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Here is the List concerning how each COVID-19 case is infected: COVID-19 Cases: See below. See other COVID-18 cases here.
Summary details of death cases. May they rest in peace. (First compiled on 2 May 2020)
Cases 66,479 - 66,576 or 66,622? 23 August 2021: “Singapore confirms 98 new COVID-19 cases (4 imported + 94 locally transmitted (59 cases are linked to North Coast Lodge, 19 not linked to previous known cases)), total at 66,576”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 66,622 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! 86-year-old Changi General Hospital patient is Singapore’s 50th Covid-19 death (23 August 2021) https://mothership.sg/2021/08/aug-23-covid-19-update-death/ See item 4: Case 67375, an 86 year-old female Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 23 August 2021. From GISAID: The total number of Delta cases in Singapore has risen to 3015. Due to space constraints, the latest COVID-19 News & important News in Singapore are listed here. See the latest (23 August 2021) Government report <- Useless report? With effect from 30 July 2021, they have refused to report on the Dormitory cases. See Figure 1 and compare with those earlier reported and you will know what we meant! From 29 June 2021, they have also refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide! The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks. Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you! Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1410179770550296577 For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks. We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis. Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, You know we love You. Thanks for reminding us: “The Lord is a warrior….”. Please see the News reports above and the People’s comments. The COVID Official death count has hit 50 officially (but at least 65 death cases related to it as some had committed suicide after knowing that they had become the confirmed COVID cases). Now the PAP Government still continue with their open-border policy from High Risks Countries and allowing People to enter Singapore without having to isolate themselves to serve the Stay-Home Notice (see item 10 https://www.moh.gov.sg/news-highlights/details/next-steps-in-our-transition-towards-covid-resilience). Today, there is a record high of 98 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore, this only shows that their solution on ONLY vaccinating the People doesn’t work without closing off Borders from High Risks Countries and have incomers serving Stay-Home Notices. Please fight this battle for us as you don’t want us to use “physical” on them. Many Thanks.
Cases 66,577 - 66,692 or 66,738? 24 August 2021: “Singapore confirms 116 new COVID-19 cases (5 imported + 111 locally transmitted (24 cases are linked to North Coast Lodge, 33 not linked to previous known cases)), total at 66,692”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 66,738 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! See item 4: Case 67375, an 86 year-old female Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 23 August 2021. From GISAID: The total number of Delta cases in Singapore has risen to 3262, 1296 of these appeared within the past 4 weeks with 99.8 %Delta. Due to space constraints, the latest COVID-19 News & important News in Singapore are listed here. See the latest (24 August 2021) Government report <- Useless report? With effect from 30 July 2021, they have refused to report on the Dormitory cases. See Figure 1 and compare with those earlier reported and you will know what we meant! From 29 June 2021, they have also refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide! The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks. Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you! Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1410179770550296577 For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks. We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis. Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, You know we love You. Thanks for telling us this and ALL who obey You: “No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Please see the News reports above and the People’s comments. Based on the facts listed above, it seems that at least over 95% the Local Transmission cases are Delta cases. This is really a total disaster for us, even if our Team is going to work round the clock, we may not be able to repair the damage quickly to stop the People from getting infected, yet our Borders still remain open round the clock and the Big Bullies still refuse to step down and let us take over! The COVID situation is completely screwed by them. Please help us. Many Thanks.
Cases 66,693 - 66,812 or 66,858? 25 August 2021: “Singapore confirms 120 new COVID-19 cases (2 imported + 118 locally transmitted (26 cases are linked to North Coast Lodge, 29 not linked to previous known cases)), total at 66,812”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 66,858 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! See item 4: Case 66762, an 86 year-old male Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 24 August 2021. See item 5: Case 67995, a 95 year-old female Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 25 August 2021. From GISAID: The total number of Delta cases in Singapore has risen to 3263, 1217 of these appeared within the past 4 weeks with 99.9 %Delta. Due to space constraints, the latest COVID-19 News & important News in Singapore are listed here. See the latest (25 August 2021) Government report <- Useless report? With effect from 30 July 2021, they have refused to report on the Dormitory cases. See Figure 1 and compare with those earlier reported and you will know what we meant! From 29 June 2021, they have also refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide! The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks. Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you! Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1410179770550296577 For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks. We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis. Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, You know we love You. Thanks for reminding us: “in all things God works for the good of those who love him…” Please see the above mentioned News reports and the People’s comments. The total Delta cases in Singapore is now 3263. A new cluster of 20 at Bugis has appeared from nowhere! With so many Delta floating around in Singapore and the recent 15 death cases since 1 August 2021, the Big Bullies who have always refused to close our Borders from High Risks Countries now want to open further (see item 10)! You see the number of Local Transmitted cases is now around 100 times that of the imported cases, the COVID Situation in Singapore is already out of control, so the Big Bullies conveniently change their Policy to want us to live with virus, trusting that the high vaccination rate will create “herd immunity” and save our lives! You decide if this is a stupid policy as the COVID virus is so toxic that any damage caused in humans (even a slight one) is likely to be permanent & irreversible damage ! We know You are now acting in an invisible manner so none of us can see, please strengthen our trust in You that You intend this to happen for our own good. Many Thanks.
