regina Caeli, 23 May 2021)


Ascension of the Lord, 16 May 2021

Regina Coeli prayer Pope Francis

Video (original sound + American Sign Language) , Text.

Mass Readings, Past Homilies and Regina Caeli


Why are the disciples not sad? Why should we too rejoice at seeing Jesus ascending into heaven? Because the Ascension completes Jesus’ mission among us. Indeed, if it is for us that Jesus descended from heaven, it is also for us that he ascends there. After having descended into our humanity and redeeming it – God, the Son of God, descends and becomes man, takes our humanity and redeems it – he now ascends into heaven, taking our flesh with him. He is the first man who enters heaven, because Jesus is man, true man; he is God, true God; our flesh is in heaven and this gives us joy. Now at the right hand of the Father sits a human body, for the first time, the body of Jesus, and in this mystery each of us contemplates our own future destination. This is not at all an abandonment; Jesus remains forever with the disciples – with us. He remains in prayer, because he, as man, prays to the Father, and as God, man and God, shows Him his wounds, the wounds by which he has redeemed us. Jesus’ prayer is there, with our flesh: he is one of us, God man, and he prays for us.


And this has to give us confidence, or rather joy, great joy! And the second reason for joy is Jesus’ promise. He told us: “I will send you the Holy Spirit”. And there, with the Holy Spirit, that commandment is made which he gives in his farewell: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel”. And it will be the power of the Holy Spirit that leads us there into the world, to bring the Gospel. It is the Holy Spirit of that day, that Jesus promised, and then nine days later he will come in the Feast of Pentecost. It is precisely the Holy Spirit who made it possible for us to be this way today. A great joy! Jesus went to heaven: the first man before the Father.

Pope Francis I (Regina Coeli, 16 May 2021)


6th Sunday of Easter, Year B, 9 May 2021

Regina Coeli prayer Pope Francis

Video, Text, Mass Readings, Past Homilies & Regina Caeli


In this Sunday’s Gospel passage (John 15:9-17) after having compared Himself to the vine and us to the branches, Jesus, explains what fruit is borne by those who remain united to Him: this fruit is love. He again repeats the key-verb: abide. He invites us to abide in his love so that his joy may be in us and our joy may be full (vv. 9-11). To abide in Jesus’ love…

And then, we can ask ourselves the question, how do we abide in this love? Jesus says: “If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love” (v. 10). Jesus summarized his commandments in a single one, this: “that you love one another as I have loved you” (v. 12). To love as Jesus means to offer yourself in service, at the service of your brothers and sisters, as he did in washing the feet of the disciples. It also means going outside of ourselves, detaching ourselves from our own human certainties, from earthly comforts, in order to open ourselves up to others, especially those in greater need. It means making ourselves available, as we are and with what we have. This means to love not in word but in deeds…

Dear brothers and sisters, where does this abiding in the Lord’s love lead? Where does it lead us? Jesus told us: “That my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full” (v. 11). And the Lord wants the joy he possesses, because he is in complete communion with the Father, to be in us insofar as we are united to Him. The joy of knowing we are loved by God despite our infidelities enables us to face the trials of life confidently, makes us live through crises so as to emerge from them better. Our being true witnesses consists in living this joy, because joy is the distinctive sign of a true Christian. True Christians are not sad; they always have that joy inside, even in difficult moments.

Pope Francis I (Regina Coeli, 9 May 2021)


5th Sunday of Easter, Year B, 2 May 2021

Regina Coeli prayer Pope Francis

Video, Video (American Sign Language), Text

Mass Readings, Past Homilies & Regina Caeli

In the Gospel of this Fifth Sunday of Easter (John 15:1-8), the Lord presents himself as the true vine, and speaks of us as the branches that cannot live without being united to Him. And so He says: “I am the vine, you are the branches” (v. 5). There is no vine without branches, and vice versa. The branches are not self-sufficient, but depend totally on the vine, which is the source of their existence.

Jesus insists on the verb “to abide”. He repeats it seven times in today’s Gospel reading. Before leaving this world and going to the Father, Jesus wants to reassure His disciples that they can continue to be united with Him…

First of all, we need Him. The Lord wants to say to us that before the observance of His commandments, before the beatitudes, before works of mercy, it is necessary to be united to Him, to remain in him. We cannot be good Christians if we do not remain in Jesus. With Him, instead, we can do everything (cf.  Philippians 4:13). With Him we can do everything.

…the fruit to be borne is love. Attached to Christ, we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and in this way we can do good to our neighbour, we can do good to society, to the Church. The tree is known by its fruit. A truly Christian life bears witness to Christ.

And how can we succeed in doing this? Jesus says to us: “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you” (v.7). This too is bold: the certainty that what we ask for will be given to us. The fruitfulness of our life depends on prayer. We can ask to think like Him, to act like Him, to see the world and things with the eyes of Jesus. And in this way, to love our brothers and sisters, starting from the poorest and those who suffer most, like He did, and to love them with His heart and to bring to the world fruits of goodness, fruits of charity, fruits of peace.

Pope Francis I (Regina Caeli, 2 May 2021)


4th Sunday of Easter (Good Shepherd Sunday), 25 April 2021

Regina Caeli (Text, Video original sound)

Mass Readings, Past Homilies Regina Caeli

On this Fourth Sunday of Easter, called Good Shepherd Sunday, the Gospel (John 10:11-18) presents Jesus as the true shepherd who defends, knows and loves his sheep.

The “mercenary” is the opposite of the Good Shepherd, the one who does not care about the sheep because they are not his. He does the job only for pay and is not concerned about defending them: when a wolf arrives, he flees and abandons them (cf vv. 12-13). Instead, Jesus, the true shepherd, defends us always and saves us from so many difficult situations, dangerous situations through the light of his word and the strength of his presence that we always experience if we want to listen, every day.

The second aspect is that Jesus, the good shepherd, knows – the first aspect: defend; the second: he knows his sheep and the sheep know Him (v. 14). How beautiful and consoling it is to know that Jesus knows us one by one, that we are not unknown to Him, that our name is known to him! We are not a “mass”, a “multitude” for Him, no… We can read this in Book of the Prophet Ezekiel (cf. Ezekiel 34:11-16).

Therefore, Jesus the Good Shepherd defends, knows, and above all loves his sheep. And this is why He gives His life for them (cf. John 10:15). Love for his sheep, that is, for each one of us, would lead him to die on the cross. For this is the Father’s will – that no one should be lost…

Pope Francis I (Regina Caeli, 25 April 2021)


3rd Sunday of Easter, 18 April 2021 Regina Coeli prayer Pope Francis

Video , Text , Mass Readings, Past Homilies and Regina Caeli

Brothers and sisters, this Gospel passage tells us that Jesus is not a “ghost”, but a living Person; that when Jesus draws near to us he fills us with joy, to the point of disbelief, and he leaves us bewildered, with that astonishment that only God’s presence gives, because Jesus is a living Person.

Being Christian is not first of all a doctrine or a moral ideal; it is a living relationship with Him, with the Risen Lord: we look at him, we touch him, we are nourished by Him and, transformed by his Love, we look at, touch and nourish others as brothers and sisters. May the Virgin Mary help us to live this experience of grace.

Pope Francis I (Regina Caeli, 18 April 2021)


2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday), 11 April 2021

Holy Mass and Regina Coeli Pope Francis (video)

11 April 2021 Regina Caeli Text

Mass Readings, Past Homilies and Regina Caeli


Monday in the Octave of Easter, Regina Caeli, 5 April 2021

Mass Readings EWTN, USCCB.

Matthew Chapter 28 (video)

Regina Caeli Video, Regina Caeli (Text)


…The women’s reaction is different because they were expressly invited by the angel of the Lord not to be afraid, and in the end, they were not afraid – “Do not be afraid!” (Matthew 28: 5) – and not to seek Jesus in the tomb.

We can reap a precious teaching from the angel’s words: we should never tire of seeking the risen Christ who gives life in abundance to those who meet him. To find Christ means to discover peace in our hearts. The same women of the Gospel, after initially being shaken – that is understandable – experience great joy in discovering the Master alive (see vv. 8-9). In this Easter Season, my wish is that everyone might have the same spiritual experience, welcoming in our hearts, in our homes and in our families the joyful proclamation of Easter: “Christ, having risen from the dead dies now no more; death will no longer have dominion over him” (Communion Antiphon). The Easter proclamation, Christ is alive, Christ accompanies my life, Christ is beside me. Christ knocks at the door of my heart so you can let him in, Christ is alive. In these days of Easter, it would be good for us to repeat this: the Lord is alive.

Pope Francis I (Regina Caeli, 5 April 2021)


Pope Francis Regina Caeli 2020:

13/04, 19/4 (Divine Mercy Sunday Mass & Regina Caeli).

26/4 (3rd Sunday of Easter). 3/5 (Good Shepherd Sunday).

10/5 (5th Sunday of Easter).

17/5 (6th Sunday of Easter). ...we are sustained by the Spirit, the Divine Fire who warms our hearts and illuminates our steps. Pope Francis I. 8-)

24/5 (Feast of the Ascension of the Lord or 7th Sunday of Easter), Our Lady Help of Christians, World Communications Day, 5th Anniversary of the Encyclical LAUDATO SI’.

Pentecost Sunday 31 May 2020: video .


Rosary with Pope Francis I on 30 May 2020, 5:30pm Rome Time.


Pope Francis's video message on the occasion of Thy Kingdom Come ecumenical prayer movement (31 May 2020)



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