Cases 66,813 - 66,928 or 66,974? 26 August 2021: “Singapore confirms 116 new COVID-19 cases (4 imported + 112 locally transmitted (40 cases are linked to Bugis Junction Cluster, 24 not linked to previous known cases)), total at 66,928”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 66,974 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! From GISAID: The total number of Delta cases in Singapore has risen to 3263. Due to space constraints, the latest COVID-19 News & important News in Singapore are listed here. See the latest (26 August 2021) Government report <- Useless report? With effect from 30 July 2021, they have refused to report on the Dormitory cases. See Figure 1 and compare with those earlier reported and you will know what we meant! From 29 June 2021, they have also refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide! The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks. Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you! Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1410179770550296577 For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks. We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis. Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, You know we love You. Thanks for teaching us: “The tongue of the righteous is choice silver, but the heart of the wicked is of little value. The lips of the righteous nourish many, but fools die for lack of sense.” Please see the News reports above and the people’s comments. A few days back, there were new COVID clusters popping up at Sengkang & Bishan bus interchanges, Bugis Junction and other places earlier, now they are Punggol and Toa Payoh Bus Interchanges. You know the majority in Singapore refuse to drive and have been using Public Transport in order to avoid the distress of finding parking lots and traffic congestion, now it seems that the COVID-19 virus is everywhere in Singapore, but the Big Bullies still refuse to close our Borders from High Risk Countries thus we have been seeing Imported Cases every day. We beg You to protect All who have been using Public Transport especially the Righteous and Honest who are living on our land. We love them and we want to work with them to rebuild the Country after this COVID crisis. Many Thanks.
Cases 66,929 - 67,050 or 67,096? 27 August 2021: “Singapore confirms 122 new COVID-19 cases (2 imported + 120 locally transmitted (47 cases are linked to Bugis Junction Cluster, 26 not linked to previous known cases)), total at 67,050”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 67,096 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! From GISAID: The total number of Delta cases in Singapore has risen to 3263. See item 5: Case 67918, an 80 year-old male Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 26 August 2021. He has been fully vaccinated? See Item 6: Case 68636, a 70 year-old female Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 27 August 2021. She has been fully vaccinated? See item 7: Case 68664, a 90 year-old female Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 26 August 2021. She has been fully vaccinated? Due to space constraints, the latest COVID-19 News & important News in Singapore are listed here. See the latest (27 August 2021) Government report <- Useless report? With effect from 30 July 2021, they have refused to report on the Dormitory cases. See Figure 1 and compare with those earlier reported and you will know what we meant! From 29 June 2021, they have also refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide! The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks. Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you! Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1410179770550296577 For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks. We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis. Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, You know we love You. Thanks for teaching us: “A stubborn mind will be burdened by troubles, and the sinner adds sin to sins. When calamity befalls the proud, there is no healing, for an evil plant has taken root in him.” Please see the above News reports and the People’s comments. Now the COVID-19 has occupied an important space in the Singapore Public Transport System! Please teach us how to repair the damage. You see the sickening Big Bullies still busy with their open-border policies to import the virus (see item 10), please help us to deal with them, we want JUSTICE. Many Thanks.
Cases 67,051 - 67,171 or 67,217? 28 August 2021: “Singapore confirms 121 new COVID-19 cases (8 imported + 113 locally transmitted (25 cases are linked to Bugis Junction Cluster, 29 not linked to previous known cases)), total at 67,171”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 67,217 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! From GISAID: The total number of Delta cases in Singapore has risen to 3263. Due to space constraints, the latest COVID-19 News & important News in Singapore are listed here. See the latest (28 August 2021) Government report <- Useless report? With effect from 30 July 2021, they have refused to report on the Dormitory cases. See Figure 1 and compare with those earlier reported and you will know what we meant! From 29 June 2021, they have also refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide! The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks. Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you! Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1410179770550296577 For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks. We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis. Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, You know we love You. Thanks for reminding us: “You came out to deliver your people, to save your anointed one. You crushed the leader of the land of wickedness, you stripped him from head to foot.” Please see the News reports above and the People’s comments; there are 3 more new death cases due to COVID on 26-27 August 2021, making the total official death count to 55 (should be 70). The hot topic for our discussion today is “33 bus drivers (fully vaccinated) from Toa Payoh, Punggol Bus interchanges got infected with Covid-19”. When we saw this News, ALL of us were fuming with anger, we could not believe that with so many deaths, tons of People got infected and 3-digit Local Transmitted cases, the Big Bullies still insist on opening our Borders and allowing many to come in from High Risk Countries! These Unwise are leading Singapore towards DOOM! We will obey You and will exercise maximum restraint from punching them FLAT as they refuse to stop their NUISANCE! We now offer our sorrows to You, please come and deliver us as they are now turning Singapore into HELL. Many Thanks.
Cases 67,172 - 67,304 or 67,350? 29 August 2021: “Singapore confirms 133 new COVID-19 cases (9 imported + 124 locally transmitted (21 cases are linked to Bugis Junction Cluster, 34 not linked to previous known cases)), total at 67,304”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 67,350 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! From GISAID: The total number of Delta cases in Singapore has risen to 3423 , 1112 of these appeared within the past 4 weeks with 99.9 %Delta. Due to space constraints, the latest COVID-19 News & important News in Singapore are listed here. See the latest (29 August 2021) Government report <- Useless report? With effect from 30 July 2021, they have refused to report on the Dormitory cases. See Figure 1 and compare with those earlier reported and you will know what we meant! From 29 June 2021, they have also refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide! The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks. Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you! Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1410179770550296577 For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks. We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis. Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, You know we love You. Thanks for reminding us: “The Lord upholds the cause of the oppressed, but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.” Please see the News reports above and the People’s comments and compare them with the earlier reports, we can now confirm that the COVID Delta variants is everywhere in our tiny island. Please teach us how to repair the damage and reverse the complicated situation to COVID-ZERO even with the Big Bullies around (unless You want to chase them out now). Many Thanks.
Cases 67,305 - 67,459 or 67,505? 30 August 2021: “Singapore confirms 155 new COVID-19 cases (8 imported + 147 locally transmitted (52 not linked to previous known cases)), total at 67,459”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 67,505 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! From GISAID: The total number of Delta cases in Singapore has risen to 3423. Due to space constraints, the latest COVID-19 News & important News in Singapore are listed here. See the latest (30 August 2021) Government report <- Useless report? With effect from 30 July 2021, they have refused to report on the Dormitory cases. See Figure 1 and compare with those earlier reported and you will know what we meant! From 29 June 2021, they have also refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide! The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks. Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you! Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1410179770550296577 For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks. We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis. Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, You know we love You. Thanks for reminding us that You will do the same for us if we obey You: “ And I will provide a place for my people Israel and will plant them so that they can have a home of their own and no longer be disturbed. Wicked people will not oppress them anymore, as they did at the beginning…” Please see the News reports above and the People’s comments. You know practically All Popular Places in Singapore are being affected by COVID-19 now… The Bus Interchangers being affected by COVID-19: Boon Lay Bus Interchange, Jurong East Bus Interchange, Toa Payoh Bus Interchange, Punggol Bus Interchange, Bishan Bus Interchange, Clementi Bus Interchange, Sengkang Bus Interchange. We thank “Pap Failures” to upload the screen shot of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong who said that “If you are vaccinated, you may not get infected”. Facts revealed to us otherwise as “116 Bus Drivers who have received their full jabs have been contracted with COVID-19” and studies showed that even they are asymptomatic and exhibit mild symptoms, they are still equally contagious as they would pass the virus to others including the Passengers involuntarily and unknowingly. All thanks to the Big Bullies who open widely our borders to welcome the virus to slaughter the People on our Land. We pray that the affected Bus Drivers will recover quickly and will NEVER suffer the COVID adverse side effects. Please teach us how to repair the damage as we trust in Your Love and Mercy, assist us in our weakness and let Your Justice reign on land as we trust that You will settle the Big Bullies for us. Many Thanks.
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Important note: The above article is an Unpaid Publication of Clients. We have checked the relevant facts to be correct & non-defamatory! We have done this to gain the goodwill of our Singaporeans so that they will not end up on the Streets to protest or create disorders which will affect the Prosperity of our beloved Singapore! Dear PAP Government, we would be happy to help you to publish any clarification you may have upon your payment of fees to us; the amount to be paid will be conveyed to you by our Consultants. Thank you.